• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 3,412 Views, 123 Comments

Rarity's Fairy Tail - CosmicAlchemist24

  • ...

Royal Punishment

Previously on Fairy Tail
R: “Oh Manehattan, What you do to me.”
BB: “Well well if it isn’t the Commoner of Generosity.”
N: “Hey, Where do you get off talking to ponies like that?
BB: “Guards take Him away!”
R: “I believe we are done here, come along Natsu.”
CC: Rarity, Natsu it’s so good to see you.”
BB: “I told you I would teach you your place peasant.
N: “I’m all fired up, LET’S GO!”

Fairy Tail: Snow Fairy

Natsu flew towards the guards with both of his hooves on fire and let out a battle cry.

“Get ready Blueballs you and your guards are going to learn what happens when you mess with my friends. FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!” Natsu yelled knocking down multiple guards.

More guards tried to take him out from behind when he wasn’t looking. “Cowards. FIRE DRAGON TALON!” Natsu yelled swinging his left hind leg back and knocking out the guards behind him.

Blueblood just looked at what was happening on pony and Pegasus no less with wiping the floor with his guards like they were nothing.

Just what is he?” Blueblood thought. Blueblood turned to some of the guards that were not fighting.

“You all come with me we must find and eliminate the Element of Generosity and her friend before they inform my aunt.” Blueblood commanded as he and those very guards teleported out of Coco's house.

Natsu continued to make quick work of the guards and saw that Blueblood and some on his guards teleported out of the house. "The Element of Generosity’, What is he talking about? Oh well I don’t have time to think about it, I have to beat these guys before he get’s to Rarity and Coco.” Natsu thought as he hit another guard.

“Alright time to finish this.” Natsu said spreading with his wings as they were engulfed in fire.

FIRE DRAGON WING ATTACK” Natsu said as he flew towards the guards at great speed and striking them this his wings.

Remaining guards were either on the ground groaning in pain, thrown into a wall or somehow stuck on the ceiling. Natsu landed on the ground and started to look around, to say he went overboard was an understatement. Other then the guards KO’d on the floor and ceiling the house was completely destroyed, the sofa was burned in half, most of the shelves and books were burned, and there were scorch marks all over the living room.

“Oh Luna, Coco is not going to be happy with me when she see this. I’d better find her and Rarity before Blueballs does.” Natsu said flying through the hole he made earlier.

Coco and Rarity were still flying away from the house and Rarity was still as confused as ever.

“Ok I’ll land over at the park they wouldn’t be dumb enough to attack in a populated area too many witnesses.” Coco said descending. Rarity didn’t say or do anything she was still trying to process what was happening.

Coco landed behind a bush, let go of Rarity and made her wing disappear. “Alright we should be safe for a little while, are you ok Rarity?” Coco asked.

Rarity just stood there with the same confused look she had when they left the house. Coco then walks up to her. “Rarity listen I know you're confused right now.” Coco said.

Rarity then looked to Coco. “Confuse...confused I’m way beyond confused right now, what is Natsu, how can he breath fire, how did you grow a pair of wings?” Rarity asked wanting answers. She knew she was being a little rude and acting a bit like twilight when she didn’t know something, but none of this made any sense.

“Um..well you might not believe me when I tell you, but me and Natsu can use magic.” Coco said shyly. Rarity just looked at Coco for a fer seconds.

“Coco that’s not possible you're an Earth pony and Natsu is a Pegasus, you know you can’t use magic.” Rarity said looking at her like she was crazy.

Coco just shook her head. “Not true Rarity everypony has the potential to use magic you just need to learn how to bring it out. Natsu and I have been training for a long time to learn and control our magic, in fact we know a lot of ponies that use magic besides Unicorns.” Coco explained with a smile.

Rarity was shocked now more ponies can do what Natsu and Coco can do. “Um...Coco, could you please tell me about the magic you and Natsu use?” Rarity asked. Coco nodded.

“Well the I use is called ‘Area’, this type of magic allows me to sprout wings and fly. There is a limit to how long I can fly it depends on how much magic power I have and the faster I go the faster my magic power is depleted,when it is used up my wings disappear.” Coco explained.

