• Published 3rd Oct 2015
  • 4,082 Views, 305 Comments

The Students from St. Everfree - Morex25

Can Canterlot High survive when six of the most infamous troublemakers in St. Everfree history are transferred to their school?

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Chapter 6 - Lunch Time part 2

Author's Note:

Okay, Okay, I now I promised this was going to be the rest of the "Lunch" chapter, but...:twilightsheepish:
When I was writing it, and idea came to my mind and I had to add it extending the length of the chapter even more. So I've decided to make it 3 parts instead of 2. :ajsleepy:
Again, sorry for the inconvenience. And I hope you like this now second part of the chapter. :pinkiesmile:

Tirek decided to go for what he had come for to the cafeteria in the first place.


And he was very hungry.

Not surprising considering the size that he was, Tirek had an incredible appetite.

Back in St. Everfree when it was lunch period other students, who didn’t joined either Chrysalis gang or become enforcers of Starlight’s Disciplinary Committee, would come to him and offer him money and food to try and convince him into joining their own little gang or tried to buy protection out of him. Although Tirek never said yes to their propositions, it ended up becoming the norm because the mere act of being around him made members of rival gangs stay away. So every day during lunch break Tirek would have punks around him buying him lunch and having the appetite he had, he never declined the free food.

Of course, this made it look like he was gaining followers and forming his very own gang, something which Chrysalis and Starlight didn’t like very much; even though Tirek never care for any of that nonsense.

He was no gang leader. Never was, never will be.

But now that he was forced to attend Canterlot High and had no one wanting to “buy” his favor, he was forced to conform to buying the food the cafeteria was serving.
Walking up to the line for food yielded the expected results of people moving out of his way and letting him be first in line. It wasn’t like he wanted them to move and let him pass, they just did it all on their own because they were scared, not of his reputation but because of the way he looked.

This had happened ever since he hit his growth spurt earlier than most boys his age, and by the time he was in 8th grade, he was as tall as his teachers. People would always gawk and talk behind his back about his size, and soon after he got into a lot of fights with people who wanted to prove themselves as tough guys by beating him up.

By 9th grade, he had amassed enough reputation to have upperclassmen looking for a fight. He received and dished out so many beatings that people from other school began looking for him. Out of necessity, he began training more and more just so he could defend himself from everyone that was after him. By 10th grade his reputation had skyrocketed that the “toughest guy” in all St. Everfree, a 12th grader with bad attitude, challenged him to a fight.

After he was done with him, Tirek was named the “Toughest” in St. Everfree history despite being just in 10th grade. An accomplishment he didn’t give two bits about. All what he ever wanted was for people to leave him alone. And after so many fights, and all the blood he had spilt he had gotten his “wish”.

Of course, this peace wouldn’t last long because soon after Chrysalis started forming her own gang, probably so that she could defeat him. And after that Starlight Glimmer came along and began her own little campaign against the “bad elements” of the school.

Now, two years later and their school was a pile of debris on the ground and he was at a new school, pondering if he would finally get some peace and quiet. So far, seeing everyone giving him a wide breadth, it would appear to be the case.

Looking over the food selection, Tirek had to admit that what they served here looked a lot better than the garbage served back at Everfree. He wasn’t a picky eater but he much prefer his food to have actual flavor instead of just bland mush; so without hesitation, he grabbed a couple of hamburgers and a bowl of salad.

“My! What a mighty amount you’re having.” A voice said on the other side of the counter. It was an old lady with white hair tied on a bun. “And I can see why; boy you sure are as big as they come.”

After all this time, he stopped caring about people pointed out or commented on his massive frame, Tirek could’ve just ignore the old lady but something inside of him made him talk back. “Good to see that after all these years, your vision is still working.” Whatever reaction he expected from his sarcastic remark, a hearty laugh wasn’t one of them.

“Ha! My boy, you have no idea.” She laugh at some sort of private joke Tirek had no way of knowing about. “You must be one of those new students everyone’s blabbering about.
"That or I’m getting to old for this job since I would’ve remembered seeing you before.”

Now Tirek wasn’t obligated to continue further with this conversation, he could’ve just turn around and leave, but something about this old lady made him continue. “Both; I am new and you are too old for this job lady. Maybe you should retire.”

“Boy, the day I stop working is the day I’ll fall in the eternal slumber.” She answered earnestly not even taking offense to his sarcasm. “Working hard is in my blood and these old bones of mine still hold. So don’t you go fretting over me!”

