• Published 3rd Feb 2016
  • 1,896 Views, 10 Comments

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Zone of Nightmares - Merc Scar

Nightmare Moon is banished to Chernobyl, where she must learn to survive like a stalker.

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Chapter 3 - Preparations

Alexei had trekked for several hours, having to take large detours from his original route. The first was at the railway embankment where he had cut a hole through the fence the other day, a small herd of flesh and boars had decided to sleep at the same site as the breech. The only other way past he had learned was through a tunnel filled with electro anomalies, though it was dangerous, one could traverse it if they studied the pattern that the anomalies manifested and dissipated in.

As he reached the other end of the tunnel he was met with a pack of dogs upon detecting him, immediately tried to shred him, he had managed to kill a pair of with his pistol and spear a third before the pack fled, he cut the tails off hoping that Sidorovich might want them.

Deciding that going in a beeline to the village from their would only land him in a springboard anomaly – a gravitational anomaly that releases a powerful shock wave when something gets too close to the anomaly; most unfortunates who get trapped in such an anomaly first have their legs broken in the first blast, followed by the rest of themselves, leaving blood stains and compressed biomass – Alexei decided to instead circle around and go through the old cement factory and to the car park.

Only to have found that the car park was now inhabited by bandits, a large group no less. Not liking those odds Alexei gave the workshops a wide berth, keeping low he used the bushes as cover each time the sentries turned away until he safely passed. From there he keep to the bottom of the slope until he came to the bridge.

Passing underneath he saw the corpse of some stalker being ravaged by a pair of dogs. Using his rifle he shot one of the dogs in the head, causing the other to flee. Patting down the cadaver, he found a few loose rubles in its pocket, a slightly worn Fort-12 pistol, chambered in 9x18mm with a spare clip and the PDA which was unfortunately locked.

Feeling close enough to the safety of the stalker camp he climbed the slope back on to the road and made his way down the dirt track into the village. As Alexei entered the village he passed by a stalker wearing a worn leather jacket, while the hood was up, he could tell that the man was either bald or balding, however the ragged face seemed familiar. Alexei didn't get a chance to take a closer look at the stalker as he jogged his way out of the village, dismissing the thought he moved on.

Alexei made his way towards the shutters Sid's bunker and descended the steps into its grey bowels. The steel door creaked with age and lack of proper care.

Sidorovich was sitting behind his counter as usual typing away on his computer, probably setting up more deals to buyers outside of the Zone. Looking up the old trader gave his typical greeting.

“So stalker, what've you got for me? Another artifact I hope,” Sid casually said.

“Uhh not quite...there was a complication with the artifact,” Alexei nervously replied.

“Well what's the matter, was it sitting in the middle of an anomaly, or did some stalker poach it before you could,” Sid asked in a resigned manner.

“Weeellll it kinda turned into a cobblestone,” Alexei answered, pulling out his PDA he flicked to a photo he took of Nightmare Moon while she was distracted. “You see, I found this creature here at crash site beyond the embankment, just off from the Northern Outpost. It was wounded pretty badly so I patched it up, and it kinda followed me back to where I was camping.”

“Alright so what does this thing have to do with the artifact,” Sidorovich asked, cocking an eyebrow as he observed the image. “It sure as hell doesn't seem to be a mutant, at least not any I know of, they're all disfigured and what not.”

“See that's not all of it, this creature can actually speak, she's about as intelligent as you and me, that's not all either, she has telekinetic powers too. I gave her a stone petal to look over on her request, and she like absorb its energy or something, turning it into a cobblestone,” Alexei answered.

Sidorovich handed back the PDA before leaning back in his seat letting out a long sigh.

“Alright so I'm going to take your word, the Zone's always pulling something new out all the time proving we don't know everything about it and what it's capable of,” Sid said leaning back on the counter top.

“Well what do we do about her then?” Alexei asked.

“Hmm, if I were you, I'd take her over to the scientists at Yantar to do some sciencey mumbo jumbo that I can't wrap my head around, and get a better understanding of this...What did it call itself exactly?” Sidorovich said.

“She said her name was Nightmare Moon, and that her species were called alicorns or something like that” Alexei answered.

“Hmpf, sounds like something straight out of a cartoon show. Anyways if you are going to take this Nightmare Moon to see the scientists, your best path would be to go up through the garbage and into Duty territory at the 100 Rads bar located in the eastern section of the Rostok factory. From there head west into the Wild Territory; be extra careful there, mutants of all kinds roam there,” Sid directed.

