• Published 7th Nov 2015
  • 5,606 Views, 27 Comments

Equestria Girls: Wrong Book - Blackbird2

Sunset has to get her thoughts down on the page. Although it might not be the right page.

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Equestria Girls: Wrong Book

Equestria Girls: Wrong Book

Sunset Shimmer let out a soft sigh as she tapped the end of her pen against the edge of the desk. She stared intently at the blank page in front of her, trying to decide if she wanted to write down the words floating through her head or not. It was something she had actually been debating for the last few days but could never get a moment alone to herself to really give it much thought. It seemed there was always something happening! As much as she did love having friends now, it could something get exhausting. Especially Pinkie. That girl was just a ball of never ending energy. If there were a way to tap into it she could probably power the entire city for a month on just a cup of coffee.

Sunset chuckled a bit at that thought then renewed her interest in the book in front of her. Thankfully study hall was the one class she didn’t have with any of her friends so it did give her plenty of time to mull over what she wanted to write. Of course the more she thought about the louder the thoughts became and the need to write them out became greater.

“Ah to heck with it,” she muttered to herself before she put pent to paper.

Dear Diary,

Well it’s been a long while since I’ve done this. Even longer than I wrote in my journal to Celestia. Which...is kind what brings me here actually. Ever since I started writing in it again I really feel I’ve connected back with Equestria. Especially with Twilight. Even though she was here twice before I never really got much time to actually...talk with her. The first time of course was my own fault for being...well for being a spoiled brat with delusions of grandeur. Which I was. For the longest time. Well that and a raging she-demon at the end.

So, yeah, didn’t really get to talk to Twilight that much then because I didn’t want to. I just wanted to beat her. Then the second time when I finally was a better person...pony...pony person? Ugh, getting back in touch with my roots is really starting to make personal pronouns confusing. But anyway, even though I got to have a moment with her a Pinkie’s house we still didn’t get much time to really talk what with the whole “Sirens stealing everyone’s negative energy to get stronger and rule the world” thing going on. On a side note, is that what I sounded like when I was running the school and trying to take over everything? Because now I can really see why everyone hated me then. And some still do.

But thanks to Twilight I have some great friends now who actually do care for me and I care for them quite a bit. She really is the Princess of Friendship. And I from sharing letters back and fourth through the book I can safely say that Celestia was right and I am NOT ready to be a princess! Not sure if I ever will be given some of the stuff Twilight’s told me. At the same time though it’s kind of this weird comfort knowing she’s going through some of the same struggles as I am now. We’re both trying to find ourselves in the new positions we’re in now. It’s good to have someone to turn to who has some idea of what you’re going through. It’s really helped us connect.

Like REALLY connect. At least on my end. That’s what’s been going through my head the last few days and why I have to write this out somewhere. I think....I think I might have feelings for Twilight. Like, more than friendship feelings. In fact I think I have a pretty big crush on her. I don’t know how it happened, it just sorta...did. I just started feeling REALLY comfortable writing to her and soon enough started wishing she would visit more and then I thought about how happy that would make me to see her and then...well it just kinda all spiraled from there.

Course I haven’t TOLD her yet. I haven’t told anyone. Because I’m still trying to figure it all out for myself. I’ve never really cared enough for anyone else to know what having a crush is supposed to feel like. But what I’m feeling really DOES seem to line up with everything I’ve heard. And what Flash said he felt like when we were going out.

Oh man, Flash. There’s ANOTHER problem! Because I can’t be sure if I have a crush on Twilight but I KNOW Flash does! And it...might be mutual? I’m not really sure. They’re both so dorky that it’s hard to tell. Although I think Twilight pulls it off WAY better than Flash. Twilight is at least cute in her dorkiness whereas Flash is...well he’s a nice guy but boy is he ever uncoordinated. And if THAT’S what having a crush does to you I definitely don’t want THAT!

Then of course there are the OTHER questions this brings up. Like if Twilight even feels the same way about me. And if she does, what kind of relationship would we even have? “Long distance” seems like an understatement. And yet from what she’s said it only feels like a second to go through the portal. So I guess that wouldn’t be much of a problem since it’s open all the time now. And it would be nice to see Equestria again. Maybe actually work up the courage to face Celestia. Not to mention how interesting it would be to see the pony versions of my friends. I just wonder how different they are?

