• Published 20th Oct 2015
  • 2,254 Views, 171 Comments

Norrath, Earth, Equestria. A Construct's Journey - Nimnul

A strange construct, or fancy golem, is displaced to Equestria. But Landshark is no servant, no mere automaton. She claims to be a renegade Bellikos. What and Who is she, and why does she just want to settle down quietly now?

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A Long Night's End

Bon Bon and Landshark had been making their way through a quiet, night-time Ponyville towards the train station when the pony thought she heard the rustle of wings and spotted a black shape, too large to be a pegasus, sail towards them.


Landshark frankly hadn't been paying a whole lot of attention and was in no way prepared when Bon Bon yelled and then violently bowled her over. She didn't have reflexes in quite the same way as a living being had them, who could react to things in subconscious and often visceral ways, so she took the fall rather gracelessly, focusing more on arming herself. By the time she hit the ground with a crack and rolled onto her back she had her derringer in hand and the hammer cocked.

She took stock of the situation. She was facing a clearly confused Princess Luna while Bon Bon was crawling into the shadows between two buildings. Landshark aimed her gun at the ground and slowly uncocked the hammer. "I can't possibly be this interesting to you lot. And your timing is awful."

"Whyever would that mare suddenly attack you, Landshark?" Luna watched the construct slowly get up.

Landshark leaned towards Luna and whispered. "She didn't attack me, she tried to protect me." She had no idea how to explain the situation. Was Bon-Bon having a flashback, or had she simply been startled straight into mortal terror by a perceived threat from above? She decided to be vague about it. "Waking nightmare. Be gentle." Louder, she called out to her friend. "Bon, everything's under control."

Landshark was wondering whether she should start cursing a cruel fate. Fate wasn't real, of course, she would normally insist. But apparently fate could be tempted to briefly become real, and that was all it took. Three alicorns in one night was just too much. And although she felt she had made her peace with Luna, something about her had sent Bon Bon into some kind of flashback or emotional overload. She could see her cowering in the shadows and trembling.

Princess Luna could see the earth pony trembling in fear. She was curious what had taken hold of her. "I'm not sure I understand. There's no cause to be afraid of me!" Even ponies who had their doubts about Luna's redemption didn't usually react this poorly.

"She's not afraid of you specifically," Landshark hissed. She approached her friend, circling generously around her to make sure she was approaching Bon Bon within her field if view. At the same time, she hid her gun away again. "Bon Bon. We're in Ponyville. Lyra will be home soon. I've got your back. Nothing will come for you while I'm standing."

Slowly enough to leave Landshark unsure whether her words had any effect, Bon Bon's trembling lessened. Landshark knelt down and carefully put a hand on Bon Bon's withers while watching Luna. "Perhaps some combination of the dark and some big flying thing coming down on us set her off. Maybe Lyra would have known how to calm her down better."

Landshark was trying her hardest to remain calm. Yes, Luna was an alicorn and a head of government, but she'd still been trapped on the moon and evil when Bon Bon earned her scars. Bon Bon being put into this situation because yet another alicorn wanted to speak to Landshark made it difficult to remain calm, however.

Luna frowned in concern. "Is she safe to be around other ponies?" She wasn't a fool, she had been able to tell that the earth pony had been well-trained at one point by the way she moved and was still in good physical condition. Or Landshark was just easy to push over. "She seems to have pushed you rather hard."

It was the question Landshark hated and had dreaded. A question that must be cutting Bon Bon deeply. She was not convinced that she had the words to defuse the situation. She held up a hand. "Gathering thoughts."

If Luna got the wrong impression here, it might negatively impact the life Bon Bon had built for herself. At best, Bon Bon would resent the interest of an alicorn, at worst they'd try to fix her behavior in some intrusive ways. That couldn't be allowed to happen. Luna was the next best thing to a god so Landshark's default stance was one of bitter defiance, but that would only make the situation worse. Yet she easily fell back into the habit of assuming the worst of any immortal, god, or similar being. It was a comfortingly familiar thought process.

She shook her head. She was starting to feel like her thoughts were running rather disjointedly right now.

