• Published 24th Nov 2015
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Star Trek: I'm Coming Home - Aceman67

With Equus entering a golden age where nearly every need is met, many of the world's inhabitants are looking to the stars & the vast universe beyond it. One such pony is Zoe, a bright, talented & fiercely loyal unicorn whose destiny may be out there.

  • ...

Chapter 10 - Fear

Sapphire was speechless. Physically and emotionally speechless. With her mind a total blank, all she could do was stare back at Zoe and that cocky self-assured smile that she had fallen for so many years ago.

That’s right, I love her, She thought, and once where there was nothing, all the memories came flooding back.

The look of concern and determination shown that day on the mountain.

The laughter that came with years of friendship.

The ear always there to listen.

The vulnerability that was freely entrusted.

The warmth of not waking up alone.

“Yes,” Sapphire squeaked, her heart threatening to burst from her chest.

Zoe’s expression slowly changed from a smile to that of pure elation, tears of joy forming in her eyes as she wrapped her forelegs around her beloved.

They remained that way for several minutes, not wanting to part, simply enjoying the moment.

But it didn’t last. Both looked at each other, neither ready to speak at that moment.

“So...” Zoe began, wiping a tear from her eye. “What now?” She asked.

“What now?” Sapphire responded, bursting into laughter.

“Hey!” Zoe exclaimed. “You’re the smart one,” She told her. “I thought you’d...”

“Just shut up and kiss me you dolt.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“That should do it...” James said after spitting out the tool he was holding in his muzzle that he just used to secure a small power conduit.

Taking a step back, he smiled. It had taken some asking. Some haggling. Some wheel’n and deal’n.

Eventually, all it took was a few slips of gold-pressed latinum to a freighter captain. But it was here, and it was hooked up.

Taking the place of his once beloved coffee maker on the counter, which he would take care of later, was one Starfleet-issue replicator, circa twenty-three sixty-five. Yeah, it's old, but it’ll do. He thought.

“Coffee, black, one cream, two sugars,” James ordered, and the contraption lit up and in its alcove appeared a steaming cup filled with golden nectar from the gods. Taking the cup in his hooves, he winced in pain its heat, but he suffered through it as he took a sip. “Perfection,” he said to nopony in particular.

“What is?” Fluttershy asked as she wandered into the kitchen. “What’s that?” She asked, staring at the new appliance sitting on her countertop.

“It’s a replicator,” He answered as he put his coffee down and reached into the cupboard and grabbed his wife’s favourite mug, the one in the shape of Thumper she got when he took her and Zoe to Disneyland, and placed it in the center of the replicator. “Tea, English Breakfast, medium hot, one milk, one sugar, using provided cup.”

Fluttershy watched, a little concerned at first, but smiled as the aroma of her favourite tea from Earth filled the air. Taking the cup in her hooves, she savoured the smell then quietly drank her tea at her own slow, deliberate pace with a smile.

“You likey?”

“Me likey.” She answered. “Didn’t you have one of those on the Scott Free? Why didn’t you have it taken out when you gave it back to your sister?”

“Didn’t occur to me at the time,” James replied after a brief moment to think. “I also doubt she would have let me do that anyways.” He explained as he took another drink of his coffee. “Oh, there’s more.” He said, raising a hoof. “I was also able to get a small industrial replicator that was refitted to recycle garbage, waste water and bio-matter.” He continued. “With the rain collector you already had, the high-efficiency solar panels and batteries I got last year from that Bolian trader, and with the house’s waste water and sewage systems hooked into the recycler, we’re one hundred percent self-sufficient. Totally green.” He finished with a smile. “Also going to save a ton on bills too...” He added for good measure, while neither of them seemed to notice the front door of the house opening.

“You didn’t totally take us off the town system did you?” Fluttershy asked.

“No, if there’s ever an issue, we can switch over to the town services.”

“This is what you’ve been working on during your vacation?” She asked.

“In my spare time yes,” Stepping alongside his wife, leaning in to whisper into her ear. “When I’m not focusing my attentions on you,” He continued in a hushed tone, getting the giggle he was looking for.

