• Published 4th Nov 2015
  • 392 Views, 4 Comments

Of all things... - TheMajorTechie

Sammy accidentally pulls Twilight through to the Human World, and Twilight slowly (but painfully) turns human.

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Chapter 3: Imagination

Log 3: Subject: Entering the realm of the mind

Twilight and I were just watching some National Geographic shows on TV today, when their "Brain Games" series came up. The mention of that seemed to practically force her ears to perk up. She turned to me and said, "Hey, what if, we could ENTER somepo-- er, one's mind to SEE this stuff actually happening as they think about it?

Quite an intriguing question, now that I had the time to think about it. "Yes, that's actually a pretty great idea! Do you want to just try it with me, or should I get the group together again to do it together? Wait, actually, we DO need someone... uh, nevermind. Sorry for the blabbering..."

Twilight giggled. "Yeah, that happens to me, too. It's kinda nice to know someone who acts so much like you do."

I nodded, and replied, "Yep. Y'know, what if, we are actually taking place as mere characters in the mind of a higher being, who's actually dictating our very thoughts and actions through the use of words?" Coincidentally, (or not) I felt a slight "pinch" in my mind, as if something heard me say that, and wanted me to keep down or something. "Well, uh... so do you want the group to go with us?"

This time, Twilight nodded. "Sure, the more the merrier. It's a lot like how it is back home, with me usually doing things with my friends as a group, even if those "things" are often related to saving Equestria from certain doom.

We proceeded with my plans, and I opened a temporary portal into my own imagination. The second we stepped in, I knew that anything that possible happened in there was all up to me, and BOY, was it a fun time. Twilight made a beeline straight for my "library of thoughts", and began to study immediately, while the rest of the group stuck with me, until I began to have a few stray thoughts of boredom.

The second that I got struck by boredom, I practically began to think of random things one after another, until suddenly, Twilight, the group, and I were suddenly standing on a cobblestone path, staring into a distant village.

Suddenly, a large arrow flew past Twilight's face, and I quickly turned around to find a clan of trolls, the exact thing I was thinking about at the moment. The thing was, they weren't the normal "troll under a bridge" type, they were internet trolls. All of a sudden, we were caught in a burn war between rival internet factions, trapped in an argument over some obscure thought that never really made it out clearly. It was kinda funny, 'cause Twilight began to take notes on what each side was saying, when the argument simply vanished from view.

I winced as I thought about what that could've ended up as, forgetting for a moment that we were in my own imagination. We flashed back into the worst part of the argument for a very quick moment, and then, we were back on the path, with no trolls to be seen.

Until I spiced things up with an explosion.
We were sent flying through the air, but we landed perfectly inside a flying upside-down giraffe-helicopter pod thingy, and while Brodie was screaming for his life, the rest of us watched the view below through the windows, which were the spots on the "giraffe".

About ten minutes later, we landed at the step of a giant door, which Twilight tried to open. After several unsuccessful attempts, she said, "Hey Sammy, can you open this?! I know you're just keeping it shut on purpose. We can all hear your narration, you know."

Uh... sorry, Twilight. I opened the doors.

As we stepped inside, Twilight looked up in awe at the massive arc of stars over the ceiling. We all looked around as I continued narrating their every move and action, as they were all currently figments of my imagination. I leaned over and pushed a button on the wall, and suddenly, the stars on the ceiling vanished, replaced by a view of what I inferred was the place Twilight called "Equestria" (I only knew what it looked like because I secretly visited the place after Twilight told me about it).

Five other ponies began to surround Twilight, who seemed very happy at the moment. She was smiling, and excitedly exclaimed, "Sammy! I didn't know you knew my friends!" Yeah, sure. I knew them from visiting the place.

The building suddenly began shaking, and since I was feeling bored again, I decided to make it come crashing down, while teleporting everyone out at the same time. Once we were all out, looking at the smoking wreckage, I imagined a bang, and I fell to the ground.

A dark figure rose over me, holding a smoking gun. He held me at gunpoint, and said, "Well well, if it isn't Sammy Gearings. I've been looking for you... yes... you will be a fine addition for my already massive collection... you thought that you would win, Sammy. Where is your god now?"

I quickly healed myself, and rose up in the air. A brilliant, white light shone from me in every direction, blinding everyone temporarily. I opened my mouth and spoke in a ground-shaking voice, "WHERE IS MY GOD? IT IS ME. I AM YOUR GOD NOW.

It was then when I ejected everyone, including myself, from the portal, my skin still pulsing in a soft blue hue. Did I enjoy it? You bet I did. The others? Maybe not. Twilight? I still have no idea. She's been staring at the orb-machine thingy intently for the mast few hours, murmuring, "One day..."

Author's Note:

I just decided to have some fun on his chapter by giving everyone a view of what goes on inside Sammy's (and my) head when I (we?) are bored.