• Published 7th Oct 2015
  • 3,358 Views, 21 Comments

Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine: Resurrected - kman123

This is my re-imagining of the cult-favorite "Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine" by Mesmasaurus that was discontinued a year ago. This fanfic has been inspired by the works of Soltratic, xXAngeLuciferXx, Mesmesaurus, and others; it has an anime-esqu

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In this world, Twilight Sparkle was never born...as a girl. Instead we follow the young Dusk Shine, personal protege of Princess Celestia Vi Equestria of the royal Canterlot City-State, and Goddess of the realm of Equestria. Asocial bookworm, nerd, and unbeknownst to him, super cute pretty boy.


A long time ago in the magical land of Equestria, there lived three tribes of humans: Fae, Harpy, and Man. Leading them were the two regal sisters known as the Goddesses of Day and Night. These two sisters ruled together and bestowed harmony throughout the lands. In doing so,the eldest sister used her powers to raise the sun at dawn. The younger brought out the moon at night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subject: Every race of being that existed within the realm. But as time went on, the younger sister soon grew to become envious.

The mortals relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept in her beautiful night. One faithful day, the younger sister refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The Elder sister tried her best to reason with her, but it was too late...the bitterness within her heart had already consumed her, transforming her into the malevolent demon of darkness: Nightmare Moon. Since then, she had vowed to shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister was able to defeat her younger sister by harnessing the most powerful magic known to mankind: The Elements of Harmony. Using it, she defeated her sister and banished her to the moon and, afterwords, the elder sister took responsibility for both the sun and the moon...

"And Harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since. Hmm…Elements of Harmony; I know that sounds familiar...but where?" a young man at the age of 17 with short, lavender hair and a long-sleeved, lavender coat with light-blue pants, purple boots, and a purple star mark on the back of his right hand, read aloud as he sat under a tall oak tree in a luxurious garden near a beautiful marble fountain with a cherub on top. Standing up, the young man ran off as he passed a trio of girls about his age: Rainbow Wishes, Lyra, and Twinkle shine. Shine smiled slyly as she stared at his backside, "There you are, Dusk! Our friend Moondancer is having a get-together in the west castle courtyard for her birthday. You wanna come?"

Looking back for a second, the young Dusk replied, smiling, while rubbing the back of his neck, "Oh, sorry, girls, I can't...I have a lot of studying to catch up on. No time for parties!"

To that, Twinkle gave a loud and annoyed sigh , muttering, "Does that guy every do anything else besides studying? I think he's more into books than friends or parties. Why do all the cute boys have to be such weirdos?"

Running as fast as he could, Dusk Shine headed straight towards his private studies at the Canterlot Library. Nothing could distract him, for he was on an important mission! Party invitations? No way! Stopping to say hello? Not a chance! Doors? Ha! He laughed at doors!

"Spike? SPIIIKE?!" Dusk Shine hollered for his assistant. "Where are you? I have got something important!"

"Spike! It's no time to be playing. There's work to do" Spike groaned, as he was buried under a mountain of books that fell on top of him, via the shock-wave caused by the door from Dusk Shine's careless entrance. Irate, the young, green-haired imp sprung out from under the books and shouted with an angry expression as a cross-shaped vein appeared on his temple, "What the hell?! You almost killed me, you idiot!"

"Sorry about that, Spike, but this is urgent," Dusk apologized for the incident he and continued to the matter at hand.

"Quick, we need to find Predictions and Prophecies!" Dusk ordered, having a worried expression on his face.

"What for?" inquired Spike, annoyingly. "No time to explain! Just get it!" shouted Dusk, not looking at his foster brother as he picked up various books with both hands and, magically, with the magical stone embedded on his forehead. Having such a flawless argument on Dusk's side, Spike delivered the book on record time. Dusk flipped to the index with great haste and impatience, overlooking the small rips he was with each page.

"Elements of Harmony: See Woman in the Moon?" Dusk Shine read aloud.

Spike arched an eyebrow. "You interrupted me from getting ready for my nap to do research on an old bedtime story? You've been reading too much into the Equestria Inquirer."

