• Published 7th Nov 2015
  • 987 Views, 10 Comments

Derpy Saves A Muffin - TJHoofer

A quiet day in Ponyville is suddenly interupted by a mysterious hole in the sky...

  • ...

Derpy Saves A Muffin

Derpy was humming happily to herself as she trotted through the streets of Ponyville, about to enjoy her favorite muffin. It was a beautiful sunny day without a cloud in the sky.


Suddenly, Derpy's ears flickered wildly and she skidded to a sudden halt.


As she did, something crashed right in front of her and shattered into many pieces. It caused her to rear in fright and drop her muffin to the ground. Derpy glanced down at the ruined muffin with her eyes slowly tearing up. She really looked forward to that muffin.

Derpy then noticed one of the pieces of the thing that had frightened her. She carefully approached it, leaning in closer and looking straight at it as much as her curious eyes would allow.

The pieces drew the attention of several more ponies around her.

“What is it?” asked Doc Time Turner as he too had noticed the strange falling object and appeared beside Derpy. He leaned in closer and brought a hoof to his chin with great interest. “Hm...”

“What is that, Doc?” asked Derpy.

“Most peculiar...” replied Time Turner as he picked up a piece and studied it closely. “It... It almost looks like... a piece of the sky-”


Both ponies jumped as there was another crash of yet another piece falling from the sky, causing several other ponies to jump in fright and scatter. It nearly hit Golden Harvest's carrot stand.

“What is going on?” yelled Golden Harvest as she took cover beneath her stand. They were soon joined by more curious onlookers. “What are these things?”

“Doc says it's pieces of the sky.” said Derpy as she looked up. “Maybe the sky is falling?”

“Pieces of the sky- Wait! THE SKY IS FALLING?!”

“Whaaat??!?” yelled Daisy.

“RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!” yelled Rose.

“BY CELESTIA!” Bonbon suddenly shouted, causing everypony around her to freeze. “LOOK UP THERE!”

Everypony looked up and gasped. Right there, up in the sky above Ponyville, was a really big hole. Bonbon then gasped again and jabbed her hoof at something in the hole.


“What is it Bonbon?” asked Lyra.

“Movement! I think I saw movement and lights up there!”

Time Turner looked up and narrowed his eyes with interest. Indeed there really seemed to be something moving around the hole. He reached inside his saddle bag and, to many ponies amazement, pulled out some kind of crazy looking telescope.

“Bigger on the inside...” muttered Rose in disbelief as she eyed the tiny blue bag.

“Great wickering stallions!” Time Turner exclaimed as he zoomed in. “There are creatures up there!”


“In the hole!” He pulled himself away from the telescope, facing the crowd. “There seems to be a whole other world up there! I've never seen anything like it!”

Everypony gasped. “WHAAAT?!?”

Time Turner took another look and gasped as he seemed to see more bright lights beyond the hole and more creatures running around. “And there appears to be something going on up there. Whatever it is, it doesn't look good. I think they might be in serious trouble.”

“What are we going to do?” asked Lily concerned.

“I don't know...” said Time Turner as he moved away from the telescope. “Where's Princess Twilight? Surely she must know of this...”

A curious Lyra calmly trotted over to the telescope as Time Turner wasn't looking and had herself a peek. Bonbon noticed and approached her.

“What do you see Lyra?” asked Bonbon.

“Hold on... Let me just.” Lyra gasped loudly before sporting a surprisingly huge grin. “I don't believe it!”

“What is it?! What do you see?”

“I've dreamed of this moment!” Her horn then flared up and magically summoned a large catching net that appeared beside her. She grabbed it with her mouth and glanced up at the hole with her tail wagging eagerly like an excited dog. This earned her an odd look from Bonbon.


“Ooh, I hope I get a cute one!”


--Canterlot High--

Chaos was raging.

During the third and final part of the annual Friendship Games, Twilight Sparkle, student of Crystal Prep, had been coaxed into releasing Equestrian magic she had unintentionally gathered during her investigation around the Canterlot High during the events.

