• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 5,833 Views, 163 Comments

Mirage - Trump-12

The princess of the Everfree Hive deals with the fallout of the Canterlot Wedding, learning how to be a good ruler, and dealing with a pair of best friends who don't know she's a changeling.

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Powder Keg

Queen Illusion sat at the head of the table in her hive. As host of the conference, she was entitled to take one end, and also to decide who would get the other end.

Several of the queens who had asked for it had unresolved disputes with her. They would get short shrift.

Next, she considered who had the greatest claim against Chrysalis. Queen Phantasm had a large amount of territory in Canterlot, which was entirely ignored by Chrysalis (so did Queen Mandible, but several of her drones had been caught sneaking into an area claimed by Illusion, and an adequate explanation had yet to reach her). The only other claim worth looking at was Queen Imago, whose heir was put at risk.

Imago had a reputation for keeping excellent control over her territory, and for being an expert at farming love. Her hive was one of the strongest there was, but its location in the Everfree Forest instead of the badlands meant that its voice often struggled to be heard.

On the other hand, sending a princess out of hive territory without guards was just asking for trouble.

She decided to give the seat to Phantasm, but would seat Imago in the middle of one of the sides, where as many as possible would be able to see and hear her.

Decision made, she laid out the place markers, and placed the communication crystals that Imago and Lepidoptera (the changelings of the crystal mountains in the north had developed large wings which could be wrapped around themselves to keep warmer, giving them the appearance of giant butterfly wings) had sent onto their designated seats.

Sitting back down, she prepared for her guests to arrive.

Queen Imago closed her eyes, activating the spell which would make the crystal in the badlands project a 3d image of her into the meeting room, and allow her to see from the projection's point of view.

A bright green image of a changeling queen flickered into being on the chair in the conference room.

Queen Imago was pleasantly surprised to see that she had been given the second best seat other than the host's. Her claim was certainly weaker than Mandible's, yet Mandible had been given a very poor seat: near one end, but not at the head. She filed it away as information for the future; a dispute between Illusion and Mandible would certainly make things interesting.

The meeting was quick to get underway after everyling arrived, and Queen Illusion started proceedings with little exchange of pleasantries.

"Good day to you all," she said. "We are here to discuss the foolish and reckless actions of Queen Chrysalis, and what should be done about them. As you are probably aware, Chrysalis decided that the best thing she could do for her hive would be to overtly invade Canterlot, with the intention of eventually ruling Equestria.

"In the process, she not only revealed our existence to all of ponydom, something we knew would probably happen at some point, but she also destroyed any chance of peaceful diplomatic relations after the reveal. Something has to be done about this."

Queen Phantasm took over at this point. "Western Canterlot is my territory. Not only did Chrysalis' army enter without permission, they did so with no respect for who was or wasn't a changeling. They simply bound everypony, including disguised changelings. There wasn't even time to mount a defence, since Canterlot is so far from my hive. If she tried to rule all of Equestria, she would encroach on all of our territories, so clearly, Chrysalis has no respect for any of us."

Many faces around the table looked unsettled at that prospect. Changeling Queens were powerhouses when well fed, and one who didn't respect even her own people could do a lot of damage.

They were all pondering the danger that they could be in, when Queen Spectre spoke up. "I heard that an entire battalion of her drones were taken down by the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. If she sees them as a threat, she may try to remove them, which I believe would involve entering your territory, Imago."

Imago frowned. "Let her try, Ponyville is within ten minutes flight of my hive, and I am certain that my drones could beat Chrysalis' drones any day. If she attacks, I will destroy her. That said, I may put a couple of guards near the bearers to make sure they don't get hurt, my daughter, for one, would be devastated."

Mandible was next. "I think we all get the idea. She's a threat to our way of life. We may not always agree with each other, but I think we can all agree on that. So what do we do about her?"

"Her mother, Queen Antenna was quite friendly with my hive. She may have enough respect for me that sending one of my drones to inform her of our displeasure would get some of her more destructive tendencies under control," said Queen Chitin, the oldest queen in attendance.

"Even then, we would need to keep a close eye on her activities," said Carapace. "Do we have the resources to spare for such an undertaking?"

"No," said Illusion, from the head of the table, "but war is not a desirable option either. Combined, we are far stronger than her, and yet anyling can get a lucky hit. By going to war, we put our very lives at risk. Anyling have any other comments?" Noling spoke. " Very well. Those in favour of Chitin's plan, to give her a final warning?"

Of the nineteen queens in attendance, eleven raised their hooves. "Motion passed."

Mandible and Phantasm looked angry, and Carapace didn't look too pleased either, but the decision had been made.

"Now," Queen Illusion said. "Does anyling else have any important matters to bring to our attention?"

There was a short pause, before the glowing projection of Lepidoptera spoke. "My drones have been reporting encounters with bursts of wild magic in the foothills of the crystal mountains. It seems to be concentrating in the area where the ancient Crystal City used to be. The empire of old may be returning."

Her statement was met with shock. In the days of the Crystal Empire, changelings had never gone hungry. During food shortages, a few drones would be sent north to feed on the emanations from the crystal heart, and bring back the excess.

And then a tyrant took over. Love turned to hate, and changelings fled the poison which radiated from the once shining city, until one day, it simply vanished.

Most changelings these days believed it to be a myth, a story of happier times when noling wanted for anything. Too good to be true. Only those who had built their hive amongst the supposed empire's ruins still believed in it. And now they claimed it was coming back. If it was true, it would give the Crystal Hive a severe territorial advantage. Negotiations for entrance to their territory would become extremely one-sided.

Imago was no fool, and decided to place her bid early. Her offer had few downsides for either side even if the empire didn't return, so she hoped that Lepidoptera would accept. "I offer an unbalanced alliance with your hive. If you end up at war without the backing of the council, I will help you. In return, I ask for free access to your territory and unclaimed food sources." Lepidoptera was known to be a fairly peaceful queen, so there was little risk that she would go to war, and even the support of the Everfree Hive would deter others from attacking her.

A smirk crossed the projection's face. "A... generous offer. I will consider it."

With that, the meeting was concluded. It was considered bad form to make competing offers at the same time, though she suspected that Queen Lepidoptera would be getting a lot of communication crystals over the next few days.

She smiled, and sent a burst of power through the communication spell, burning out the crystal and ensuring neither side could use it to spy on the other.