• Published 2nd Oct 2015
  • 8,656 Views, 144 Comments

The Golden Heart Daddy - golden dawn

The name is Kaiyo but now you can call me Delta. I'm 22 year old and I have been bulding and planing for 1000 year's.

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ch 5

It had to be the worst thing I have agreed to do since the time I decided to swim with sharks with stack strapped to my chased that damn fish almost took me out and how the hell pick the day the GREAT WHITE SHACK was around I almost died.

In the months I have taken back most of the land back from the Griffins and most of all. I have now taken half of the slaves from the Griffins back, and now I have to get a teacher for my children thank the gods that I was able to get Chrissy a mage teacher and educate her. Thanks to Clover it helps that with all the Adam I have I was able to regrow her horn and cutie mark it was, still it was one hell of a time.


“It is final after all the work and ten massive explosions I have finally made the ultimate regaderas!” I yell out as I fall on my ass tired as hell with all the explosion and hours of work.

“Delta why are you yelling and what is the ultimate regaderas,” Clover asks as she looks up at me with her interest in science she became my assistant helping me with my Adam experiment it was also to help her with the depression that she was having with the loss of her horn and cutie mark.

“If only you could see under my hub Clover you would see the biggest smile but for now.” I said as I grabbed two needles and jammed it into her broken horn and scared cutie marks the scream she let out hurt me, but I know it would be worth it.

One she stops screaming she run up to me and hit me hard. “ What in the name of Tartarus did you do that for it felt like I was going to.” Clover stops spiking as she saw her horn that had grown back she was going to say something but saw me pointing at her flank she looks at it and saw her cutie mark was back she look at the other side to see both of her cutie marks were back.

As I look at Clover, I was hoping for something. But she just stood there with a far off look I was just about to say something. But the next thing I know I’m in a death grip as I slowly stand to pass out I heard her crying and saying thank you over and over I was later told that Chrissy and my youngling and to pry her off me as I black out.

(Present day)

I was in the cave with all the bits I had and ammo I was golden and with the food, I lat other get from my kills we now have food that will last for ten century and still growing.

I was now getting a new Adam made with Clover. She was now building new ones for my Adam, and with her help, we have done the only two vials of Adam with Brain boost and as it sounds it make the user smart. But the user had to have years of Adam in their body for it not to kill them I know it shows what it will do on my hub.

“Ya, It looks like it will kill thou that don’t have Adam in then for years so let's see if all be ok.” I said as I pull out a Needle and extract some of the new Adam and put it into me. The next thing I feel my mind going berserk I started to run into the cave walls and I think I heard Clover and Chrissy yelling for me. I can't handle the pain, so I charged my electric bolt 3 and hit myself in the head the next thing I feel the Volt going into me, and the pain slowly stops, but I can now see memories of the past.

“Ha, big bro take a look at this new Displaced from Fimfiction!” Lily yell out from the living room looking at the computer.

“What is a Displaced?” I ask sins I was not that big of a fan of fanfiction it was mostly my sis that was a net about it. I was more into monsters showing that they can benefit by being good.

“Well Displaced is wane someone or something going to a comic con or as compact a fantasy characters and then. The meet someone selling something that their costume is missing and then they send you to a world of mlp with either a pony like ponies or anthro of ponies that look like a human but is still a pony.” Lily said with one breath I look at her and had one thought *What the hell was that!* so Lily gave me a link and I opened it on my pad to read Ch 3 of Life as a Displaced Digimon.

The memory stop and I look around the room to see all of the damage I had done.

“Okey, I’m going to have to work overtime to fix this.” I said as I was next tackle to the ground, but my kid’s Chrissy was in the middle as Thunder and Snow were to my left and right.

“Daddy are you ok me and Snow heard scoring and wan we came here we saw you scoring and electing yourself!” Thunder said as he and his sister were crying all over me.

I look at all of my children and feel bad I put my life on the line and don’t think of my kids first before them.

“I’m sorry kids I don’t think of you wan I experimented… no that is not sufficient so how about this today all day I’ll not by working or war all have my bot’s work over that so all day today what do you what to do.” I said as my light glow bright green as I look at my kids.