But again I have to think about it more. Let’s say Twilight feels the same way and we start the long distance relationship. Eventually one of is going to HAVE to move to one world or another so we could actually be together. And I wouldn’t ever think of asking Twilight to leave her friends behind but I’m not sure I could leave mine either. Plus I’m not sure I could even there’s a place for me in Equestria anymore. I’m sure my magic’s rusty and getting used to walking on all four legs again and not having fingers it’s just...weird. I think I was just running off adrenaline and muscle memory when I stole Twilight’s crown. But being there ful time again? I just don’t know.

Maybe that’s the point. Maybe it’s best if I just not tell Twilight and try to get over my crush. Find someone here in this world so I can avoid messing up someone else’s life. I’m sure there’s SOMEONE else out there for me. Somewhere.

Yeah. That feels like the best thing to do. I’ll get over Twilight in time and life will go back for what passes for normal for both of us. Wow. I forgot how...relaxing this could be. Might have to start taking it up again. Thanks for listening diary. You always where the only one who understood. Well you’re not the ONLY one now but you’re the one I can tell all these secrets to when I just need to get them out.

Sunset smiled contently as she pulled the pen back. It did feel good to have all of that out of her head and written down somewhere. Now with that weight off her shoulders she could relax and face the rest of the day.

That is until the book she has just written in started to glow and vibrate.

“No...” she whispered in horrified revelation. “No. No. No no no no!”

She slammed the book shut to find tell tale sign of her Cutie Mark logo on the front of it.

“No no no no no no!” she continued to stammer in disbelief.

Despite her protests the book continued to glow and vibrate as if to taunt her. Her heart sank with each shake and her hands trembled as she forced them to reach out and slowly open the book. Her finger clumsily fumbled through the pages until she came upon the entry she had inadvertently made and the message Twilight wrote back to her.

Sunset...is there something you want to tell me? The response asked.

Stunned to the point where she was completely unable to come up with anything else, Sunset just wrote the first word that came to her scattered mind.


What? Twilight wrote back.

Sunset let out a nervously laugh as something seemed to snap inside her and suddenly she knew exactly what to write!

A joke! It as a joke! Just like everything else I wrote! Yup! That’s right! Just one, big, long, uncomfortably personal joke! Did I get you?!

I...guess, Twilight’s reply came though and Sunset could practically hear the skepticism in it. It certainly SEEMED like you were writing a dairy entry about your feelings for...me?

Nope! Joke! Just a joke! That’s all! Don’t need to talk about this anymore ever again! I’m just joking around! LOL! That means “Laughing Out Loud”. Which is what I’m doing to my own joke! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

To add truth to her claim, and because she wasn’t in complete control of herself anymore, she actually did laugh out loud which earned her quite a few confused looks from the other students in the library. When she noticed what a fool she was making out of herself she waved back nervously until they went back to their studies or smart phones or tablets. She then slammed her face down on the desk in completely mortification.

Someone just please end this now, she thought desperately.

Unfortunately it wasn’t quite over yet as the book vibrated once again. She let out a resigned sigh and looked up at what else Twilight could possibly have written to her at this point.

Well if you’re SURE you don’t want to talk about it then I won’t force you. Just...know that I’m always here for you if you DO need to talk about...anything.

Sunset blinked at the response.

“Huh. Well...that’s not so bad actually,” she remarked quietly.

She then brought the pen to the page again.

Thanks Twilight. I appreciate that. And when I’m...ready to talk I’ll let you know. Maybe we could get together for it.

For what it’s worth I really DO think you should come back here for a bit. I know Princess Celestia would be more than happy to see you again, Twilight informed her.

I’ll think about it. But for now I should probably get ready for my next class.

Alright. Have fun!

I’ll try.

With that, she closed the book and waited to see if it would activate again. After a few seconds of lying motionless she figured she was in the clear and quickly stashed the book in her backpack. She then folded her arms on the desk and laid her forehead down on them.

Well that wasn’t too embarrassing! She thought. But I have got to be more careful with which book I write what in. I’m just glad this day is almost over. I just want to go home and sulk in my room for a few hours. And maybe-maybe-work up the courage to talk to Twilight again. In a few days. Or maybe next week. Yeah. That sounds good.

The End.

Author's Note:

So this sure was a thing I wrote! Yeah it’s just a weird, fun little idea I’ve had rattling around for awhile. I just think there’s plenty of potential for amusing mishaps with that book Sunset has. This was actually the second such idea I had for it. The first one would be WAY inappropriate for this site. And probably for anyone in general. So I went with the one that was a little angsty and kind of shippy. And yes I worked in a swear word there which is the first time I’ve ever done that in an MLP story I’ve written. I only did it for the comic effect cause it just seemed to work so well.

