• Published 16th Oct 2015
  • 3,476 Views, 55 Comments

The Day the Diamond Broke - TheSnarkKnight30

Diamond TIara has finally stood up to her mother. Unfortunately, her actions have severe consequences. When she returns home, she is severely punished by her mother.

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Brutal Punishment

After fixing the school yard, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders went to The Sugar Cube Corner to celebrate. Scootaloo licks the frosting off of her cupcake.

“I’d better be going now. I don’t want to keep my parents waiting. Before I go, I wanted to say I’m sorry for calling you blank flanks.” Diamond Tiara sighs.

“It’s okay. We got our cutie marks now and that’s all that matters.” Sweetie Belle says.

“I think we should have a little party at the club house this weekend. Y’all are more than welcome to come. I’ll make some fresh apple pie, Scootaloo can do tricks on her scooter, and Sweetie Belle can sing come of her songs. The Orchard is a perfect place to play hide and seek. We should invite Babs too.” Apple Bloom suggests.

“That’s a great idea.” Silver Spoon says.

“Your apple pies are the best.” Scootaloo says licking her lips. She flaps her wings joyfully. She can only hover off the ground for a second or two before gently landing on the floor.

“Do you really have to go, Diamond Tiara? We were all having so much fun.” Sweetie Belle says disappointedly.

“Yeah, but I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll ask my dad if I can go to the club house this weekend too.” Diamond Tiara says leaving her seat. Diamond Tiara smiles her whole way home. She can’t believe how many new friends she’s made in one day. She pushes the mansion door open.

“Hey, Daddy! Guess what?” Diamond Tiara says in a peppy voice. There doesn’t seem to be any answer. The light from outside seeps into the room. She walks up the long spiral stairway made of marble.

“Your father isn’t home. He’s on an important business trip.” Spoiled Rich says somewhat bitterly. She sips some expensive wine out of a
fancy glass.

“Oh, okay.” Diamond Tiara says putting her saddle bag down. Diamond Tiara tries to sneak off into her room unnoticed.

"I am not happy, Diamond Tiara. Do you know why I'm not happy?" Spoiled Rich asks. The harshness of her voice makes Diamond Tiara stop in her tracks.

"I don't know, mother." Diamond Tiara says timidly staring down at her hooves.

“So tell me, where did I go wrong? What did I ever do to deserve such an ungrateful daughter? I can’t believe you would publicly humiliate me in front of all of those ponies at the school. You know how much I value my reputation, but you threw it all away. No daughter of mine should be caught dead with those blank flank scum.” Spoiled Rich hisses. She slams her hoof on the table. The glass of red wine tips over and shatters. The table cloth has a dark red stain on it.

“They aren’t blank flanks anymore. They got their cutie marks today. That means I could hang out with them, right?” Diamond Tiara says. She could hear her own voice trembling.

“No! Why would you want to stoop so low as to associate with a useless pegasus who can’t even fly and a low class redneck? Miss Cheerilee must be a fool to choose a low life blank flank to be class president over a pony like you.” Her mother says harshly.

“I told you not to talk about my friends like that.” Diamond Tiara says raising her voice. Her mother scowls at Diamond Tiara.

“I don’t like it when you use that tone of voice at me, young lady. Oh, and that’s another thing. When I say ‘Come, Diamond Tiara.’ You better come. Do you hear me?” Spoiled Rich yells directly in her face. Diamond Tiara tries to run away but then her mother pulls her by the tail with her teeth. She looks up at her mother feeling like she's the size of a breezie, she feels as fragile as a breezie as well. She's used to taking her negative emotions on the cutie mark crusaders, but now she's on the bottom of the food chain.

“Ouch! Mother, why do you always have to be like this?” Diamond Tiara asks wincing in pain. She hates it when her mother yanks her around by the tail like strings on a puppet. For once in her life, Diamond Tiara wants to be in control and think for herself.

