• Published 8th Oct 2015
  • 16,904 Views, 128 Comments

The Shortsighted Princess - Summer Knight

After returning from her latest trip to the human world, Twilight confronts something about herself that she isn't prepared to. (Friendship Games spoilers)

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Are you okay, Twilight?" Spike asked concernedly.

"Huh?" Twilight blinked and looked around, snapped back to the present moment by her assistant's voice. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You've just been a little, I dunno, out of it lately," Spike replied. "You keep spacing out, and you don't really look at anypony, even when you're talking to them."

"Oh." Twilight's ears drooped slightly. "I'm really sorry about that. I've just been thinking. It's nothing too important."

"What's on your mind?" Spike padded a few steps closer to her. "Is it something you need to talk about?"

Twilight shook her head. "I don't think so. Like I said, it's nothing too important. Just something about that other me was a little weird."

"Other you?" It took a moment for Spike to realize what she was talking about. "Oh, you mean the Twilight from the human world!"


"Aw, c'mon, Twilight," Spike chided her. "That's not who you are. Just because she flipped out and turned into a power-crazed monster who nearly destroyed the world, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you!"

"What?" Twilight tilted her head and lifted a forehoof in confusion. "That's not what I was talking about."

"Oh," Spike answered blankly. "Really? Then what?"

"It's just..."

Twilight thought for a long moment, then decided to just come out with it.

"Why was she wearing glasses?"

"So she was wearing glasses, so what?" Rainbow Dash asked, pulling a lazy corkscrew as she glided next to Twilight. The two of them were taking a slow lap around Ponyville as they talked.

"It's just weird," Twilight answered. "There were no other differences with any of them. Applejack still had her hat, the other you had her hair dyed the same way, Pinkie had her... Pinkie... ness. I mean, they all even had your cutie marks on their skirts the first time I went there! Why are the glasses the only thing that's different?"

Rainbow was silent for a long moment. When Twilight turned to look at her friend, she was taken aback by the stunned look on Rainbow's face. The normally rambunctious pegasus simply hovered in place, seeming lost.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked hesitantly. "What's wrong?"

"Who...?" Rainbow asked, so weakly that Twilight could barely hear it.

"What?" Twilight flew a little closer, concern growing in her chest. "What is it?"

"Who told you that I dye my mane?" Rainbow Dash whispered. "Nopony knows that. It's my biggest secret."

Twilight blinked in confusion. "Uh, Rainbow Dash? Everypony knows that. No one thinks that you were somehow the only pony in all of Equestria born with a rainbow-colored mane."

"What?" Rainbow squeaked, managing to sound exactly like Fluttershy. She couldn't have looked more devastated if Twilight had said that the Wonderbolts had all been killed in a flying accident with Tank.

"Umm." Twilight rubbed the back of her head uncomfortably. "I think we got a bit off topic here. We were discussing the other Twilight's glasses."

"Uh. Right," Rainbow mumbled. "Sorry Twi, I gotta... go. Gotta... think about things." She slowly turned on the spot and started flying at a snail's pace back the way they'd come. She turned her head back slightly to watch a confused and concerned Twilight continuing on her way. Suddenly, Rainbow's head snapped back up.

"Twilight, that's not a—!"

Rainbow winced at the loud crash as Twilight plowed into the white-frosted edge of Sugarcube Corner's roof.


"Are you sure this is going to help?" Twilight asked suspiciously, flexing her wing between the two layers of cookie that had been applied as a makeshift splint. The cream filling was certainly keeping them stuck in place, but having her wing turned into a cookie sandwich was extremely uncomfortable.

"Of course!" Pinkie chirped. "We do this all the time for Pound Cake."

"Really?" Twilight squinted at her friend uncertainly, her mind filling with questions about raising baby pegasi and whether she should call Foal Protective Services.

"Sure! Though I'd have thought a full-grown pony would know better than to fly full-speed into a building." Pinkie giggled.

"It was an accident," Twilight muttered. "I was thinking about other things."

"Oh, like taffy?" Pinkie pronked over to check on whatever was baking in the oven as she spoke. "I always bump into stuff when I'm thinking about taffy."

"Not exactly, no," Twilight answered. She thought about mentioning Rainbow Dash's mane, but opted to discuss what was really on her mind. "I was wondering why the Twilight from the human world needs glasses when I don't."