In an attempt to win the games, her principal Miss Cinch had ordered her to use the magic gathered to win the final game, but instead the raw power of the collected magic engulfed Twilight and transformed her into dark, power-mad winged sorceress. Driven by an insatiable lust for knowledge, Twilight was ripping holes in the fabric of her reality in an attempt to learn the secrets of Equestrian magic, endangering everyone.

Sunset Shimmer, a former unicorn from Equestria, tried her best to reason with Twilight, while her human friends the Rainbooms tried their best to save the many students they could from falling into a gigantic hole Twilight had made, leading straight down to the Pony World below.

One curious human Derpy slowly approached the hole, leaned over to get a better look at the magical world, failing to notice the cracks that was forming around her feet.

Rainbow Dash was the first to notice her. “Hey! Get away from there! It's dangerous!”

Suddenly, the ground disappeared beneath Derpy's one foot and she jumped back, flailing her arms and losing the muffin she was holding. Without thinking, Derpy lunged forward and managed to grab her muffin, only to find herself too far over the edge to pull herself back.

Human Rainbow Dash gasped as she saw Derpy lose her balance and fall into the hole. With quick reflexes, she managed to reach Derpy and grab on to her one arm.

“Hang on! I got you!”

Using all the strength she could muster, Rainbow slowly began to pull Derpy back up. But then the ground started to crumble beneath Rainbow and she too fell in. She managed however to grab on to the edge with her one hand just in time, while still holding onto Derpy's hand with the other.

Derpy screamed, clinging on to her muffin for dear life.

“Hang on...” Rainbow gritted her teeth as she used all the remaining strength she had to pull them both back up. “Don't let go...”

They were fortunately noticed by Rarity and Applejack who quickly hurried to their rescue. “Hang on Rainbow Dash! We're comin'!”

The weight soon proved too much as the edge finally gave way, causing Rainbow to lose her grip. Luckily for her, Applejack and Rarity had reached her in time and grabbed her arm. The sudden stop however caused Derpy's hand to slip out of Rainbow's.

Rainbow cried in horror as she watched Derpy fall helplessly to the ground far below.



“Great wickering stallions!” Time Turner exclaimed with horror as he pulled away from the telescope and looked up in horror. “One of them just fell!”

Everypony gasped as they too soon saw the dark silhouette of a biped creature falling helplessly towards Ponyville.

“Sweet Celestia!” cried Golden Harvest.

“This is awful!” cried Lily.

“Come to mama!” Lyra muttered with hidden excitement, her net at the ready.

“The horror!” cried Rose. “Somepony do-”



Human Derpy cried as the ground below her got closer and closer. She cradled her muffin and wept as she knew her time was up.

With the ground now only seconds away, she closed her eyes and braced herself.



To human Derpy's complete and utter surprise, her fall stopped as something suddenly flew by and grabbed her from behind. She noticed two gray hooves wrapped around her mid-section.

“Are you okay?”

Human Derpy turned around, saw the face of her savior and her eyes went wide.

Pony Derpy also got a good look at the creature she had just saved. She had gray skin color just like her coat. She had yellow hair, like her mane and tail. She had bubbles on her skirt, just like her cutiemark. She had eyes, like hers.

They both gawked and stared silently at one another for a while until Human Derpy finally pointed her finger up to the hole in the sky.

“That's your home?”

Human Derpy nodded. Pony Derpy looked up towards the hole and smiled as she understood.

“Hold on!”

She flew Human Derpy back up to the hole and soon found herself in a completely different world altogether. Something even seemed to be going on but Derpy didn't bother with it. All that mattered to her was getting her new friend safely back.

--Canterlot High--

Above the school, the battle to save the Human World was still raging as Sunset Shimmer had now harnessed the magic of friendship and was using it to stop Twilight.
Below them, students and teachers watched on with silent amazement, except for one rainbow-haired student who was now utterly inconsolable. After helping Rainbow Dash out of the hole, Rarity and Applejack tried their best to comfort her.

“Now now Rainbow Dash...” Rarity hugged her, knowing all too well that it didn't help.

“Please Rainbow! It wasn't your fault!” said Applejack, trying to hide her own tears.