“One day you learn that the only ponies who are worth your time are the ponies who are superior to all the rest. This is why I want us to move to Canterlot. I’m doing this for your own good.” Spoiled Rich says letting her anger get the better of her. It's bad enough that her husband associates with those hill billies in the Apple family. Seeing her daughter making friends with losers is more than she can bear. Ponyville is no place to raise a filly of such a prim and proper family to be raised

“You’re not doing this to help me. You never cared about me. All you ever care about is my daddy’s money and I’m sick of it.” Diamond Tiara shouts stomping her hoof on the ground. Her mother stood aghast for a moment. How can her daughter say such a thing? She was the one who went into the school and demanded her C- would be changed to an A.

“Take that back!” Her mother says hitting her in the face. Diamond Tiara falls to the ground. She lifts her head off of the carpet. Blood drizzles down her nostril. She feels something hard rolling around in her mouth. She nearly swallowed it before hitting the ground. She licks the bloody gap where her tooth is supposed to be. She spits the tooth out into her hoof and examines it. Tears roll down her cheeks. Spoiled Rich gasps. This was the first time she has ever laid a hoof on her daughter. It was a very unladylike thing to do, but also very empowering. She could do whatever she wants to her daughter since Filthy Rich isn't there to stop her. She's so much older and bigger than her daughter that it's easy for her to let her dominance go to her head.

“You’re a monster. My daddy will hear about this when he gets home.” Diamond Tiara sobs holding her throbbing nose. Her mother didn't take the consequences into consideration. If her husband were to find out she could say goodbye to her fancy dinner parties and her weekly hooficures.

“You don’t have to tell him. I’ll buy you a golden necklace just like mine.” Spoiled Rich says frantically. She knows that if Filthy Rich ever found out what she did to her daughter, he’d sue her for every bit she had. She would have to work for her own money or even live out on the street.

“No! You can’t buy my forgiveness, mother. Daddy will see you for who you really are. You’ll spend the rest of your miserable life behind bars. I’m going to make my own choices and I will make friends with whoever I want.” Diamond Tiara sniffles. What she really wants is something money can’t buy; love. The only time she could recall her mother being nice to her is when she was with her in public or at the spa. Her mother stomps over to her with a glare more intimidating than King Sombra and Tirek combined. Diamond Tiara prepares her self for the pain of the next hit.

“Fine! Nopony will ever believe you anyway. You’re nothing but a little brat. That’s all you’ll ever be.” Her mother says pushing her down the stairs. She hears her back leg snap over her screaming. She tries to pick herself up off the pool of her own blood. Her crown tumbles down the rest of the stairs. She cries for her father even though she and her mother both know he's not there. She looks at her back leg that now has the bone sticking out of her skin. The pain is unbearable and she can't move it at all. She swallows a lump in her throat wondering what her mother would do to her next. She could easily throw her in the pool outside and watch her drown. Even if the neighbors did hear her screaming, they would probably think Diamond Tiara was throwing another temper tantrum. Her mother gallops down the stairs heading straight for her.

“I won’t tell. I promise. Just don’t hurt me anymore.” Diamond Tiara sobs. Spoiled Rich lifts her up off of the bloodstained stairs.

“I tried to be a good mother for all of these years and this is how you repay me? I’ve had just about enough of you talking back to me for one day. If you want to act like one of those pathetic blank flanks, I’ll treat you like one.” Spoiled Rich snaps.

“Stop… Please…” Diamond Tiara whimpers feeling the room spinning. Each time she takes a breath it gets harder to move. The only thing comforting her right now is that she got to be the pony she wanted to be. Even if it was only for a day. She just wishes that she didn’t waste her life being a bully to everypony around her. As her body goes limp in Spoiled Rich's hooves, she is overwhelmed by guilt.

“Sweet Celestia, what have I done?” Spoiled Rich asks herself as she looks down at her daughter’s corpse. Spoiled Rich carefully washes the blood off her hooves. Her death could easily look like an accident. Ponies fall down stairs all of the time. All she would have to do is whip up a couple of fake tears and she’ll have everypony wrapped around her hoof.