• Published 5th Jan 2017
  • 1,808 Views, 130 Comments

The Lost Connection - A bag of plums

Principal Celestia is abducted from her own home by a dark entity who wants to take her place at Canterlot High. Trapped and alone, Celestia's confinement will uncover details about her school's most enigmatic students: The Dazzlings.

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1 - The Abduction

Principal Celestia groaned as she slowly came to. Her head felt like someone had been beating on it with a jackhammer, and the inside of her mouth tasted like something had crawled in there and died. She reached over to her bedside cabinet for the glass of water that she kept there for just such reasons.

It was then that Celestia realized that the bedside cabinet was not there, and that she couldn’t move her arm at all, and that there was something tied across her mouth, preventing her from making any more noise than a quiet murmur. Her eyes shot open, but she may as well have kept them shut; it was pitch black. Her inner ear told her that she was lying down, but where could she possibly be? Celestia tried to get up, but her legs wouldn’t respond. Nor would any other part of her anatomy, now that she was waking up.

Fear began to claw at the principal’s heart. She was suddenly aware of how oppressive the darkness was, as if she were entombed in a coffin. Principal Celestia raised her head, the only part of her that still seemed to be able to move, almost immediately knocking it on a metal surface above her. The metal felt thin, no more than a few millimeters thick.

She couldn’t remember how she had even gotten here. After work that day, she had gone home before her sister as usual, but after that, Celestia couldn’t remember what happened. Did she even make it home? The Canterlot principal tried to remember, but it was as if she had too much to drink. She just couldn’t recall how she ended up here.

Principal Celestia tried to speak, but only muffled sounds came out. It was then that she realized the gag around her mouth smelt of soot and ash, like it had come from something that was burnt. She fought against her stomach from throwing up. It wouldn’t do her much good anyways.

All of a sudden, there was a faint click and the cough of an engine starting. Celestia’s entire surroundings began to vibrate, and she could hear the sound of wheels grinding against asphalt.

Well, that answered one of her questions. She was in the trunk of a car. As for how she got there… a few, unpleasant possibilities emerged in her head. One, she was in the clutches of some psychopath, and that she was being taken somewhere far away so that he could hold her for ransom or worse. Two, this was some new magical threat and, like the Dazzlings, they had decided that neutralizing her was the first part of their plan, or three, this was some prank her sister, Luna, was in the process of doing, though this time, Celestia hoped it was the third option instead of the first two.

The car continued on its journey, stopping on occasion. Celestia tried to see if she could tell where she was by listening to the sounds around her, but that quickly proved bootless; the car’s engine was far too loud for that. So Celestia was left in the dark, both literally and metaphorically, until the car finally came to a halt and the engine was switched off. The principal heard one of the car doors open and slam shut, before a pair of feet could be heard walking around on the pavement below.

Then the trunk was opened, but before she could take a proper look at who it was, a cloth bag was thrust over her head, only giving her a split second to see who her captor was. All she had been able to see was a pair of light purple eyes before sight was taken from her.

She tried to speak, to scream or cry for help, but all she could manage with the gag around her mouth were a few muffled calls. Celestia felt herself being picked up and slung over the shoulder of… whoever this was, and carried a short distance. There was the sound of a key sliding into a lock, and then that of a door opening and closing.

Before she knew it, she was tossed down on a chair, the wooden furniture rocking slightly as it came to a stop. Something cold and metallic was clasped around her right ankle.

Celestia tried to squirm in her spot, but she realized she still couldn’t move. Whatever it was that her captor had tied her up in, it was really strong; she couldn’t even feel it around her as well.

What is happening…? Where am I?

“How are you feeling, Principal Celestia?” It sounded like a woman speaking, although her voice sounded somewhat familiar. “I’m sorry about the mess. Oh wait, you can’t see, can you? Let me help you with that.”

The bag was lifted off Celestia’s head, and the gag was untied from behind. The principal was able to see her surroundings for the first time. It was a fairly nondescript room, with a beige carpeted floor and a single bed and dresser to her right. There was a wardrobe in front of her with a mirror, but it was angled away so that she couldn’t see whoever was behind her.

“So who are you?” Celestia asked nervously, unable to look around. “What do you want?”

“There are a great many things I want,” the mysterious woman said, her voice still sounding just like Celestia’s.

“Why did you bring me here?” Celestia rephrased her question. “If it’s money you want, you can have it.”

The woman scoffed. “I don’t want money. Not yours, anyway. What I do want is for you to stay seated while I tell you why you are here.”

“Who are you? Show yourself.”

Celestia could hear footfalls as her captor walked into view. As she became visible, the principal felt her head go light, and her vision began to spin.

No… this shouldn’t be…

She recognized this person. She saw her every day, in fact, in the mirror.

Celestia was looking at herself.