• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 11,058 Views, 394 Comments

So, we're like...goddesses or something? - CrossRedstone

After the events surrounding the Friendship Games, Sunset and Twilight discover that they have full control of the sun and moon of the EG-verse. SPOILER WARNING (anthro because of transformation here and there)

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Chapter 3

Author's Note:

I think I overdid it.
Discord was meant to be a part of the story from the beginning. I just wasn't sure how to put him in, so I let my imagination run wild. I fucked up, didn't I?

Sunset reluctantly woke up from her rather peaceful slumber. She desperately wanted to stay asleep, but it was just too bright and her eyelids weren't doing a good enough job of keeping the light out. Groggily, the girl slowly opened her eyes and tried to get up, but found herself being gently pushed back down onto the bed.

"Save your strength, Sunset Shimmer." Principal Celestia soothed. "You're at the school nurse’s. Do you remember what happened?" the older woman asked, her fingers slowly stroking over Sunset's head. Instead of questioning what the principal was doing, the alien girl leaned into the touch, almost automatically.

"I remember... Yes. The sun wasn't rising for some reason, Twilight and I approached your sister and you, and then... I heard a voice. And then-" Sunset breathed in and out a couple of times. "I...I don't recall much. Just that I heard a voice and my vision turned white."
"I see." Celestia replied.

It was then that the girl slowly opened her eyes and gazed directly at the face of the older woman. She looked more than a little worried about her student, but there was also relief.
"What happened?" Sunset asked weakly.

Celestia smiled. "Well, I wasn't here when it happened, but from what the others told me you...raised the sun."

"I did WHAT?!" Sunset sat up before Celestia could react. However the fiery maned girl fell back soon afterwards, too exhausted from her incredible feat. She could barely wrap her head around what she had just heard.

M-M-Me?! Raising the sun?!

"But...how?" Sunset managed to get out.

"Believe me, I have been pondering this for the past hour." Celestia sighed. "But as urgent as this is, the first thing I need to do is teach you how to control your new powers."

The girl tilted her head in confusion. "You? Teach me? But you're....you're..." Sunset's eyes widened in shock as she realized what the "principal" had just said.

"Princess...?" the girl meeped carefully.

The now-identified princess of Equestria's sun, slowly wrapped her arms around her former student and carefully pulled the girl into a hug.

"It's good to finally see you again, my faithful student."

"Princess...I...I..." She was at a loss for words. It was just all so sudden. Here was the one person Sunset Shimmer feared ever meeting again, and the person was hugging her, while whispering soothing words into her ear. Overwhelmed by everything that happened today already, the former unicorn simply pressed her face into Celestia's chest and silently started to cry.

Celestia herself resisted the urge to cry and nuzzled the poor girl's cheek. "It's alright. I'm simply happy that Twilight managed to help you, where I failed you."

Sunset looked up a little confused. "Hmm?"

Celestia wiped a tear away from Sunset's face. Seeing the question that was written on the girl’s face, the princess wiped a tear away and held her like a child.

"I was the one who encouraged you to dedicate your life on your studies. I was the one who kept my distance from you, fearful of getting too attached to anypony. I was too blind to see that you needed my attention more than ever, and I let you fall. When I demanded you to make friends, I didn't realize where I had led you. I thought at the time I could push you to be the Element of Magic for my own selfish reasons."

Sunset wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Celestia putting a finger on her lips. "I know what you want to say, but let's leave the past in the past and start over, shall we?"

Sunset looked at her former mentor and thought about it. If she hadn't felt so exhausted, she would have had a ton of things to say, but at this stage she was just glad that she could feel her limbs again.
So in the end, she just nodded and gave the princess one final hug. Except the princess didn't let her go.
"Uh, princess? You can let go now."

Celestia did as requested, though she looked a little confused. "I don't remember you being so hug shy."
"Must come with being a human for too long. They aren't exactly herd creatures," the girl explained.
"Ah, I see."

There was a knock at the door and it opened slowly. Princess Twilight Sparkle was peeked into the room. Or at least, Sunset guessed it was the princess. Twilight Sparkle on this side of the mirror usually had her hair in a bun, and this was notably absent.

"Sunset! I'm glad you're awake. Uh, I'm sorry Celestia, I know you wanted to be alone with her, but...how do I put this..."

"It's okay Twilight. Just tell me what's going on."

Twilight took in a deep breath, before speaking, "Discord is here."

You could hear a pin drop to the ground.

In one of the currently empty classes, a certain draconequus was laughing his ass off. Quite literally. He was having trouble keeping his tail attached to the rest of his body, as it kept falling off. This just added fuel to the fire, and the gales of laughter redoubled as the Spirit of Chaos floated in mid air. Down on the ground, the Equestria Girls and the school principals looked at the creature with a mixture of curiosity and a little fear. With the exception of Pinkie Pie, who looked excited at the prospect of making a new friend.

Twilight and Princess Celestia entered the classroom, drawing everyone's attention. Princess Celestia's eye twitched as she beheld the lord of chaos in all his mismatched glory, seemingly unaffected by the mirrors strange transformative magic.

Discord wiped a tear away from his eye, readjusting the lower part of his body again. "Oh Twilight,"-he teleported next to the princess of friendship, putting both his claw and paw on her shoulders. "Why didn't you tell me earlier that such a wonderful, chaotic place existed?" he waved with his paw in front of her eyes. "These humans are just wonderfully funny."