Rarity was following so far, the explanation seems simple enough. “Well what about Natsu, from what I saw he can use fire magic right?” Rarity asked.

“Well you're half right Natsu can use fire magic, but there is a lot more to it than that. Natsu uses Fire Dragon Slayer magic.” Coco said.

Rarity just froze for a few seconds before speaking. “d..d..Dragon Slayer magic, he kills dragons?” Rarity asked with fear in her voice.

“NO! He would never do that Natsu would never kill.” Coco said with a serious face.

“But you just said-”

“I said he uses Dragon Slayer magic, I didn’t say he actually slays dragons. You see Natsu’s magic gives him all the qualities of a dragon, dragon lungs to breath fire, dragon scales to help him dissolve fire and dragon claw for attacking with fire.” Coco explained.

“Ok then tell me this, why would he learn magic that could kill a dragon?’ Rarity asked.

“Well you’re going to think this is weird, but ironically it was a dragon that taught him to use that kind of magic.” Coco said.

Rarity was really getting tired of this, how many time can one pony be shocked. “Natsu was taught by a dragon?” Rarity asked.

“Yup, but I’ll let Natsu explain more on that it’s very personal.” Coco said. Rarity nodded.

“Alright this is just so crazy.” Rarity said putting a hoof to her head.

“I understand I went through the same thing when I met Natsu.” Coco said with a smile.

“Coco, how long have you known Natsu?” Rarity asked.

“Hehe I’ve known Natsu ever since I was a filly, he and another friend of ours were always protecting me from bullies back then.” Coco said with a small smile.

Rarity could tell that Coco and Natsu really did have brother, sister relationship and that made her smile. She then realizes that something on the back of her neck, it was the same mark that Natsu had on his forehoof, but instead of it being red it was light blue.

“Coco, what’s that marks on your neck?” Rarity asked. “Oh this it’s-”


Rarity and Coco were knocked to the ground by the explosion while rest of the ponies in the park were screaming and running out of the park.

“HA! Thought you could run from use did you?” Blueblood asked with a smug grin. Coco got up and glared at the prince.

“Ok first you break into my home, attack my friends and now you attack a public park with innocent ponies in it, What is your problem Blueballs?” Coco asked angrily.

“I could care less about those commoners and if they know what’s good for them they will keep their mouths shut.” Blueblood said.

Rarity then got up and stood next to Coco. “I don’t know what I ever saw in you years ago, you’re nothing but a cold hearted, self- centered jerk who needs to be taken down a peg or two.” Rarity said angrily.

“Like I care what you think of me, all I care about is making sure you don’t breath a word of this to my Aunt Celestia and there is only one way to do that.” Blueblood said as his guards raised their spears.

Rarity and Coco took a step back knowing that the guards were going to attack any second, but Coco looked up to the sky for a split second and smiled.

“Oh Blueballs, you might want to look behind you before you get hurt.” Coco said still smiling.

“Ha! you really expect me to fa-AH!” Blueblood was cut off by Natsu punching him in his face.. Natsu landed in front of Rarity and Coco.

“Sorry I’m late you two.” Natsu said. “Actually you’re just in time Natsu.” Coco said still smiling.

Natsu nodded and turned to Rarity.

“Hey, you ok Rarity?” Natsu asked. Rarity looked at him for a few seconds before nodding.

“Good I’d hate to have somepony I just met get hurt.” Natsu said smiling at her. Rarity had a light blush on her face after hearing that and smiled a bit.

Natsu turned back to Blueblood who was groaning in pain. “AGH! how dare you hit me peasant, you will pay for that.” Blueblood said angrily.

“Fine then stop hiding behind your guards and fight me like a stallion you gutless coward.” Natsu said.

“You can’t bait me that easily peasant, guards seize him.” Blueblood commanded his guards.

“Coco, Rarity get back I’ll handle this.” Natsu said. Coco led Rarity to some bushes away from the battle, they both peaked out to see Natsu making quick work of the guards.

“Try this.” Natsu said as he spread out his wings and flew towards the guards. “FIRE DRAGON WING ATTACK!” Natsu yelled striking the guards with his wings.

Natsu landed and turned to see the guards on the ground in pain.

“Wow you guys are weak and you call yourselves royal guards.” Natsu said with a cocky smile. Coco just smiled, while Rarity looked in amazement.