“Don’t worry I won’t.” Maybe his initial jab against her age held some truth, because there was definitely something off with this grandma.

“Tell me big boy, are those muscle for real or just for show.” The old lunch lady said out of left field, but Tirek decided to humor her.

“Don’t know, maybe you should ask the last guy who thought he could take on me.” Tirek answered waiting to see how this woman would react to his admission ion of violence. “They say he will be able to eat solids in two weeks.”

“You boys never change. Even my time they would also brawl just to prove their manhood to each other.” The lady responded without an ounce of fear or even judgment in her face. “But I’m glad to hear you have some strength in ya! Would you be interested in a job?”

“Job?” Tirek couldn’t help but to repeat such outlandish offer.

“Yes. I’m always looking for youthful boys to help back in the orchard. Especially near harvest season. And you look like you got what it takes for the job. So what do you say, boy?”

Tirek was honestly lost for words. Was this old lady serious or just crazy? Offering him a job so out of the blue, it was absurd. “I’ll think about it.” He answered finally tired of humoring her.

“Of course! Take all the time you need.” The lady accepted his indecision. “Not everyone is fit for the job. I understand if you think you can’t do it or have what it takes.” She said with a little smile.

Now that was a very obvious bait to reel him over to accept her job offer. But he had to handed to her, he was tempted to accept just to prove her wrong.

“Sorry lady, but that trick won’t work on me.” He told her that much. “Though I got to admit, it was very clever and gutsy of you to try to play me like that.”

“My boy, if you think that’s gutsy then you don’t know me at all.” She responded with a smirk that was infectious enough to make him break his stone cold expression and give a ghost of a smile. “Still, the offer is always open if you do want it.”

“Thanks for the offer, you crazy old lady.” Tirek shook his head in slight incredulity and handed her the money to pay for his lunch.

“You can call me Granny Smith, boy. Everybody does.” Granny Smith smiled at him and put a red apple on his plate.

“Tirek.” He gave her his name and he retired from the line and walked away wondering just what was up with that Granny.

It wasn’t until he was finally seated at a small empty table to his lunch in peace when he realized what it was.

Fear. Or more specifically lack thereof.

She was the first person in many years that wasn’t the least bit intimidated of him, let alone scared.

“You are one crazy old lady.”


The trio of girls known by the name of their (ex)-musical group, The Dazzlings, sat once again all on their own, away from the gossip and stares of the other students. Not that they would even care about anything, because after their defeat in the Battle of the Bands, they dedicated their lunch period to plan a way to get back at the Rainbooms, who stopped their plans of conquering the world and took away their beautiful singing voices.

Well, at least Adagio did, while Aria pretended to listen and Sonata offered terrible ideas.

But today it was different. Today they were talking about the same thing the rest of the school couldn’t stop and gossiping about.

The new transfer students.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” The self-proclaimed leader of the trio complained much to Aria’s annoyance. “I cannot believe we have to share classes with these new students.”
“We know, you have being complaining about it the whole way here, Adagio.” Aria rolled her eyes at their ranting leader. “Can’t you give it a rest?” It wasn’t like complaining about it would help with anything. “There’s nothing we can do about it.”

“Maybe it won’t be so bad?” Sonata offered her two cents, “It could be fun having classmates that don’t hate us for what we did in the battle of the bands.” But this earned her a glare from Adagio.

“Don’t remind me.” It was a very dark day for them, it was on par with the day that Starswirl the bearded had banished them to the world they currently resided in. “We still need to find a way to make the Rainbooms pay for what they did.”

“I’m on board with revenge, but could you at least give it a rest for once,” now it was Aria’s turn to complain. “Everyday is the same with you.”

“If you were to make an effort for once in your life, we could’ve had our revenge by now!” Adagio criticized.

“Don’t you dare say I don’t put any effort! I bust my back coming to this stupid school and with that crappy job, just like you.” Aria really hated when people equaled her detached nature with her being lazy.

“Well it wouldn’t hurt to put more effort, would it?”

“Why I…!”

“My, my, a family feud? Can I stay and watch?” Said one of their newest classmates and as far as Adagio and Aria were concerned, he was also the most annoying, Discord.

“What do you want?” Adagio demanded putting aside her argument with Aria for now.

“Like I said before, I want to get to know you better, babe.” He gave her another flirty wink which caused her to cringe.

“Like hell you creep!” The object of the boy’s “affections” answered repulsed. “Get it through you thick skull, I’m not interested!”

