• Published 9th Oct 2015
  • 17,624 Views, 584 Comments

If The Emperor was in Equestria - The Warmaster

I went to Comicon as the Emperor. I get sent to Equestria. IN THE GOLDEN THRONE!

  • ...

Chapter Fourteen: The Changeligs are Coming! The Changelings are Coming!

”Has Magnus returned yet?” the Emperor asked, and Guilliman shook his head.

“Not yet, Father. Perhaps he decided to corrupt this world for the treacherous forces of Chaos?” The Primarch of the Ultramarines suggested. “Though I doubt he could do such a thing. After all, you protect this world!”

”Sigh. I am not your fucking father Girlyman. Go find that fuckwit Magnus and drag him back here if you have to.” The Emperor said.

“Very well father. I shall hunt that fool at once!” Guilliman declared proudly.

"Sorry to disappoint you,” Magnus said from the gate, “But I am already back. Though why I woke up in a forest is beyond me…”

”Magnus, I have a question for you.” The Emperor said. ”Where in the fuck are the other Primarchs?”

“The other Primarchs?” Magnus asked, before shrugging. “If I remember correctly, and the information I had gathered is true...I believe Vulkan disappeared, and left six treasures for his Chapter to find if he is to return.”

”Wow. That's a lot more dickish than what I expected of him.” The Emperor said. “What about Lion? Corvax? Jaghatai?”

“Don't know, don't know, don't know.” Magnus said. “I severely doubt we could find any of them. I mean, I doubt any of them would be on the planet.”


Deep in a cave under the Everfree Forest, a figure sneezed.

”Yeah that's pretty unlikely.” The Emperor agreed.

“Say, aren't the Princesses supposed to be here for one of their daily meetings?” Guilliman asked.

”Yeah...especially that purple one. Where the fuck are they?” The Emperor asked. ”Fuck it, I'm gonna go take a look outside.”

Magnus and Guilliman looked at him in shock. “What? You're going to get off the Throne at last?” Magnus asked.

”No, I'm going to use my OPPLSNERF Sight Power thing. Are you fucking stupid?” The Emperor snarked.

“Oh.” Guilliman said, disappointed.

”One Moment.” The Emperor was silent for a second, before four beings suddenly popped into the Throne Room in a flash of light.

“W-what? Where are we?” The center one asked. She was a unicorn, with a purple-almost pink coat, and a dark purple mane. Her cutie mark was an odd magical swirl. Next to her was another unicorn, this one blue, with a fancy magicians hat and a whitish-blue mane and a misty magician wand for a cutie mark.

”You all have five minutes to explain what the hell is going on out there. Why is there so much fucking pink shit floating about and into the Princess shits and Purple-Ass. And her friends?” The Emperor ordered.

“Oh my, I have never been able to get in here…. blegh, it's too gold and shiny.” One of the other creatures said, looking around in disgust. It was tall and snake-like, with a lion’s paw and a chicken’a claw for hands, and a dragon’s leg and tail, and a cloven hoof for his lower half. “You really need to get a better architect.”

”Gold is the best color you Chaos Prick.” The Emperor stated, somehow conveying anger through his Text to Speech device.

“Oh just keep telling yourself that.” The creature said, examining his claws, before wiping his hands together. “Well, I suppose introductions are in order. I am Discord, reformed Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. And the other two are background ponies. Ignore them.”

“Hey!” The pink/purple one said. “I am not a ‘background pony’! I'm Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle’s student!”

“And I am the Great, and Powerful Trrrixie!” The Blue one said, with a great haughtiness equal to that of snobby royalty.

”Congrats. I'm the Fuckmothering Emperor. Your titles are invalid. Now explain what the fuck is going on out there.” The Emperor said, somehow conveying extreme boredom. Magnus yawned.

“Yes, I would like to know that myself.” The Red Primarch nodded.

“Ummm… well, the Changelings are back. They've kidnapped all the most powerful ponies. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight and her friends-” Starlight began, only to get interrupted by a angry Discord in her face.

”They took Fluttershy?” He growled.

”Hey. Only I am allowed to use bold.” The Emperor stated. ”Also, the Changelings? You mean those bug ponies that underestimated their own food/power source? I'm surprised they didn't come back sooner. They will likely fail as well.”

“Where did they take them?” Discord asked.

“To the Changeling Kingdom.” Starlight said, and Discord snapped his claws. Only for nothing to happen.

”Oh no you don't.” The Emperor said. ”We are all going together. Which means it's time for a ROAD TRIP!”