As for where this story will go from here? I don’t know. I’m still trying to decide if I want to go down the SunLight road or not. I’ll think about it some more. Also not quite sure where this fits into the loose EG continuity I seem to be building up here. Eh, I’ll figure it all out later. For now I suppose I should be getting back to the Elements of Discord which is still going far too slow for my likely. And for anyone reading it I’m sure.

So...I’m off for now! Later!

Extra Note: This is actually the fourth story in my Equestria Girl's semi series. The third one is called "An Honest Performance" but since it's a songfic I can't post it here. But if you want to read it you can find it on my FF.N account right here:


Comments ( 27 )

Sunset Shimmer, you should label your diary and your journal before you write something you'll really regret. :rainbowlaugh:

Genius! That was pure genius!!
:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

Oh man that was funny! Thanks! :rainbowlaugh:

Wallace: It's the Wrong Diary Sunset, and it's gone wrong! :rainbowlaugh:

I wonder if this runs under the banner of "spell" checking saves lives. Or at least massive embarrassment in this case

Oh, how this reminds me of a great Thomas Sanders vine...

That was a hillarious fimfic. I like how it didn't go the obvious path with Sunset and Twilight falling in love. Good job Blackbird

6609413 Her "Earth to Equestria" book has a huge freakin sun on both sides of the cover. The mistake is all on her

I heard of butt-dialing but never butt-diary.

This was a vey Amusing piece of work!:rainbowlaugh: The part I dont get was that you said your original idea was too Inappropriate for this sight, It wasn't an Idea where Sunset writes down a dream where she and Twi are going at like rabbits is it?:applejackconfused: If so then maybe you haven't been to Fimfiction, cause I have seen one similar fic where Twi Accidentally Draongmails a a Very detailed "For Twilights Eyes only" letter to Celestia where she wrote down a wet dream she of her and Celestia.:rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::twilightsheepish: I have also seen worse then that here!:pinkiegasp:

6618898 Keep in mind that I originally wrote this for FF.N and just recently joined this site. And over there explicit stuff has been a no-no for quite awhile. Not sure if I'll ever get too with that stuff here anyway. Just doesn't feel right with ponies or human ponies. I don't know...

6618906 ahhh. I apologize. I didnt know it had originally been on FF.net. The was Still very Amusing, it had me laughing Several times.

I'm giggling at the thought of Sunset writing out 'HAHAHAHAHAHA!!' in the magic journal, :rainbowlaugh:

Oh goodness... I can only imagine the mortification. If it were me, I wouldn't be willing to so much as look at anyone for a good few years. Good luck to her. She needs it.

That would be mortifying if that happened. Poor Sunset.
Please continue this its great.

Ok, so I better get this out of the way else I end up forgetting. That said and done, though, I... don't really have much to say. It was interesting to read all that about Sunset's thoughts, but it's not like that really amounts to much happening. Similarly, the twist at the end if fun, but I saw it coming from before even starting the story. ^^U

It might have been funnier if Sunset had somehow ended up in an even more compromising situation, like... the one to reply on the book was actually Spike, and then he tells Sunset that Twilight was headed to pay them a visit, and just like that, the moment Sunset turns around, she finds Twilight standing right behind her...

...and making out ensues... well, I can dream. XD

Beyond that, not really sure what to mention. Narrative is pretty smooth and it's nice to have some insight on Sunset's character. But between it's premise and ending, it kinda feels like a refusal to a payoff. ^^U

Oh well, maybe next part will be more... makeoutish...

Also, Sunset Shimmer... your gayness can be seen from outer space!!! :rainbowlaugh:

Yours, "Will make it Gay" Alexander, the Godslayer.
Til next time. :P

Oh man, Flash. There’s ANOTHER problem!

I like that she actually considers how he fits into the equation. Depending on my mood, I like Sunlight or Flashlight (or Twixie, but that's another topic); I can't stand it when stories demonize one party or the other (usually Flash).

7017573 Trust me I know the feeling. I always try to be a little respectful to all the characters involved.

Author Interviewer

You telegraphed the joke with the title, so I'm glad the shipping was handled well. Gives this good substance. :)

I just want to take a moment of silence for my ribs.

I laughed so hard!:rainbowlaugh:

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! Sorry about the rips though.

This feels like the first chapter of a series.

Well there ARE sequels that follow it so it kinda is.

I love these type of funny misconception/embarassing moments type of story

Well I appreciate you liked mine as well! Thank you!

any chance you still remember what that vine was?

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