• Published 1st Nov 2015
  • 1,209 Views, 27 Comments

The Pale Condition - Lazy_

A terminally ill Fluttershy travels to the cursed city of Yharnam to rid herself of the disease cutting her life short. But first she must sign a contract, a deal pitting her into a long night to find her salvation.

  • ...

The Dream

Author's Note:

Surprise chapter!


Fluttershy jolted awake and jumped into the air in a blind panic, flailing like a fish out of water. She bolted to a nearby piece of cover, skidding along the ground and whirling round the corner to hide from the monster she had fallen prey to. her breath caught in her throat and all of a sudden she became deathly silent, as for all she knew her life depended on it.

"Seems like I startled you." A gruff voice stated before descending into a small burst of chuckles. "Hahaha, there's no need to be worried miss. There's not much I can do to harm anypony anymore. Not in this state, not here..." He breathed a slow sigh. Then his head raised to gaze at the barrier between him and Fluttershy. "Or maybe it wasn't me who put you into such a position."

Fluttershy looked around her in a confused silence, her mouth agape at the scene before her. She had just been in the clinic, had she not? There was the old griffon, the beast... and the blood. Had she died? Was this the next life?

"You're sure to be in a fine haze right now, but there's no need to be worried about danger here." The voice re-assured her. Fluttershy looked behind her, to see a vast plain of mist behind a black metal fence extending infinitely into the distance with great spires of... something, that rose up to extraordinary heights. They too were dotted here and there for as far as the ye could see, the further away ones appearing dark and shadowy. She looked down at the floor, a white flower fluttered in the breeze, it's pristine petals created a gorgeous and somehow soothing sight.

Taking a deep breath, she peered around the solid grey blockade to see a withered old stallion sitting comfortably in a wheelchair, giving a her a warming smile. Behind him was a building at the top of a short set of stairs, gothic in stature and sized like a small workshop. She sighed, releasing the breath she was holding as she saw the wolf beast was nowhere to be seen. Fluttershy pulled away from her cover, looking back with a frown as she noticed it was actually a gravestone. She turned her gaze to the old pony.

"There's no bodies buried here, the graves are... merely symbolic." He said, looking to a place behind the mare. Fluttershy turned her head to see a row of graves lining a tree, noticing the lack of any notes or even a 'RIP'. There were only names.

She turned back to the old stallion and walked slowly past him, as he turned the wheelchair to follow her. She walked out of the tiny orchard and stopped as she came to a crossroad: One way went left and up a small incline to presumably a garden over a crest, the path was lined with headstones which looked to have arcane words scrabbled into their surfaces. The stairs led up to the building and they too had a set of headstones lining one side. And inbetween was a small path to a bird-bath with one of the small pale creatures in it. It looked over to her, like it was awaiting her arrival. And finally, on a small ledge beside the stairs, a plain doll sat motionless and still. It's eyes staring endlessly forward.

"Hnarl..." An odd sound vibrated at her hooves and she looked down to notice another of the creatures looking back up at her, holding what appeared to be a weapon of some sorts. A deep sawblade hinged onto a long handle with wrappings serving as a grip. It held it out like she was supposed to take it.

"Nrurh..." Another of the little creature arose from the ground offering a... was that a pistol?

Fluttershy wanted to question but she could barely think, her mind was clouded with thoughts of the beast. How it strangled her and hurt her. The smell and feel of the blood pooling on the floor below her hooves. It filled her mind and the fear had not quite worn away, her hooves trembled and she still felt a little weak. How could an animal be so cruel, so heartless as to slaughter ponies like that?

"You look unwell, miss. Do you need time to think?" The stallion asked, leaning forwards and waiting for an answer. Fluttershy just nodded and the stallion sat back in his wheelchair again. "Hmm... very well miss. There is a garden out the back, just head up the-" He stopped as he realised Fluttershy had already begun to make her way up the curved path. His jaws slowly clamped shut and he peered down at the little white skinned creatures still beckoning the mare to them.

"Hmph. How... Un-kind."

Fluttershy sat in the small garden behind the large dark building, looking out over a sea of mist which stretched out into an infinity. Luna's moon hung low and pale on the horizon, shining down upon the collection of chopped tree stumps, weeds and white flowers. A gentle breeze passed through her mane. Something about the place seemed... peaceful. Almost unnaturally so.

It gave her ample time to think about her situation. Her friends were not with her, how could they be? They had lives to get on with. Fluttershy was in this by herself, a fact she never thought would matter when she set off to Yharnam. Of course the road was perilous and at times it felt like she was being watched, however it seemed safe enough.

The stories of curses and ancient celestial beings were merely the fictitious rumours of a superstitious populous, weren't they?

Weren't they?

What she had seen led her to believe otherwise. She had never seen... in fact she had never even heard of an animal so ferocious outside of said stories. It was like the creature had no desire other than death, a predator with nothing on it's mind other than slaughter and murder. That was not an animal... that was a beast. Just like the stories say.

But what if that was just a one off? Maybe it was just a coincidence...

However as she gazed up at the moon something told her it wasn't so simple, or true for that matter.

"Miss?" The voice came from behind her. She turned her head to face the old earth pony.


"I couldn't help but notice your attire... you're not from Yharnam, are you? That is a style I have not seen for a long time." He said, almost lamenting.

