• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 6,018 Views, 82 Comments

My Little Sunset: Magical Girl - madhat886

The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.

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Chapter 11

Spitfire stood in front of the panel of army brass as she gave them her report. It's been busy for the last couple of days for everyone. All the new magic users that have their powers awaken have been accounted for and the magic items that game them power have been taken from them so what happen on the west coast didn't happen again. The only ones with their magic items are the adults who gain magic, besides herself and the sisters, there is also Cheerilee and Zecora.

They have been learning to control their new found magic which like Sunset they can use without transforming just much more limited in what they can do. They can do basic magic as in lifting things up but that's pretty much it for now. They have been learning to control their new magic with Sunset teaching them.

The 3 sirens they have been detain and question. They learn those 3 were planning on gaining enough magic to return to their own world and return to the sea. They also been effected by the magic wave that Discord caused allowing them to transform into mermaid like form just without fish tails. They took the offer to teach magic users in exchange for overlooking all of their past crimes in using their magic to control people.

"According to Sunset we're still a long way to go before we're at student level for young unicorns. The more we use them and in our magic forms we will be use to our new magic powers. From what we discovered each of us have gain a different power as Discord said we would. And we discovered that our magic form come in 4 different types base on the different types of ponies. There are seaponies but are from a different branch of the pony family tree. I myself have the power of Impact, which allows me to slam into objects and not be harm by creating an aura of energy around me. The magic gun, I gain with my magic form seem to have unlimited ammo but needs to recharge after firing 30 rounds. The gun also recharges itself if, I only fire a few rounds off and let go of the trigger. As a pegasus type, I have some control over the weather by moving the clouds around and able to walk on them. Outside of my magic form my use of magic is limited but it seems my speed and agility have increase. Sunset thinks it's because of our new magic forms giving us secondary powers to withstand our new powers even in our normal forms," Spitfire said to the brass. (1)

"What of the other magic types?" one brass ask.

"Both Cheerilee and Zecora are Earth Pony type. Having greater strength and endurance both in normal and magic forms. Cheerilee has the power is subspace pockets, which comes in the form of a shoulder bag that acts as a bottomless bag that she can put anything in and take out. Which also can't be destroyed and with all of those items she has in it she can use it as a wrecking ball, which she is completely unaffected by its weight. Zecora power is chemical reaction, she can create and decreate chemicals using her surroundings. The item she has is a bag that acts like Cheerilee's bag but only can contain her chemicals which are contained in test tubes and beakers. Which the chemicals that she creates end up contain in, and end up in her bag."

"For Celestia and her sister Luna both of them are Alicorns types like Sunset. Sunset already showed herself to be stronger and faster then she was before the Changelings first came to our world, from the school PE records. Both sisters showed to be able to use magic stronger in their normal forms as well as being stronger and faster. Sunset said that the Alicorns have all the strengths of all 3 types of ponies. They're just as fast in the air as Sunset is and are stronger then she is both in body and magic, but she is more skilled in using her magic then they are. It seems that their more mature bodies allow them to use magic that Sunset's younger body can't withstand. Celestia has the power of light while Luna has the power of darkness which they channel through their maces. Both of their powers are equal in strength to each other and can do most of the thigns the other is able to do. Both of them can create thing using their powers like a Green Lanturn."

"What of Discord?" one of the brass ask.

"Discord has been spotted on many games and tv shows but seems to be keeping to himself. Sunset said not to try to fight him, he can't be beaten unless all the Elements are whole and used on him. He can do anything and he's more powerful then anything else on this world. As long as he's kept entertained with games and tv shows he shouldn't bother us," Sunset said.

"Is there a way for him to be convince to help us?" one brass ask.

Discord appeared in a puff of smoke next to Spitfire.

"Nope, I already did enough for you people. So, I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the show with you and the Changelings fighting each other," Discord said as he puff away again.

"There's your answer," Spitfire said having gotten use to it as Discord has pop his head out of the screen when people are watching him.

"Does he do that all the time?" one brass ask.

"He does. He just pops out of screen when people watch him like something out of a cartoon. There's no stopping him so we just have to get use to it. The good thing is that he's more interested in watching and playing games then messing around in the real world," Spitfire said.