"Hmm. That's a good question." Pinkie put a hoof to her chin. "Ooh, I know!" she squealed. "It's so people can tell you two apart!"

Twilight stared blankly. "Pinkie, that doesn't make any sense."

"Doesn't it?" Pinkie asked, her voice heavy with implications.

"No," Twilight insisted. "It doesn't."

"Oh." Pinkie returned her attention to the oven. "Well, other stuff must have been different too, right?"

"Not really," Twilight answered. "Aside from the obvious, I mean. The fact that it was a school instead of a kingdom, and that everyone there was human. The world was different, but everyone in it was exactly the same. Except for the glasses."

"Weeeeeeell..." Pinkie Pie drew the word out so long that Twilight was amazed she didn't need to stop for breath. If Twilight didn't know better she'd think her friend was hesitating, but since when was Pinkie the slightest bit uncomfortable about saying anything?

"Well, what?" Twilight finally asked.

"Maybe-you-need-glasses-too?" Pinkie burst out before clapping both forehooves over her muzzle.

Twilight took a moment to let that sink in. After a moment, it still hadn't. "What?"

"Did," Pinkie stammered nervously, "did you ever think that maybe you need glasses too?"

"Why would I need glasses?" Twilight asked flatly.

"Oh, heheh, I'm sure you don't," Pinkie rambled. "Just an idea. Just thinking out loud. A little Pinkie-thinking. More like a joke, really. You know me, always joking around. Say! Weren't you supposed to meet with Rarity today?"


"I'm pretty sure you were," Pinkie insisted, her attention somewhat on Twilight and three-quarters on not looking at Twilight. "You need a dress for the Gala, don't you?"

"Pinkie," Twilight said in exasperation, "the Grand Galloping Gala isn't for eight more months."

"Wow! That is just like you to get started so early!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Pinkie Pie," Twilight said sternly, "I have no idea what this is all about, but you'd better look me in the eye and give me a straight answer. What did you mean about me needing glasses?"

"Uh, Twilight?" Pinkie's quiet, hesitant voice came from beside Twilight's head. "You're talking to the cotton candy."

"Why in Equestria did you let her do this to you?" Rarity asked Twilight as she used her magic to carefully pull the second layer of cookie away from her wing.

"I don't know," Twilight groaned. "I had my mind on other things. Plus, this is the same pony who has inexplicable precognition of everything going on around her, and who made a functioning party cannon. Who knows what else she knows how to do?"

"I would never doubt her Pinkie Sense," Rarity replied. "But her common sense, well, that's another story." She carefully levitated the sticky piece of dessert over to a garbage can and dropped it in. Another burst of magic scoured most of the sticky residue off of Twilight's wing, though she suspected it would need hours of preening to be fully clean again. "It's quite lucky you came, actually. Fluttershy is here helping me with some of the Boutique's backlog. You should have her put a proper splint on that wing." Rarity squinted at the mangled feathers. "How did you say this happened, Darling?"

"I crashed into Sugarcube Corner," Twilight mumbled, embarrassed. "I was talking to Dash and wasn't watching where I was flying."

"Hm," Rarity replied. "That's the sort of thing I'd expect from Rainbow, but not from you. It must have been quite an engrossing conversation."

"It was nothing major. We were talking about something else, then I mentioned her mane and she freaked out."

"It is a rather dreadful dye job," Rarity said, sounding pained. "I wish she'd come to me, I could blend the colors so much more smoothly for her."

"Yeah," Twilight agreed. "But that wasn't really what we were talking about. I was just asking her why the human world Twilight would need glasses when I don't."

"An... interesting question, Darling." There was an almost imperceptible catch in Rarity's voice as she said it. "Were there any other differences that you noticed?"

"No!" Twilight exclaimed, growing tired of answering the same question. "Even the human world version of you has reading glasses like yours. And I mean exactly like yours, the same color and design." She crossed her forelegs in frustration. "I'm the only one that's different."

"Being different isn't so bad," Fluttershy's soft and gentle voice advised her. The pegasus had entered the room, carefully carrying a dress which she slipped onto one of the many dress forms around the Boutique. "I'm sorry," Fluttershy continued, "I didn't hear any of the context for what you just said."

"The context is a mystery about the nature of parallel realities," Twilight burst out, "which nopony seems to have any useful insight on!"

"She's wondering why the other world's Twilight Sparkle wears glasses," Rarity filled in.

"Eep!" Fluttershy stiffened and her pupils shrank to pinpricks. "Um, I, I have no idea why that would be," she stammered.