"I'm not from Yharnam, no. I hail from Equestria." The stallion's eyes lit up and his lips curved into a smile.

"Aah... Equestria. Ponyville, I suspect." He said lifting an eyebrow.

"Yes..." Fluttershy pivoted her body around to fully face him. "How did you guess?"

"Hmm... the gentle colours and the subtle style hidden behind practicality. You ponyvillians were very practical from what I remember. Though you maintained a certain sense of style about you. I happen to be from Equestria myself..." He trailed off before leading to a stop, his content smile fading away as if he remembered something he would much rather not. He let his head fall to face the floor and he let out a sigh. "Enough about me. I'm too old to chat about myself. What about you, why did you come to Yharnam?"

"I came here for the healing. I... I had cancer..." She grew quiet, seeming to deflate a little. The old stallion leaned back into his wheelchair, preparing for a story he had heard many times. "But after it was cured the minister disappeared. The door was locked so I went to look for him. Downstairs was... there was..." She sighed and took a deep breath. "A beast. Not an animal... a beast."

"Aye... I see." The stallion replied. He pushed his weight onto his walking stick. "I guess that's how you ended up here? You signed the contract afterall."

"Wha-" Fluttershy looked up. How did he know this much? "H-how do you know?" The old stallion laughed to himself and leaned back again.

"How? Well... how else could you have gotten here. The Dream only houses those who sign the contract..." He paused, a moment of clarification washing over his features as he watched the mare's shocked face. "Wait... you mean you didn't know?"

Fluttershy remained silent.

"Did you even read the contract?" He asked quizzically.

"I thought it was simply legal terms of treatment for the ministration. Was there something I missed?" Fluttershy asked shyly.

The old stallion slowly grew a smile and his maw opened up into a moment of laughter before he calmed down and the smile faded away once more.

"No... It's not funny. It's just, 'was there something you missed'? My dear mare... you have no idea what you have signed up for." He tapped a peg hind leg on the hoof rest of his chair. "You may have some warming up to do..." He nodded to himself.

"What was the condition?" Fluttershy asked, almost scared of what she had missed. The old stallion made a long sigh before speaking.

"You have heard the tales, yes? Of beasts and gods in Yharnam?"

"Y-yes..." Fluttershy stammered. "What of them?"

"Let's just say they're not just tales, miss. The beasts are very real, and as good ponies do, we try our best to eradicate them." The stallion's words shocked Fluttershy. So the stories were true...

"The condition was that you join the Hunt. As a beast hunter."


"Look, I know that in your situation this may feel-"

"A BEAST HUNTER!?" Fluttershy blurted out. She had to hunt those terrifying, flesh eating, soulless creatures to fill her end of the bargain? Thoughts raced through her head of horrifying monsters, blood and danger. She couldn't hunt, she couldn't kill, she... she...

"-Ok, Fluttershy... calm down...-" She thought to herself. She took a deep breath.

"W-what is the binding factor? What's stopping me from refusing to hunt?" That word almost made her sick.

"Well miss, there are other powers involved in the hunt." He looked up toward the moon. It's pale visage was mesmorising to behold. "Let's just say there is a purpose each hunter of the Dream must serve, and one can only leave Yharnam and it's blood crazed madness behind if that goal is realised. I'm sorry. But you cannot leave for Ponyville yet. You must hunt until your purpose is served."

Fluttershy looked down at the ground in a chaotic mix of emotions. The old stallion began speaking once more.

"I am... Gehrman." he said like he struggled to remember his own name. "I am a lantern for Hunters. I guide them through their vicious time in Yharnam. Should you need help you can talk to me. You can find me out here in the garden, or in the workshop. Hunters used to come here to enhance both their weapons, and their flesh. The best thing for you to do is to just go out there and kill a few beasts. You know, it's just what hunters do."

For a second Fluttershy continued to stare at the ground, before she slowly picked up her head to take a second and gaze at the moon. She thought of how close she had come to ending it herself, ending her pain before it could hurt anypony else. She remembered her friends voices as they discussed Yharnam, the only alternative left.

"Sometimes, Flutters. Extreme situations require extreme solutions, right Twilight?"

"Of course!"

"Ooh! Like when I accidentally set my oven one notch too high for cupcakes and..."

"What they're trying to say is that you can live on happily if you simply travel to Yharnam and get the treatment. Simple as that, darling!"

"This 'Yharnam' place might be 'yer only option lef' to survive Fluttershy. You can survive if ya' make the trip."

"Sometimes extreme situations do require extreme solutions..." Fluttershy mumbled to herself. She clenched her teeth together and took a second to fill her lungs with fresh air.

"Where do I start?" She asked the old stallion, who smiled and notioned behind him.

"The messengers seemed very eager to offer you the tools you need. Take them and walk into Yharnam Headstone, the grey one with gothic styling. It'll take you to where you need to go." Fluttershy set off and walked past Gherman where he placed a hoof on her shoulder, making her stop and look to him. "If you ever need to use the workshop... well. We don't have as many tools as we once did, but you're welcome to use whatever you find." Fluttershy continued on her way to the messengers. "Even the doll, should it please you." He finished as he went back to staring at the moon.

"They're heartless beasts anyway." She told herself. "I don't care what I have to do...

"I will see my friends again."