“Alright, but how will I get past the Duty guard posts though, last I checked they're not ones for creatures that aren't human. Also what will the scientists do with her, like she has psi powers after all, making her mad in anyway would probably be bad,” Alexei asked.

“Sharkov isn't some heartless machine like some of the other scientists that come into the zone, he wouldn't dissect her if that's what you're thinking, he'll probably just run a few basic tests,” Sid replied. “As for the Dutyers, I'll let the barkeep know that you're escorting a specimen to the scientists, and that it is completely docile, he'll pass it onto Duty's command

"Just try and keep the critter from pissing off anyone there you hear me,” he added sternly.

Alexei nodded as he put his pack on the counter and pulled a small dented case from it, pulling a small key from a separate pocket he opened the case revealing his small hoarding of cash.

“In the mean time she's going to need to make herself useful, which means I need to get her some equipment,” Alexei stated, not overly happy with the coming blow to his savings, Sidorovich on the other hand looked pleased at the sound of business.

“For starters I'm gonna need another shotgun, just one of those long barreled TOZ-34's should do, throw three boxes of buckshot and a box of slugs in with it,” Alexei said while mulling over his mental checklist, while Sid started collecting the declared gear.

“About three boxes of 9x18's for this spare Fort I found, also going to need another canteen too. Hmm, need food as well if were going all the way to Yantar and I gave her my last loaf of bread... Throw two loaves of bread, two tins of meat, a couple bottles of vodka, a pack of matches and some smokes in as well,” Alexei continued his checklist as he watched the pile of gear grow.

“That everything man,” Sid called as he grabbed a pack of cigarettes from a shelf.

“Actually I'll need a sewing kit as well, in brown,” Alexei concluded his list.

“That'll be Five-thousand and thirty-five cash,” Sidorovich said smugly, sitting back in his seat.

Counting the money out he realised he would fall short, he was really wishing that artifact was here now.

“Crap, I've only got forty-five hundred...ahh would you accept a short fall of three 5.45x39 boxes and two full horns?” Alexei asked.

“Let me have a look at them first, I don't take crap ammo,” Sid said, tone souring slightly.

Alexei complied and revealed the ammunition to which Sid looked over nearly every bullet.

“Well the ammo looks good at least...ehhh I guess I can allow the rest off,” Sid finally said after testing the springs in both magazines.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, I found this PDA on the body of some poor guy just near the small bridge a ways off," Alexei said revealing the PDA from his pocket. "You want to see if you can crack it for anything?"

Sidorovich grunted in response, plugging a jack into the device he began tinkering with his computer. A few minutes had past when Sid unplugged the PDA and handed it back, Alexei gave him a questioning look.

"I've already got enough of these sitting around here, and this one's a bit beaten anyway," Sid explained. "Besides, your new friend will be needing one. But I got some interesting bits out of this so here, on the house." Sidorovich pulled out two more bread loaves and vodka bottle.

Alexei gathered up all the gear for Nightmare and was about to leave when Sid called to him.

“Wait a minute stalker one more thing, seeing how you'll be passing through the Bar, I've gotta package that needs delivering there too, it'll pay well,” Sid said.

Alexei turned around and looked at the trader. “Alright, what is it.”

“This case contains documents and reports of expeditions made deep into the zone, I've read them over already and made a copy for myself, take them straight to the barman,” Sid replied while pulling a small white case from under his counter, a pair of padlocks clamped either side of the handle.

Alexei shouldered his rifle and took the case in hand, waving the fat trader off as he left.

Lord he charges like a bitch, but at least his stuff won't break or jam in five minutes, Alexei thought to himself as he began his trek back to the house, remembering the time a stalker had sold him a mp5 that jammed nearly every other shot.


Nightmare Moon was slowly recovering from her ordeal, faster with the new artifact in her hooves.

After channelling her power into the ruined artifact she had fallen unconscious due to the magical burnout and overall fatigue from earlier in the day. She had awoken to a different artifact entirely.

The artifact was only the size of an apple, and bore a resemblance to the moon, pitted with craters and glowing softly. When she tried to better examine the precious orb, she exposed it to sunlight filtering through gaps in the barricaded windows; the small object dimmed until it went completely dull and grey.

While the artifact was active, Nightmare felt more energetic than she had been since waking up in these foreign lands, she had removed her bandages after seeing all her wounds were now completely healed, not even a scar marred her.

Nightmare had no idea how long she was unconscious for, she had assumed it had been for several hours at least given how hungry she was, yet when she looked outside the suns position had barely changed from when she had seen Alexei off.