"Okay," Twilight huffed, "why is everypony being so weird about this?"

"Darling, I'm sure there are any number of reasons why the other you needs to wear glasses," Rarity said, redirecting the conversation. "She's a student, correct? I'm sure all that reading hasn't done her eyes any favors."

"Rarity, I read constantly," Twilight countered.

"Well, yes, but what about that awful artificial lighting you were talking about? That can't be good for you."

"Maybe," Twilight answered doubtfully. "But why didn't it affect anyone else?"

"Maybe you need glasses too?" Fluttershy whispered.

A cold silence fell over the room.

"What did you just say?" Twilight asked quietly.

"I... I said... maybe you need glasses too?" Fluttershy squeaked.

"Why in Equestria would I need glasses?" Twilight's tone said quite plainly what she thought of that.

"Well, just yesterday, you mistook some wild bunny for Angel," Fluttershy said.

"It was a white rabbit," Twilight argued. "They all look the same."

"They do not!" Fluttershy gasped, appalled. "Angel is at least an inch taller than that other one, and its whiskers were completely different."

"Fluttershy," Rarity cut in, "I don't think that was the best example."

Fluttershy tried a different angle. "You never know where Spike is," she pointed out. "How many times a day do you hit him with doors, or drop things on him?"

"He's really small!" Twilight protested. "And blurry."

Fluttershy and Rarity shared a knowing look.

"Might I make a suggestion, Twilight?" Rarity asked delicately.

Twilight glared for a long moment, wondering why her friends were ganging up on her like this.

"Fine," she grumped.

"Why don't you ask Applejack about this?" Rarity advised. "She might have some insight. Some country wisdom, as t'were."

"That's a great idea!" Twilight jumped up to her hooves. "Because if any pony in Equestria will give me a straight answer, it's her. Good advice, Rarity."

"Er, Twilight?" Rarity murmured.


"You're talking to a mannequin."

"You need glasses."

Twilight felt like the ground had dropped out from under her.

"Wh, what did you say?"

"You need glasses," Applejack repeated matter-of-factly. "Shoot, I've been meanin' to suggest you get 'em ever since I met ya. Seemed rude at first, though, and then we were always so busy with our adventurin' and whatnot that Ah kept forgettin'."

"Why do you think I need glasses?" Twilight practically whimpered.

Applejack looked at her in confusion. "Land sakes, Twi, you're blind as a bat!"

"Am not!" Twilight argued intelligently.

Applejack arched an eyebrow as only she could. "Alright, describe what King Sombra looked like," she challenged the myopic princess.

"What's to describe?" Twilight answered. "He was a giant mass of black smoke and shadows most of the time."

"Alright, what about the changelings? In their bug forms, Ah mean."

"They were kind of black, shadowy things too," Twilight replied.

"Nightmare Moon?"

"Well, she was black... and... wow, we've fought a lot of black shadowy things, haven't we?"

Applejack shook her head. "Not as many as ya think," she said. "How about how all yer spells keep backfirin'?"

"Wha... some of those were really complicated spells!" Twilight sputtered.

"When ya accidentally put all the fruitbats' hunger inta Fluttershy?"

"That was—! Alright, I guess I missed," Twilight admitted.

"When that cockatrice got ya?"

"I... thought it was a chicken..."

"How ya had the exact book we needed to find the cure for Poison Joke, and Spike found it for ya, and ya still didn't realize it was what we were lookin' for?"

"No! I just," Twilight's eyes were filling with tears, "I just... misread the title. It was far away. Applejack, I'm an alicorn," she pled with her friend. "I'm a princess. I'm an embodiment of equine perfection! I can't need glasses!" she wailed.

"Shoot, Ah don't see what the big deal is," Applejack replied with a shrug. "Ah bet you'd look plum adorable in glasses."

Twilight wouldn't be consoled so easily. "I'm not supposed to be adorable," she complained. "I'm supposed to be a co-ruler of the kingdom. Who's going to listen to a judgment passed down by a pony with big, dorky glasses?"

"Everypony, if they know what's good for 'em," Applejack said.

Twilight just sniffled in reply.

"Aw, c'mon, that won't help nothin'." Applejack put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "So ya need glasses. So what? Ask Rarity ta help ya pick out a pair."

"No!" Twilight snapped, pulling away from Applejack's attempt at comfort. "I don't need glasses, and I am sick and tired of all of my friends making fun of me!"

