• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 457 Views, 0 Comments

Centaur Dale's Games - Ponyess

Centaur Dale is a merry place where Centaurs roam freely and happily. Guests are welcome, if they accept the local traditions and differences, naturally. Yet, do not stray towards biased unfriendly tropes.

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An Early Morning: 1

The sun could be seen peaking out, as it finally rose over the horizon, yet the morning rain was persistent. It was still promised to be a very fine and warm day in Centaur Dale.

The teacher had even promised the little foals a day out in the green on a picnic. She obviously trusted the weather team and their schedule, but why not? They rarely made a mistake serious enough to cause any undue distress on any of the small village’s population.

The market was just starting to stir up as the activity was picking up under the watchful sun beaming down on any and all who had gotten out of bed. Fruits, vegetables and other items were to be sold and thus change hands during the day.

The café in centre had just opened and eager Centaurs started to file in, in hopes of a well-deserved breakfast. The convenience of being served, particularly this early in the day is popular. The stallion tending the counter had a rather stiff job before him as the shop was filling up, closing in on capacity. The mare had already arranged the tables outside, now tending to cleaning up tables and serving their customers.

As the light from the sun played along the line of the room, and finally did hit my pillow, it woke me up. I may enjoy an early morning, but the sun is all I have in the manner of waking me up.

I slide the quilt to the side towards the wall before I slowly slip my legs down and off of the bed, finding myself standing steadily on all four hooves. Squeaking noises followed me towards the wardrobe as I moved along towards the door. Celestia’s sun playing tag in the room, sending merry reflections from my shiny, yellow body.

Like all in my family, I have the glistering black rubbery suction cup hooves. Likewise, I have the same fashion of bat wings. I had been gifted with a metallic electric blue mane, the one thing sticking out. I had chosen to fashion the bangs while keeping the rest in thick braids along my back.

As I reach the wardrobe, I reach forth and open the door by sliding it to the right. Now I could easily see the garments hidden within the small space. I reach out my right hand and fetch a red rubbery top, examining it before I slip it over my head, feeling the sleek, slippery material slide down my body, eagerly accepting me by stretching over my jigglies in order to find their place, and contain my bust, an orb like B cup and the fairly large nibbles. From here I motion towards the matching skirt and slip into it with the same ease.

As I close the door of the wardrobe, I can admire the black miniature hooves on the fingers of my right hand. I guess I could afford myself to enjoy the look as I closed the door while in private.

Now I trot to the door and slide it to the right, before I exit the room and close the door after myself. Eager to catch a lazy breakfast, I continue out and into the hall where I pick up my saddle bags and strap them on before I continue towards the door.

Once at the door I slide it to the right and proceed, sliding it closed after myself. with that, I trot towards the Café, where the stallion now is awaiting me, just like he is awaiting all the steady customers who enjoy their breakfast at his place.

After trotting along the street for a few minutes, I came up to the Café and slowed down in order not to slam into the door. There are a few Centaurs before in line, but I could wait a few more minutes, in order to have what I came for. It isn’t as if I had been in that much of a hurry. I am not late for anything.

Standing in like, I could see the next order the sought for breakfast. Then another and the next. Finally, my place came up. I take a step forwards and address the stallion behind the counter.

“Good morning, Mr. Cake, a nice day for an early breakfast!” I exclaimed.

“Morn’, morn’, Miss. It certainly is. What would you like to have?” he responded.

“Apple squeeze and a large Apple Pie!” I put forth.

“Ah, yeah. The usual, then. Just a moment and she will be right there with your breakfast!” he added.

“I like the usual!” I nodded as I turned and walked towards my regular table.

As a Centaur, I never did need a seat, we have tables. Of course, I knew Mr’s. Cake would be with me momentarily, she is a swift and reliable mare, when it comes to a crunch, such in rush hours. Both for breakfast and lunch. I knew I get my meal right on cue and in time to enjoy myself here.

“Morning, here is your usual breakfast!” Mr’s. Cake prompted as she reached the table.

“Morning, and thanks. I always love coming here for my regular breakfast!” I responded as she placed the plate before me.

“You are quite welcome. We always love having you here, always so nice and appreciative. Besides, it is the regulars who pay the bills, as it were!” she responded.

“I love the service and convenient comfort. Besides, I know I guess quality here. Always worth standing up for, as well as coming back to!” I pointed out as I bit down on the squeezer for my first slurp.

She soon slipped back into the line and continued serving the others. I know, I have seen it, I don’t need to follow her with my eyes to know what she was doing or where she was going.

As much as I may enjoy following with my gaze, but I love my breakfast too. It isn’t that I fear either of the two, they are just nice Centaurs. Reliable and kind, they don’t step out of line.

I used the fork, digging into my pie. Oh yeah, the pie. They certainly do make a delicious pie worth dying for, if it ever came down to it. Thankfully, it never has this far.

In between the mouth fulls, I grab the squeezer and bite down in order to have some more of the juice. It is the choice among us of the Bat type. Of course, some others do enjoy it as well, all for their very own and highly personal reasons.

As I had finished the pie and squeezed the last out of my juice out, I left the table and headed out, only stopping by the counter on my way, bidding the stallion a good day. I am most likely going back for lunch, of course. I love having my lunch here.

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