• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 11,497 Views, 610 Comments

Papa Gehrman - SolidArc5542

Beasts roam the streets of Yharnam. The hunters dream gives refuge to chosen hunters. An old hunter watches over the dream. Now, it is Equestria that needs to be watched over.

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Chapter XXIII

Gascoigne darted through the streets of the Crystal Empire. His heart was pumping blood through his veins at a speed he thought was impossible. His axe in his right hand and his Blunderbuss in his left, the hunter looked off in the far distance. He looked at the outlines of the Crystal Palace, which was becoming bigger and bigger with every step he took. Unbeknownst to him he had tightened his grip around his axe so much that his knuckles were staring to turn white. He felt warm, even through the snow that was covering his clothes had just begun to melt.

For some reason the hunter felt like something was off, but he just couldn’t put his finger around it. Instead he kept running forward, ignoring everything… well, almost everything. Having been caught up with his constant running, the hunter had not seen the two Crystal ponies who were walking in front of him. Moments later he collided with them, sending them tumbling forward, while he landed face-first into the hardened concrete.

“You have to be kidding me,” Gascoigne mumbled to himself. Slowly pushing himself off the ground, the hunter felt a sharp pain run through his nose. Slowly standing up and bringing a hand to his nose, the hunter looked at his palm and saw that drops of blood were present on it. Though he knew there was blood on his gloves, this blood was not there before. No, this blood was fresh. Clenching his bloodied palm, Gascoigne turned to the two Crystal ponies that were also getting up.

“What was that?” one of them asked. Judging by the tone of the ponies’ voice, it was a mare.

“I have no idea,” the other replied, this one also being a mare.

Smirking to himself, the hunter raised his Blunderbuss and aimed it at the two ponies. One shot would be enough to seriously injure, or even kill them. Slowly brining his finger to the trigger, the hunter waited for the two ponies to face him directly. He wanted to see the fear in their eyes before he killed them.

‘I thought Sombra said not to get side-tracked?’ A familiar voice rang through Gascoigne’s ears, sarcasm dripping off its tone.

Gascoigne gritted his teeth and cursed underneath his breath. Turning around and ignoring the throbbing pain in his nose, the hunter continued his run to the Crystal Palace. “Get out of my head, Oedon,” Gascoigne said.

‘Get out of your head? Heh, I would if I could,’ Oedon replied. ‘But remember that you have the blood of old running through your veins, plus the runes you etched into your mind. As long as one has that, I will never leave. I cannot leave, nor will I allow you to continue this. You must stop, or I am forced to show you the truth. A truth that will tear you apart.’

“You are lucky you only exist in voice, Oedon. If you still had your physical body, I would tear you apart one limb at a time,” Gascoigne retorted.

‘What you will find will only lead to your own demise,’ Oedon warned the hunter.

“You are not as great as the Choir said you were,” Gascoigne chuckled. “You do not even know what runes were etched into my mind.”

‘Mine,’ Oedon replied, chuckling as well. ‘While it is true I lack form, I still exist. You know as well as I do that I am not the only Great One who you humans have beckoned. The School of Mensis, the Choir, the Byrgenwerth scholars, all of them communed with a Great One. They beckoned them, and they answered. But there is one thing they could never achieve, and that is to ascend to the level which I have ascended to. But unfortunately I am not as powerful as I was so long ago. And while I may exist within many humans, should those humans commune with one of my brothers or sisters, then I am forced to leave said human. But should that same Great One be killed, then I can return once more.’

“I see,” Gascoigne replied. “You still are trying to talk me out of all of this, aren’t you? Have you seriously not taken the hint? I will not stop until I am reunited with my family.”

‘Then you leave me no choice, Gascoigne. I must take matters into my own hands.’

And with that, Oedon’s voice disappeared, leaving Gascoigne to himself once more.

Gehrman stood on top of the balcony that allowed him to get a good look of the Empire. Looking down at the festivities below him, the hunter smiled. It all seemed so peaceful. Did the Crystal Ponies know of the threat that loomed over their kingdom, or were they just enjoying what little joy that was provided for them?

Shaking his head, the hunter almost scolded himself for letting these silly thoughts cloud his mind. He needed to concentrate. He needed to be focused. Grabbing hold of his Blunderbuss, the hunter looked at its loaded chamber. This weapon was powerful, the first of its kind to be precise. It had the ability to fire a shot that would stun any foe backwards, something that nowadays could only be achieved by applying Bone Marrow Ash to one’s pistol. But his tools were no ordinary ones. No, his tools were the origins of every hunter weapon ever created.

Nodding to himself, the hunter attached his Blunderbuss to his back and turned around, only to be met with something he had never heard before. It was a voice, a voice he did not recognize.

‘Greetings, good hunter.’

Gehrman instantly turned around and looked around, frantically trying to find the source of the voice. “Who is there?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

‘I am the voice inside your head. I am the monster that lurks underneath your bed. I am the one who exists only in thought, yet my image still continues to be seen. My runes etched into the minds of humans,’ the voice replied.

Lowering his head, Gehrman let out a long sigh as he felt his heart skip a few beats. His throat began to hurt as he felt fear take over. Tears were threatening to form into the old man’s eyes as he looked up at the sky. “I see,” Gehrman said, though it sounded like a whisper. “So the hunter failed, and you are here to return me to my eternal torment? Heh, well so be it then, I knew there was no escaping you.”