"Twi." Applejack was starting to sound a bit angry. "Ah ain't—"

She shielded her eyes as Twilight disappeared in a flash of magic and indignation.

"Well now, that was just plain rude."

Fluttershy shrieked and fell over backward as a set of purple hindquarters appeared out of the wall with a burst of magic. The pony's hind legs kicked helplessly, then slumped down in apparent defeat. A purple tail with a pink streak hung down between them.

Fluttershy approached the phenomenon with great trepidation, ready to bolt at the slightest sign of a threat. She thought she knew what had happened, but was on high alert just in case.

Fluttershy was practically trembling until she got close enough to clearly see the pony's cutie mark: A six-pointed star with five other stars bordering it.

She sighed in relief and slid a window open, enabling her to speak with her trapped friend.

"Twilight?" she asked with some concern. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Twilight mumbled. "I was trying to teleport next to the Boutique. I guess I, um, missed."

"Was there something that you needed?" Fluttershy questioned.

Twilight mumbled something in reply. Even Fluttershy, accustomed as she was to gentle speech and quiet things, couldn't make it out.

"Um, sorry, what did you say?" Fluttershy asked

Twilight heaved a heavy sigh.

"...I need glasses."

Author's Note:

Just a silly little idea I had. It's quite different from what I usually write, so any feedback is appreciated.

Comments ( 128 )
JFalk #1 · Oct 8th, 2015 · · ·

It is well written - but I think that Twilight would believe Applejack, or at last says that she would considere it instead of snapping at her


Another difference between the Twilight's is that Pony-Twi is pretty fit and athletic. (she placed fifth in the Running Of The Leaves beating several highly active Earth Pony farmers and weather Pegasi. She's also never balked at a physical challenge during her adventures.) Human-Twi is completely nonathletic and a little clumsy.

I figured most of the differences between the two Twilight's can be summed up in two words: "Princess Celestia."

When pony Twi was growing up Celestia was her mentor and made sure she took care of herself, exercised, ate well, and didn't overstrain her eyes. Human-Twi didn't have that growing up and isn't nearly as healthy.

6504297 I always figured Twi had her eyes fixed with magic...

Nice fic! I needed something fun to read.

Beautiful girls with big nerdy glasses are so HAWT!!!:twilightsheepish:

... Why aren't the temples of the glasses resting atop the ears? Seems like those would keep sliding down the bridge of her nose.

6506109 So that she can awkwardly adjust them now and then. It boosts the adorkableness.

Was that whole bit with rainbow dash having dyed hair supposed to be a joke or do you actually believe in a world filled with magic and multi-colored everything that a flying pony can't have rainbow colored hair?

A nice silly tale.

FWIW, I suspect that any tendency towards myopia in Twilight may have been healed by the fact Celestia didn't let her stay cooped up in dark libraries and labs 24/7 the way Cinch did her human counterpart. Any remaining flaws would have been healed by the alicorn ascension. Speaking of which, I wonder if human!Twilight is going to find that her eyesight has mysteriously improved now she's been subjected to the Magic of Harmony?

6507747 Just a joke. It's not like she's the only one with multicolored hair, either.

Unless Celestia somehow dyes her giant ethereal mane too.

Well, I suppose contact lenses won't be an option. With eyes that size, they'd really be more like pumpkins.

Shut up, I don't know that many kinds of legume by memory.

Just a silly little idea I had. It's quite different from what I usually write, so any feedback is appreciated.

And it's quite a pity. This was incredibly fun!

"He's really small!" Twilight protested. "And blurry."

I lost it. :rainbowlaugh:

6504297 I agree with your reasoning.


That was a great line. Short, fun, silly story is short, fun and silly. Good job!

Makes sense. Aaaaaaaaand it's also funny, so, you get an upvote.

Twilight wouldn't be consoled so easily. "I'm not supposed to be adorable," she complained. "I'm supposed to be a co-ruler of the kingdom. Who's going to listen to a judgment passed down by a pony with big, dorky glasses?"


I hope you do a second chapter/sequel where we learn that Twilight's reaction is NOT out of the norm for alicorns... like the reveal Luna needs a hearing aid (hence why she uses the canterlot voice... she's a bit deaf and can't control the volume of her own voice)

6510435 :rainbowlaugh: I hadn't thought of that, but it's a really funny idea.


