• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 336 Views, 12 Comments

Apple To The Heart - Broman

Appleseed longs to find his calling in life. Always searching and always working, when all along there was one thing he was truly missing in life. And that was a family.

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Harvest Planning

“Breakfast! Come and get it!”

Appleseed cracked an eye open as he heard his mama call out for breakfast. He arched his neck and few pops from his spine signified of a need of a better bed. He lifted himself up and walked over to a mirror on the wall and looked at his complexion. He gave a few faces and inspected his side burns.

“Eeyup ah’m a keeper.” he said aloud as he grabbed his hat off the foot of his bed and headed down stairs.

It’d been a few months since his delivery trip to Manehattan and it turned out to be more successful than he thought. The sales that he and his two siblings made were able to keep them financially stable over the winter. This was both a boon for the family and allowing them to have some extra funds. Mama said that they have some big plans for Sweet Apple Acres. He could only imagine what she wants.

Appleseed walked into the kitchen and saw his family all situated. His mama, known to ponyville’s founder, Apple Smith, was the matriarch of the apple family; thought most people like to call her Granny Smith. She has several siblings all across equestria and they had their own families, and their extended families. She was one of the founders of Ponyville and she did many things to help form the community into what it is today. She wore her classic pigtails and mighty smile that could turn any frown upside down. She was getting older and she did have few early wrinkles, however, she still had not lost her stride.

On either side of the table sat both of appleseed siblings. His older sister Ginger Gold and older brother Hard Cider.

Ginger Gold is the middle child of the family, her age at a healthy twenty four years old. She was a cream colored mare with a bright green mane. She had a hammer and chisel cutie mark. She was quite the crafts pony and she always had a knack for buildings all sorts of furniture and tools for the farmstead. She had a fun charismatic nature about her and she was always there to lend a helping hoof, when needed. Another thing about her was that whenever there was something she wanted, she would get it. Whether it be, getting supplies under a certain price or haggle over what amount of bits to pay, she always knew how to get a good deal. Despite that, she had a kind heart and always cared for the family first.

On the other side of the table was Hard Cider, the eldest of the three at twenty seven years old. Like Appleseed, who was only twenty years old, he had draft blood in his veins. However, comparing heights, Hard Cider was a several inches to a foot taller, and could possibly continue growing even more. The Apple family was always notorious for having large families and even large ponies, standing several inches to a foot taller than the average pony, where they are at four and four and a half feet. He had a light tan coat with a white chest and muzzle. He had an orange mane and wore a stetson hat as well. His cutie mark was a large tankard on the side that was filled with cider. On the inside of the tankard it had a large red apple with a few appleseeds surrounding it. Hard Cider, despite his large stature, was a tender giant that many ponies appreciated. His main job around the apple farm is to maintain it. He works the chores, fixes anything that's broken, and plants and sows the new apple trees around their orchard. Hard Cider was truly a great older brother to have.

“Mornin’ sunshine. You dream of finding mares yet?” his voiced boomed.

Even if Hard Cider did have a sharp wit like a fox.

“No Cider, haven’t say ah dreamed of her yet.” Appleseed replied, using his brother's nickname, while taking his seat at the head of the table.

Ever since his trip from Manehattan, Cider has been giving him a hard time about the mare he bumped into, always asking who the mysterious red mare was. Whenever he gets a chance he always speaks about it, even in front of his friends in Ponyville. He even got his best friend, Magnum, on the action and has always questioned Appleseed on what she’s like. One of these days, he’s going to pull something on his brother and then he will see who’s laughing then.

“That’s too bad, little brother. Bet she was a mighty fine find.” Hard Cider said as he continued eating his food.

“Ah’m sure he’ll find her eventually. He just needs a little nudge is all.” Ginger poked in, which caused Appleseed to face hoof in response.

“Ginger, not you too.” He buried his head onto the table, wishing he was still back in bed.

“Ah’m only teasing ya.” She smiled as their mama came to the table.

“Now don’t ya youngins stop picking on yer younger sibling. Now get to eatin, I got somethin to share.” Their mama spoke with a gentle smile as she handed a dish to Appleseed.

He looked and smiled at the delicious sight. It was scrambled eggs over toast, with pancakes and cottage cheese. The smell rose up to meet him and he took a nice long whiff. His Mama always had a knack for cooking the best food around. After thanking her he eagerly dived in, savoring every scrumptious food that she made. As he ate their Mama went to the other end of the table and pulled out a large bag of bits.

“This here is the remainin bits we saved up since winter. We saved a plenty since your trips to Manehattan and every other previous trip. Ah like to say that we have got some very good news for ya.”

All of the siblings leaned in as they continued to eat, waiting for her to reveal the big announcement.

“Youngins, we have enough to expand Sweet Apple Acres into the south and east fields!”

