• Published 31st May 2012
  • 5,352 Views, 219 Comments

Jumper: A New World - PTTN

What happens when a Jumper is unknowingly sent to Equestria?

  • ...

A Recurring Sensation

A Recurring Sensation


“People who live in glass houses should learn to shut the fuck up.”

~Ernest Cline - Ready Player One

The two ponies sat in silence, watching Celestia’s sun fall. Both of them harboring feelings that neither fully understood.

Jay was completely lost in the sunset and never noticed Rainbow Dash scoot herself ever so closer to him.

There was something about this partially flightless pegasus that made Rainbow Dash feel comfortable- like she didn’t have to prove herself to him, but still wanted to try anyway. She enjoyed the aura of self-confidence that Jay emitted; it was almost as if he wanted to take on the world and somehow he knew he would win.

Like when he accepted Rainbow Dash’s race when they first met....

‘Wait a second!’ she thought to herself, ‘He couldn’t even fly then and he still wanted to keep his ability secret! I would have left him behind in the dust!’

So why accept her offer in the first place? Jay reminded Dash of herself.

But, perhaps, his most redeeming quality was his demeanor. He was so humble about everything. He knew that he had a special ability, but he didn’t go around flaunting it.

‘Like I would.’ Rainbow Dash thought solemnly.

‘Yes, he’s definitely an odd pony.’ Dash concluded.

Jay, still lost in his own world, was staring intently out at the sun, noticing it fell faster here than it ever did back in his world.

‘What a perfect way to the end the day,’ he thought, ‘A relaxing park, a colorful sunset, a colorful... mare,’ Jay smiled at that part, ‘an evil looking bolt of lightning stemming from the forest... Did I mention the sunset already? Yeah, I think I did.’

Jay sat for a few moments, his eyelids starting to droop as the days’ activity started to take its toll on him. His brain finally caught up to him and his eyes shot open.

“Lightning?!” He shouted out, startling Rainbow Dash next to him.

Normally, Jay wouldn’t have cared too much about lightning, but the fact that there was hardly a cloud in the sky, and that the lightning seemed to travel upwards was a bit suspicious to him.

Just a bit.

“Uhhh... what?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking very confused.

Jay pointed his hoof in the direction of the Everfree forest. “I saw a lightning bolt! Over there in the forest!”

Of course Rainbow Dash hadn’t seen anything, her attention had been focused elsewhere, but Jay had clearly noticed it as it shot in front of the sunset, breaking his stare.

Dash scooted away from him. “I didn’t see anything.”

Of course that didn’t matter. Jay knew what he saw, and although he didn’t want to believe it, he knew the implications that the lightning bolt brought.

Jay was glad he had been given a white coat, because if it was possible to make white, white-er, Jay would have been the whitest pony in Equestria, as his face had drained of all blood and his stomach had turned over on itself.

As much as he didn’t want to believe what it could mean, he knew what it was, and he knew what he had to do.

Jay hopped off the bench. “I have to go.” He said in a monotone voice. Any and all emotion he had previously held had drained away as the situation dawned on him.

“Wait!” Rainbow Dash looked both surprised and angry. “Where the hay do ya’ think you’re goin’?”

Jay couldn’t put his hoof on it, but she had sounded a little....hurt?

“I just have to take care of something real fast,” he said, turning to get a good look at the entrance of the Everfree forest as he prepared his jump. He didn’t know exactly where the lightning had sprung up from, but he knew it had to have left some trace of its existence and Jay would search all through the forest to erase all traces of it, and whatever, or whomever, it might have produced.

Dash sprung up from the bench, hovering in mid-air. “Well then, I’m coming with you!” Jay noticed it was more of a demand than a statement.

“That’s not going to happen.” Jay laughed sardonically, turning back to face her.

“Well it’s not your choice!” Rainbow Dash shouted, growing angrier.

Jay smiled and jumped, appearing directly behind her and allowing him a good view of the forest.

As Rainbow Dash tried to square up with him, Jay jumped again, materializing at the entrance of the Everfree forest. He let out a long sigh and began his search of the forest, unknowing of whatever danger that may await within.


Rainbow Dash turned in a complete circle. He had really done it. He had tricked her, and then left without her.

‘Oh he is so not getting away!’ She turned toward the Everfree forest, readied herself, and shot forward, flying as fast as her wings could push her. ‘And when I catch him he’s going to be in for it.’


‘This walking long distance shit sucks...’ Jay thought bitterly. His short but exhausting trip through the forest was already leaving its mark on him.

As the sun fell even further, Jay’s visibility had plummeted. Stumbling around the forest floor, he couldn’t help but meet every stray branch, root, crevice and rock that had presented itself. He had been dinged, bruised, cut and slashed and the wear and tear on his coat was apparent, but he kept going. On top of that, he had gotten no rest the previous night, courtesy of Rainbow Dash, and he didn’t know how much farther he could make it.

Jay had been searching for what felt like hours, but he really had no idea how long he had been out in the forest, having lost track of time as soon as he had entered. All he knew was that the sun had passed its glorious sunset stage and now it was, ‘dark as shit out.’

Putting the constant assault of inanimate objects aside, Jay made completely sure that he was moving as quietly as he possibly could. He had no idea what the lightning could have released into this world and as far as he knew, it could be anywhere. It could even be stalking him now as he was lost in thought, lurking in the shadows, poised to strike when it deemed necessary.

If Jay died this night by some unknown entity, let it be known that he had at least tried to sneak around it.

But if it were Jay doing the stalking and if his target was in the same condition as Jay was right now, that target would have already been dead. Battered and tired , Jay was sure he was an easy target for any predator and the fact that he wasn’t dead at the moment eased his fears of being hunted for the time being.

