• Published 9th Jan 2016
  • 9,885 Views, 216 Comments

Alex's Care Taker - SparkStone

When the Care Taker of ponies get sent to Equestria, many rejoice, and many meet the beloved human of the Equines.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Romantic Revelations

The stunned and wide-eyed Twilight was frozen stiff at the realization that Alex was Princess Celestia’s special somepony. And that the first thing she did to him was hold him down when she first came into contact. Finally breaking out of her trance, she realized she was sitting on a chair at the dinner table with her friends, Spike, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna at the castle. Alex was also there, standing beside her to check on her condition.

“Oh, good!” Alex sighed in relief. “You had me worried, just standing there like that.”

“I told you there’s nothing to be worried about,” Spike stated as he bit into another samosa. “Twilight’s usually like that when something big comes up.”

“I apologize if the news was that abrupt then,” Alex stated. “It’s my fault for not informing you sooner. It’s just that I didn’t know you were so acquainted with the Princess that I wasn’t sure if it was something I should mention offhandedly.”

“No! No, it’s alright!” Twilight waved her hooves furiously, trying to calm the human. “It’s my fault, I should’ve mentioned that I’m Princess Celestia’s student!”

“Oh?” He spoke in surprise. “That explains why you’re so smart!”

Alex scratches her ear, having the violet alicorn jolt in pleasure completely red in the face. Princess Celestia was giggling to herself at the sight, happy to know that the two got along with each other.

“But really, Alex,” Applejack shook her head in disbelief. “You and the princess? I never would have thought.”

“It’s just so… So...” Rarity hiccuped between her words, tearing up at the story that unfolded between the two. “So romantic! So beautiful! And after a year of separation, you’re finally together again!”

She grabbed Rainbow Dash and held her tightly as Rarity cried in joy for them reuniting. Pinkie Pie bounced into the shot and said, “It is a great story! I read it again and again! Did you know ponies would still talk about it even after a year?”

“Regardless, I’m incredibly happy,” Luna stated. “My sister has returned from her duties and Alex has come to Equestria. Today is truly a joyous occasion.”

Rainbow pulled Rarity off of her and said, “But Alex! Is there any other pony you’re forgetting to mention?”

“There may be more, but I can’t easily remember off the top of my head.” Alex told her.

“I don’t think my heart could take any more surprises,” Fluttershy warned him.

“Like how GOOD THIS SAMOSA IS!?” Pinkie screamed out of nowhere, frightening the poor mare.

“Your culinary skills shine once again!” Celestia giggled as she took another Samosa. “Almost as good as cakes.”

“You’re still craving cakes?” Alex laughed. “You should try and limit your sugar intake. Desserts are more satisfying when treated like treats rather than a daily meal.”

Twilight watched Alex and Princess Celestia have a good time in conversation as equals. The violet alicorn realizes that the two must truly be close. As she calms herself and bites into the samosa, she becomes astounded by the flavor dancing in her mouth.

“I’ve never eaten something like this!” Twilight stated as her taste buds were still quivering in excitement at the new world of food she has never set hoof in. She wasn’t one to test the culinary limits, but this was definitely outside of the usual food in Canterlot or Ponyville!

“I’m glad you like them,” he smiled. “Luna likes this food very much.”

“Hey, this is great and all, but what are you gonna do now?” Rainbow wondered. “Not to be a killjoy or anything, especially since you uh… got back together with the Princess, but are you just gonna stay here?”

“Actually, how did you arrive in Equestria?” Princess Celestia wondered. “Is Charles or your sister here?”

“No, only I came,” Alex told her. “I’m as confused as you are honestly.”

“I couldn’t detect anything significantly different when I found you in Ponyville,” Twilight informed Alex.

“Do you recall anything before you were taken here?” the sun princess wondered. “Perhaps that may help you.”

Alex held his chin and thought about the last moment he recalled on earth. He took a while to think about it before snapping his fingers.

“My sister was visiting.”

“Aurabelle?” Celestia spoke her name. “What was she doing?”

“She has been having trouble lately using her magic.” Alex explained. “She came over for a safe place to retrain using her magic. She may have sent me here on accident.”

“Transferring somepony to another world takes lots of magic!” Twilight pointed out. “I didn’t know humans can use magic!”

“Well, Aurabelle is a special case,” Alex told her. “She’s the only one in our world that uses magic.”

“That is strange,” Applejack thought. “If I recall, humans can’t use magic at all.”

“Well, Aurabelle does have a reason for her abilities. I would rather not discuss it for now.”

Alex’s word felt a little heavier that time. Applejack understood that this wasn’t a subject she should pursue and waved to Twilight and signaled her to change the subject. The violet alicorn nodded and asked another question.