“If you’re going to do that, at least make sure the front of the house is locked,” Zoe said bluntly as she walked up to the dining table and sat down. “Oh, cool, you got a replicator,”

James and Fluttershy stared at their daughter in embarrassment for a couple seconds. It was James who first regained his composure.

“You could have knocked,” He stated.

“She did, nopony answered,” Sapphire said making her presence known. Her cheeks, also a darker shade from interrupting them. “Good morning, Mr and Mrs Scott.

“Good morning Sapphire,” Fluttershy said as she took her seat and returned to her tea. “When did you return from Manehatten?”

“Last night,” Sapphire answered with a blushing smile. “I found out that I’m graduating with honours,”

“That’s great!” James said at the news.

“Congratulations, your mom must be very proud,” Fluttershy told her.

“I haven’t told her yet, I wanted to see Zoe first,” Sapphire told them. “I’m going to see mom next.”

The older ponies in the room looked at each other and smiled.

“And Zoe wanted breakfast,” Sapphire added.

“What’s wrong with the food at your place?” James asked, teasing his daughter.

“Still in the fridge,” Zoe said as she got up to walk to the replicator. “And uncooked,”

“So you thought you’d burden your mother and I?” He continued.

“It’s really not a problem,” Fluttershy said.

“I think there’s something more to this,” James continued, watching his daughter retrieve two cups of tea from the replicator, levitating one over to Sapphire. “What do you want?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I didn’t want to tell you till I knew I was going to actually take the entrance exam.” Zoe began. “I’m applying to Starfleet Academy.”

James’ face went from inquisitive to a neutral expression while Fluttershy took on a worried look.

“I need help with the hyperspace physics portion of the screening exam,” Zoe told them. “And even though I have dual-citizenship, a sponsorship from you couldn’t hurt either.”

“Come on, let's go for a walk,” James said, getting up from the table and headed for the front door.

Zoe looked over at her mother and Sapphire who both motioned for her to follow him. After going through the front door, Zoe found James sitting on a bench that they had on the front lawn.

Figuring out that the ‘walk’ they were going to take was actually a talk, she sat down next to him.

“My parents were totally against me joining Starfleet,” James told her as soon as she sat down. “I mean that literally, it was the biggest fight we ever had. The Dominion war had ended only months before, and as freighter captains, my parents had seen the horrors of the war first hand.

“It got so bad that my sister actually called up grandma Zoe to see if she could calm them down.” James continued. “She was a career Starfleet officer, retired when I was a kid, she, somehow, got them to agree to send me on a transport to visit her, promising that she’d talk with me.

“They couldn’t stop me from joining even if they wanted too, I was of age and didn’t need their permission, but I said I would talk with grandma, and I did.” He said. “So I’m going to have the same conversation with you that she had with me.”

“Ok,” Zoe said, giving her father her complete attention.

“Why do you want to join Starfleet?” James asked.

“Probably your fault really,” Zoe said, getting a look from her father. “You took me to so many places, Earth, Vulcan, Trill, Bajor. Other than mom, I’m the most travelled pony on this planet.” She explained. “I’ve seen so much, and I want to see more.”

“I thought that joining the guard would be the best thing for me, fitting my talent, but something was missing.” She told him. “Remember the very first time you took me to ski at Vanhoover? How I got lost?”

“Yeah, you worried us sick,” James told her.

“I wasn’t lost. Knew exactly where I was, I was exploring.” She admitted. “I never went so far as make you worry about me like that again after that, but I never stopped exploring. Think about it, all those times you lost track of me, only for me to turn up a few minutes later like I hadn’t gone anywhere.”

James looked at his daughter as she told him this. She was right, he hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but she was right.

“Like father, like daughter,” James said. “While not the same reason I wanted to join, I always wanted to explore, it’s why I applied for a deep space assignment when I graduated.” He explained with a smile, but it quickly faded as he took on a serious expression. “I know that, on some level, you accepted that you might have to kill somepony when you joined the Guard,” James told her. “But that’s one pony, would you be able to kill more if you were ordered too?”