Nightmare looked over the artifact in her hooves, once again marvelling at it's strange beauty. While she found the night and all its aspects to be beautiful, this mysterious object in her hooves what something else entirely.

While she was starring at the artifact another growl loudly protested her need for food, placing the artifact on the table she decided to leave the house and eat what ever foliage she could.

When Nightmare went to open the bolt on the door with her magic a sharp pain seared through her skull causing her to collapse on the ground, withering in agony.

After a short while the pain receded into a dull throbbing, Nightmare sat up removing her helmet and rubbing her temples in an effort to sooth her aching head. While she was trying to alleviate her throbbing head she noticed that her mane was no longer an ethereal mist but instead reverted back to a deep rich purple mane.

“Wonderful, that spell drained all my magical reserves. Changing this artifact had best be worth it, because now I can even open a simple door with my magic,” Nightmare grumbled to herself.

Now that Nightmare had the new artifact in hoof, she began to wonder what brought on such feelings. The human was merely a means to the end, and an ally that she would exploit to such time as he had either become a burden, or she managed to find a way to return to Equestria.

Opening the bolted door with her mouth Nightmare made her way outside, she took in her surroundings making sure no creature was lurking around.

After a minute of observing Nightmare made her way outside and began grazing on a longer patch of grass near the house.

I can't believe I'm forced to eat like a peasant, Nightmare growled to herself.


Nightmare having found nothing better to do with her time had spent the entire day exploring every nook and cranny of the decrepit house, most things she had found were uninteresting; mainly cartons partly full of metallic casings similar to those that she had been given for her gun, except smaller.

Eventually Nightmare felt her magical powers comeback, if only fleetingly. She settled for tending the fire, levitating small branches onto the embers and watching as the wood withered under the heat, smouldering, cracking and becoming more hot ash.

Nightmares thoughts wandered once more; to home, she wondered what had become of dear Luna, she prayed that Celestia would be gentle and show leniency as her actions were not her own. She wondered if she would survive in this world long enough to return to Equestria, she wondered if it were possible to return to Equestria; surely it could be, she came to this world after all so a return spell shouldn't be out of the question.

Nightmare jumped at the sound of the metal bolt on the door screeched open, her eyes darted to the table where she had left the gun; she channelled as much power into grabbing hold of the weapon as she dared but her reserve was still too low to gain and effective hold, causing it to drop to the floor with a clunk.

Nightmare took a defensive stance lowering her horn, preparing to charge the intruder, flaring her wings to give herself that extra boost in momentum. Once the door began to open, she leapt at the would-be intruder--

"I'm back at last," the familiar voice of Alexei called.

--Once she heard his voice Nightmares eyes widened as she was about to impale the human on her horn. As quick as she had acted Nightmare gave a mighty beat of her wings to halt her charge, as well as slamming her hind quarters onto worn flooring; skidding to a halt mere inches away from the man, both looking in each others eyes.

At first the two stayed like this, then Alexei began to snort and giggle until he collapsed onto the ground, howling in laughter. Nightmare however shifted uncomfortably with embarrassment and looked away.

"Be quiet I almost impaled you, you stupid foal," Nightmare groaned with annoyance.

"Yeah, but yo...you looked like a...PUPPY...waiting for its...owner," Alexei managed to say between laughing fits.

A few minutes of laughter later at Nightmare's expense Alexei calmed down enough to close the door and deposit his pack on the table, as well as a scratched grey-white case and new weapon.

"So what's all of this, it seems a tad much," Nightmare asked, curiosity overcoming her embarrassment.

"Well I've told you how dangerous this place is, and you volunteered to help me, so I purchased an entire kit for you," Alexei explained while waving a hand over his pack "Even got you a new toy, so I'll be taking back that sawn-off."

Looking at the second weapon on the table over, the size of the barrel suggested is was similar to the one she had been entrusted with, the differences being the barrel was much longer and featured a under-over style rather than the side-by-side of the one still laying on the floor. There was still one issue that was starting to worm it's way into Nightmare however, one that was clear to her, and should have been to the human.

"This is wonderful and all, but I don't exactly have the means to carry all this, even with magic it be far too taxing to keep all this in a pocket dimension too long," Nightmare pointed out.

"Well even though I'm now broke, that's something I can solve without having spend more. When I came into the Zone I had a couple of small satchels - still do - that should be able to store most of your supplies," Alexei answered, splitting the gear from the pack into two piles. "All I need to do is make some adjustments to them and this coat and you'll be more-a-less ready for the Zone."

