• Published 22nd Oct 2015
  • 550 Views, 8 Comments

Ripped Away - HeartBeat

In this second person story, you will be taken through the story of what made Rainbow Dash into the powerful, amazing, booming fast, mare she is today. It's a sad tragedy, starting off in the slums of Cloudsdale, to when she joins Ponyville.

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Clinging On


Chapter Three

Clinging On


It was only a few moments before Rainbow Dash had been more than welcomed into the tree-house. Well, she was more than ripped into the home at that. The sight of Rainbow Dash at the door, visibly tore Fluttershy's heart. The yellow pegasus was in tears, near fainting before she quickly grabbed her best friend and dragged her inside. Rainbow, in an instant, was put on that large green couch against the wall of the home. The pegasus gazed up to the wood ceiling as the yellow pony was rummaging through cabinets, scrambling to find her first-aid kit.

"Okay Rainbow, you just relax and let me clean you up..." The frightened pony whispered, with a shaken voice.

Rainbow chocked, holding back her emotions once the tone of her voice echoed in her ears. Her heart dropped, hearing her best friend so frightened and shaken up by what she sees. With her mind stuck on feeling awful, she ignored the pain and burning of the alcohol that cleaned her scrapes as she laid on her stomach.

"T-There... Now you just rest here, Rainbow. I'm sorry! H-How selfish of me... I-I mean, you can have my bed... I can take the cou-"

"It's not your fault..." Rainbow interrupted.

"W-What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked, sitting on her rump and listening.

"The scrapes... This didn't happen because of you. I was sleeping and I should have known a storm was coming in... But I lost track of time, and lightning struck. I tried.... To fly, but...

She stopped, looking forward now, out the window, up to the cloud city that was barely visible through the storm.

"I just can't win..."

"What?" Fluttershy asked, confused at the sudden change of the words.

"Think! My parents left, and I tried to find them... I tried to run, but I couldn't fly through a stupid storm to stop myself from falling..." The cyan pegasus' eyes began to water. "I thought I was amazing.... But now I'm a burden... A big burd-"

"Now stop right there, Rainbow Dash!" The friendly pony exclaimed through her soft voice, growing the nerve to speak up. Causing rainbow to sit up and look at her friend, never hearing this tone of voice erupt from such a fragile pony. "I'm sorry for yelling, but I can't have you talking down about yourself. I think you are amazing, Rainbow... You are my friend, and I will do anything to make you happy again... So tomorrow, let's go looking for your parents! We can start up at Cloudsdale and down from there... Okay, Rainbow?" The yellow pegasus was finished, holding a large, kind smile on her face as she gazed hope into her best friend's eyes.

"W-Wow... Okay! Let's do it, Fluttershy!" Rainbow said, her wings at full mast. "You're a good friend, so I'll need your help! And if you ever need anything from me, just ask! I can't use you, ya' know? Gotta keep my word to my friends!" She finished, holding up her head for once in the past day.

"Good. I can't ask anything from you Rainbow... B-But if you insist!" Fluttershy spoke, holding out her hand to shake on it.

Rainbow returned the gesture, using both of her hooves to shake her best friend's. Her heart was pounding again, yet instead of pain pumping through her veins, it was hope that flowed through her body. She was clinging on to this hope, letting it flood her body, washing out the bile that was sadness. A large grin was painted on her face as she then stood up off the couch, wincing in pain as she forgot about her wounds.

"Oh! Rainbow, take it easy..." Fluttershy said, holding a hoof on Rainbow's back, helping her balance.

"I-I'm fine... Heck, I'm awesome, aren't I?!" Rainbow spoke with her usual vigor, grinning from ear to ear with confidence.

"Oh... Of course, Rainbow!" The yellow pony spoke, joining the smile and helping her friend up the stairs to bed. "Now, now... You rest here, okay? Angel and I will take the couch..."

"Thanks, Fluttershy... You're the greatest friend I could ever ask for..." She spoke, resting in the bed, her Rainbow.

Fluttershy only gave a nod, closing the door behind her and leaving down the hallway. Her smile faded quickly as she got back down stairs, her weak limbs giving out. She collapsed with a soft thud on the carpet before the couch. Tears poured from her eyes, as she choked back her squeaks and moans of sadness... And regret.

"Oh Rainbow... How can I go through this... Princess Celesta, why have you asked me to lie to my best friend..."