“We want to good to the beach.” Thunder and Snow said in unison as the baited their wing to wavering a little in the air.

“I like that to please daddy.” Christy said as she and her sibling gave me there beat puppy dog eye.

“God how can something smell by this cute.” I said as I admit defeat and saw them cheering in victory.

As my children go to prepare I summed one of my Bot to put a message into it.

I look it over to see it the minigun bot, so I put some quilt fix it now I put my message into it.

“I’m Subject Delta Protector of all that is innocent and good if you're a kind and good heart and need of help call my name and you will have the power to me and my army to help you.” I said as I put into orders into the bot first to find the world’s Displaced and second to protect all that is kind and good. With that done I saw a port open up just as the one’s that my Bot's usually fallen from the bot in my hand came back online and flew into the hole.

Hope I meet someone who is good, I thought out as I got my back on and went to the cave untraded to see my kid’s I saw some of the new Mobile bots that Clover and I belt guarding the opening.


“Daddy come on let go.” Snow said as she birthed out ice and froze the ground. I smiled under my hub and put the twins on my shoulders and had Chrissy in my arm.

(Celestia's Throne room)

I sit on my Throne as I lean to one of the nobles ask for my bits to pay for....O hell with it this is the 30 noble that ask for something that I know they don’t want to pay for them self and just want the bit from me.

Just as the pony was getting throws his speech one of the guard runs in and up to my throne.

“Princess I have just been informed that a large force of Griffins is invading from the sea and not only that but the have some monitors with them.” General Sparkle said as he was looking over the scroll.

“I see said the word to the army and Delta tha-.” I was saying but was interrupted by my head maid.

“Princess we have just got word from the pony’s that live with Delta they stated that he is on leva and in now heading to the beach with his Children.” The maiden said, but now I had fear on my face.

“Rose what beach are they heading to.” I said as General Sparkle picked up on my fear and was now sucking as wall like me.

“It looks like they are head to the southeast of the everfree forest.” Rose said as I look at General Sparkle and found him now white as a sheep, that was all I need to know.

GET ALL THE ABLE BODY PONY WE HAVE AND MOVING NOW!” I yelled out in the royal voice and summed my army and weapons. I know Delta can hold off Army but if he had all three of his Children with him and one of them is hurt or killed. He with commit genocide to whoever Lays a hoof on his kids I may hate the Griffins for what they have done, but even they don't deserve title exists.

(30 mins later at the beach)

“Daddy look at how many time I can shoot Lightning.” Thunder said as he shoots out more lighting from his mouth, sound like the Adam I injected them with is taking from Thunder now has bright Yellow scales and Snow is now as ocean blue.

Chrissy was running around the water with Snow as the flu around, I was cooking a hydro stew for my younging and making my mobile, and air bot’s move around the beach. 20 mobile and 30 air bots all need to have Clover help me power up the summon to make more mobile bot’s as well.

As I get the food done I have a look at the ocean it looks so close to the one back home.

(Chrissy pov)

I was flying in the air with Snow on my back as I was now looking at the sea from high in the sky I see Thunder shooting more of his Lightning Breath as Daddy is cooking food.

Snow has the time of her life right now with her wing’s so small she will need to get bigger to fly on her own.

As I was flying I stated to her music from done below most likely daddy downing so I move with the music and Snow was loving it. It was going good, but dad got my attention, so I flew down and saw Thunder eating with a big smile on his face.

“Had fun up there Chrissy?” Daddy said as he put the plate of food for Snow to eat she ran off my back and started to eat with the same smile that Thunder had.

I move over to Daddy to feed off of the love, and compass Daddy has for us. Over the year Daddy’s love has grown strong and loving it once was like eating salt candy now it like Sea Salt Candy made from the faraway lands.

My thoughts were intolerant as I felt something scrape behind my ears I was in pure bliss as I lat out small chips as I lend into it I look up to see Daddy had behind my ear and the glowing green light he had on his hub.