“What are you talking about?” Zoe asked with a confused look on her face.

“I’m guessing, and I am assuming that I’m correct, that you’re going to join the security services if you get into the academy,” James said, getting a nod from Zoe. “Well, part of the responsibilities you’d have is manning a ship’s tactical station. You’d be in control of the full arsenal of a federation starship.

“Even the smallest starship has enough firepower on board to wipe out a planet, it’s a big responsibility.” He continued. “I’m not saying if, I’m saying when, because you will at some point in your career, be at tactical and be ordered to fire upon another ship.

“Could be for any number of reasons, self-defence, the federation could be at war, whatever,” James explained. “If that ship is destroyed, you could be killing hundreds in an instant.”

What her father was telling her was sobering. She hadn’t thought of that.

“I was a Starfleet officer for eleven years before I resigned, in that time, how many do you think I’ve killed?” James asked flatly.

“I don’t know,” Zoe answered.

“I don’t know either, and I hope I never find out, but I do know it’s in the hundreds,” James told her with obvious shame in his voice. “Several months before I met your mother, I was at the helm of the Juno Beach. We were part of a joint Starfleet/Klingon patrol along their border with the Kinshaya.

“We were accosted by a Kinshayan cruiser, claiming that we were in their territory, which wasn’t the case. They fired first, we fired back. I did my best at the helm to give the tactical officer the best shots, and in the end, we destroyed them.

“We recovered their log recorder, turns out the captain had ignored his engineers continued requests to have the navigational sensors replaced, which explained why they were in Klingon territory. That captain’s negligence got his crew killed and almost sparked a war between the Typhon Pact and the Khitomer Accord Signatories.

“I may not have pulled the trigger, but I sure as hell aimed the gun.”

“Why did you tell me that?” Zoe asked.

“Because I’d be negligent, both as a father and as somepony giving you a sponsorship if I didn’t,” James explained. “Starfleet is a dangerous job, especially for security personnel, you should have all the information you can before you make your choice.” He continued. “Your grandmother told me something similar,”

“Do you want me to go into Starfleet?” Zoe asked.

“Yes, and no,” James answered. “Part of me wants you to experience the things I did when I was exploring the beta quadrant, the other part of me wants you to still be the little filly that hid under my wing during thunderstorms.”

“I have to grow up some time, dad,”

“I know that,” James told her. “Doesn’t stop me from wanting to protect you.”

“You think mom will approve?”

“She’ll come around, leave her to me.” He answered as he got up to go back inside. “So, trouble with math, ‘eh?”

Zoe rolled her eyes and followed him in.

Sitting down at the table, Zoe smiled at the plate of pancakes her mother had made for her, from scratch if the dishes in the sink were any indication.

All four ponies around the table sat in a pleasant silence for several minutes before Sapphire raised her eyebrows as if she was expecting me to say something.

Waiting for the most opportune time, her father sitting with his side to the table reading his paper and taking a drink from his coffee, Zoe smiled.

“Sapphire and I are engaged,”

Cleaning the coffee off the wall was annoying, but seeing the spit-take made it all worth it.

January 2413 – Deep Space Nine

“I am Commander Jefferson Blackmer, executive officer of DS9, I will be administering this entrance exam.” Commander Blackmer told the those gathered in the exam room. “There are twelve applicants, but only five of you will be able to enter the academy.

“During that time, we will be testing each of you. We’ll be looking for integrity, intelligence, courage, imagination, and leadership.” He continued. “And you as candidates should expect the unexpected, any questions?” He asked, then pointed to the hulking Bajoran, easily over seven feet tall.

“By unexpected, you mean the psych test?” He asked.

“Ah, the ‘dreaded psych test’,” Blackmer answered. “That is part of it, yes, but you could be tested on any number of things, at any time.”

“What is the psych test?” Zoe asked.

“It’s a psychological evaluation based on reaction to individual problems,” Blackmer explained. “Tailored to each candidate, you’ll be faced with a situation that will force you to confront your greatest fear, and the test is how you react to it.”

“Oh,” Zoe said in response but remained silent.