“That was amazing. “ Rarity said with wide eyes.

“I said the same thing when I saw Natsu use his magic the first time, it really is amazing.” Coco said still smiling. Rarity nodded and continued to watch Natsu fight the guards.

I'm not a fan of fighting or watching them for that matter, but this is too amazing to turned away from. Now I feel like Twilight does when she makes a big discovery.” Rarity thought to herself.

Natsu knocked out the last guard and then stared at Blueblood who was shaking in fear.

“Alright Blueballs your next.” Natsu said walking towards Blueblood. Blueblood was getting worried this pony took out all of his guards and now he was after him.

Just then a brilliant golden light appeared between two stallions and blinded them. When the light died down both stallions opened there eyes to find Princess Celestia standing between them and she was not happy.

Blueblood saw this as a great opportunity. “Aunt Celestia thank goodness that brute over there beat up all my guards and is now after me, please stop him.” Blueblood said with a fake look of innocence.

Celestia turned to Natsu and started to walk over to him. Coco and Rarity both had worried looks on their faces.

“Oh no this is bad.” Coco said. Rarity just nodded as he continued to watch Celestia walk closer to Natsu.

Celestia stopped right in front of the Pegasus. “Who are you?” Celestia asked in a serious tone. Natsu kept straight face.

“Natsu Dragneel, Your Highness.” Natsu said. Celestia was surprised he didn’t look the least bit worried about the situation he was in.

“Tell me Natsu Dragneel, Why have you caused so much destruction upon this city?” Celestia asked.

“I wasn’t the one who caused this blame your nephew over there princess.” Natsu said pointing to Blueblood. Celestia then turned to Blueblood.

“That’s ridiculous Aunt Celestia, do you not see my guards on the ground, you can’t really believe this Pegasus can you?” Blueblood said trying to save himself.

Celestia then turned back to Natsu. “Did you really beat all of these guards, If so why did you do so?” Celestia asked.

“I did it because your nephew and his guards attacked me and my friends for no good reason. He also said something about eliminating the Element of Generosity before she tells his Aunt.” Natsu said.

After hearing that, Celestia was pissed and she turned to Blueblood. Blueblood was starting to sweat, but kept his composure.

“That’s not true I haven’t even see the Miss Rarity today and I most definitely did not attack you, you were the one that attacked my guards for no reason.” Blueblood lied.

Natsu was really getting pissed off not only was this jerk trying to weasel his way out of this, but now he’s saying he didn’t attack his friends.

Celestia saw the look of anger in Natsu’s eyes, she knew that he was restraining himself from hurting Blueblood.

“Aunt Celestia believe me this Pegasus is nothing more than a brute and a liar, as such he should be arrested for his crimes against the ponies of Manehattan and attacking the royal guards.” Blueblood said with a smile.

Natsu really wanted to hurt Blueblood so badly, but he resisted the urge and stood still. Coco and Rarity were still watching and Coco looked like she was going to cry, but she was also really angry.

“That’s it I won’t just sit here while that jerk keep spouting lies about Natsu.” Coco said running towards Natsu.

Rarity tried to grab her tail and stop her, but she was too late and Coco took off like a rocket. Celestia turned to Natsu.

“Mr. Dragneel I’m sorry, but-” “HOLD IT!” Coco yelled cutting Celestia off and running in front of Natsu.

“Coco what are you doing, get back.” Natsu said.

“No I refuse to let you get blamed and arrested for something you didn’t do, you’ve always protected me when were growing up now let me protect you.” Coco said with a few tears in her eyes.

Natsu looked at Coco and smiled.

“Well looks like somepony has grown up.” Natsu said.

“Well one of us had to, were more than comrades Natsu we’re family and family stick together no matter what. That’s rule one of Fairy Tail.” Coco said smiling.

“You got that right.” Natsu said. Rarity was wide eyed again hearing what those two said to each other, I know they said they were like brother and sister, but she wasn’t expecting them to say anything like that.

Celestia looked at the pony in front of her protecting Natsu. “And who are you my little pony?” Celestia asked. Coco stepped forward and faced Celestia.