It was going so well, but all good thing come to an end.

One of the fly bots started to shoot at something I look and what I see was not good at all, armies of Griffin and mercenaries minotaurs attacking the bots with us were fighting most off, but the main body of the military was heading for us!

“Of all the days the had to attack it was the day I have off with my children, I’m so ending this war here and now!” Daddy yell as the glow in his hub was now dark red, and he was summoning more air bots.

“All help where my shotgun?” I ask, but then I remembered that we left all the weapons back home and Daddy was the only one with his arms that are always with him.

“No Chrissy I need to stop this myself so get your sis and bro with you and protect them.” Daddy said as the glow in his hub was now yellow I was going to protest, but the next thing I know I'm huge by dad as Snow and Thunder make their way to us.

“You and your siblings are my life, and without your weapon and your sibling's age, I don’t want to see you hurt...In all my life there is one thing I know I will alway do no matter what happens.”Daddy said as he summoned 20 fly bots all were around my and siblings protesting us.

“What is that?” I said as I and twins started to cry.

“I will alway be there to protect my family at all cost, and I will come back alway.” Daddy said as his hub glows bright green.

In my mind something was going on all my life, I was treated like dirt. My mother shunned me, the Pony’s I came to hated me, and I was as good as dead the day the hive kick me out. But with all the bad one great thing came out of it I found me a father how would protect me and family that love me if Daddy is going to do all he can for me, and the twins all do the same.

“I with do all I can to keep the Twins save just come back, Dad.” I said as I kiss the hub as the color went from green to gold.

“My little girl how fast you have grown I know you will excuse me a great leader but now go take the twins fly back home and said a word to Tia I will hold them back.” Daddy said as he pulled out his machine gun and fired out at some griffins I put the Twins on my back and took to the air with the bots right behind.

“If one person can come out of a battle with an army on his by himself it is are Dad all the time.” I said as I flow faster and farther away from the fight.

(Subject Delta beach battle)

I look as my bots were flying with Chrissy away. Good I look back at the fight before me my mobile Bots were held good with the Griffins, but the moment one of the Minotaur came in close they stood no case, but the boom after the were down was a good get back.

I was now shooting Griffin down from the air as my bots were shooting out rocket at the beach line. I was so focused on the battle I did not see the Minotaur that was behind me with a War Hammer. He slammed it down into my side sending me into the water It hurt like hell I think I broke some bones. But with me in the water, my fountain of youth slowly healing me and restoring my eve. I look to the minotaur as he was getting to attack me again, but a quick swap and my Drill was now clashing with the war hammer. But with my Drill with Ice, and Electric coupling through it and is Warhammer being metal he was shocked as wall as thrown back onto the beach I put some music on for this tip of battle.

I swapped to my machine gun and gravity well. I throw two at the beach one sense in 10 soldiers and stuns, them and the other tracks. 15 minotaurs I then point my machine gun and take out the 10 shooting them down as more of my bots were shot down or destroyed. I got more and more soldiers on to me. This is like the crystal empire all over again I look around the battlefield and see only half of my bot’s left mostly just the fly bots.

But then after 4 hours of fighting the worst thing had to come from the forest of all thing...splicers.

“Looks like we got a brawl out here guys let's show them what for.” Said the lead-head Splicer as hundreds upon hundreds come running out. I saw a frosty Splicer freeze a group of Griffin alive, and a brute splicer smashes them. The Griffin and monitor stop their onslaught and were forced on the new threat now. My bots all terrain and started to tear throw the splicer but were shot down with the Leadhead guns, the most I had were 20 bots with the new one I summoned I saw a miniature going at a brute but was shot down by the shotgun in the brute’s hand.