“What’s wrong? Scared?” Another candidate asked, a human.

“That’ll be enough of that, Candidate Striemer,” Blackmer said. “Now, if you’ll all take your seats, we’ll begin the hyperspace physics exam.”

With surprise that this was the first test, Zoe took her seat and activated her terminal, causing a holographic interface to appear before her, specially customised so it could be used with her hooves.

“Question one: If the matter and antimatter tanks on a Galaxy-Class starship are nine-tenths depleted, calculate the intermix ratio necessary to reach a starbase one hundred light years away at warp factor eight.” A male computer voice sounded out.

Seriously? Zoe thought as she punched in the answer: 1:1

She smiled when the word ’Correct’ appeared on the screen.

Now for the hard ones...

“Man, my neck is stiff...” Carlyle Striemer said, twisting his neck as he walked out of the examination room. “Why’d the test have to be three hours long?”

“To determine who is best suited for entrance into the Academy.” A Vulcan male stated.

“Least I did well on the exam, especially since I had to retake the screening exam a second time just to get here,” Zoe said, joining in the conversation.

“I have not had the opportunity to properly greet one another,” The Vulcan said, turning to Zoe. “I am Sovek of Vulcan.”

“Carlyle Striemer,”

“Zoe Scott,” She answered.

“I am unfamiliar with your species, of which planet do you come from?”

“I’m a Unicorn from the Equestrian continent of Equus,” Zoe explained.

“Wait, a unicorn, like the magical creatures in myths?” Carlyle said as he placed a PADD on the deck so he could adjust his shoes.

Zoe smiled then levitated the PADD in the air as he got back up to his feet. “We’re magical, yes, but I assure you that I’m no myth,” Zoe said.

“Fascinating,” Sovek said, raising an eyebrow.

“How’d you do that?” Carlyle asked, taking the PADD out of the air.

“Short answer, magic,” Zoe explained, getting a doubtful eye from Carlyle. “Seriously, it's what our culture calls it. The long answer is Federation science hasn’t been able to explain it, but the prevailing theory is that its localised manipulation of dark energy.” Zoe continued. “But I’m no expert on that,”

“Which branch of Starfleet do you wish to enter?” Sovek asked.

“I was about to become an officer in my country’s Royal Guard, but I resigned before I graduated to try and get into Starfleet, like my father,” Zoe answered. “As for what branch, Security.”

“Equus isn’t a federation world, but you said that your father was in Starfleet,” Carlyle started. “How does that work?”

“My dad was Human,” Zoe stated, putting emphasis on ‘was’.

“There’s a story behind that,” Carlyle responded. “Listen, several of the candidates are going to Quark’s for some drinks, do you two want to join us?”

“I must decline the offer, as I am retiring to my quarters,” Sovek said with a nod then headed down the corridor.

“I’m already going to be meeting my fiancée there for dinner,” Zoe told him. “Maybe after,”

“Welcome to Quark’s Public House, Cafe, Gaming Emporium, Holosuite Arcade, and Ferengi Embassy to Bajor,” A toothy Ferengi said. “I’m Quark, Proprietor and Ambassador of this establishment,”

“That’s quite a mouthful,” Zoe said with a smile. “Do you often serve new customers?”

“Rule of Acquisition number one hundred and ninety-four: ‘It’s always good business to know about new customers before they walk in your door.’”He quoted. “It’s not every day that the daughter of a prominent government official from a planet that has lucrative business ties with the Ferengi Alliance comes into my bar,” Quark said with a smirk.

“Thank you for taking the time and effort to greet us, Mr Quark,” Sapphire said with a smile.

“You’re most welcome, Miss?”


“Miss Sapphire, and call me Quark,” He asked genially. “Is there anything I can procure for you two this evening?”

“Is there anything on special?” Zoe asked.

“Glad you asked, tonight we’re having a breakfast for dinner event,” Quark explained, handing over two menus. “While you two are deciding, I’ll have Frool take your drink order,” he continued with a smile that disappeared as he turned towards a hapless waiter that was busy washing an empty table. “Frool!” He called out then gestured towards Zoe and Sapphire.