Twilight took in a deep breath and asked the dreaded question. "What. Are. You. Doing. Here. Discord?" she asked, breathing out with each word.

"Aw Twilight," he pinched her cheek and teleported in front of the group "I thought we were already past this whole “doubt your friends” thing. But I guess I could be responsible for giving Sunny and Twily here the power to the sun and moon," he summoned a tiny moon and a tiny sun in front of him, but got too close to the sun and burnt his beard.

With a snap of his claws, the two balls were gone and his beard restored. "But I didn't." he grinned, summoning popcorn and a pair of 3D glasses. "I have been watching those amusing humans freaking out, because the sun wouldn't rise. In 5D! You don't get such good entertainment back in Equestria." He turned to Fluttershy, who tried to appear as small as possible.

"Popcorn?" he offered, but his paw was smashed away by Rainbow’s fist.

"Leave her alone, buster!" she shouted, glaring him in the eye. The lord of chaos shrugged her off and flew towards the ceiling, reclining just below the strip lights.

"Wait a minute, Discord. What did you say?" Celestia asked.

"Hmm? I said a lot of things, dear ‘Tia." He shrunk himself and appeared next to her ear. "Well no wonder, somepony seriously needs to clean up in here." He could be heard while looking into the sun princess' ear.

"Oooh!" Pinkie Pie looked in behind Discord, but he came out from the other ear.

"Did you really say, Twilight has the power over the moon on this world?" Celestia elaborated.

This caused everyone, especially the two Twilights to freeze up. With all the magic on display, everyone was only half listening to his words.

"Congratulations my dear!"


The draconequus appeared next to Sci-Twi, causing her to shriek. He also blew into a party flute, throwing confetti into the air.

Twilight ran towards her counterpart and hid behind the purple princess, who scowled at her friend, until his words fully sunk in. "Wait. Not only has Sunset control over the sun, but she" pointing at Twilight with the glasses "has control over the moon? How does that make any sense!?!?" she questioned.
"It doesn't and that's why it is so wonderful!" Discord laughed clapping his paw and claw, only for the claw to fall off and take off on its own.

"Oh dullards. Please excuse me, everyhuman." Thus began the chase of Discord after his claw. Luckily the hallways were empty.

Now that the main distraction was out of the room, everyone turned towards the Equestrians. Who turned towards Twilight. Who looked back at her counterpart. And then fainted.

Sunset watched worriedly as her friends carried Sci-Twi into the nurse’s office. The principals and Princess Celestia had left.

"What happened? Did Discord do something to her?" the fiery haired girl asked.

Twilight shook her head. "No, she fainted, because...urgh." Twilight had a hard time keeping the headache at bay.

"How 'bout ya tell us 'bout those Discord fella first." Applejack suggested. "What is he exactly?"
"He looked like he was made out of all kinds of animals." Rarity said, shuddering.

"He did look a little...odd." Fluttershy suggested

"Weird is what I would go with." Rainbow said.

"Discord is a draconequus." Twilight explained. "And the lord of chaos."

"Evil. Called it." Rainbow Dash crossed her arms.

"Not anymore." Twilight got everyone's attention with that line. "This is kind of a long story and I would rather wait for Twilight to wake up so I only have to explain it once. What I can say, Discord is a friend, but he can be a bit much."

"I like him!" Pinkie Pie proclaimed. "Have you seen what he did? Like, how he snapped his fingers and the popcorn appeared out of nowhere? Or how he shrunk itself and then went through the princess' head?! Or-"

"We get it, Pinkie. We were there, remember?" Rainbow Dash raised her voice, annoyed.
Suddenly they heard a groan. Twilight was waking up, rubbing her forehead. "What happened?" she asked.

"Easy there, Twilight." Fluttershy gently held the hand of the other girl. "You almost hit your head on the ground."

"Oh, hey Fluttershy. I had a weird dream. There was this weird thing, which looked like it was made of multiple animals and said I could raise the moon."

"Wait what?!" Sunset sat up.

Before anyone could say anything else, the door was slammed open and Discord's claw ran into the room, freaking human Twi and Flutters out. They freaked even more out, when Discord ran inside, chasing his loose limb and making one gigantic mess of the room.

Princess Twilight had enough of the chaos and kicked the claw against Discord's face. The lord of chaos blinked two times, before grabbing it with his paw and putting it back on his arm.

"Keep it down, would you? Or I'll put a want-it-need-it spell on your horns!" she threatened him.
Sunset hit her pillow again with her head. "This is too much." she moaned. "First I raise the sun, then Celestia appears and now my best friend turns out to be friends with the lord of chaos himself. Please end my life."

"Oh." Discord scratched his face. "Looks like somepony is suffering from a little chaos overdose. Nurse!" He snapped his claws, causing Pinkie Pie's clothes to change into a nurse outfit, while he himself wore a doctors outfit, complete with name tag and a picture of himself.

"This is an emergency. Get me three chocolate cupcakes, two of those with vanilla frosting," he said and put a thermometer in Sunset's mouth "four strawberry milkshakes and a dozen donuts. And quickly, this is a life and death situation!"

"Okie, dokie, lokie!" Pinkie saluted and ran out of the room.