• Published 12th Nov 2015
  • 436 Views, 1 Comments

A Young Bond Builds - HeartBeat

Bright Valor, our protagonist, meets a cute pony in his school who is being bullied, while he himself is being abused. When Bright helps her frown turn upside down, their friendship moves on to something more.

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Fighting Back

Bright sat in his chair the next morning, looking out the window to the sun shining brightly into the room. He smiled and got up to eat breakfast. Bright moved downstairs to see a note. He picked it up and began to read.


Your father and I are going to be gone for a while, we are going to shop in town and will be back around dark. Be safe and don't burn the house down if you want to cook something.

The writing changed from his mothers, to what was his father's.


If Ditzy comes by and she needs you, you be there for her. I give you permission to leave the house for her. Be responsible.

He set the note back down on the table. His dad really appreciated how he was protecting Ditzy, and began to build trust in his son. Bright was never allowed to leave the house when they aren't there.

Bright entered the kitchen and grabbed a box of cereal and milk. He filled the bowl and sat down and began to eat with a spoon. The sweet corn flakes tingled on his tongue and the sugar woke him a little.

Later, a few knocks sounded from the front door. The door opened and Bright saw Ditzy wearing her saddle bags on her back.

"Hey, good morning!" Bright said closing the door behind him.

"Morning? Its almost 2." Ditzy said laughing.

"Oh, well whats up?" Bright said sitting down.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to the park today?" Ditzy said with a bug grin.

"Sure, lead the way!" Bright said fluttering his wings.

Ditzy trotted down the road with her gold mane swaying in the wind. Bright followed close by as he watched all the joy in this mare.

They arrived at the park and sat under a tree. Ditzy pulled out two muffins and she handed one to Bright smiling. He picked up the warm muffin and brought it to his mouth. The taste of berries and cinnamon exploded on his tongue.

"Ditzy, you are an amazing baker! Please never stop baking!" He said savoring the sweet baked good.

"Thanks, I won't." Ditzy said sheepishly, and blushing.

After they ate their muffins, they sat next to each other and leaned on the tree. The clouds above morphed and slowly flowed in the sky. Suddenly the colt felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Tag! You're it!" Ditzy said running away.

"No way! Get back here!" Bright yelled laughing and chasing after her.

Bright tagged her back and turned the other way. He hid behind a tree and looked for Ditzy, she wasn't in site. Than Ditzy jumped from behind a bush and tackled Bright and rolled down the hill. They laughed as they held on to each other and tumbled down. As they reached the bottom of the hill, Ditzy laid on top of the colt in the grass.

"Tag! You're it!" Ditzy said, laughing.

They both laughed for a while, Ditzy still on top of him. Their laughing calmed and turned to silence. Bright gazed into the golden eyes of Ditzy and she smiled down at him. A blush appeared over Ditzy's face as it became a little awkward. She hopped off the young pony and he got to his hooves to sit next to Ditzy in the grass.

"Hey, do you want to come to my house?" Bright asked breaking the silence.

"Sure!" She said with a smile growing on her face.

Together, they trotted along in the park to leave. The followed the path to an underpass of a bridge.

As they entered the shadow of the underpass, an extended hoof tripped Bright making him land on his chin. A pair of hooves held him down as he frantically began to look around. Ditzy was being pinned against the wall by Buzz. He looked up to see Zoom holding him down. Arid was laughing as he entered from around the corner of the path.

"Well, aren't you two just a great couple." He said looking at the two terrorized ponies.

"Let her go!" Bright roared, getting his face shoved into the dirt in return for speaking out.

"Oh, no. Not this time. You see, because of her, we were landed in a month of detention. And our parents have grounded us for quite some time. So she isn't going anywhere. And you get to watch her get what she deserves."

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Bright yelled, anger growing in his voice.

"Or what? You can't do anything! You're pinned down, and are too weak do even stand up." Arid laughed.

"Don't test me! Now let her go. But if you dare harm a hair on her body, I will BUCK YOU UP!" Bright groaned out, gritting his teeth as his heart began to pound. A hoof drove into his nose from above, causing it to bleed.

"Yeah, what ever brat! But she is such a beautiful thing." Arid said brushing his hoof down her cheek.

Ditzy returned his gesture by spitting in his face. Arid grabbed her and threw her to the ground. Her saddle bags spilled out and something red landed in front of Bright. It was a note in the shape of a heart. The top of the letter read:

To: Bright
From: Ditzy

That's when he looked up to Ditzy, finding that she was on the ground, crying out. Arid stood on top of her and brought his hoof up in the air. Brights eye's darted open, gasping as he saw that hoof come down, a loud smack echoing in the bridge's underpass. His ears ached from the sound of her squeaks and cries. The hoof came back up again, and Bright felt his heart pound out of his chest, narrowing his brow in anger.

Suddenly, time slowed down. Bright's body felt like it were on fire, his muscles tensing as he saw that hoof rear back again. His father's words rang in his head. "You'll know when it's time..."

