• Published 31st Oct 2015
  • 356 Views, 6 Comments

BePinkied - RainythePegasus_Archive

A heartbroken Pinkie Pie wants to try witchcraft.

  • ...

To take back my heart (includes happy ending)

Pinkie Pie skipped to Twilight’s castle. She wanted a book. No, she needed a book. This book would bring him back. It had to. She knocked on the door three times.

“Twilight, Twilight, Twilight!”

Twilight woke up, looked at her clock, and sighed. She reluctantly got out of bed , walked to the door, and opened it slowly.

“Pinkie, it’s 4 in the morning. What do you want?” Twilight says, glaring at Pinkie.

“Hey Twili! I need to borrow a book from you.” Pinkie says, her eyes twitching slightly.

“Uh, Alright Pinkie. What are you looking for?”

“A book on witchcraft and spells”

“Pinkie. What do you need that for? I really hope you aren't planning on-”

“I’m not planning on anything, Twilight. Geez, who do you think I am? I’m offended.” Pinkie says, looking at Twilight innocently.

“Even if you did, it wouldn't work. Witchcraft is just a myth.”

“Okaaay fineee. Just give me the book already!”

Twilight sighs and hands Pinkie a book. Witchcraft History, Spells, and More. She closes her eyes and puts her hoof to her forehead. “Can I go back to sleep now?”

Silence. Twilight opened her eyes and Pinkie was gone. Twilight shivered. She still hasn't gotten used to that.

Pinkie ran home with the book clutched tightly in her mouth. She burst through the door and rushed up the stairs, ignoring Mrs. and Mr. Cake. She bounced on her bed and opened her book, eyes filled with intensity.

“Let's see. Healing spells... beauty spells.. popularity spells… oh, there it is! love spells!” She grinned so widely her cheeks hurt. Her eyes scanned the page quickly, looking for the right one. Get them back in two days, put them in a daze. Her heart stopped. Just what she needed. Tears brimmed her eyes as she imagined him running towards her, holding her, telling her he was sorry for hurting her. Her heart ached for him. She sighed and hugged a pillow to her chest, burying her face into it. Well, she better get started.

4 Rose Petals
1 tbsp of sugar
½ tbsp of honey
a few Pegasus tears
1 scream of a unicorn
1 drop of blood from an earth pony
Note: Ingredients cannot come from the pony casting the spell

She wrote it down, rolled the paper up, and stuck it in her hair. Pinkie skipped out the door humming. Sugar cube Corner had plenty of sugar and honey, and Mrs Cake lets her use any kitchen ingredients and supplies she wanted. She just need rose petals and.. she frowned at the thought. Tears, a scream and blood? from her friends? It was awful. Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt something crash into her and knocked her to the ground.

“Oh dear, I am so sorry. I didn't see you there. ”

Pinkie looked up at the pony's green eyes looking down at her, then the flower petals surrounding her.

“Oh, Roseluck! Just the pony I needed to see! I need some rose petals for a.. a.. baking experiment! I’m making rose cupcakes, yeah, that’s it!”

“Ok. Here, I’ll give you a full rose for crashing into you. Anything else I can do for you? ”

Pinkie looked at Roseluck up and down looking for scrapes or cuts. “Nope, I’m good, thanks. Gotta go!” She tucked the rose into her hair, hugged Roseluck quickly, and raced off.

Next thing on the list was Pegasus tears. That was easy. Fluttershy was very sensitive. She winced at the thought of making Fluttershy cry. But, she had to. She needed him to love her again. She crawled on the ground and hid by some bushes near Fluttershy's cottage. She was having a picnic with her animals friends. Pinkie Pie inched closer, sticking her tongue out a she crawled against the thorny bush.

“Would you like some more tea, Alice?”

