• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”


“I've met lots of magic ponies. Even singing ones. I've met everybody.” - Death, DC Action Comics #894

Death comes to all things. Stars, gods, people, and even ponies. She rarely visits Equestria, but it's one of her favorite places. Something about the harmony there. And ponies almost always die when they're very old, which is a nice bonus. But she knows that makes it harder on the ponies left behind, most of them aren't used to death. So sometimes, while she's there, she takes the time to enjoy her visit, and to try to help everypony there to deal with something that seems so strange to them, but so normal to her.

Three part crossover with Neil Gaiman's Sandman universe. But the only thing you really need to know is that Death is the personification of death across all universes, and usually appears to humans as a rather cheerful teenaged goth girl.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 37 )

When I first saw the title image, I figured that Death in this story was going to be portrayed as The Lady in White, but ponified. I'll give it a look later :ajsmug:

I know that you said GP is a ponified version of death, but I can't shake the feeling like I've seen or read her before and I have no idea where.:trixieshiftleft:

Now with that out of the way, I'm really interested to see where this story is gonna go.:raritywink:

Im having a hard time trying to think of possible ways this story could go.

What kind of plot is going to unfold here.


It's mostly just slice of life, with each of the ponies dealing with death and Death in their own way, and coming to terms with it/her. :twilightblush:


Eh, not my type of thing, sadly


I actually found this story really interesting, and a little different from the run of the mill 'I'm death, everything sucks, waaaaa:fluttershyouch:'...

And so on so forth... :unsuresweetie:

Like the idea, hope to see more.


I'm going to have to read this, if for nothing else than because I love Neil Gaiman... and Young...

687555 She always will always be one of my three favorite incarnations of death.

I like what you've got so far and I hope to see where this story goes.

I have to credit Death's character to Neil Gaiman, but I hope I write it well enough to do her justice. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

I can't claim to be as good as Gaiman, but then who can? I think I've got Death in character though, so I hope you'll like it!

Hmm. . . I've only got two, her and Terry Pratchett's. She seemed to fit better with MLP. What are yours, if you don't mind me asking?

And thank you, I hope I can make this good.

Definitely marking as Read Later, but I've gotta say... I find it hilarious that Lex Luthor actually had to hear about magical singing ponies from the lips of Death. I don't read many comic books any more, though I did read part of Sandman ages ago (IIRC, right up about to where Death is introduced as a character). I actually had to look up the issue quoted in the description, and I was pleasantly surprised to find scans on the comic with Death talking about ponies. :pinkiehappy:

Great chapter, I hope to read more in the future.

Ok, I have read sandman from cover to cover, and all I have to say is where are the "Fat Pigeons". You did her well, Happy yet you can tell she has quite a bit of weight on her. Not a job I would ever want.


1.death (Neil Gaiman's sandman) :yay:
2.DEATH (Terry Pratchett's discworld) :pinkiehappy:
3.Zane (Piers Anthony's incarnations of immortality) :raritywink:

with a technically ineligible 4.Mort (he never really fully took over the job so :applejackunsure: )

Death visits Ponyville.
Everypony is mourning the death of a loved one.
Death makes them feel slightly better about themselves.
Death, you sly dog...

You have my attention. Neil Gaiman's Death FOR THE WIN!!
There's just something about that character that makes you smile, despite her job.

But really, Greener Pastures? :unsuresweetie: That's so obvious, I could scream.

I love the look on Lex's face, when he trying to figure out how, exactly, to acquire a magic singing pony. I don't read a lot of comics either, I read The Sandman and the Death spin-offs in graphic novel, and I came across that Action Comics storyline on some fandom sites when it came out. When I got into ponies, I couldn't resist.

Thanks! I'll post more soon.

Thanks! Yeah, not a fun job, yet she's probably the most well adjusted of the Endless.

Oh! Don't know if Mort would count, but if I can argue that Susan does then I DO have three favorite Deaths. Susan is my hero.

Death might have her reasons for being there. . . actually, I'm not so sure about that myself. I should probably know something like that, shouldn't I?