Both Hard Cider and Ginger Gold were elated to hear the news, Appleseed only groaned inwardly, knowing he had to work more on the farm. It was his slacker side talking after all.

“Ah got permission from the mayor and we will be buyin and expanding into the area after winter wrap up. In the meantime we got to get er goin on the preparin and the readyin. We’re going to get a lot of help when the time comes in.”

Appleseed was half paying attention to her whole explanation. Expanding the apple farm was good and all, but it was the work that followed. Tilling the fields, sowing the new seeds, watering and feeding the plants, it was hard work. Again, his slacker side was kicking in and he still didn’t feel the need to tell her. Although, he was obligated to help. They are family, and family always stick together. He sighed and could only imagine the new implications and chores that would come up.

“Mama, you said that we're getting a lot of help? Just who are you employing?” Hard Cider spoke in his deep voice, raising a large fetlock hoof on top of the table.

“Hoofs off the table deary.” Their mama said to which Hard Cider obliged. “The new fields are big and will need some tendin, so we're havin a couple of cousins come on and stay with us to raise the new crop.”

“Oh which cousins are comin mama?” Ginger asked with a hopeful smile.” Is cousin Fiddle Faddle and couzin Heart Strings comin to help?”

“You bet yer cutie mark they are. Also are extended cousins, Carrot Top and Rocky Road, are comin as well. More stallions to help with the work load.” their mama said with a wide smile.

Hearing the names made Appleseed perk up. Four stallions to be coming in and helping raise the new crops was quite much for expanding the family farm. Normally the the three of them and their mama would be more than be enough to handle the new field. With their cousins coming along he could only wonder what else she had planned.

“That’s so great. I love their music that they play!" Ginger said while clapping her hoofs together. "Even though those two play different instruments, they always play such wonderful music together.”

“I know, I can always get myself into a jig with their music.” Hard Cider smiled widely, almost tempted to start dancing right then and there. “It’s also good to hear Carrot Top and Rocky Road comin along. The young colts need some work on the farm.”

“Those two are about my age are they?” Appleseed added his voice into the conversation.

“Eeyup. Those two have had been working on their own family farms, but those two need a good experience workin on an apple farm to get anywhere in life.” Hard Cider explained, a hearty chuckle escaping him. Appleseed shuttered. The two of them were able to get things done around the farmstead and both worked hard on keeping the chores up. Having their cousins would help speed things up around the harvest season but Hard Cider would not make it easy for them. Knowing his brother he would work them to the bone when those two get here.

“Eeyup. Those two whippersnappers will be gettin a lot of experience when the season rolls along.” Their mama said as she pulled out a parchment and laid it out onto the table. The three siblings eyed it curiously as their mama beamed with pride.

“What’s that mama?” Ginger asked as she looked over the paper. Appleseed leaned in further and noticed it was a sale in the section of the paper.

“That is the other good news ah be happenin to share.” the three apple siblings looked at her and they all had mixed emotions as their mama explained.

“Ya see, when you were in the last trip to Manehattan their has been some new property and sales goin about. Some old fields and parks have recently abandoned by them city folk and that leaves open for some expandin for others.

In short youngins, with the money we’ve saved up, we can expand our sales and hopefully buy ourselves a plot in the city.”

The room was silent, letting the words settle. Then at once the whole room was in a clamor. Hard Cider was excited and talked about the implications of such a move. Ginger too was elated, to see the family business grow gave her such joy and wonder, she even gave a yeehah to boot. As for Appleseed, he was at first stunned at this new opportunity. His hidden dull mood was lifted and his smile brightened and he too was thrilled. This chance couldn’t have come at a better time. If they can spot a land and own it then it would be needing care and tending. His wish of heading out and starting on his own was all too perfect.

“When are the sales going to start mama?” Appleseed asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. His mama eyed him for a moment before giving a wide smile.

“The sales won’t begin until after the first week of Winter Wrap up. So I’m sendin the both of ya to Manehattan once we get the apple seeds a planted.” She pointed at Appleseed and to Hard Cider. Appleseed was thrilled, although, he did not immediately show it. This was the best chance he had at a better life, a chance to go and to move on from this. Hopefully this will all work out in the end.

“Alright youngins. Once you finish eating and doin chores I need some help preparin the guest rooms. Them boys will be comin in a few days so we best get them feel at home away from home.” Their mama said as she finished eating the rest of her meal and began cleaning the dishes.

With a work day ahead of them Appleseed could only imagine what it would be like to run his own farm. The thought alone kept him going throughout the day.

Author's Note:

Meeting the apple family. Interesting takes I made with the Apple family, epically with Hard Cider and Ginger Gold and working on their backgrounds a little. Wanted to make them unique as possible as the story progresses.

More things will be coming in this story so stay tuned everyone.