"What danger does he pose if he does?" one brass ask.

"We'll be lucky if the only thing he does is make our world like something out of Wonderland or Candyland," Spitfire said. "We just have to just keep giving him entertainment in games and shows to keep him from doing that."

"And what of the children who also gain magic?" one brass ask.

"All of them magic items that have shards in them have been taken from them. My daughter and the others will learn how to control their new powers when me and the other adults training are done. It will allow us to train them quicker. But they shouldn't be used as soldiers. They're young and untrained, what Sunset has told us the portals connecting worlds can be closed down by a massive release of magic. So a magic attack would be able to seal off any portal. In case of an attack, all the arm forces need to do is to escort a magic user keeping them safe till they're close enough to seal off a portal," Spitfire said.

"And Discord has said that the Changelings are trying to open a new portal," a brass said.

"Of course, I did. That's the reason why, I gave you so many magic users. at once. And, I like all the drama that is happening because of it," Discord said reappearing before disappearing.

"He's just going to keep on doing that isn't he?" one brass ask.

"Yup," Spitfire sighed.

"What of the other magic users and in other countries?" another brass ask.

"We're still searching for any new magic users. We did get two new magic users one from Poland and the other from Japan, both coming here to learn how to use their magic. Lightning Hussar from Poland is a pegasus like me, her power is lightning. Wind Leaf from Japan also a pegasus, her power is healing magic which Sunset has said is a very rare talent as no one can just use healing magic, not even the princess. But it does drain her using it more then using other spells, which Sunset said is the reason why the unicorns who can cast healing spells only use it when it's truly needed." (2)

"Also to note is the new magic pumps that have been popping up as a new source of energy, have strengthen the magic fields in their surroundings and some shards have been awaken because of it. So far there are three young kids who have awaken their shards. Mona Parker, Lily Duncan, and Charley Bones. Parker is a pesgasus but with bat wings, which Sunset said that the bat ponies are a subrace of pesgasus that live like bats. Her power is that of shadows. Bones is an earth pony and power is to electricity his entire body which he channels into a gun that fires electric bolts. Duncan is also an earth pony with the power to make herself into a giant. All there are being sent here to learn how to control their magic."

"From the reports from other countries these are the only ones that are confirm so far. In Ireland it was discovered that 3 young girls have shard that have transformed them into seaponies. The only ones we found so far. Rikki Chadwick, Emma Gilbert, and Cleo Sertori. All three have water base powers. Chadwick can generate boiling water, Gilbert can has freezing water, and Sertori can control water."

"In Russia is a young soldier cadet by the name of Fading Light with the power to speed up kinetic energy or microwaving objects. So far the Russia government has been keeping her hidden away. Australia has twin sisters, Terra and Shade Mess. Both earth ponies, Terra can control earth while Shade can control color. Both showed interest of coming over to learn. Near Alaska a young girl name Magnet Rose a unicorn, power is magnetism manipulation. We're still talking about her in coming over here. Israeli has a Sonic Gust an earth pony who has the power of sound. Israeli are tight lip in what their plans are for her. Finally in South America there is footage that has appeared of a young woman dress as an ancient jaguar warrior who appears to be an earth pony with the power to control gravity attacking and killing drug lords and their networks. Whole strongholds have been found of the buildings and people all compress into a ball around the size of a tennis ball. Recon forces have been sent in the jungles to find her."

"What is your thoughts in how to handle magic users being one yourself?" one brass ask.

"What we need to do is to teach them how to use their powers before they harm their surroundings. And show that we're giving them a safe place to learn and control their powers. The last thing we need is for us to start treating them like the mutants in the Marvel comics. That will not end well for anyone," Spitfire said.

"We won't make those mistakes," a brass said.

"I hope that we won't," Spitfire said.

Author's Note:

1 - The magic users come in 4 different types.

Earth Pony who are stronger and have high endurance.

Pegasus who have greater speed and agility.

Unicorn who have greater magic

Alicorns who have all the strengths of all three.

Seaponies who can survive underwater.

In their normal forms the magic users have some of their abilities carried over. But only in their magic forms are they at their full strength.

2 - Thinking about it no unicorn not even the princesses have been shown using their magic to heal ponies.