A puppy with a cast on her leg nodded, limped closer towards Fluttershy, and nuzzled her head against her side. Fluttershy giggles and Pinkie's heart melts a little. She picks the puppy up in her forehooves and gently snuggles it close to her chest. Pinkie’s heart skipped a beat. Flutter-snuggles were the best. She remembered it was sometime around Hearth’s Warming eve.

The weather pegasi created a blizzard, and Pinkie Pie couldn’t wait to play in it. She laced up her skates and headed to the lake. Ponies always told her it was dangerous, but nothing ever bad happened. Besides, Twilight was such a worry pony. Everything was going fine, she was having such a great time. But, one of her skates became untied, and she crashed on top of the ice. The ice cracked bellow her and she wasn’t fast enough to run away. She screamed as loud as she could, scrambling to get a grip on the ice. But she couldn’t. She sippled into the dark, bleak, ice water. She tired to fight it water, to swim to the top, but the cold got into her lungs and bones and froze her into place. Her eyes were slowly closing. Well, at least I made my friends feel special and happy. She thought with a smile. As she sank lower and lower, she felt soft, gentle, forehooves wrap around her, pulling her out of the water with allot of effort. She could feel the strain in her arms and hear it in the pony’s grunts. After a while, she could feel the snow beneath her and the cold air fill her lungs. Pinkie gasped for air and coughed up all the water she could. She whimpered as her throat burned.

“Pinkie, it’s ok. I’m here.” said a familiar voice.

She whimpered again and slowly opened her eyes to see beautiful, turquoise ones staring back at her. She tried to speak, but her throat burned to much. She instead hugged Fluttershy’s foreleg and nuzzled her face against it.

“Aww, how cute. Come on Pinkie, I’ll help you inside. I don’t want you to catch a cold.”

Pinkie Pie nodded, then sneezed.

“Oh dear. it looks like it’s a little too late for that. Come to my cottage, I’ll take care of you.”

Once at the cottage, Fluttershy led Pinkie to a guest bedroom, and motioned her to lie down. She tucked Pinkie in and nuzzled her.

“You stay here and rest. I’ll make you some mint tea and vegetable soup.”

“Thank you” Pinkie Pie croaked.

“Shh. No talking until you get better.”

After she ate the soup, Pinkie Pie tired to sleep, but, had nightmares. She flailed around and whimpered hoarsely. Fluttershy layed beside her, and snuggled her closely to her chest.

“It’s ok Pinkie Pie, I’m here. I’m always here for you. I’ll never leave or hurt you. I promise.”

I promise

Pinkie gasped as she came back to consciousness. Fluttershy’s kindness echoed in Pinkie's mind. How could she make her cry after that?

“I’m a horrible pony. Poor, sweet, innocent little Fluttershy. I’m a monster for even thinking of making her cry!”

Pinkie began to sob. Not quite, tiny sobs, but loud, wailing,sobs. Of course, this got Fluttershy’s attention. She ran over as fast as she could to the bush where she heard the wailing.

“Pinkie? Pinkie, where are you? What’s wrong?”

“I’m here Fluttershy. I’m so so soooorrrrry!”

“Shhh shh. it’s ok. Just tell me what happened.”

Pinkie explained everything. How she got the book for Twilight, the spells ingredients, and the memory of Fluttershy taking care of her.

Fluttershy ran her hooves trough Pinkie Pie’s mane. “Hey, it’s ok. I know you really want him to come back, but Pinkie, he’s gone. Trottingham is pretty far from here. There isn't anything you can do. He was always so rude to you anyways, he never treated you right. You are a wonderful pony Pinkie Pie. And you shouldn't let any pony make you feel any less, okay?” She wipes a tear from her eye, planting a kiss on her forehead. Pinkie Pie smiles.

“Aw Fluttershy. I wouldn't trade you for anything. Not a stallion or new party cannon or not even a triple chocolate cupcake!”

Pinkie Pie hugs Fluttershy tightly in her forehooves, and they stay like that for a while, letting the time pass, not caring about anything. Nothing mattered but their moment together.