‘It seems you may have forgotten who I am. I cannot believe that the other hunter knows who I am, but the one who awakened me and many others from our slumber does not,’ the voice said, making Gehrman look up at the sky in confusion.

“What are you talking about?” Gehrman asked.

‘My name, good hunter. My name is: Oedon.’ Oedon replied.

“Oedon?” Gehrman repeated, only for his eyes to widen in shock as the name finally rang some bells. “As in Formless Oedon? The Great One who has been mentioned in the tales of old?” he asked, shock written over his face.

‘Indeed,’ Oedon replied. ‘I see that you have not forgotten about the existence of others of my kin. But how could you, when you have been captivated by one of my kin for so many years? Do not think I do not know about the actions of my fellow brothers and sisters. I know what she did to you, Gehrman, the First Hunter.’

“Why are you here? How can you be here?” Gehrman asked, his expression turning into one of anger. “Please, I beg of you, do whatever you want with me. But please leave this world for what it is. Do not let them uncover the dark secrets that I once did. Please spare them from such a fate. I would rather return to the Hunter’s Dream, than to be responsible for the downfall of an entire kingdom.”

‘Fool. I am not here because I chose to. I am here because you and the other hunter are here,’ Oedon replied.

“So there is another,” Gehrman said, shaking his head. “And where might this hunter be right now?” he asked.

‘Why do you think I am talking to you? The hunter is coming for the ones who rule over this kingdom. He has come to kill them, just as a hunter always does. Because in the end, isn’t that the only thing you humans are good at?’

“You are wrong,” Gehrman retorted. “But to discuss the nature of mankind is not why you arrived here, is it?”

‘The hunter is coming. You better head downstairs to meet him. Perhaps you can talk some sense into him. Oh, and please mention my name, I would appreciate it.’

Gehrman wanted to reply, he truly wanted to, but something kept him from doing it. Instead the hunter followed Oedon’s warning and quickly ran inside the palace. “Prince Shining, Princess Cadance, I must take my leave!” he said, standing in front of the royal couple.

“Why? Has Sombra arrived?” Shining asked, his voice full of concern.

“No,” Gehrman replied grimly, “I believe it is much worse.”

Leaving the couple behind, Gehrman raced to the throne room’s exit. Opening the doors and running through the opening, the hunter un-sheathed his blade and grabbed hold of his Blunderbuss. He quickly reached the stairs that lead to the palace’s exit. Running downstairs, the hunter almost tripped over his own feet. Gritting his teeth in frustration, Gehrman finally reached the lower levels of the palace. Opening the door that he was standing in front of, Gehrman rushed outside.

“Quickly!” he shouted to every pony present near the palace. “Get away from here, now! You must all leave before it is too late!” he shouted at them, making them look at him in confusion as if he was crazy. Gehrman was about to shout at them again, until a familiar pony walked up to him.

“Gehrman, what in tarnation has gotten’ into ya?” Applejack asked, raising an confused eyebrow at the old hunter. “Why are ya screamin’ and shoutin’ at everypony?”

“Applejack you must tell all of these ponies to leave right now!” Gehrman replied, looking down at her. “Please leave, now.”

“But why?” Applejack replied.

Before Gehrman could reply, he was interrupted by a voice only he and another person could hear.

‘He has arrived.’

Gehrman slowly looked up, turning his gaze away from Applejack as he gritted his teeth. Closing his eyes, he let out a sigh before opening him again. There he stood. The man who had almost killed Cadance. The man who he had been speculating about. There, in front of him, stood a hunter. A Black Church Hunter to be precise. He had the usual bandages that covered his eyes, along with a Hunter’s Axe and Blunderbuss, which he held in his right and left hand respectively. For some reason this hunter seemed familiar to him.

Letting out a sigh, Gehrman slowly walked passed Applejack. His peg leg made clopping noise on the hardened concrete of the Crystal Empire’s ground with every step he took. Looking at the hunter, Gehrman spoke up, “May I ask what a hunter of the Church is doing in a place like this?” he asked, getting the hunter to slowly walk towards him.

The ponies who were watching the scene unfold slowly backed away, like they were almost feeling the tension. They exchanged quick glances between the two hunters, though no one knew who they really were.

“I see I am not the only one who has arrived in this land,” the hunter called back at Gehrman. “Hunter or not, you shall not stand in my way. I must do this, so please stand down, hunter.”

“I am Gehrman!” Gehrman said to the hunter. “What is your name, friend?”

“My name… is Gascoigne.” Gascoigne replied, shaking his head. “If you have any common sense then you will aid me in my quest. The rulers of this kingdom are not who you think they are. They have taken over this kingdom from its rightful ruler. Join me so that together we may be victorious!”

Shaking his head, Gehrman spoke up. “Really? And did that whole lie include you beating Princess Cadance until she could barely move?” he asked, tightening his grip around his Burial Blade.

“You have no right to call me out for my actions!” Gascoigne retorted. “I did what I had to do to ensure my safe return to my family. King Sombra promised he would send me back! So I will do as he says until I have retrieved the Crystal Heart for him! So I am giving you this one final warning. Stand. Down!”

“Oedon told me to talk some sense into you,” Gehrman replied, sheathing his blade. “And I will.”

“Fine then,” Gascoigne said as he raised his axe. “Then let today be the day you draw your last breath!”

And with that, Gascoigne charged at Gehrman, ready to strike him down with all of his power.

Author's Note:

And so the hunt begins again. But this time between two hunters. Who will win? Who will lose? Find out in the next chapter.