Bright's muscles bulged as he forced himself up off the ground. The force of a thousand stallions pushed him up off the ground. He reared up his legs and bucked Zoom agains the wall. Arid's hoof stopped in motion, and looked at Bright in shock. Buzz came charging at him, but was quickly dodged. Buzz was confused by how fast he was and suddenly got a heavy buck to the side. Buzz rolled into the light out of the small underpass, laying on the ground. Slowly approaching Arid, his nostrils flared, heavy steam blew out as he got closer and closer. Arid grinned and came straight for the heroic pony. Yet Bright didn't stop him, letting him pin him an the floor. Arid brought a hoof across his face, making him bleed from the mouth as his lip was busted. Bright looked back up at Arid, quickly pushing off the bully with his hind legs, getting up and standing his ground. Bright used his front hooves and drove Arid into the wall. By his neck, the large colt was pinned, struggling as he trembled in the sight of Bright.

"H-Hey! Lemme g-go you f-"

"Shut up." Bright interrupted. "Do you see what will can do? What strength can d? Look at this!" Breeze spat on the ground, drops of blood hit the floor and Arid glared down at it, his stomach forming in knots in the sight.

"That's blood. We all have it. Nothing makes us different. We are all the same. Just ponies living our lives. But then there are ponies like you. Little arrogant bullies who just think they are more powerful than others. But you know what? We are all stronger than you! We take your beating and your words. What have you taken? Nothing! And if you so much as dare confront Ditzy again, you will be in a hospital.... And you better hope that you wont see me again. You want to deal with Ditzy? You better deal with me first, because I am her shield! And I will break you if you touch her again." Bright stared into the frightened eyes of Arid.

He pushed the trembling colt to the ground, and Arid went to his friends who held their and rubbed at their bruises. Gathered up, Arid almost look like he was going to cry, and soon they ran away. Bright watched as they sprinted far away from him. Than he turned to Ditzy who was looking up at him with shock in her eyes. She laid in the dirt with tears in her eyes, a large red hoof-print on her cheek.

"I... I'm sorry." He said. leaning against the brick wall. He slowly move over to Ditzy. "Are... you okay?" Bright spoke, still in daze from the adrenaline. He held out a hoof to help her up. She grabbed it and he pulled her up.

"I shouldn't have done that..." Bright said letting tears flow down his cheeks as he saw that print on her cheek, touching it softly and making her wince in pain.

"Its okay, Bright. You were doing what you thought was right." She said picking up her things. Bright watched as she picked up the red letter and quickly placed it in her bags. "And... I'm glad you were there for me... S-so don't apologize! I don't know what would have happened if you didn't stopped them..."

"Okay... Let's get some ice on that bruise, okay?" Bright suggested, turning and holding out a hoof for her to follow with him. Yet she stood there, wide eyed.

"Um... Bright?" Ditzy said stepping closer to him.

"Hmm?" He hummed, raising a brow at what had her surprised.

"Look!" She said pointing at his flank, a large grin on her face.

He turned to see a blue shield with a red heart in the center. His cutie-mark appeared and it had shocked him! Bright had thought it would have to do with something like a hobby, but this was so much better in his eyes. The talent was protection, giving it to whom he held close to him.

"Awesome!" Bright said getting a little happier from the suprise. "I think we should get something to clean us up." He said noticing the dirt and blood on his nose.

Ditzy nodded her head and they went back to Bright's house and cleaned up. Ditzy had a small bruise on her face and shoulder, but that was pretty much it. Bright had a bruise where he was hit, and a busted lip. They went upstairs and Bright brought her up to his bed, where they laid down to relax. Of course, they weren't cuddling, but Bright was blushing at the thought of it. As they laid there, he spoke out, holding a hoof to Ditzy's

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that." Bright said looking up at the ceiling of his room.

"It's okay. Thank you for protecting me." She said leaning against him, her head on his shoulder.

She kissed him on the cheek again and giggled. Bright's face turned beat red, grinning as he could never get over the feeling of her soft lips against his cheek. He looked to Ditzy, she had a coy smile and was blushing. She told Bright that it was best that she would go home. Leading her out of his home, Bright gave her a hug goodbye.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow!" She said dashing out the door.

"See you there!" Bright yelled as she went back to her house.

Bright went upstairs and sat at his desk. That same red letter from before was lying on his stacks of school paper. He picked it up and unfolded it, smirking as he began to read the letter, as if it were in her voice.


When I met you, I couldn't control myself. I tried to stay calm, but I was so nervous. You didn't seem to notice that thought. When I'm around you you make me feel so free and protected. I kissed you the other day, because I felt like it was right. Im sorry if you thought it was awkward, but know that I like you a lot. So will you be my special somepony?


Bright laid the letter on the desk and leaned back in his chair. His heart was pounding out of his chest. The thought of having Derpy as his special somepony felt so right. This is what he was feeling the entire time, a bond. At such a young age of 13 he has his first mare-friend, and the best one in the world. Bright folded the letter and pinned it on his board next to his desk. Looking out his window to see the setting sun in the distance, he smiled, ear to ear.

"Yes, Ditzy. I'd love to."

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