An immortal was threatening everything one of her friends had built for herself. Landshark wished she could un-think that conclusion as she felt dull fury stir. Perhaps the third alicorn was the charm when it came to pushing herself over the edge.

How dare she cause one of my friends this pain.

How dare she judge mortals for their frailties.

Cold loathing was clawing at her mind. With detached curiosity she noticed her right hand trembling with the effort of not drawing her gun again. That wouldn't help the situation at all.

Princess Luna was willing to be patient. She had some idea about Landshark's internal struggles, after all, and her loyalty to friends. She certainly planned to hear the construct out and thought she'd be prepared to forget the whole incident for now and find out more later, discreetly. She watched with more than a little uncomfortable fascination as Landshark brought her hands together, grasped two fingers on her right hand and bent them until the joints cracked and the digits hung limply. Then she relaxed her arms by her sides.

It had merely been a precaution, of course. Landshark was sure of her self-control, but she couldn't allow any margin for error. And she had not wanted to hurt someone so badly since the rebellion. Very distantly she made note of Luna's shocked expression.

Get a grip.

Don't let Bon Bon down.

Only seconds passed in actual fact while the construct's nature warred with her analytical mind every step of the way as she put together a plan that might actually work. She felt cold.

Princess Luna was honestly surprised when Landshark bowed her head. "Princess Luna." The construct spoke haltingly. "Please. Bon Bon is a good pony. She doesn't deserve this." Landshark sounded lifeless as she pleaded for her friend. Like some wretched supplicant. "We were going to meet her marefriend at the train station. If you must sate your curiosity, come along and ask Lyra."

Bon Bon slowly got back on her hooves and turned to face Luna. If the presence of the Princess surprised her, she hid it behind a sullen look. "Sorry about that. Let's ... let's just go."

The three of them set off towards the train station once more, Landshark enforcing Bon Bon's personal space by staying between the two ponies.

At the station, Luna had taken on a more mundane unicorn appearance, presumably to take into account whoever else would be getting off the train along with Lyra.

It was an uncomfortable wait for Princess Luna, accompanied by two beings that merely silently brooded, although Landshark had briefly scolded Luna for trying to meet her. Yes, Landshark slept very rarely, but the construct could only stomach so many alicorn encounters in a day. It had sounded like a very half-hearted attack to Luna.

Eventually, the train did arrive. At this late hour, few ponies disembarked, a tired Lyra among them. She immediately brightened upon seeing Bon Bon and Landshark, although she didn't recognize the unicorn.

"'Ey Bon, Shark! You didn't have to wait for me! Who's your friend?" She lowered her belongings to the ground, exchanged a magical high-five with the construct and approached to hug Bon Bon, but her mood fell again when she took a second look at Bon Bon's expression.

"Lyra, I..." Bon Bon was interupted by Landshark.

"We're a pair of screw-ups, Lyra. Bon had a flashback, pushed me over, and went into a trance while she was watching." she motioned at Luna's unicorn form, "and I didn't know how to calm her down and then I was too mad at myself and her to properly explain."

Lyra immediately rushed to comfort Bon Bon. "It's ok, love. You're not alone. We'll fix it." She looked up at Landshark and the unicorn, and unfamiliar edge of steel in her voice. "Our place. Now. I want some privacy for this talk."

Bon Bon watched Lyra gather up her instrument and a small bit of luggage with her magic. "I don't know, Lyra. This might be bad."

"You always were a pessimist, Bon. Now come on, everyone." She cast a glance at the stranger. "And who are you exactly?"

"I'm Princess Luna in disguise, actually," the supposed unicorn stated evenly.

Bon Bon's expression and Landshark nodding along did not make it seem like a joke. Lyra grimaced. "Okay, okay. I'm tentatively admitting that I can see how you might have reached your assessment of the situation, Bonny. Tentatively, mind you."

Awkward silence reigned for a few minutes as they walked. Lyra broke it first. "And why were you swooping about Ponyville at night? Uh, your highness?"

"I was 'swooping about' as you term it, because I had just heard from Twilight and Cadance that they had talked with Landshark, and wished to speak with her as well. I was in Ponyville to see Cadance and her husband and in general to be less reclusive." She eyed Bon Bon. "I certainly did not expect to cause such terror."

"I don't know, Princess. It seems pretty optimistic to be the third alicorn to bug Shark on the same day and not expect something to go wrong. Verbal assault, at least. I'm not saying you don't got a handle on yourself, Shark. Just sayin' I know what makes ya tick." Lyra shook her head. Sure, everyone knew she was a weirdo, but apparently she couldn't leave her friends alone for an evening without them courting disaster. Still, she couldn't help a fond smile just thinking about them.

"That's what I said too." Landshark agreed, but she still didn't put much effort into seeming alive.

Lyra realized she had never properly expressed how thankful she was towards Landshark, not just for being her friend, but for connecting with Bon Bon on a level most ponies couldn't. She also had more faith in the alicorns than those two had, so she still wasn't as pessimistic about the current situation as Bon Bon was. Landshark's prognosis, if any, could likely be disregarded. Lyra knew the construct wouldn't be objective.

Once they'd reached the residence Lyra and Bon Bon shared, Lyra turned to face Luna, who had dispelled her disguise. The alicorn really was imposing, but maybe Landshark was rubbing off on her, or her concern for her marefriend was the cause, but Lyra wasn't intimidated at all. She slightly lowered her head to hint at an actual bow.

"Here's the summary. Bonny worked for years at a real dangerous crap job and it traumatized her. The entire thing got shut down when the government decided to start solving problems by shooting friendship at them. She got cut loose." Lyra snorted. She didn't much like telling the story. It made Bon Bon feel bad.

"When I got to know Bon, she was a disaster. Barely slept. Could hardly concentrate. Irritable. Couldn't stand being by herself in public spaces. When she did sleep, recurring nightmares." Lyra shot a glare at the Princess. "She could barely manage her life and she still tried to be a decent pony. It took us years to put her back together, and I barely knew how. How would I know? I didn't even know her story."

Princess Luna nodded. "I truly feel sorry for her experience, but ... has she ever hurt another pony during one of her ... episodes?" She noticed that Landshark had undergone a barely perceptible shift from listlessness to carefully suppressed rage. Bon Bon just flinched and moved closer to Lyra.

"No. She's very good about avoiding problematic situations and I know how to calm her down. She has never caused anypony any harm." Lyra was building up real anger now. "I hate that question! It's that question that makes people flinch away from her when she raises her voice and what makes her relatives not want her near their foals. It's not fair. She's not a monster! At least here in Ponyville nopony knows. I'm the crazy one and she's just a little quiet and grumpy. We've got something built here. Don't take it away, Princess." It was more of a demand than a plea.

Bon-Bon sat close enough to Lyra for their flanks to touch. She glowered at Princess Luna. "Ponies think anyone who comes home from real fightin' is a potential disaster. They don't like to be reminded that some problems get solved the hard way, without Elements of Harmony. Fair enough, but it does hurt those who did stick their neck out for other ponies." She looked down. "So it's better not to spread it around that I've got issues."

Princess Luna looked downcast. "Once again, I am sorry. Before my exile, ponies had more respect for their defenders, or those who've paid a high price for serving their people. Maybe in making Equestria so comfortable, my sister has made our ponies uncomfortable with facing the cost that some may pay to keep others safe. Perhaps I might be of service to you regarding your nightmares, Bon Bon?"

"No." The refusal was firm. "The crown wanted nothing from me but to disappear, I don't want it in my life now that I have one again. Or in my head. Thank you, but no."

Lyra gave Bon Bon another hug and teared up a little. "You've been getting even better now that we have more friends. I'm so proud of you, Bonny. So proud."

Princess Luna took on her most regal demeanor. "Very well, I shall overlook tonight's incident and endeavor not to swoop at you in the future, Bon Bon." She cracked a small grin, then continued in a musing tone. "Areas where I am woefully behind the times continue to make themselves known even now. I shall learn all I can about your plight. Perhaps there are others in need of support also."

Tension seemed to go out of the room. Lyra switched on her typical grin. "Aww yeah, you were my favorite Princess anyway, I swear. You have no idea how much this means to me."

Bon Bon nodded minutely. "Thank you, Princess. That sounds like a good idea."

Even Landshark seemed to have some life return to her. She squatted down to Lyra and Bon Bon. "Crisis averted. You really pulled it out of the fire, Lyra. Couldn't have done it myself. Come on, gimme five."

Lyra called up her hand projection to slap palms with the construct. "Hey, what's with your fingers?"

"Just a precaution." Landshark stood up and offered Luna a hand to shake.

"Landshark," Luna said quietly while extending a hoof, "I will impress upon Shining Armor not to overstep himself."

Landshark locked eyes with the Princess. "Seems three alicorns in a day is about my limit before staying civil becomes seriously exhausting. When I saw Bon Bon on the ground like that, and then you asked that question if she's even safe to have around, I was too furious to even try to explain it." Landshark snapped her jaws shut and clenched her fists. "I was overreacting. Am still overreacting." She closed her eyes and took a step backwards.

Princess Luna watched with concern as the construct took a few steps away and leaned heavily against a wall. In some small way, she didn't seem to exactly be Landshark anymore. Luna had known that the construct hated showing weakness to beings such as the alicorns, but also that her loyalties were absolute. And yet, when Landshark had not been able to properly explain the situation herself to help Bon Bon, it seemed to have diminished her.

Luna looked at the other two mares and motioned towards Landshark. "She'll need her friends." She hesitated. "Landshark. You challenged your own nature and some say there is a price for that. But we don't want to believe that, do we? That's for tired, cynical beings who think their exhaustion is their wisdom. But ... you've had enough of us for some time. I'll leave you all to your friends. Farewell."

Landshark offered a wave as her friends bid their Princess farewell also. Then Luna left into the night.

"Don't worry," she tried to reassure her concerned friends. "You're not about to crack open another barrel of crazy. I'm just a little frayed round the edges."

"You don't sound real good, Shark. What happened out there?" Lyra's concern was clear, if perhaps not as pronounced as her worry for her marefriend had been.

"I promised Bon Bon I'd help her keep her life together." The construct slid down the wall into a sitting position. "And all I could do was keep myself from getting violent. I couldn't string the words together to explain it. I was too angry, and I failed."

Landshark recounted what had happened between the three of them, since she'd been sparse on details earlier. She felt unspeakably tired.

Bon Bon was mortified anew and covered her head with her hooves. "Ugh..."

Lyra comforted her partner. "Hey, it's fine. Everything worked out. And how often are circumstances like that going to come up anyway?"

"Hey, don't go and jinx her," Landshark chuckled. "Sorry to drop this on you, but do you mind if I stay the night? Feels like I haven't slept in weeks." Landshark regretted not being able to leave the two their full privacy, but she was starting to badly lose her focus. "I don't snore. I don't need anything soft."

Lyra refocused on their guest. "Are you sure you're going to be alright? I'm not the element of magic but you seem ... weak." Her horn glowed faintly as she inspected the distinct sensation that the construct's life force left. She wasn't being any more intrusive than someone placing a hoof on a forehead to check for a fever, and she knew she wasn't qualified to do more than that.

Bon Bon sighed, grabbed a comforter off the couch with her mouth and tossed it over Landshark. It was pointless, of course, but Shark appreciated sentiments. "C'mon Lyra. I can't see magic but I can see completely obvious things. Didn't think that was in short supply till you two clowns got worried why Landshark would be exhausted after ... after a high stress day like this."

Bon Bon got right up in Landshark's face. "Listen here. Maybe you didn't know how to get Luna off my back. But you still stuck by me. And even when you wanted nothing more than to take a shot at the Princess, you kept it together, for me. Don't forget that. You're on my team."

Landshark nodded numbly. "I won't. Goodnight you two." Landshark didn't have any kind of real sleeping position. She simply closed her eyes and became inert.

Bon Bon sighed. "Lyra.....this might be me being too dramatic, and tomorrow we'll laugh about it, but..."

"...but you'd like to stay here in the living room overnight?" Lyra smiled. "She'll appreciate the sentiment. I'll get pillows and blankets."

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