• Member Since 17th May, 2015
  • offline last seen March 7th

One Punch Man

It only takes one.... okay, maybe more than just one.


Knitting takes a lot of hard work and little Cinnamon is not sure if she is up to task. Fluttershy gives her some much needed advice.


Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

This was fucking cute bro.....did I just say that?

Hi there! This story looks absolutely adorable, and I can't wait to read it! Just saw a minor typo in your story description: "here" instead of "her". Only pointing it out so someone isn't turned away by a minor grammatical error. :twilightsmile:

As read portion of comment:

I personally have a hard to seeing Fluttershy say this particular line

"But, you know, mama used to find it hard, too."

The mama part is my main issue. I don't recall hearing much of Fluttershy speaking in 3rd person, and the idea of her calling herself mama just seems off. That isn't the lingo I expect to hear from her.


Ooh, great choice in words here. That's not a word I hear too often, yet it perfectly describes the situation. Good call!

You just made mama very happy, that's all."

See the above comment on this.

"Wow," the little boy whispered, completely enthralled.

Did I miss something? Who's the little boy? Cinnamon is a girl (referred to as daughter earlier).


After reading portion of comment:

One issue I have with just the interpretation of this is we have so many missing details that lead to this. The father's characteristics, the first 6 years of the filly's life up to this point. We get bits and pieces sure, but there almost seems to be a whole side we the readers can't see.

I do, however like, what we can piece together about this and Fluttershy's parenting style, which I do find believable, although parts of her dialog seemed off.

The diction was great. While the word mirth is definitely an elephant in the room with this fic (the rest of the fic uses much more everyday vocabulary), I found it to be a much welcomed elephant.

Most of the time the details throw in felt fitting, but sometimes there were some that seemed out of place. Having said that, it was well balanced with the dialog to detail ratio and seemed to be unified in its style.

Overall, it was enjoyable, had some kinks, but nothing too bad.

6546964 I appreciate that.

6546969 Thanks for the critique. It's my first fic and I appreciate that.

You're very welcome. I'll be sure to leave another comment after I read your story, as well.

"Now lets make a slipknot."


Couldn't resist

That was pretty touching. :heart::pinkiehappy:

Well, I guess since you pretty much wrek everything in one punch, you have time to write Pony fics.

This is just freaking adorable.

My chest feels funny-


>looks at cover picture
"Doctor, we lost him."
"Cause of death?"
"Heartattack by diabetes via cuteness overload."
"Damn, that's some hardcore stuff. What caused the cuteness overload?"
>shows picture to the doctor
>Doctor dies of cuteness and diabetes
>Picture is shown in the news all around the world.
>Suddenly, Fluttershy

6892241 Thank you. :rainbowlaugh::scootangel: I appreciate it and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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