• Member Since 28th Nov, 2014
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[Chortling Nefariously]

Comments ( 107 )

And I find this just as I watched Yang vs Tifa on Death battle

Interesting start so far, definitely out of the usual with how the protagonist initially escaped the Merchant's bait.

Yes, so far I'm really liking the story. It hasn't felt cliche or anything like that, It's actually a really nice and definitely unique spin on a displaced world.


It was a good fight but like a lot Death Battles I don't agree with their reasoning and conclusions. It always seems like they pick a winner first and then research way to vindicate it instead of the other way around- and that's not just my fan-boy side talking, I've had favorites win and think they shouldn't have based on the other fighter. But hey, internet fights right? So whatever, it was still fun to watch until the end lol :twilightsmile:

6583909 I know the feeling about the death battles, but more often than not I find myself agreeing with what they're talking about. When I saw the Yang Vs Tifa fight I was honestly rooting for Yang the whole time even though I kept having the sinking feeling that Tifa was going to win.

With the Supes vs. goku thing though... as much as I hate the result, I do have to admit their logic is pretty sound with all of the information that they had to gather.

The Goku-Supes yeah, I love Goku and honestly don't much care for Superman (he's boring) but yeah; Goku has limits, Supes doesn't so that makes sense- THOUGH, they were incorrect in saying divine ki still isn't mystical- Goku would still probably lose but I'm just pointing out they sometimes/often get their facts wrong.

For the Tifa-Yang fight, I'm not saying Tifa should or shouldn't have won; I would have LIKED her to win but no- I just think they're reasoning is often flawed. For one; Tifa is no glass cannon, she can take a hit- (Hell I know it's not official but just look at the beating she takes in dead fantasy and keeps fighting lol) They just seem pretty biased or unfair sometimes- like the Link vs Cloud fight; They gave Link pretty much EVERYTHING good from ALL of his games while leaving Cloud at pretty much his base abilities, which just seems off. Or the Samus/Boba Fett fight, Samus did and yes Should have won- But Why and HOW she won came off wrong. Like I said it's still fun to watch, but their conclusions and assumptions can just be irritating to me sometimes.

6584193 I think for the glass cannon thing they took her stats based on the FFVII material, as far as I saw and played she really does have low HP with high attack, sure... RPG players can find ways to balance out the flaw and bring her up by adding cure materia to her or something, but she's still far more designed for not getting hit and dealing lots of damage instead of being a physical wall like Yang is.

I'd say reserve music until you can find a way to include a bard into the party. Bards are cool.

'you think you can do me a solid?

-Ha, also totally include the music don't feel the need to go digging for stuff but I don't think it breaks anything people who aren't interested ignore it people who are check it out it's all good.

Totally digging this fic, the way it's merged the two worlds is really good and so far your characters have been a joy to read,. Seriously, Thanks for Writing!

Well Thank You! :pinkiehappy:
Very kind of you to say! It's always great to hear someone's enjoying the effort I put in. And yes, I am a very character driven author; I put the most effort into trying to ensure their individuality and making them enjoyable to read, even some depth when I can pull it off lol. So It's very nice to hear it hasn't all been for naught :raritywink:

And thanks for the input on the music matter as well :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Thisguyhere deleted Jan 29th, 2016

6860974 i would like to read bu not until it gets more chapters(eitherway) to get the gist of it

Ay first I was going to pass this story off, then I read the description and became interested. Now that I have read the first chapter, I can honestly say that I am here for the long haul.

TLDR version : Looking forwards to the future of this fic.

Well thank you for giving it a chance! :pinkiehappy:
Very glad you're enjoying it. I'm about a third the way through chapter three, so hopefully it'll be done soon. :raritywink:

I love the dynamic between Zest and Tifa so far.

I love the story you have written so far, I find myself looking forward to future chapters.

Really great story so far even if I never touched a FF game in all my life. Though I have to ask, what exactly is a Turk? Some kind of special agent of sorts?

Basically yeah, “Officially” they’re part of the process of recruiting for SOLDIER (The elite of elite, super soldiers infused with mako and yes it’s always capitalized) but in reality they handle stuff like reconnaissance, espionage, black ops, and even things like kidnappings and assassinations (Though considering this is world is at least part MLP those last two probably happen less often). They’re often among the most capable of Shinra’s forces, not as powerful in battle as SOLDIER but arguably more versatile.

If you want to know more here’s the wiki page on them: -Turks-

Why do I think Tifa is going to get drag netted into being with AVALANCHE? Possibly initially against her will, maybe via Zest? Also, I am going to give this story my first vapid request. MOAR!!!!

I'm waiting for a Cloud Strife to show up. That is pure pony-name right there.

Also, would you really trust the word of, and commit yourself and possibly your life to, an admittedly for-profit business whose first action upon facing you was to politely try to steal your belongings and then draft you when that fails followed by claiming to be trying to save the world against a threat they say they aren't being told about so they can't tell you?