As he trudged on, his mind couldn’t help but wander through the possibilities of what could be waiting for him and as every possibility shot through his head, only one ever repeated itself over and over.

The Templars had found him.

He didn’t know how it was possible, but they had succeeded. To what extent, however, was the question.


Rainbow Dash had caught up to Jay easily enough. He was moving slow and trying to be quiet. As stealthy as Jay thought he was, Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but chuckle to herself realizing that he was about as stealthy as Pinkie Pie around any form of sweet.

But as the forest had its way with him, she couldn’t help but worry as his coat started to mat with blood from the various scrapes he had acquired and as more and more bruises started to appear on him. Rainbow Dash didn’t want to make herself known, fearing Jay would likely be angry at her, but she’d reveal herself if absolutely necessary.

Even though she hadn’t been able to see what Jay had seen, she was sure he was hiding something again and was content with following him.


Jay was on the verge of giving up and jumping back to Twilight’s house. Several more hours had passed and he was still empty hooved.

The thought of the Templars being able to track him was deeply disturbing and because it could be them, he kept going. Had it been anything else, he definitely would have given up his search long ago.

‘The Templars.... and maybe Rainbow Dash.’ He smiled at that. He had to admit, she did seem pretty great, but if the Templars got him, he’d never have the chance to act on his growing feelings.

He had to stay focused.

And just as soon as he thought about focus, his front hoof caught the lip of a small crevice in the forest floor and he tumbled forward, smashing right into a branch that managed to leave a deep gouge on his cheek.

Jay righted himself and looked around. He had landed in a strange open area and immediately noticed that the ground was scorched and black, all plant life having been burned away. He looked up and saw that the tree tops were thick enough to blot out the sky, save for a large hole that appeared directly in the center of the tops of the trees, looking like it had been created by burning the area around it. The hole allowed a sliver of moonlight to grace the forest floor and Jay was grateful that there was any light at all.

But the most startling of all was the large, electrified portal that sat dead center in the clearing. Jay had to wonder why that portal wasn’t the first thing he noticed, but shrugged, telling himself the moon was in his eyes.

He knew for sure, though, that it was a portal. Jay could make out faint, distorted images of a world he had left on the other side.

Jay looked on at the portal in disgust. Not only did he know that it was of Templar design, but he couldn’t help but think how unnatural looking it was.

When Jay jumped, he melted with reality. He couldn’t quite explain it, but his jumps just seemed to flow as he blended with the fabrics of space and time. The eyesore he now looked upon was different. It was as if someone had forcefully ripped a hole into reality, fraying the edges and scarring the universe. There was nothing about this portal that flowed. It’s as if its creator punched a hole into existence without a second thought of how it would affect anything else. It was unnatural.

Jay sat there, watching the portal, unsure of what to do. At first glance, it appeared that the portal had only opened. Nothing had come through it, at least, not yet.

Jay approached the portal, getting as close as he dared and looking for some sort of shut-off. He knew that because it wasn’t a natural portal, some form of machine must be keeping it open.

He leaned in, his snout inches from the edge of the crackling portal.

As soon as Jay got close, the portal flashed and the ground shook. The shimmering electric edges started to pulsate, speeding up like a strobe light. Jay started to back away instinctively.

As soon as the portal started flashing, it stopped and it snapped shut, fading from existence. There was a snap and a sound that reminded Jay of the uncoiling of rope. Something akin to a net shot from the fading portal scar and hit Jay, sending him flying back into a tree. The net had wrapped itself around Jay and when it hit the tree, it locked into place, successfully pinning him to the the bark.

A split second after the sound of the locks being engaged, the net electrified, sending jolts of electricity through Jay’s entire body causing him to fade in and out of reality, his body flashing between existence and nonexistence as his jumping powers were activated by the electricity. Jay was helpless.

Jay’s last coherent thought was: ‘What... is it with these... people and... electricity?!’

His vision started to blur and he started to black out. A rainbow blur filled the remnants of his sight before he lost consciousness.


Rainbow Dash had seen everything from her position in the sky. When the portal started flashing, she was blinded by the light and as the strobe sped up, she began to feel nauseous. Her wings started to flap erratically as she struggled to keep herself in the air.

Even when the flashing stopped, she still had trouble coming to her senses. She heard the uncoiling noise and the cry Jay gave out when the net electrified.

It was suddenly clear to Rainbow Dash that if anything happened to the pony in the clearing, she would never forgive herself and her life wouldn’t be the same. She had only known this pony for a very short time, but she knew she needed him, just as he needed her right at this moment.

Rainbow Dash dropped to the clearing and immediately spotted Jay pinned to the tree. His body was flashing and fading and Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but stare, horrified. She rushed to his side and began tearing at tree bark, trying to break the locks.

The more electricity that passed through Jay, the more hopeless Rainbow Dash started to feel. Tears started to well in her eyes as the locks held to the tree, but Dash kept tearing at the bark, unwilling to give up.

She finally tore away the bark being held by the net’s locks and watched as the net disengaged and fell to the ground and as soon as the electricity cut off, Jay fell along with the net, still out.

Rainbow Dash flew to where he fell and started to shake him, hoping that he wasn’t fully gone, the tears falling from her eyes in full force. “No! Come on! Stay with me... please!”

Dash looked around frantically, trying to spot somepony or something to help her and, finding nothing, she wrapped her forehooves around Jay and threw him over her back.

She positioned herself to take off on the ground, and launched herself into the air, aiming for the scorched circle in the tree tops.