“My name is Coco Pommel your highness and I’m here to tell you that your nephew is the only liar here. He and his guards broke into my house and attacked us.” Coco said.

Before Celestia could even reply Blueblood spoke up. “Oh please I’ve never seen you before in my life, now step aside so we may take this brute away.” Blueblood said.

Coco paid Blueblood no mind and turned to Celestia. “Forgive me your highness, but I won’t let you take Natsu away he’s innocent.” Coco said.

Celestia was shocked this young mare was taking a big risk standing against her and for some reason Celestia respected her for it. Rarity couldn’t take it anymore her friends were about to be taken away and she was just sitting in a bush.

“Wait princess!” Rarity said running over to them. Blueblood then began sweating bullets.

“It’s true Blueblood and his guards attacked us and they were going to get rid of me to make sure I didn’t tell you. If it weren’t for Natsu and Coco I wouldn’t be here right now, Your nephew is the one responsible for this.” Rarity said glaring at blueblood who was now drenched in sweat.

Celestia had heard enough and she turned to Blueblood.

“I think I have heard enough, Blueblood you will return with me to Canterlot immediately, not only have you brought to harm innocent ponies, but you also tried to murder one of the Bearers of Harmony that’s unforgivable. As of this moment, Blueblood you are stripped of your royal title.” Celestia said.

Blueblood stared at her wide eyed before looking at Rarity, Coco and finally Natsu who was smiling, the moment he looked at him Blueblood’s face turned to pure anger.

“This is YOUR FAULT PEASANT!” Blueblood screamed as he shot a magic blast at Natsu. Natsu didn’t have time to dodge the blast was fast, so Natsu closed his eyes and decided to take it like a stallion.


Natsu was waiting for the blast to him him, but after a few seconds it didn’t. Natsu then opened his eyes only to see a familiar violet maned mare falling to the ground in front of him.

“RARITY!” Coco screamed running to her. Natsu just kept looking at Rarity on the ground in pain with wide eyes, she used herself as a shield to protect him. Celestia looked in horror as Coco tried to wake Rarity up, but she remained unconscious.

“Well that was unfortunate oh well that what she gets for getting in my way.” Blueblood said.

Celestia then glared at Blueblood and started to charge her magic, just then she saw a tan blur fly past her.

“HOW DARE YOU!” Natsu screamed as he punched Blueblood sending him flying back a few feet.

“I’ll MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT!” Natsu said charging towards Blueblood.

Celestia was about to join Natsu, but she knew she had to tend to Rarity. Coco was on the ground crying holding Rarity in her hooves.

“Don’t worry Miss Coco she will be ok.” Celestia said charging her magic and placed her horn on Rarity. Rarity began to glow and after a few seconds her eyes shot open and she started to breath deeply.

“Sweet Cele-...Oh I'm so sorry your Highness.” Rarity said. Coco then gave Rarity a bear hug.

“Oh Rarity, thank goodness you’re alright.” Coco said.

Rarity was confused for a few seconds before remembering that she used herself as a shield to protect Natsu...NATSU! Rarity quickly stood up and started asking questions.

“Where’s Natsu, is he alright, he’s not hurt is he?” Rarity asked.

“Calm down Miss Rarity, Natsu is just fine he is fighting Blueblood as we speak. I must go and help him before he gets hurt.” Celestia said. Coco then stood up.

“You don’t have to worry about Natsu Princess he can take Blueblood, Natsu won’t let anyone get away with hurting his friends.” Coco said with a serious look.

Rarity smiled after hearing that, Natsu was fighting not just to hurt Blueblood, but he was fighting for her. The very thought of it made Rarity blush a bit, but she had no time for that right now.

“Come on we're going to find Natsu.” Rarity said. Coco and Celestia just looked at her for a few seconds, this mare was just shot down, but she still wants to help Natsu.

“Miss Rarity are you sure you want to go?” Celestia said with concern.

“She’s right Rarity a few minutes ago I thought we lost you and I think Natsu took it worse when he saw you on the ground.” Coco said also with concern in her voice. Rarity didn’t hesitate.

“Yes I’m sure Natsu is my friend too Coco and I have to help him as well.” Rarity said. Celestia smiled at what she said and so did Coco.