Nightmare flinched ever so slightly at his initial statement, reminded once again that in seeking out aid in this foreign world she had caused one inhabitant to give up all his wealth to provide her with provisions just to survive. While by no means she was ungrateful, however she began to think why he would so willingly help her; unless he had something to gain by helping her.

Abruptly her thoughts were interrupted by a prod and whistle.

"Hey you paying attention, I said I need you to lift your wing up," Alexei said. "These measurements won't take themselves you know."

"Apologies, I was thinking" Nightmare replied, stretching her wing out as instructed " Why do you need these measurements again?"

"Well like I said, I'm going to make some adjustments to this coat i'm wearing, it'll provide some protection from the crappy ass environment out there as well as some light protection against cuts and scrapes," Alexei stated as he measured her wing's movement. "Probably add in some buckles and straps to help hold the satchels and some other equipment, now...where are those needles at."


Alexei tightened the last satchel to the buckles he'd sewn to the back of the modified coat Nightmare was now wearing. It had taken him a few hours to measure, cut and stitch the battered coat to the dark alicorn's shape and size, but he was happy with the result; it fit her at the very least.

"There, if you want to take these satchels off, all you need to do is loosen these buckles," He said.

"Thank you," she replied.

Alexei walked over to one of the boarded up windows and peered outside; the sun had already dipped below the hills, orange streaks reaching above them giving the only indication where it was setting.

"Alright lets get packed up, I want to make some headway while we can still see," Alexei declared.

"Are you sure? With what you've told me of this place surely it would be more wise to wait until morning," Nightmare said.

"True it's more dangerous at night, but I do know of a small cave on our way north that we can shelter in for the night, if we head off soon we should make it there before anything real nasty comes out," he replied.

Together they began packing Nightmare's supplies into her two satchels, testing their weight. Alexei then pulled out the last piece of gear she would need, the PDA he'd found.

"Here, you'll need this as well," Alexei said as he showed her the device. "It's called a personal data assistant or PDA for short. A few features that you'll find handy are like the map of the Zone, which will show your position in real time, an encyclopedia of commonly found things here and the message board for news happening around the zone."

"Surely something like this can not be cheap," Nightmare said, eyes widening at the device.

"Yeah, they're a bit expensive. This one's lucky to be in as good of condition as it is, the guy I got it off looks like he had been...well dead for some time," Alexei replied, much to Nightmare's revulsion.

"I didn't know grave robbing is common practice with your species," Nightmare said with some disdain.

Alexei shrugged. "Here you make use of what you can, even if that means taking stuff off those who have perished, it could save your life," he said.

Nightmare sighed, the PDA began to float out of Alexei's hand in a blue aura into Nightmare's satchel.

The only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the small fire. Alexei looked back at the table to pick up his pack when he noticed the small glowing orb on the table, it was about the same size as the cobblestone, but it glowed brighter and was pitted with craters, much like a miniature moon.

"What's that?" he asked pointing to the strange object.

Nightmare looked up and to the oddity. "Oh that...After you left this morning I tried to undo the damage I did to your artifact by putting energy back into it," she explained. "Instead of turning back into what it was, it turned into whatever it is now."

Alexei cocked an eyebrow, that was certainly something. He pulled out his detector from his pack and began to wave it close to the new artifact, sure enough the Geiger counter started to crackle but only faintly.

"What are you doing?" Nightmare asked.

"Checking to see if this one's radioactive," he replied. "It's only very weak, so I think we can handle it safely, perhaps even without my jellyfish."

"Have you seen one like this before?" she asked again.

Alexei shook his head. "Never, not even in the encyclopedia, and Sidorovich made sure it's artifact list was up-to-date. what did you experience while having it close?"

Nightmare looked thoughtful for a minute, rubbing her chin. "Hmm...I passed out after making it...but I felt full of energy, like I could run to the site I woke up at and back without tiring. My wounds were fully healed as well, not even a small scar, but I believe that would be from being an alicorn," she explain. "Oh, I did feel incredibly hungry after holding it for some too."

"Interesting, perhaps the scientists can have a look at it as well, they probably know what it is. For now I'll put it in a lead case just in case," Alexei said.

Pulling the small lead case on the table over he unscrewed the cap and gingerly placed the artifact inside.

"Now we best be going, that light ain't going to be around much longer," Alexei said, noticing the encroaching darkness.

Picking up their weapons they left the old house, locking the door behind them, then began making their way north.

Author's Note:

Alright, another one out. Next one is already half done, just needs to be finished, polished and edited.
Gonna try an release it sometime tomorrow, Sunday at the latest.
I promise some actual action in the next one instead of these half ass one's so far.