I had to end this soon, so I swapped to security command 3 and crashed the ball in my hand. As fast as I could in little over a 4 minute I had a thousand with me, I send all of them to circle the battlefield and attack them and dodge the bullet from the splicer and the fire and ice powered splicers. My health was restored and my Eve was now at 90% full, so it is now, or never I put on a new music and swop to my Drill with winter blast 3. Charging up I run into the horde of splicers some cutting me others blast. But I run and run install I was in the middle of them and shot my full charge winter blast 3. all around me freezing the splicers I then use drill dase and rammed into them and didn't stop the Griffin were now down to 45% of their army, and some started to run or fly away living the monitors and injured griffins trap with splicers, Now I may be mad for what they did to my friend, but none should suffer at the hand of a splicer, so when I saw a griffin's about to shoot by a splicer I froze him and was now above the Griffin and protecting her.

“Wall don’t just stand there you what to live than stand up and fight!” I said as I threw my drill into a brute's head and drilled into him. I then swap to my Telekinesis 3 and grab all the dead splashers weapons most were from Bioshock 1. So I gave the big guns to the ministers and the shotgun and crossbow to the Griffin. They looked at me with confused looks with the hub on the didn’t see my eye’s that were rolling so I swap to my Ion laser and cut down a group of splicers. I then heard a shot I look to see the Griffin I save now shooting a splicer with one of the paisa in both her talents. Soon the battlefield was full of shot or blast all around my bots were being cut down. But with them flying around like a hive it was going to tack time I swept to my drill and now was in the middle of an army of splicers all wanting a piece of me I had one thing on my mind at that time BOCKING HELL!!

(Celatia pov)

As the army made it was to the cost, I had meant thing on my mind one being how Delta was holding out. With what my spymaster said was counting the whole army of the Griffin and minors was over 9000 soldiers and all were going to kill any that stood in that way Delta is strong. But with his children there they will slow him down.

We were a mile away but soon we heard sound that were like the weapons that Delta uses. But it was with more of them as me, and the army made it to the clinging we saw red the ocean was red with blood. But what made it more shocking was the battle hundreds if not thousand of those creatures from the crystal empire were there attacking and killing Griffin and monitors as they fought some were even using the weapons that the creatures were using. But in the middle of all that I could see Delta fighting off wave after wave that charge at him and he stood tall as he fought on.

“Princess it looks like a second party has entered the fight and from what the spy can make out the Griffin had come here first and fought with Delta. But the moment the second party came to Delta and what was left behind of the Griffin army began to fight together.” general Seal Sparkle said as most of the soldiers look at the battle. Some look at the bots that were in the air attack the cracker on the ground wall some were blasted out of the air with the same magic that Delta use.

“General have all unicorns to put up a shield around the army and to advance on the battlefield the time is now to pay back a debt to Delta.” I said as I summoned up my armor and war hammer.

As we made our way to the battle some of the creatures saw us and began running at us only to impact the shield barre. But as we made it to the battlefield one run at us. But in one monitor it disappears and the next it was inside the barrier the shock was not long as it attacked one of the unicorn's that was holding the barrier up killing the poor pony with a smile on it face. The barrier was now collapsing just as it was about to attack another pony it was impaled by a sword in the back by a griffin than she pulled out a weapon like Delta’s and put it to his head and shoot it down.

As the barrier collapsed, the flying bots that were above us flew down and began shooting down the creators. Faster than before some ponies starts to attack as wall going for the kill shot with magic blast or sword and spirals to the head, I run to Delta as I swung my war hammer around crashing any in my path.

“Celestia it good to see you but what are you doing here I don’t have time to keep you and your pony’s save wall I fight at the same time!” Delta yells out as he impaled three of the critters with that Drill of his.

“My spymaster found out that the griffin would by attacked from the beach, but wan ward got to me that you and your children were here I had my army move out but is look like there was more than just the griffins what are these creatures.” I ask as my war hammer smashed into one of the big creature making a bloody mass.

“Splicer one there were people like the old me but now they are a monster that only finds joy in pain and suffering of others Sombra summoned them and blended them to his will but some got away, and it looks like they multiplied.” Delta said as he grabs a group of them in his Telekinesis and stands to crash them in his grip.

I was going to ask what he knows, but one of the splicers called out.

“Come on boys this is a lost battle!" One of the big splicers said but before he got way something big hit him in the chest and a loud scream came next.