“I... I had her!” Rainbow sobbed, looking at her trembling hand. “I had her in my hand!” She dropped to her knees and covered her ears in grief. “What am I going to do?? What am I going to tell her parents??!”

“Please Rainbow... Calm down...” Rarity bit her finger nervously while trying to keep herself together as well. “Maybe she- Wa-hahaaa?!?”

Rarity and several other students gasped as something suddenly came flying out the hole. Rainbow Dash too looked up and her tearful eyes of grief now beamed with overwhelming joy.
“She- She's back! She's alright! But how-” Her words froze and she too was utterly awestruck when she got a good look at what had saved their Derpy.

Pony Derpy gently dropped human Derpy back on the ground far enough away from the hole. Pony Derpy's presence earned her a lot of amazed looks from all students around them.

“Is... Is that a pegasus?” asked Rarity.

“That is just incredible!” exclaimed Rainbow. “We actually have flying ponies beneath our school! How awesome is that?”

Applejack curiously rubbed her chin. “Is it me or does that pegasus look familiar..?”

With her feet safely back on the ground, human Derpy turned around and gave pony Derpy a big hug, to which pony Derpy happily returned by nuzzling her cheek. As they pulled away, human Derpy then felt the muffin she was still holding in her hand. She looked at it for a bit before smiling and showed it to pony Derpy. Pony Derpy's eyes nearly straightened with surprise.

“For me?”

Human Derpy smiled and nodded.

Pony Derpy beamed with joy and happily accepted it. She pulled human Derpy into another embrace before letting go and flew back down the hole with her new muffin.

“Byebye!” Human Derpy whispered as she waved after her. “Take care... And thank you.”

She was soon caught in a wild embrace by Rainbow Dash and the other students.

“Derpy!” Rainbow yelled. “Thank goodness you're safe! But who was that?”

Derpy said nothing. Instead she smiled and looked back towards the hole, just as Sunset Shimmer finally delivered the finishing blow to end Twilight's terror and expel the evil from within her.


Back down below, ponies watched with nervous anticipation as they waited for Derpy to return. A loud cheer soon sounded as they saw her descend and touch the ground before them.

“What happened? What was in that hole?” asked Time Turner excited. “Was there an actual world up there?”

“And what was that creature you saved?” asked Bonbon.


Derpy was bombarded with questions about the hole and the creature she had saved, but instead just stood there silently and smiled. As ponies kept asking, they soon felt a bright flash above them and saw that the hole was slowly closing up.
Time Turner rushed to his telescope and watched closely as it disappeared entirely.

“It's gone! The hole is sealed up!”

Everypony drew a sigh of relief.

“Whatever happened up there, it must have been resolved somehow.” Time Turner smiled. “A shame really... I was hoping to study it...”

As ponies returned back to their buisnesses, Derpy just stood there silently and looked at the muffin she had gotten from her new friend.

She didn't know whether to eat it...

Or save it...


Author's Note:

This is a scene I wish had happened in the actual movie :twilightsmile:

Update: I've decided to call this a complete story. I originally planned to have this be a two-parter. But after two years and no progress, I've decided to leave this story as it is.

Comments ( 10 )

that was a fantastic first chapter! it was great to see derpy save her human shelf it really shows that depy is a hero in many ways!! great an d fun story will be waiting for more. bravo to you!!

6611393 Thank you :twilightsmile: I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I have one more chapter planned that turns back the time and focuses on another familiar pony during this event. I'm not sure I'll be making more chapters after that since this was originally meant to be a One-Shot.

I'd eat it. :derpytongue2:

This deserves a like!:pinkiehappy:
Keep writing!:scootangel:

6615038 Thank you. I will :twilightsmile:

I like this! More please!

Eat it.
You know you must.
An interdimensional muffin.
Just imagine the flavor...

6620847 It's OUT OF THIS WORLD! :derpytongue2:

Hmm. It could use some technical polish, but the base idea is fantastic. I'm always up for a Derpidox. I look forward to seeing what else you do with this.

6621926 Yeah... It is written a bit clumsy :twilightsheepish:

Maybe I'll fix it up a bit and add some more content when posting the next part?

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