• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 457 Views, 22 Comments

Terror in Equestria - Darth Redbeard

As our hero's venture to the unknown regions of Equestria, what dangers will await them there?

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Meeting the Expedition.

Author's Note:

My first horror fic so lay it on me
horror won't begin until a little later

OC's are the following with their respective owners
Red Moonlight- LyraAlluse
Moontone- Moontone Magic
Lightning Dusk/Lightning Dawn- The FanficFanPony
Rubyfire377- Wildfire
Elusith- Flamiris
VitalSpark- Vital Spark
Spirit Shift- Spirit Shift
Glace Pen and Family- Taika Pen
Follow Focus- Trilby
Keam- Daffodil
MLPLover852- Melody
Darth Redbeard- Crimson Crown
TrainMan671- Berkshire Peer
Professor Tacitus- Tacitus
SOARINDASH1- Midnight Blaze
Dusk and Moonblast- Dusk Chaser and Moonblast
And of course we have the members of the Pegasus Pose
Calm Wind- Calm Wind
Kestrel- Rivel
PlayBitz- Playbitz
Scootafail- Shine Struck
Azure_Shadow- Swift Justice

Inside the ruins of the Everfree Castle, Princess Celestia summoned twenty two individuals to her throne room. The castle felt empty without Luna around. Just days ago, Celestia and Luna had battled, the latter turning into Nightmare Moon. The result ended in Celestia banishing her sister to the moon, where she would be trapped for one thousand years and would only return on the longest day of the year.

Before her banishment, Luna had picked out a group to explore an unknown region of Equestria. This region was rumored to be an excellent spot to found a new town or maybe a few farms for the ever growing population. Luna had also made plans for her to have her own castle there, but before her plans could be completed, she was banished.

The only part of the expedition that Luna had picked out were the three leaders. Her orders were for these three to pick out a small group and report to her over the plans. Now that Luna was gone, Celestia had decided to take charge and help continue Luna’s dream.

“I have summoned all of you for the task Luna had given you,” she said as she looked down at the group, her eyes looking over each member.

The first she looked at was a mare named Red Moonlight. She had been selected by the leaders for her skill in chemistry. Since they had no idea what they would encounter, her skills in chemistry would help immensely in making the potions to help with healing.

The second was a stallion by the name of Monotone Magic. Known for his cartography skills, he was selected to help draw out the map that would lead others to their destination after it had been explored.

Next was Lightning Dusk, also known as Lighting Dawn. One of the guards that was selected to go, even though his attitude was always getting on the nerves of many others. Despite that, he was a skilled guard when it came to fighting.

Next was a dragon named Wildfire. Picked by the main leader of the expedition, he was selected to help the guard protect the ones exploring. When it came to it, he was also a skilled monster hunter, allowing him to be one of the first picked.

Next was a stallion by the name of Flamiris. Picked for his skills in magic and his smarts, he suffered from viewing himself as being much smarter than many others, leading to massive disputes between him and the other members of the group.

A mare by the name of Vital Sparkle was picked not by the leaders, but by the citizens of the nearby village to get her away from the others. No one knows why she was picked.

A stallion by the name of Spirit Shift stood tall and proud next to his comrades. While known for his bravery, he was also a klutz, causing many accidents in town. He was picked to help protect others, but they would try to keep him away from anything that would cause him to cause more trouble.

Next was one of the few that volunteered themselves for this mission. A young mare by the name of Taika Pen, known for her brains and youth, she had made many stallions fall for her, but she always turned them down, hoping to find the right one. For her, this would be a chance to show off her knowledge and maybe become famous enough to find the stallion that she wanted.

Next was a mare by the name of Melody. More down to earth, she was picked to help keep arguments from spreading, allowing the group to work in harmony.

Starting off the next row was another stallion named Berkshire Peer. He was personally selected recently by Princess Celestia as another bodyguard for the group, hoping to give more protection to them as they ventured into the unknown.

A stallion named Tacitus was next. Brand new to the world of knowledge, he was picked as a record keeper, believing that their journey should be recorded for many generations to read about.

Next to him was a mare named Midnight Blaze. A tough-as-nails mare, she has shown much determination to join Celestia’s Wonderbolts. For her, this expedition would give her the chance to prove her worth.

Beside Midnight, was a family of bat ponies. Dusk Chaser and his daughter Moonblast hoped to find a new home after their first was burned down by angry ponies over the Nightmare Moon incident. Many bat ponies had been ran out of town, forcing many to go into hiding. Dusk’s wife was one of the few bat ponies that were killed by the angry mobs.

Behind them, was a group only known as the Pegasus Posse. They were selected from the new Wonderbolts to help with many different things from deciphering, to law. For these five, they would be one of the first of the Wonderbolts to explore new lands, giving them a chance to go down in the history books.

In front of all these explorers, were the three that were selected to lead this group.

To the left was a stallion by the name of Trilby. Luna had picked him for his ability to keep situations from getting out of hand between ponies and being very loyal to the crown.

To the right was a mare named Daffodil. The only mare leader, she used to be a teacher before the school was destroyed by one of the blasts from Nightmare Moon. Luckily, nopony was hurt, but for Daff, she had no idea what would happen. For her, she would try her best to find a new location for a school. Also, she would get to teach the others about what she knew and spend time with one of her students.

Right in the middle of the two, stood a stallion by the name of Crimson Crown. An ordinary stallion, he was picked by Luna to be one of the leaders. Despite being more of a fighter, he knew how important this mission was to Luna. As a young colt, he liked to explore, but he never got the chance to lead a group of explorers until now. Now, he and the other two made a promise to Luna that they would continue her plans, even without Celestia’s approval.

“And what of it?” Trilby asked, hoping that Celestia wouldn’t put it to an end.

“I want you all to continue in what Luna had planned,” Celestia answered. “This part of Equestria, no one really knows much about it. For her to want it explored, it would give more opportunity for ponies to find places to live in peace. While I want you all to continue in your plans, remember that now, you serve all of Equestria, not just one Princess.”

“Very well, Princess Celestia,” Crimson replied. “We will leave once the sun has begun to tomorrow.”

“Good,” Celestia said as the group left her throne room. When the last member left, she whispered, “stay safe, all of you. I can’t help but worry that something bad will happen.”