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Mini Minrie


Comments ( 40 )
MCA #1 · Sep 27th, 2015 · · 15 ·

Learn to write french m8. What you just chose as title literally means "ménage at public", with Public being in the "Public Bus" kind of meaning.

6466919 I know exactly what it means, foo. It's not meant to make sense, it's meant to be dumb.

MCA #3 · Sep 27th, 2015 · · 17 ·

Well there is a difference between dumb and outright grammatical war crime. "Ménage à Trois" might suit it better.

6466945 Where do you think the title derived from? I took Ménage à Trois and butchered it.

MCA #5 · Sep 27th, 2015 · · 14 ·

Ménage à Trois literally means threesome, while Ménage à Public doesn't even make sense.

6466958 Dude. I know. I know. Saying it over and over isn't gonna change the fact that I took the very common phrase, a phrase that most people know, and butchered it for my own amusement. Do you complain on every story that has a common turn of phrase that gets twisted for their own cruel joy/use?

It was gonna be Ménage à Outside, by the way, but that didn't quite roll off the tongue and you can't pronounce it snobbishly.

6466968 hey ur idea is better than the people who use the same tittles of the shows episodes as their story tittles or even the chapter tittles. I give u a purple star for creativity. :twilightsmile: -(purple star twilights cure mark)

6467427 I'd just like to point out that a tittle is actually the small dot that appears above a lower case "i". That is all. :ajsmug:

very good

I loved the story and the world you made. I found it really interested and now I'm wondering what other things ponies would worry about in a world of open public sex.

Question: Was Apple Bloom's penis virile? Twilight did say it wasn't dangerous, so probably not, but otherwise they might have some things to worry about down the line...

6468628 No, she isn't virile, something Twilight was very careful to ensure. She was only trying to make sure that they didn't hurt themselves by sticking it in too fast, hard, deep, etc.

And as far as things they have to worry about? Public defecation/urination. Public intoxication.

6467427 Glad you enjoyed my dumb title. At least somebody appreciates the minimal effort that went into creating it. :rainbowlaugh:

That was pretty good!

Now do more!

6466958 actually it doesn't. The word for word translation is "household of three"

No household of public doesn't make any more sense but it still gets the point across just fine.

Incidentally "ménage en public/ique" would mean "household in public" which would be a bit more witty but as I said the Title still gets the point across as is

6714278 Damnit, I can't believe I didn't think of that. I was really struggling to think of a title too when I came up with the current piece of trash. :rainbowlaugh: I wanted it to be some dumb, semi-witty butchering of the French phrase, but I failed when it could have been so much better.

Comment posted by MCA deleted Dec 9th, 2015


Ménage à public means exactly the same thing. It's implying they're doing it in public. Any other meaning would be grammatically incorrect.

6714278 doesn't ménage mean 'meeting'?

So ménage á trois means 'meeting of three', doesn't it?


The word for word translation is "household of three"

you can look up the translation If you don't believe me.

6795496 huh. Here I thought it was just a term for a threesome. I didn't think marriage came into it.


I'd love to see more CMC stories set in this universe. I love the idea of a totally sex-positive society like this, to the point where it's a totally normal, public activity that's actually more rude to call attention to than it is to actually DO. And I'm a sucker for foalcon stories.

This. We need more stories like this in general. It get pretty old reading stories about how sexing up
a filly is taboo and against the law. I really love the idea of public sex being a thing and ponies are more open about the subject.

7380383 7278747 You'll likely find that, in the stories I'm going to be writing, filly sex is generally accepted (either not illegal, or just openly fine as long as it ain't forced, i.e. this and my RariBelle story although that one is semi taboo.) I enjoy the thought of it, plus it gets me hot and bothered. Fillies are the best, and only get better when you can show em off, eh?

Hrm, yes, quite. My point, though, was that we need more. Especially on the whole public sex side of things.

7382632 It shall be done eventually. I have a bunch of OTPs that I need to do and they shall most likely fall into that universe.

Good. I eagerly await them.


In all honesty, to me, a perfect universe HAS to accept consented foalcon/pedophilia, interspecies, polyamourous marriage and incest.

Without those criters at LEAST, we can't live in a good world. :ajsleepy:

7715719 All very good things in my book. Hell, my next story that I'm thinking of doing will contain AT LEAST two of those things. Such good, yummy stuff to be had.

7715813 Then my dear sir, allow me to plant a big kiss on your skull as proof of the huge gratefulness I feel towards you.

(That should also happen IRL, but not until at least a decade or so will we have the opportunity to vote these laws)

Yes, I require more of this. Another!

7987295 In time. I just have to get around to doing it. I'm very lazy.


In time.

Valve Time!

8021985 Not quite Valve time. I'm not that lazy.

Got about halfway before I stopped. Not that I think it's bad but this should probably have the porn tag or at least be properly labeled so readers know what they're getting into.

So you're telling me that the "Mature" and "Sex" tags up there at the top aren't enough? Perhaps you need to rethink what the tags mean.

When I see sex tags that usually means there may be sex involved in the story which is fine. This story is mostly sex with some fetish stuff, particularly a fetish myself and I'm sure others are not interested in. A proper warning is generally nice to have.

I mean I get it, the porn and fetish tags didn't exist when you wrote this story but most people have the common courtesy to list the fetishes involved in the description.

I'm not gonna coddle people. It's in the futa group quite clearly in the side bar. And if you can't assume that something's probably going to be porn with the sex and mature combination then I'd suggest turning off the mature button.

Just to be clear I have no problem with porn just pointing out the tag exists now. As for the fetish you don't have to list the fetish it's just common courtesy to do so since not everyone likes the same thing and it's not guaranteed people will see the groups depending on how they are viewing the site.

yes. This. Just yes.

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