“I can see why your father said to be wary of Ferengi...” Sapphire quipped quietly to Zoe, who smiled knowingly.

“What would you two like to dr--” Frool started to say until he was interrupted by a large leather clad hand dropped down on his shoulder, causing his eyes to bulge in panic.

“Ferengi! Where’s my blood wine!” A large Klingon demanded.

“I’m sor-r-ry,” Frool stammered out. “I didn’t take your order, I’m sure Grimp will be along shortly--”

“Not good enough, Ferengi,” The Klingon said with a snarl. “You’ll get it now!” He demanded.

“Excuse me, but he was serving us first,” Zoe said, getting up onto her hooves and staring up at the Klingon, who easily stood a good two feet taller than her. “And you shouldn’t be telling him how to do his job, you do him a dishonour.”

“Ha! Why should I be concerned with a Ferengi’s honour!?” He countered.

“You perform your duties to bring honour to your house and the Empire? Your duties may be different, but he performs his duties just the same, albeit for different reasons.” Zoe explained.

Glancing between Zoe and the Klingon, Sapphire noticed Zoe’s brow furrow with exertion as her mane around her horn began to look soaked with sweat. Could she? She asked herself as she glanced over back at the Klingon to see a large knife, most likely belonging to him, surrounded by fuchsia magic rise unseen above his shoulder, yet Zoe’s horn showed no sign of magic.

“You’d kill me where I stood if I dared to step onto the bridge of your Bird-of-Prey and tell you how to do your job,” Zoe said, her voice sounding slightly strained. “So what gives you the right to dishonour this man,” She continued as the magic around the knife flexed, causing two blades to spring out with an audible click.

The Klingon looked towards the source of the sound and smiled. Then let out a hearty belly laugh.

“What’s going on here?” Commander Blackmer asked as he and two security officers approached the scene.

“Nothing of concern, Blackmer.” The Klingon told the commander.

“I think I’ll be the judge of that, Captain Kerg,”

“What’s your name?” Kerg asked, turning back towards Zoe.

“Zoe Scott,”

“Either you’re incredibly stupid, or you have more courage than some of my crew,” Kerg told her with a smile, baring his teeth. “Now, Zoe Scott, my D’k tahg,” he demanded with an outstretched hand, his smile now faded and his voice a low growl.

Zoe flexed her magic to close the knife’s blades, twirled it around in the air and offered it handle first to the Captain. When he took it and the magic holding it faded, a flash of relief fell across Zoe's face.

“I hear you’re supervising an entrance exam for Starfleet, she one of your candidates?” Kerg asked Blackmer.

“She is,”

“Thought so,” Kerg told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “If she were Klingon, I’d want her on my crew,” He stated with a laugh, then returned to his table.

“Zoe, what happened here?” Blackmer asked after dismissing the two guards.

“He was abusing that poor waiter,” Zoe explained, falling into her chair, looking spent. “I wasn’t going to just sit there and let him do it,” She continued. “That and we were in the middle of our drink order, I was thirsty.” She finished with a coy smile.

“And pulling the Captain’s blade on him?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. “Not too smart a move, he could have killed you,”

“He would have tried,” Zoe said with an edge to her voice, eyes narrowed. “As you saw, I’m not completely helpless, I’m more than capable of defending myself and others.”

“That being said,” Blackmer started to explain. “Being a Starfleet officer does entail risk, but at the same time, you shouldn’t be taking unnecessary ones, you should be trying to minimise them.”

“Yes, sir,” Zoe said in response.

“I thought your horns glowed when you used your magic?” Blackmer asked.

“Normally they do,” Sapphire started to explain. “With incredible effort and training, you can suppress the visible magic around your horn, it’s just very taxing.”

“Anyways, Zoe, you handled yourself well, I think you passed this unscheduled ‘test’,” Blackmer told her.

“This was a test?!” Zoe asked.

