• Member Since 9th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I just recently started to write stories directly towards the FiM actively, though I have been writing for years, publishing numerous stories at Mibba and the eventual pony story, as far as to the MLP

Comments ( 7 )

how has this gotten past the mods?

dafuq do you have an aversion to genitals no male or female has EVER called a penis a bro or a vagina an orchid

im guessing your religious as there the only people i can think of who censor shit like that so stupidly, if so WHAT DAFUQ are you writting pony porn for

6592626 I don't know where you live or where you come from, so I can't know what words are commonly in use where you life.

I have heard a few strange words for both, most of which are commonly misconceptions and not directed at the specific part they are referring to.

Just to make sure we are on the same page, the first is for the entire male genitalia, but not the balls as I guess you may call them.
On the second, I was referring to a specific part of the vagina. Namely the outer parts that kind of looks a bit like the orchid. I am not referring to the hairs surrounding it, or the internal parts here.

I guess I have heard of people doing crazy things in the name of one Religion or the other.
Just that blinders of this fashion isn't limited to religion.

If you like, have a go at explaining what words you would have used in a PM?
maybe I would learn something good and useful from your side of the fence? could be worth a try.

Ps: Note that this is a Pinkie Pie Episode first and foremost, she may Rap for Dashie, but that is as far as she goes on Vulgarities.

The Mature rating is for explicit Sex, not language.
I just updated the story, to comply with the new Tags.
Sorry about the delay, but I did not want to spoil the upcpoming chapter and the events I had planned for.

What's a keldaripolis? It doesn't even show up on my spellcheck.


What's a keldaripolis? It doesn't even show up on my spellcheck.

Keldari- Polis. a City of Keldari.
This is taking place in an alternative universe.
Sorry, if I forgot the intended meaning of the words in the title; I posted this story, in 2015.

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