I and Delta look to see a smaller version of Delta attacking the splicer it glowing red light shining on all it saw but the moment it saw Delta it scream out and run at him. The splicer run way into the forest and most of the army was good, but the smaller Delta tour through any in it path wall Delta’s bots state to attack it only to be grabbed in some Telekinesis grip and destroyed half of them Delta was now upon it and smashed his Drill into it sending it flying.

But it flips in the air and land on his feet and charge at Delta with more speed and hit him with the giant needle on its arm. I heard Delta roar out in pain but soon throw his drill at it sending it into the ground. Then he brought his foot down on it, and he repeated it again and again. But then he was sent flying and slam into the ocean the smaller Delta jump into the air and was going to impale Delta with the Needle, but just as it was going to Delta thrashed his Drill into it piercing it. Chased it looks at the Drill and then to Delta as he turns it on as it crushes the bonds and tearing its suit while killing it.

All was quiet no pony, minister move as Delta brought the smaller Delta to the beach and put it down I saw him pull something out from the smaller Delta, and his glowing light was now blue I traced over to him and asked.

“Delta what was that why was it attacking you?” I ask as Delta was now setting down with me.

“That was a Big sister one a small girl how was forced into becoming little monsters that work with the Big Daddies. I can save them by adopting them than after she collapses her Adam I can rescued and turn them back to normal, but if they reach puberty, the Adam in them can have major effects on their mental stability and caused them to be extremely violent. The ADAM also grants them immense strength, agility and the use of powerful Plasmids, making them formidable enemies.” Delta said as I look at the Big sister on the ground with sadness how would do something like this to a filly I thought in shock of the news I have heard.

As the silence grows, Delta spoke again with even worse news. “I hear her screaming Celestia she was begging for someone to make the pain in her stop I can do may thing, but all the pain in her all the thing she did I can’t turn time around she lost her childhood and became a monster with permanent damage to her mind!” Delta said as he looks at me I saw the blue glow on his helmet and know he was sed I want to help him but what can I do this is-, My train of thought stop as I know one or two things that may help him.

“I don’t know, but I do now is that you help her by at peace. That is more than most would do and you have saved many over the years I can never pay you for the help I ask of you, and I know so little about you so I know of two things that may help do you want to hear it.” I said as I look at the army they were going over the body the minors and griffins that were here were helping as wall that is a good stated for now I thought.

“...Thank you, Celestia, I- I thing I needed that and yes I like to hear what you have to say.” Delta said as the glow in his helmet turned yellow.

“One is you take the crow the dragons have for you and build a bond with our people and I can help you with that promise that you made for my sister the day she was sent to the moon.” I said Delta was all right so far, but the moment a said something about my sister the glow in his helmet turned red but is slow went back to yellow than he spoke.

“If I do this you will help me find a way to save your sister and to keep her good name none of this NIGHTMARE MOON thing that is stall around I want her not to be fear but love when she returns ok.” Delta said as I saw his helmet glow slowly turns Pink.

I look at him with wide eye, and one thing was on my mind HOLY HAY IS DELTA IN LOVE WITH LUNA. But what he said is a good idea, Lune will need all the help, and this is something I can do for her and to Delta for all his help.

“Ok I have one way that will contribute to saving Luna, but it will involve finding new bears for the Element of harmony, and it 's nice to see the new King of the Dragons.” I said with a big grin on my face.

Delta looks at me for a moment until the glow on him turned white as if he has realized something.

“I’m going to have a lot of paperwork to do aren't I.” Delta said as the glow turned Blue with sadness I smile up at him and nodded my head. I was going to say more but a port open and out came an army of bots with Chrissy leading them.

“Ok, nobody move or all put lead in yo- Daddy!” Chrissy yelled out as she cut off her speak the moment she saw her Daddy and tackled him to the ground as the bots all stop and wait for the little Changeling to give the orders, this will be a strange alliance that’s for sure.

Author's Note:

Sorry took so long and some thing I had to fix at home.

Oh and now I have my token out so here hope sameone want to crssover with me.:twilightsheepish: