• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 4,313 Views, 320 Comments

A Changing Perspective: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Shell - David Silver

Diamond Tiara speaks out against icky changelings when she hears, ugh, Chrysalis is actually visiting Ponyville. What is the world coming to when a monster like that is allowed to roam our fair town? What do you mean she wants to talk with me?

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3 - Twilight to the Rescue

I trotted along the winding road towards that castle. Why'd it have to be so far out the way? Well, I guess I knew why. My own house was placed nicely out of the way of the rush of lesser ponies. Still, it didn't have to be this far.

Her door had no guards in front of it, like you'd expect from a real princess. Twilight Sparkle had a lot to learn about being a princess if she didn't expect to be laughed right out of her castle. I walked up and gave a good push, and it opened right up. Not even locked, figures. I walked across and felt a sudden wash of coldness come over me for an intense, but brief, moment. What was that?

I looked myself over and recoiled! I was a bug! I didn't see anypony in sight, so I tried to quickly bring my disguise back, just for the cold wind to rush through me and blow out the fire before it could build up enough for me to change. Princess Twilight Sparkle did have some security after all! She was warded against changelings... I could march forward, show off my hideousness, and hope she didn't throw me in jail immediately, or...

A startled noise shook me from my thoughts. It was Spike, and he was staring at me with wide eyes. He was looking with... disgust, maybe fear. Of course he would be. I was hideous. No, I couldn't be seen by a Princess this way! I turned and ran away. I felt the warmth return as soon as I was clear of the castle and dove into a ditch to quickly fwoosh to my proper form before I kicked a rock away. I was so close to some answers!

There had to be a way... I wanted to talk to Silver Spoon, but she'd be at school too. Maybe even the CMC? We were friends now, so I guess I could talk to them, but would any of them understand... this? Silver Spoon had to! We were best friends. We'd been together for years, practically forever! If I could get to her and make her understand, she'd help me.

Maybe... She'd even feed me. I felt a new kind of warmth as I thought about it. Did she like me enough to give that kind of... What would it mean if she did? It was too embarrassing to think about! Did best friends qualify as love? What kind of love did it have to be? I wasn't some tiny foal. I knew what 'love' meant. I meant, traditionally. All the stories have ponies making kissy faces and then foals and marriage and stuff... Daddy loved me, but that was family love. A dad's allowed to love his daughter, and vice versa. That's the way it should be!

Maybe best friend love was like family love? That'd mean she qualified! Silver Spoon could feed me, and we can find an answer to this, or at least wait out the week. Maybe I could sleep over at her place?

I walked through town as I thought, just to hear a snatch of conversation that caught my attention.

"Did you hear? The Princess figured out a way to keep changelings from hiding around town."

"Oh, that's good. The way I heard it, anypony could be one in disguise."

"Like you?"

They laughed it off and walked out of hearing range. Was it true? Was Twilight Sparkle going to blanket the town in the same spell she had on her castle? I felt my heart thumping in fear as I scurried behind a building, but then I thought about it. That wouldn't make sense. She'd want the exchange student to feel at home, and forcing him to walk around as a bug when he didn't want to wouldn't be very welcoming. No, she wouldn't do that. She wasn't that mean. I took a calming breath and checked for any slips before trotting back out onto the road.

Wait! There was one pony I could consult. She lived far away and barely had ties with anypony, but everypony said she was pretty smart and usually nice. She probably wouldn't even recognize me, which was fine. I didn't want recognition right then, I wanted answers, and maybe a little help if she had any to give.

I turned towards the Everfree and began trotting. At least, if any crazy monsters tried to attack me there, I'd have... changeling powers? Stick to the path! That's what they told all the foals at school. If you had to go into the forest, stick to the paths. Preferably, don't go in at all, but if you do... the paths.

I took an unsure step across the threshold of the forest. I wasn't gobbled up instantly. Things were looking up! As I walked, I considered if I should have a more intimidating form, just for the moment, but shook my head at the idea. I was Diamond Tiara, and that was not only good enough, but the way it should be!

I stopped mid-step. There was a big field of blue flowers overtaking the path. Should I go around them? Gah, why? They were just flowers. I trotted through the patch and made my way forward without exploding or anything. I could hear the far-off calls of things I didn't want to see in person, but none of them sounded like they were coming any closer. Everything was going to be fine, or so I kept telling myself.

"Who is this that dares enter here? A little foal? They should know to stay clear." A zebra emerged from around a tree and looked at me curiously. There she was!

"Miss Zecora, I assume?" I assumed my most formal stance and tone even as I internally sang praises that my journey was over.

She nodded softly. "That is my name, there is no doubt. Did you come for me? What about?"

Did she rhyme everything? "It's a little complicated to explain, but I was hoping you had a few answers."

She looked me over slowly. "You may need more than what you seek, What you need is a change, so to speak."

Did she already know?! I took a half-step back and she raised a hoof. "Hold, child, there is nothing to fear. Please, come with me, and I'll try to make things clear." She smiled a gentle smile and turned from me, walking towards a tree house just around the bend.

I could follow her, or leave... Well, I came this far, and she wasn't chasing me off. She knew something... I had to know what that was! I trotted after her quietly a moment before asking, "So, you live out here, in the Everfree?"



She paused and turned to regard me a moment. "We are not yet friends, perhaps would be best not to pry yet towards this end." She raised a hoof. "That may change, give it time, but first you must accept my rhyme."

Accept her rhymes? I hadn't complained about them! She nudged open the door to her house and slipped inside. I took a moment to look it over. There were big masks and other strange decorations adorning it. Just how far away did she come from? She was a zebra. Zebras aren't ponies, not technically. She had to be from very very far away. In some ways, she was like the changelings, but less... you know, buggy and vampire-like.

I slipped inside and saw she had shelf after shelf of flowers, roots, and other things. She also had a huge cauldron right in the center of everything, bubbling with something, I couldn't tell what. Maybe it was her lunch? Or maybe it was a potion to do something amazing, or wicked, or both? Focus! "What a lovely abode you have here," I partially lied with a smile. I mean, it was... alright... I guess... It only had one room! What kind of house only had one room?

She sat down beside the cauldron and stared at me like she could see right through me. "It was very brave to come to me, Especially for such a young filly. Shall we speak frankly, or must we dance? To tell me the whole truth, this is your last chance."

The whole... Did she mean what I thought she did? Did she... Ugh... I didn't want to show anypony that. "I've been, I guess, cursed..." That was the truth! She didn't have to stare at it.

Zecora gave a little nod. "Of this there is no doubt, No simple cure can I write out. A terrible curse lies in your body. I have no cure, simple or gaudy."

I bristled a little bit. "Look, um, no offense or anything, but do you have to rhyme everything?"

She smiled with a knowing smile. "I said you would have to accept the rhyme, if you wanted to be a friend of mine. I will forgive you, your mind is most stressed. Let's see what we can do to put it to rest." She rose and walked to her shelves, shifting through various herbs and curious trinkets a moment. "No... No... Where did I put... No..." She didn't rhyme while working, at least. She fetched a little charm that had a rope through it. It looked like a laughing donkey.

"Take this and keep it near. Wear it under clothing if you fear a sneer." She held it out towards me and I took it, looking it over. It was made of wood, and the rope was thick hemp. It was almost charmingly hideous.

"What will it do?"

She reached out and gently brushed one of my forelegs. I jumped back in surprise at the contact, then saw there was a big hole jutting through it and gasped in alarm, but she still watched me placidly. She really did know. "Poor foal of the insect tribe, born of misery, looking for love to imbibe. Your people are cursed, this much is true, but you can rise above it, just hold back your love's accrue. The charm will hinder you, but in a way that is good. You will be less dangerous to ponies who to feed from you would."

Like Daddy? I peered at it, but slowly put it on. I didn't feel anything. "Is it working?"

She nodded firmly. "Yes." What? No rhyme? She stood up. "If you seek shelter, this is not the place for it, Just remember my advice and do not forget."

"Wait!" I took a step forward. "That wasn't the curse I came for." She thought I was always a changeling! She raised a brow and looked at me curiously. How was I going to explain it...

"Have you ever heard of a pony becoming a changeling?" I smiled at her hopefully. If she was so smart and stuff, sure--

"No." Or not... I sank with defeat. "I have never heard of this curse. If it is true, you are right, it is worse. Were you truly a pony child, before the insect's way became what you reviled?"

"I reviled them plenty before I became one of them." I looked up at her. "Please, do you have any way to undo this? ---" I tried to speak Chrysalis' name and nothing came out. The harder I tried to say her name, the more blocked up I felt, leaving me there just sort of floundering in front of Zecora. I couldn't even mention the Queen, or Miss Big Bug, or anything that'd refer to her. Rrrg! It was so frustrating!

Zecora shook her head slowly and said nothing. She reached out and gently patted me on the head. She pitied me, but she couldn't help me...

I didn't need pity! I needed help, real help! With a sudden growl of frustration, I fled from her, and her stupid little house. Maybe school would be out by the time I got back to town.

Author's Note:

Oh Diamond... I feel bad for you, I really do. I'd give you a hug if I could, even if you were a bug at the moment.

Good luck, little filly, in your quest to correct life's typos.

I'm off on a flight! But I thought I'd jam out an update before I did so. Enjoy!