Magnus and Guilliman gawked at him. “You mean you're finally getting off the Throne?” Guilliman asked.

”No, you fucknuggets. It means we are relocating temporarily.” The Emperor stated. The Throne Room shook for a few seconds, before coming to a rest. Windows popped open, revealing a desolate land, with a massive black and hole-y tower.

“Did we just...teleport?” Magnus asked, looking around.

”Yes we fucking did you blind idiot.” The Emperor said, a steering wheel popping out of the ground in front of his rotting corpse. ”Now, let's get this show on the road.”

“Um…” the fourth creature asked, having stayed silent until now. “The Changeling Kingdom has a powerful stone of Anti-Magic as the throne. It's how the Queen protects the Hive.”

”Good to know. This thing doesn't run on Magic. It runs on the hopes and dreams of small children.” The Emperor said. Magnus and Guilliman were silent for a moment.

“So..there are children under the room?” Magnus finally asked.

”What? Are you fucking retarded? I was making a joke. This runs on some of the few million souls that were sacrificed into it. It's a soul per gallon.” The Emperor said, mortified.

There was more silence.

“Aaaanyway, if you could teleport the entire Throne Room, why haven't you done it before?” Magnus asked after a few minutes.

”Because.” The Emperor said.

Magnus blinked, waiting for an explanation. There was none.

“Because…?” He asked, urging him to continue.

”I already fucking told you. Granted, it was at a pitch higher than existence, but I told you nonetheless.” The Emperor stated. The ground shook as the Throne Room began to move.

Changeling Hive, one hour later

Four Changeling Guards stood at attention, ready for any possible threat that could come for them.

Unfortunately, a mobile Throne Room driving at fifty miles an hour was not within the expected realm of ‘possible’.

“Hey, am I hallucinating, or is that a golden church? Moving towards us?” One of the guards asked, noticing the obnoxiously golden church-like building.

“Maybe it's one of those traveling Missionaries or something. Probably here to shout ‘praise the sun!’ At us and try to get us to convert to some dumb religion.” The other Guard shrugged. “I'll go tell them off.” The guard flew towards the moving church, expecting it to slow down.

“Hey! We don't want any of your dumb religion, so go back to wherever you came frohmygod!” The last part was due to the changeling noticing five seconds late that the church was not slowing down. His green ichor was splattered across one of the windows.

”I think I hit a bug or something.” The Emperor said from within, window cleaners wiping off the Changeling blood as the Throne Room crashed into the front of the Changeling Hive, smashing the walls.

”Alright kids, here's where we stop! Get out now and go catch some bugs!” The Emperor ordered.

“Wha-” Starlight looked at the Corpse in shock. “-What about you? You’ll be all alone!”

”I'm the Motherfucking Emperor.” The Emperor grinned, or at least his skill did, as an echo of knuckles popping reverberated around the room. ”I'll be fucking fine.” Three las-pistols floated over to the three ponies. ”Take these. They will certainly do you a world of good.” He said, the intended sarcasm not translated into the voice.

“Umm...sure…” Starlight picked it up in her mouth. “We will shee you later I guess?”

“Yep.” Magnus nodded. “We will distract the Changelings, so you and your team go free your friends.”

The four looked at each other, before dashing out and through a tunnel as the until now unheard buzzing grew louder.

”They are so boned aren't they.” The Emperor said.

“Yep.” Magnus and Guilliman said simultaneously.

”In the words of those shittyquisitors, I hereby issue an Exterminatus.” The Emperor declared. ”Kill any that get near the Throne Room.”

“Yes, Father!” The two nodded, gripping their weapons. Magnus looked at the Emperor. “What will you do, Father?”

”What I always do.” The Emperor said, the room suddenly filled with power. ”Some Third Degree Warp-Fuckery.”

The first Changelings to get near the Throne instantly regretted their decision, and in the next moment felt nothing as they were zapped. Magnus and Guilliman jumped out, yelling battle cries as the Throne Room became the galaxy's biggest bug zapper.

Then the turrets popped out.

Author's Note:

Yay! Another Chapter!

Also, some plot thing! Yay!!
I decided to get the Emperor more involved in the story, instead of being the peanut gallery.

So now, the Bandits are coming! Oh wait, misplaced reference.

The Changelings are back!

Honestly, I've completely forgotten where the fuck this story is in the timeline.

So I've fast forwarded it.

What to do after....
Guess you'll have to find out!

(This is part 1 of two)

And yeah, no questions this time, because reasons.

Hope you enjoyed!