“Then we better not waste time, let’s get moving.” Celestia said. Coco and Rarity nodded and the three took off after Natsu.

FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!” Natsu yelled flying up to Blueblood and giving him an uppercut. Blueblue fell back, but retaliated by shooting a magic blast at Natsu who quickly got out of the way.

“UGH! You filthy Pegasus look what you’ve reduced me too, you’ve RUINED ME!” Blueblood screamed. Natsu’s mane covered his eyes and he began to walk toward Blueblood.

“You really are cold hearted pony, you just shot down a mare in cold blood and all you care about is you stupid reputation.” Natsu said in a cold tone.

Blueblood just looked at Natsu and laughed.

“Tell me why should I care about a mare the means nothing to me. She was nothing but a commoner, a peasant, a piece of garbage, if anything I did that mare a favor by ending her miserable life.” Blueblood said with a sadistic grin. Natsu then stopped walking and baring his teeth.

“You make me sick, you have no respect for any pony’s life and refuse I to let you get away with what you’ve done.” Natsu said while his wings were engulfed in flames.

“What could you possibly do?” Blueblood asked.

Natsu looked straight to Blueblood, his eyes filled with nothing but anger and his entire body was now covered in flames.

“I’m going to make sure that you NEVER HURT ANYPONY AGAIN!” Natsu screamed as he flew toward Blueblood with every ounce of speed he had. Blueblood fired many magical blasts at Natsu, but they all bounced off of him.

“I’M ENDING THIS NOW! FIRE DRAGON SWORD HORN!” Natsu yelled as he headbutted Blueblood.

Natsu’s fire magic combined with his speed, sent Blueblood flying making him crash into about five of the Manehattan Park trees and making them break,fall over or burn as a result. When Blueblood landed back on the ground he was out cold covered in dirt, blood and burn marks. Natsu flew over to the unconscious stallion and glared at him.

“You’re finished Blueballs, you’ll never hurt anypony again.” Natsu said in a cold tone.

He then turned to leave only to see Celestia, Coco and..Rarity staring at him with wide eyes and slacked jaws. Natsu also had wide eyes because he was looking at Rarity she wasn’t dead, she wasn’t hurt, she was just fine. Coco then spoke up.

“I told you he would be alright.” She said with a smile.

Celestia was baffled, she had never seen his kind of power before and she wanted to know more about it. Rarity was still staring at Natsu, but closed her mouth and smiled.

“Natsu I-” Before she could finish Natsu tackled her and gave her a hug.

“Oh my gosh, thank goodness you’re ok.” Natsu said sobbing a bit. Rarity blushed a bit, but she smiled and returned the hug.

“I’m just fine” Rarity said. Natsu then broke the hug and looked at her.

“Don’t do that again, promise me you will never do that again.” Natsu said with a serious face. Rarity shook her head.

“No Natsu I won’t because stuff like this is somewhat normal for me.” Rarity said.

Natsu gave her a confused look as did Coco, but Celestia knew what she was talking about and stepped up.

“I believe that is a story for another day, right now I think all you need to rest a bit.” Celestia said with a smile.

“You're right I do...feel...a...bit..” That was the last word Natsu said before collapsing.

“NATSU!” Coco and Rarity said catching him.

“Don’t worry my little ponies he’s just exhausted.” Celestia said. Coco sighed in relief.

“Well I guess I shouldn’t be surprised he did use up a lot of magic power.” Coco said. Celestia then raised an eyebrow.

“Magic?” She asked.

“We’ll explain later princess, but now I think we should take him someplace where he can rest.” Rarity said.

Celestia nodded.

“Then he can come to Canterlot and stay at the palace while he recover and you two are welcome to join him.” Celestia said.

“Thank you princess.” Rarity said as she and Coco bowed.

Author's Note:

That takes care of Blueballs...or does it?

Also, Question for the readers, I will be putting more of the Fairy Tail members in the story, but would you guys like to see a few of them replaced with another pony like I did with Coco? If so or if not leave a comment and I hope you all enjoyed the Chapter.

Coco: Alright Natsu!

Rarity: I hope he'll be ok.

Coco: Don't worry Rarity, Dragon slayers are fast healers.

Celestia: Dragon Slayer?

Next Time: Natsu and the Mane Six.