Well, you know. . . pony names aren't known for their subtlety. :twilightblush:

Now I finally got around to reading this I get why you decided not to include a bit of 'romance'
There's simply no need for it:twilightsmile:

Great start of an undoubtedly great story.:rainbowkiss:

PM me if you want to talk, I offer my full coõperation to keep your mind at ease so you can keep writing masterpieces.

Now where did you want me to put the truck of sacrificial lambs for the 'Fanfic & Inspiration Gods'?:eeyup:

I did say he was ineligible didn't I.
Ah Susan yes... she did take over for her grandfather for a while didn't she there.

Hmm.... might need to rethink that list.

So now that I've read it, I want to see more!

It's not my favorite ever, but I think this story will really grow on me if it'll just get it's feet off the ground. :twilightsmile:

I wonder if anybody will figure it out.

I hope that when the day comes for her to hear the rest of that story that she has an equally long and happy story to tell in return.
(though I'm afraid this story is going to be all to short.)

After apparently reading every book on death her library has to offer... several times over... you'd think Twilight would've caught on. :ajbemused:

she saw the back of a white pony with a black mane and tail

“I have a great idea!

You must know a lot about grieving to be able to write a story like this and that makes me sad:pinkiesad2:, but then I see that the story has updated and I'm happy again:pinkiehappy:, but then I finish the chapter and I'm sad again:pinkiesad2:

Ooh Ooh! I think that I know who the characters are in the coming chapter! :yay:

If I'm wrong, then meh to me.

Good chapter, Greener Pastures is certainly an interesting character (reminds me a teeny bit of Zecora for some reason). I will continue to read until ponies are happy again. Or not happy again. Whatever way it turns out.

724220 725756
I believe Twilight would be suspicious of the idea of a physical representation of Death. I mean, it took her a while to latch onto Pinkie Sense even after seeing it happen all day long.

Pinkie's probably a more likely candidate to have figured it out.

I'm glad you like it, I'd rather it be too short then overstay my welcome.

Thanks for the edits again, and I'm glad you like it, even if you have to save it for times you don't mind being sad. Fair warning, I can tell you now that AJ is going to be rough for you.

Church, if you have never read the graphic novels "The Sandman" (which is a rather long series, but amazing) or "Death: The High Cost of Living" (a stand alone graphic novel spin-off of "The Sandman") then you should. They are Neil Gaiman being brilliant. If you've never read any Neil Gaiman, you should because I'm halfway convinced that you're actually him slumming it in pony fanfic.

But yes, Greener Pastures and Zacora have a lot in common. I'm glad you're enjoying it enough to continue!

729363 glad to be of service. This isn't really a fic that's sad, it's a fic that cures sad fics by making the grieving process bare-able. With every story I read I connect on some level and if it's a sad story (The Magic Never Fades Away) I'll feel bad because it will eventually happen. your story helps me deal with it.

729363 You know what, I might just read it... I've decided just now. I don't read a lot of comics, I certainly like them, I just don't read them. Haven't held one in my hand since (me being a chem fan) The Umbrella Academy and a few years before that Y the Last Man.

I don't care that this is on hiatus. Fav'ed, and my automatic email minion has been notified to do his thing when this updates.

Y THIS FIC NO UPDATE:pinkiesad2:

You know, death coming back later is hardly encouraging.

But amusing.

The first MLP fanfic I started writing. I decided that if Equestria had a spirit of Death, it would be Neil Gaiman's version from The Sandman. There was even a very pony-esque reference in a DC comic where she was talking to Lex Luthor, which I quoted in the description. Death is awesome, you should at least check out Death: The High Cost of Living if you've never read it.

A Sandman crossover!? :pinkiehappy:
Aw, but it's on really indefinite hiatus... :fluttercry:
Oh well. I can wait. :pinkiesmile:

Death of the Endless is often portrayed with a heart-shaped face. I wonder how that translates into a pony version of Death.

Liking Death's characterization.

Eheh... I'm rereading Gaiman's Sandman after so many years. A lot of the stuff flew over me when I was younger.

A good story knows when to stop, for the longest ones all end with one thing in common...

I'm not talking about your story, by the way, bookplayer. I'm referring to one of the themes spanning the entirety of The Sandman series. You should continue this one, eh?

Foamy, is there any fandom you're not a part of? We have so many fandoms in common, you know.

I dunno. Battlebots. Sure.

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