“So, what do you want to do Alex?” Twilight wondered.

“Alex, if I may be so bold,” Princess Celestia spoke, somewhat nervous with the words that were about to come out of her mouth. “Perhaps you should stay here. I want you to be safe here while we do what we can to help you in your predicament.”

“Predicament?” Rainbow repeated. “What’s so bad about him being here?”

“Even if a lot of ponies know of Alex, he has no paperwork or anything physical to state that he is protected by Equestrian Law,” the Princess explained. “It would be disastrous if something happened to him without supervision. I feel that Canterlot would ensure his safety while providing him with the proper essentials for identification.”

“You don’t need to hide it!” Pinkie said to the princess. “We all know that you want to spend more time with Alex!”

Twilight pulled Pinkie and covered her mouth to prevent her from making any more unnecessary comments. Celestia couldn’t help but turn red and look away in embarrassment by that comment. Alex held his laughter in while Luna gave a weary sigh.

“It’s a good thing nothing happened to you while we were traveling around, huh Alex?” Rainbow commented.

“I have all of you to thank for my safety,” Alex said gratefully. “It makes sense since Celestia trusts you so much.”

“Well, I do my best to meet Princess Celestia’s expectations!” Twilight claimed quite pridefully, earning another pleasant ear scratching from the human.

Luna checks the time and realizes it’s almost time to attend her own duties. She rises from her seat and reminds them of the coming night.

“It’s getting late. I believe now would be a good time for every pony to go and get some rest. I’ll have the maids prepare rooms for you all.”

“Will you and your friends be staying here tonight, Twilight?” Celestia asked her faithful student.

“That would be nice! Thank you Princess!”

“Alex, darling,” Rarity spoke. “Where do you plan to rest for tonight?”

Celestia and Alex flinched at the question with Twilight turning red and yelled, “Rarity!”

“Oh, come now, Twilight. We’re all adults here!” Rarity pointed out.

Celestia coughed into her hoof as Alex patted Twilight’s shoulder to calm her down. The girls were having a good laugh about it, but it was getting late. “Well, I would rather not pressure our guest on anything. Especially since he only just arrived.”

“I wouldn’t mind either way,” Alex states to everyone. “It’d be nice to catch up, Celestia. It has been a while.”

Celestia smiled with rosy cheeks and admitted to share a similar thought. “Same.”

Twilight and her friends were sharing one of the bigger guest rooms together. After they brushed their teeth and wore any nightly accessories, they did what anyone would do at night: Gossip. The biggest topic of tonight’s discussion was of course their discovery that day. With Alex in Princess Celestia’s room, they couldn’t help but bring up something spicy.

“Ooh, I can’t believe it!” Rarity spoke with such giddiness. “Who knew, after all this time, Alex would be the Princess’s special some pony!”

“I… I still can’t believe he’s the Princess’s colt friend either...” Twilight admitted, still shaken by the fact.

“Did you even know the Princess had a colt friend?” Fluttershy wondered.

“No! I didn’t!” she yelped. “I mean, if she told any pony, it would probably be Princess Luna!”

“You know, I didn’t picture it at first, but now that the Princess and Alex are here together, I can see why they’re together, Pinkie claimed.

“Oh please, you could say that about almost any pony that knew Alex,” Rainbow stated. Her comment had all of the mares turn to Applejack.

Hey now, Alex is just a good friend. Nothing more.”

“If Alex said he had fallen for you, would you turn him down?” Rarity questioned.

Applejack’s eyes darted to the side to see her friends leaning closer to hear her response. Applejack did see Alex as a friend, but if he did ask her that, it would be kind of difficult to turn down. “Well, I’d be lying if I said no. He’s the kind of guy you can rely on for a lot.”

“So you DO have a crush on him!” Rainbow teased.

“This is all what if and whatnot!” Applejack snapped back. “Besides, he’s with the Princess. And considering how happy she was, I don’t want to meddle with that.”

“Does that mean Alex will become the Prince of Equestria?” Pinkie wondered.

Twilight froze up upon hearing that. If the Princess were to marry Alex, he would become a ruling figure for Equestria. He would be the husband of her mentor!

After the others eventually went to bed, Twilight was deep in thought about Alex. For him to arrive at her castle and to be revered in Equestria as well as be acquainted with the Princess was a sign of his significance. He was important, and Twilight had to make sure that he is able to live comfortably in Equestria as perfectly as possible.

Author's Note:

Question: Do you think this story takes place before or after Starlight's redemption?
I may include her as a supporting role to get the story going along. Either way works for me though.

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