In fact, if you wanted to get real silly, have Celestia reveal that having a fault like that is the NUMBER 1 requirement to become an alicorn. You have to be half blind or hard of hearing or have no sense of smell... so on.

Rainbow's dad has the same hair.

I always figured Human Twilight needing glasses was cause she had to stare at computer screens AND books all the time, something that obviously wouldn't be good for her eyes.

Equestria doesn't have computers.....As far as I know, so it would make more sense for Human Twilight to need glasses as opposed to pony Twilight who, while she does read a lot probably had other things to do while Human Twilight, whose such a shut in, would spend so much time reading and doing research, well it would damage her eyes.

Again just saying. Also they explained a few of those mistakes that Twilight made, with the poison joke book being the result of Twilight viewing the book about myths as "superstitious hooey."


...can't control the volume of her own voice.

Another possibility could be that, after a thousand years on/in the moon, Luna is still experiencing one of the side effects of cryo-sleep, a la Austin Powers. :pinkiegasp:

I do see what your going for but I am pretty much convinced Twilight's "ascension" to Alicornhood would have fixed any lingering vision problems, and since human Twilight's pony form would be just a unicorn she still needs glasses. I also have the theory that Twilight suffered SEVER mental issues before her transformation stemming from being born with an Alicorn brain structure and magical potential and that her transformation corrected several issues by "making all the parts match".

Next story: Twilight learns the horrifying truth.... ALL alicorns wear contacts.


am i the only one that thinks that human twilight looks hotter that pony twilight just because she wears glasses?

"He's really small!" Twilight protested. "And blurry."

Twilight, you just described a preadolescent Bigfoot.

So, in the final scene, was Twilight in an open window, or did she actually teleport herself into the wall?

"Being different isn't so bad," Fluttershy's soft and gentle voice advised her. The pegasus had entered the room, carefully carrying a dress which she slipped onto one of the many dress forms around the Boutique. "I'm sorry," Fluttershy continued, "I didn't hear any of the context for what you just said."

I love this moment right here
so much

good job

6510754 true but equestria DOES have techno rave lasers that come out of your skull right over your eyes. Also with eyes that big I'm pretty sure it's not that hard to mess them up.

"He's really small!" Twilight protested. "And blurry."
That cracked me.

"Uh, Rainbow Dash? Everypony knows that. No one thinks that you were somehow the only pony in all of Equestria born with a rainbow-colored mane."



Story was pretty funny, though. Good one.

6511088 i totaly agree with you're opinion. well more cute than hot(exept in her demon form that was hot as hell)


Now all that's left to do is direct the entire fimfic community to this story so they can see how 'short' and 'simple' make the highest caliber stories. But let's be honest, if it hasn't happened since 2011, it ain't happenin' now.

Excellent work, dear author. Excellent work.


6510850 derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/6/26/923865__safe_solo_twilight+sparkle_vector_cute_filly_glasses_adorable_scrunchy+face.png I like to think filly twilight was given a vision spell after she nearly destroyed canterlot via Uber cuteness. Her transformation damaged the spell and as she grows into her alicorn body she is slowly going blind.

*Reads the desc*


Lessee if I was right... :twilightsmile:


Nope. I was wrong. Could've gone my way, though. :twilightsmile:

That was cute. :twilightsmile: I think Twilight would look great with glasses though. :twilightblush: Nice one shot, very nicely done. :twilightsmile:

I read a few "Twilight is crazy" fics and thought. Some people are "crazy" because of chemical imbalances in the brain, and Twilight seems more "balanced" as an alicorn (not completely but some of her issues would be from how she was raised). I wonders "well how could that be" and I follow the "Twilight was going to become and alicorn Celestia didn't decide" camp and figured if she had been born a "incomplete" or "proto-alicorn" side effects from wrong brain chemistry and too much magic would make her a bit kooky.

6504111 They've got magical laser beams, so...

"Ah bet you'd look plum adorable in glasses."

And that is exactly why Twi doesnt have any. Equestria isnt ready for that level of cute.


Its a matter of national security at this point.

6511997 I read that fic too.

But Luna can control the volume of her own voice. She just didn't realize she needed to before Luna Eclipsed.

If she needed glasses before, she wouldn't need them anymore after using elements of harmony, because they would regenerate her eyes, like they regenerated Rarity's tail.


And Twilight has never shown any need for glasses before. And yet here we are. It's best not to think about logic too much when it comes to comedy.

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