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Black Hailstorm

A never-ending storm of ideas

Comments ( 59 )

I think you mean kagune instead of kakuja. A kakuja is the result of the kagune under going a mutation from an increase of RC cells after cannibalizing other ghouls to such an extent. Kaneki also only has a half kakuja, an incomplete one. His takes the form of a centipede.

6628210 Thanks its been awhile since i've seen the anime so I had a bit of trouble figuring out which was which

6628222 Meh, it happens. Probably wouldn't hurt to check over things from the wiki as well.

This seems interesting.

6628478 Glad it caught your attention

I just got done watching Tokyo ghoul... and I see this Yaaaaaaaas!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Nice story must have more, also of I'm not mistaken ken becomes a lot stronger and faster when he's using his kakuja

Awesome can't wait for more

Ehhhh, this is going in my track list, don't know yet if it will be staying there though, we'll see.

Also, Ghouls can only drink coffee, not tea

6636181 Thanks. Rest assured this story isn't dying out anytime soon.

Very good i love it.

I believe its CCG, not GGC correct me if I'm wrong

very good it really is getting interesting:moustache:

Hopefully by cannibalizing these ghouls he'll be able complete his kakuja

the story really is getting interesting

Noooooo! Why the cliffhanger!

6675627 In truth I enjoy giving cliffhangers like this.

yes really are , I love the way the story is developing , have to say you are doing a great job:moustache:

6680348 Thanks. I'm just glad my story is entertaining you all so much. I'll do my best to keep up the good work and once again thanks for the support . :eeyup:

very good I love it.:moustache:

good chapter eagerly looking forward to the story:moustache:

What is this a crossover of?

Now Mr. Streamlight... What's 1000 - 7? :pinkiecrazy:

I loved the chapter, anxiously awaiting the next:moustache:

I'm not sure I'll like this story because of the spelling errors. One, you spelled 'iris' with an 'e' on the end, and two, there were two places where you used the word 'you're' wrong.

Sorry, but I'm gonna go. There are too many errors and they prevent me from becoming immersed in your story. Goodbye.

great chapter,eager for the next one:moustache:

Everything needs an opening sequence:twilightsmile:


Things are getting interesting. Though I'm gonna honest, I'm kind of wondering what Kaneki's end-game will be, so to speak.

At this point we know he'll be hunting the ghouls in Equestria, but at this point, there are probably only a few human ghouls around.

So either they're going to multiply by adding ponies to their midst, Something with a changling is going to happen, political stakes get raised or Something's gonna alter Kaneki near the end of this story.

7000345 Definitely true. Kaneki will spend most of his time hunting, and yes there will be changes. I've been thinking of how things will work politically, but that whole changeling part has me interested. I may just include that in a upcoming chapter later on.

As for Kaneki's end game, you'll simply have to wait and see

Great chapter, looking forward for more:pinkiehappy:

Damn, not even a second of reprieve for this guy. One moment he gets some brevity and the next, BAM, the world chooses to fuck his day over.

Truly, the good guys never have it easy.

The only positive I can think about when it comes to this is that he won't become the revenger type. In the sense that he won't become a Hachikawa, since he knows better.

Hmm, this is going to be interesting. Though in all honesty, I don't see it as being that things are going to go well in either places. Manehatten or Trancesylvania.

As far as Kaneki's secret is concerned...I don't get why Sting is pushing so hard for this. Obviously if Kaneki is on a rooftop with one of the RULERS OF THE LAND and a crazed CCG agent, it's probably a situation he didn't have control over. Shit went down, and he was caught up by it.

That said, why Kaneki would hide this is weird to me. I haven't read Tokyo Ghoul, so I don't know as much as the right person would, but from what I've gleaned, this would be something he'd WANT to tell these two. That is...

Unless he considers them friends, or something, and such he wants to protect. So to keep them from harm, he's not telling them anything.

:pinkiegasp: Kaneki in Equestria?! :rainbowdetermined2: AWESOME!!! I was just about to write up a Challenge thread about MLP Tokyo Ghoul, and then I see this... My prayers have been answered before they could be spoken! :ajsmug: Nice job!

“I hope it’s nothing worse than Tirek”

Worse than Tirek? :trixieshiftleft: Hmm... maybe.

This filler chapter moved me a little bit. Good job, sir (or ma'am—I can't really be sure).

You've made a lot of crossovers. Why is that?

Usually inspiration strikes me at random moments and I feel compelled to write a story when that hits. So basically whenever I write a story I tend to improvise while writing off that inspiration, be it a song, any idea that pops into my head or off of another show, which either leads me making a crossover to that show or if the show I'm basing the idea from doesn't hold strong in my opinion then I make the story off on its own.

Y'know, on the one hand, I want to see the Mane Six find out about Kaneki's status as a Ghoul, but on the other hand, I'm kinda dreading it. I want to see them accept him as a Ghoul, in majority at least. But then again, that's up to you, BH. :applejackunsure:

As of this moment there's no time on when I'll be publishing the sequel to this. I will make a sequel, but there's no guarantee of a date. Even if I did have a date there's a huge chance I'd not go through with it as I have other things I have to do and other stories I'd rather focus on.

Regardless though this sequel will be brewing in the shadows and I'll be sure to give a date before the end of this year.

I guess that Kaneki is gonna have to explain to the Mane Six about his Ghoul Hybrid status in the sequel. Kami, I hope they take it well... It would probably help if he gives a recount on everything that happened since he met Ms. Kameshiro in the first episode/chapter, and became Dr. Kanou's little Hybrid Project guinea pig.

Lyra rolled her eyes and yanked her friend’s hand away from her mouth. “And I’ve told you my interest in creatures that don’t want to hurt us isn’t weird! That’s like saying Fluttershy’s care for animals is bizarre!” Grabbing the bowl of salad meant for her Lyra moved towards her room where she could access the ladder that would take her to the roof.


Before covering it Kaneki stared at the look of content, he had on his face. A few seconds passed before he covered the hole up.

*looks down at hole in chest* I definatly FELT that one!!😆😆😖😖😖😭😭😭

“I’m sorry” the little girl said sadly as a kagune emerged from behind her back and under her shirt. “But we all need to eat sometime.”

feels are being felt

“Like I said, they were pushed to their limit. Caged animals, people, even ghouls when pushed to the brink of death or put in a dangerous situation will behave in ways they normally wouldn’t. I can’t fully blame them. But I will kill them if they’re the ones that pull a stunt like this again.”

common sense and reason, two traits so rare they might as well be super powers, and this guy might as well be the ultimate super hero

Utterly confused and slightly disturbed, Spike watched with great uneasiness as Twilight put Sting in a tough situation. The distance between one of his greatest weak points and the blunt diamond slowly grew as Twilight added pressure to Sting’s back, who was trying to stay away from the object.


“You promise to tell me the truth?” Twilight yelled from the room as Spike went to grab something to eat.

with what your doing, hell no

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