“That’s because you just met me. I’m sure once you get to know me a little better, you’ll find out how fun it is to be around me!”

“I said no!” Adagio didn’t budge in her decision. She then looked at her “sisters” looking for any sort of support but what she found was both Aria and Sonata giving her cheeky smiles finding the whole thing amusing.

“Don’t be like that.” Discord kept insisting, “How about I buy you and your sisters some lunch! Anything you want.”

“How about you go away and …”

“Not so fast, sister.” Aria grabbed Adagio by the shoulder and stopped her before she could finish telling Discord to bug off. “I’m in favor of him getting us lunch, especially if we don’t have to pay for it.” Aria wasn’t about to let Adagio ruin their chance of a free meal, especially when they were scraping by not being able to afford any luxuries they may have being accustomed before.

“Yes! Me too! I’m hungry!” Sonata agreed by nodding several times.

Seeing as she was out numbered, the leader of the trio had no other choice but to concede. “Do what you want.” Adagio sighed frustrated. “Just go away and get us lunch.”

“As you wish Milady.” Discord stood up and made a slightly exaggerated bow before he went away to get the girls the promised lunch.

Once he was out of earshot, Adagio turned towards her sisters with a scowl. “Just what the heck was that? Why didn’t you support me?”

“First off, I want some lunch and if I don’t have to pay for it the better. Second, I find it really, really funny.” Aria answered enjoying the fuming look on Adagio’s face.

“Me too. I think Discord is pretty funny.” Sonata added misunderstanding what Aria was saying. “I kinda like him.”

“You would.” Aria rolled her eyes at the most dimwitted member of their group. Only Sonata would find the most annoying person on their class funny.

“I don’t see why you have to be so mean to him.” Sonata genuinely asked, “I mean he did offer to buy us lunch.”

Adagio sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance clearly not in the mood to deal with Sonata’s foolishness. “Don’t you see? Not only is he the most annoying creature I’ve ever met, he is also a creep.”

“Why? Because he wants to know you better?” Sonata asked again only to receive more looks of incredulity.

“Sonata…just stop talking.” Adagio really wasn’t in the mood for this.

“No I’m serious!” Sonata insisted. “All we ever wanted was to be adored by everyone.” Well, that and have a vast amount of negative energy they could feed with. “Now there’s this guy who wants to do just that. Why is that so bad?”

Both Aria and Adagio were left speechless by Sonata’s words. And in some sort of way she had a point. Still, Adagio wasn’t going to have it.

“You are so naïve.” Adagio responded. “Our objective was to have them under our absolute control not this pathetic attempt at courting.”

“I’d much prefer that than what we have now.” Sonata said in a uncharacteristically solemn tone. “I hate it when I have my locker filled with these.” She then pulled out a wrinkly sheet of paper that had several mean things written on it.

Adagio wanted to retort but she found no words to justify the opposite. She too received several anonymous notes telling her all sort of things and she hated it. If only they had their powers back they could make the perpetrators pay.

“Hate to say it but…Sonata’s right.” Aria said without choking soon afterwards. “Besides, maybe having Discord around could be useful.” She pointed out.

“Like buying us Lunch every day?” Sonata asked feeling a little more excited thanks to said prospect. “I could have all the Tacos I want on Taco Tuesday!”

“That or…” Aria rolled her eyes again at Sonata although she secretly agreed that having free lunches would be a good bonus. “We can use him to finally get our revenge on the Rainbooms.” After all, the three of them alone hadn’t been able to do anything to achieve their goal.

“And in the meantime I have to put up with him? No thank you.” Adagio declined even if he could potentially help with their revenge.

“Put up and probably put out.” Sure it was juvenile of her but Aria couldn’t help herself.

“Why you…!”

“Come on Adagio! Think of the lunches!” Sonata added interrupting a severe scolding that was sure to follow after Aria’s comment.

“If you want him so badly why won’t you take him?” Adagio said frustrated with the insistence of the other two. “Have him shower you with inane attempts at flirting, not me.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” Sonata said thought any sense of irony.

“He’s obviously into you,” for some unfathomable reason Aria couldn’t imagine, “so bite the bullet and lead him on for a while.” And to hammer the point further, “You’re the one who always say we need to put more effort into things. Well, this is the time for you to lead with the example.”

“Fine!” Adagio reluctantly accepted to go with this charade just so the other two would leaver her alone. “I’ll do this, but you two owe me big time!”