I can't see the person who was so adamant about not taking merchandise from a shady vendor for free going along with this arrangement for very long.

Sorry about the long wait readers; life has just been... difficult lately... the story is still being worked on, it's just slow going. Thanks for your patience. :ajsleepy:

Thought of this and had to come back and reread it :twilightsmile:

Oh then you're in for a treat my good reader because it's coming back! :pinkiehappy:

I'm actually a good bit through the next chapter's rough draft, it probably would have been done already but I got a little distracted working on another crossover for my other story :twilightblush:

BUT! I'm aiming for a release next weekend or the next after that at latest (hopefully) so stay tuned! But until then I'm glad you've enjoyed it! :raritywink:

“A cleaver use of what she has available” Sugarcoat admitted “Though she wouldn’t have to if she didn’t overspecialize in hand to hand combat


With grunt the buxom fighter shoved back and threw the elite off, a quick orb launched form the Griffon SOLDIER as she flew.


“We’ve been trying to figure that out since her named came up during the materia search”


“Anyway darling, you’ve been cleared to leave whenever you want. I doubt we could arrange a ride, I’m sure you can understand but did [you] need an escort back down stairs?”

Ah, Thank you! I try my best to do what I can (multiple passes and the like) but I still can only do so much without an editor :twilightblush:
But yes, thanks again- stuff like this helps keep my stories as good as I can make them :twilightsmile:

7734692 No trouble happy to help. I saw the update and freaked, happy to see you back loved this, also I think you did 'specially well with the training room fights.

Tifa: “Bring it on you one armed bitch! You won’t have your masters stacking the deck This Time!:rainbowlaugh:

I'll avoid my typical rants about Death Battle, BUT I will say that last image is bull. Yang out drinking Tifa? She’s an underage, 17 year old teenage girl going against a 23 year old who’s literally a BARTENDER. Yeah no, Yang would lose a drinking contest hands down lol. :raritywink:

“Just look at materia for example; half the reason they allow people and ponies to use magic is by imparting the knowledge to do so; some martia are forbidden just because most minds simply cannot withstand the knowledge within.”

Comment posted by ironwar deleted Nov 20th, 2016

I've decided to delete and edit a few comments as you may see- not because of anything against the debate or the other commenter but to avoid an argument that's already been had (in these comments no less), avoid an unlikely but possible flame war, and (mostly) to also reduce -non-story related- comment spam, which I've been know to indulge in myself... usually with rather long responses :twilightblush:
So sorry if you wanted to keep that going Ironwar, but this just didn't seem like the place. :applejackunsure:

And thank you again! :twilightsmile:

Few mistakes littered throughout but WHO CARES! I have been waiting for an update and I really want to see it continue (and maybe get a crossover someday). I just hope it doesn't get left behind like the Kuno displaced fic.

Interesting so Applejack is a member of AVALANCHE then? Guessing it's an Apple Underground sort of thing too. Here's hoping Celestia is better than the true president of Shinra and doesn't realize her attempts to mess with whatever it was both Shinras were after in the game and here could doom the planet instead of save it.

:twilightsmile: Well this chapter was worth the wait! Loved the twists and seeing Tifa's development. :trixieshiftleft: Although I must say, the more wonderful Shinra sounds, the more suspicious I grow towards it!
:trollestia: Also, Tall Celestia is always fun to write.
.:fluttershysad:...Also, I must apologize! While I have read this story, for some reason that eludes me...I never put it in my favorites!! :fluttershbad:SORRY!! I fixed it!
So hope we can remain friends and such!:pinkiesad2:

Well... okay... I think I can forgive you THIS time... :trixieshiftleft:

Seriously though I'm very glad you're enjoying it, hopefully I can make the chapters more frequent again for my stories. And if that was you that gave me that 49th like then good on ya! I just can't help but enjoy when this story's likes hit a multiple of seven- yeah, I'm a dork but it's still a little extra celebration on top of another like which is always great :twilightsmile:


I just hope it doesn't get left behind

I'm gonna try to avoid that, life still sucks but writing isn't quite as hard as it has been anymore so I'll do my best- I'd hate if it was never finished too. Very glad you're still enjoying it though! :rainbowkiss:

Oh I think you'll like it once it's finally revealed, it's a bit more complex than the game's- I'd say more but well, I'd wouldn't want to spoil it now would I? :raritywink:

I honestly hope this this doesn't rehash ff7 to much. Plus I still wonder just where Zombie Aerith is.

Well, while there will be undoubtedly some similar beats I think you'll be pleasantly surprised; I'm trying to make it a story that's still its own. There are some pretty fundamental differences between this Gaia and the game's to still be revealed too :raritywink:

And don't worry, we'll find out what happened to Liv eventually... it just might be a little while :twilightsmile:

YESSSS FF6 TRAIN SUPLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So is Tif going to end up becoming something like Sephiroth or what?

PLEASE tell that scientist is going to get her teeth knocked in.

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