Turning away from his book, Dush Shine shot a deadpanned look at his assistant. "First of all, I've already told you that that paper is written by hacks," Dusk stated matter-of-factly. "Second, much of my research is based on cold, hard facts from thousands of years ago and that determines the fate of Equestria, so I won't take any chances!"

"You said the same thing last week about the 'Elder Gods', big bro, which, I might add, haven't appeared in 40 thousand years," retorted Spike, skeptical about his surrogate brother's claim.

"Like I said, fate of Equestria," Dusk repeated, soaking in a damp corner. "Besides, Lyra was the one who talked me into it, you know how she is!" He muttered under his breath.

Spike sighed at that, pulling out the Woman in the Moon book and tossing it to Dusk with a bored and annoyed look on the imp's face. Woman, Woman...Aha! The Woman in the Moon, myth from olden times. A powerful, cannibalistic demon-goddess said to have attempted to shroud the land of Equestria in darkness, but was defeated and imprisoned in the moon by the power of the Elements of Harmony. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring eternal night and vanquish the sun goddess! Dusk gasped as he read that last part in his head, coming to a quick conclusion: "Spike! You know what to do, right?!"

"You want me to take a letter to the princess?" he asked.

"Excellent idea, Spike," said Dusk Shine. "You're always thinking ahead. That's why you're my number one assistant!" Clearing his throat, Dusk began to say what he wanted written down.

Dear Princess Celestia

My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of Fae Magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice for disaster! By delving into Professor Nebula's ancient literature class, it has come to my attention that the mythical 'Woman in the Moon' is none other than 'Nightmare Moon', retuning to Equestria to bring forth her 'Night Eternal' and her cult of followers to end your regime! Nightmare Moon's return from her imprisonment shall occur on the long day of the thousandth year, which is tomorrow during the Summer Sun Celebration. Considering Nightmare Moon's cannibalistic reputation, perverse and twisted tastes, and heretical followers, it's imperative that we act now to ensure that this prophecy must never come true. I await your quick response.

Your faithful student,

Dusk Shine.

Looking over the letter, Dusk Shine had to make sure that everything was written, perfectly. Why it could be the most important letter to send in his entire life. "Okay, it looks good. Now send it, immediately, Spike," Dusk demanded in a refine tone.

Spike breathed his magic green fire from his mouth and onto the letter, causing it to evaporate.

"Uh, I dunno about this, big bro. The princess is a little busy getting ready for the Summer Sun Celebration. And it's like, the day after tomorrow. Prophecy, or not, I don't think she'll even have time to read your end-of-the-world letter."

Not soon after, the letter was replied as the young imp belched it out of his mouth.

"See, what did I tell you! Does she wish to take immediate actions?" Dusk asked. Picking up the letter, Spike began reading it to himself. "So, what does it say? Scramble the troops? Evacuate the citizens? Call my brother to lead us in a final battle of good versus evil?" at the end of the sentence, an image of knights appeared as they shouted from the top of their lungs: "This is Equestria!"

"It says to get a life," Spike answered with a straight face. Then, everything in the background shattered like glass and became dark as Dusk exclaimed, "Eh?!" in reply.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone this is Kman123, here, with my own "Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine" fanfic. So, i started doing my own story because i lvoed the original and was devastated that it was discontinued; then, i was excited that someone else had taken the mantle; however, since, like the original, it didn't have much anime-esque style of writing, i thought that i could create one that was anime-esque, by using material from other authors who were fans of the fanfic, like xXAngeLuciferXx, except that everyone is either human, or humanoid. anyway, hope you enjoy it and be sure to leave your reviews.

Note:Instead of being called the "Alicorn Sisters", Celestia and Luna are just referred to as the "Goddesses of Day and Night", having a, somewhat, imperial cult-like status among the people of Equestria, but still retain some sense of religious freedom, such as Zecora's shamanistic manner of beliefs and the belief in a monotheistic god that's worshiped by some. Lastly, since the fanfic features humanized ponies, the three tribes consists of humans, fae, and harpies; also, instead of spike being a dragon, he is now an imp, but that doesn't mean that he's from hell.