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No Cookies For Twilight

Four year old Twilight trotted into the kitchen and looked around. The kitchen was empty. Her hooves clip-clopped on the checkered linoleum floor as she trotted further into what usually her mommy's domain. The blue lace curtains were spread wide, letting in the afternoon sun that sparkled on the immaculately white counter tops. The nearly shining floor and empty sink hinted that her mommy had cleaned up in here very recently.

Twilight nervously looked over her shoulder. The coast was clear. Mommy was cleaning up the bathroom and shouldn't be coming back inside. Daddy was outside in the garden. Last time Twilight had seen him he had been sitting on a garden chair and munching on a carrot. Shining had gone off with his friends a while ago and they were off doing whatever it was colts did with their friends. (Twilight had no interest in the subject. There were more interesting things in life. Like alchemy and ladybugs and chocolate chip cookies.)

She had fooled them all. They all thought she was in her room, playing with her doll and reading passages from the Encyclopedia Equestriannica. She had been, in fact, until she'd gotten an insatiable urge for cookies. She had tried to suppress the urge. Oh, yes, she had tried. It was a monumental struggle, but in the end the desire for cookies had over ridden everything else. Nopony would ever suspect her daring plan.

The four legs of the wooden, mahogany table rose up before her at an impressive height. Twilight gulped as she looked up at the impressively high table. Atop the blue tablecloth was a ceramic jar, decorated with pictures of flowers. Roses and yellow daffodils popped up in a verdant green field where pink and blue bunnies frolicked. Twilight stared at the jar, wondering if such multicolored bunnies really existed. She had never seen any of them in her books. Still, the bunnies were pretty. Twilight could stare at them for hours.

She shook her head. The bunnies, as cute and cuddly looking as they were, were not the most interesting thing about the jar. The most interesting thing about the jar was the sweet, gooey goodness of moist, chocolate chip cookies. Twilight licked her lips at the thought and spent a few seconds calculating how far she'd have to leap to get on the table. Both jumping on the table and cookie theft were punishable by a spanking, but Twilight didn't care. There were cookies that needed liberating from their cruel imprisonment in the cookie jar!

The cookies, after all, had done nothing to deserve their cruel imprisonment except for being delicious. They would be much happier in her tummy. Not sure if jumping on the table was the best idea, Twilight lit up her horn in an attempt to telekinetically lift up the lid of the cookie jar. It wouldn't budge. Twilight frowned and took several steps back. Any miscalculation would result in a serious boo-boo. (Which, no doubt, was the reason she wasn't allowed to jump on the table.)

She concentrated on the distance between herself and the table, a distance she sough to close with one mighty leap. She concentrated on it so hard, she stuck out her tongue. The vast table seemed to rise up before her like a mountain she could never hope to scale. She had scaled it in the past, even if that had occasionally ended in a trip across Mommy's knee or, far worse, landing on the hard, unforgiving ground.

At least, Mommy's knee was soft and comfortable. The ground was very hard and very uncomfortable. Still, there was no length to which Twilight would not go to gain her treasure-sweet, chocolate chip cookies.

She took one last step and then a mighty bound. She nearly missed, but at the last second scrambled onto the table. She did a little victory prance and nearly fell off the table. She steadied herself and lifted the lid from the jar, placing both hooves on the jar and nearly turning over in order to peer inside. There were only a few cookies left. She could just barely reach them. She plunged a hoof into the darkness of the jar, reaching for one of the treats.

In the bathroom Twilight Velvet put down the brush she had been scrubbing the toilet with and looked around at her hoofiwork. The white tiled bathroom, alabaster sink and ivory-colored bathtub sparkled in the light streaming in from the window. Satisfied, she walked out of the bathroom and put her toilet brush back beneath the sink.

A light grumble came from her stomach. Lately she had been on a diet and trying to avoid sweets, despite the temptation. She allowed herself one cookie a day after supper as she couldn't completely give up sweets. Her self-will just wasn't strong enough for that. She trotted in the hallway and towards the kitchen where she hoped to find a healthy snack like a carrot or an apple. The sight that greeted her almost made her laugh against her will. Twilight was bent over with her head in the cookie jar, her tail swaying nearly hypnotically as she squirmed.

Her daughter was too cute for her own good sometimes. Velvet shook her head and sighed. She didn't want to, but she had made a rule and intended to keep it. She lit up her horn and Twilight found herself floating in air. She desperately hung on to the chocolate chip cookie in her hooves. Velvet sat down on a chair and bent the filly across her knee. Raising her hoof she landed several firm swats on Twilight's rump and then several more on the other side of her rump. Twilight yelped and jumped. "That's for stealing cookies and for jumping on the table." She sat the little rascal down. "Now what do you have to say for yourself?"

Twilight hung her head. "Sorry."

Velvet knelt down to her level. "It's okay. I just don't want you to hurt yourself or make your tummy sick eating too many sweets. Understand?"

Twilight nodded. Velvet wrapped her hooves around her, drawing her daughter into an embrace as well as floating the cookie back into the jar with her magic. Twilight returned the hug and nuzzled her.

"Now why don't you go outside and play? Or stay inside and read if you want?"

Twilight stayed in the embrace for a while, Velvet stroking her mane. Finally, she decided to go out and play with ladybugs. She happily pranced out the door as if the spanking had never happened. Velvet looked back to the open cookie jar. Suddenly, the sweet scent of the baked goods rose up, casting a spell over her. She felt a twinge of sympathy for her daughter.

But she was an adult mare, not a weak-willed four year old. Velvet lifted up the lid to place atop the jar, hoping to close it and break the cookie's power over her. The cookies beckoned her. She looked around so no one would see her shameful deed. Then, she floated up a cookie.

Suddenly, she felt hot breath on her neck and heard her husband's voice. "Stealing cookies before dinner? You know what that means."

With a tug of his magic, Night Light took his wife across his knees and landed several spanks across her backside. "Sorry Darling," he gently, lovingly rubbed where he had smacked. "It's your rule."