“That? No, but it might as well be,” Blackmer said. “We like to see how prospective officers handle dealing with those from foreign cultures,” He continued. “To be honest, with your planet having multiple species, each with their own cultures, and your unique heritage, we were at a loss at how to go about testing you, but you seemed to take care of that yourself.” He finished explaining. “Enjoy the rest of your night, ladies.” He said with a nod then headed to the bar, flagging down Quark.

Sapphire rolled in bed, reaching out for something, but her eyes shot open when she couldn’t find it.

Zoe wasn’t next to her.

Sitting up, she found Zoe sitting in a chair in the dark, facing the window of their quarters with a slowly rotating field of stars outside.

“What are you doing up?” Sapphire asked. “You don’t have to be up for another hour and a half,” She stated, looking over to the clock on her nightstand.

“Couldn’t sleep,” Zoe answered.

“This about the psych test?”


“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing really, I just don’t know what they’re going to throw at me,” Zoe explained. “Dad said his scared him stiff, and that I should be ready for anything.”

“You told me that the test was to see how you would react to something that you feared,” Sapphire said as she walked over next to her.

“That’s the thing, I don’t really fear anything, by Tartarus, I pulled a Klingon’s blade on him without thinking,”

“You’re one of the bravest ponies I know,” Sapphire told her. “Just... do what you do, everything will work itself out after that.”

“Thanks,” Zoe said, sneaking a peck on Sapphire’s cheek before getting up. “I’m going down to the gym for a run,”

“OK, I’ll see you after your test,” Sapphire said with a smile as she watched Zoe leave out the door.

Curling up in the seat where Zoe had using, she enjoyed the warmth it still had for several minutes. Deciding to have some breakfast, she walked over to the replicator and started to speak her order just as the door chime rang.

“Who could that be?” Sapphire asked nopony as she walked to the door and activated the door’s controls with a hoof to find Commander Blackmer and a tall Bajoran woman with black hair and an earring wearing a similar uniform.

“Are you Sapphire Star?” The woman asked, getting a nod in response. “Good morning, I’m Captain Ro Laren, the station commander, do you have a moment to speak?”

“I guess, come in,” Sapphire answered then stepped aside to let them in.

Captain Ro and Sapphire took seats at the dining table with Blackmer standing off to the side. Not knowing what was going on, Sapphire just looked at the two Starfleet officers.

“Where is Miss Scott now?” Ro asked.

“She just left to go to the gym,”

Ro turned to Blackmer and nodded.

“I’ll arrange a ‘power short’ when she’s in the shower, she won’t notice.” He said with a nod, then left out the door.

“What’s going on?” Sapphire asked.

“I came here to talk to you about Zoe’s psychological test today, and to ask for your help,” Ro explained.

“What kind of help do you need?”

“I’ll get to that in a moment,” Ro told her. “According to her profile, Zoe is a remarkable individual. Brave, dedicated, able to make split second choices, willing to put others before herself, and remains calm under pressure. She’s everything Starfleet looks for in their security officers.” She continued. “But it's exactly those things that make it difficult to do these kinds of tests.

“Starfleet’s psychologists have determined that she won’t hesitate when faced with life or death situations like most, especially if it means protecting others,” Ro explained. “That kind of thing doesn’t scare her. What we think she fears is how far she’ll go when faced with someone who had done something truly terrible, something she couldn’t do anything to prevent, and that she won't be able to stop herself.”

Captain Ro continued explained what Zoe’s test was going to entail, and Sapphire could only listen.

What she was told shocked her.

“Hey! Who turned out the lights?” Zoe called out from her shower stall.

“It’s just a power short, lights will be back in a couple seconds,” Another voice called from an adjacent stall, and as soon as that was said, the lights came back on. “See, told ya,”

“Thanks,” Zoe called out as she dryed herself with a towl. When she was done, she walked to the exit, levitating the towel into the gym’s laundry receptacle as she did so.

Stepping out onto the station’s Plaza, she quickly noticed a crowd forming around an information kiosk. Her interest piqued, she made her way through the crowd to see what was going on.

”For those of you tuning in now, this is the Federation News Service with breaking news about this morning’s bombing of the USS Cairo that took the lives of all those on board, we’ve just learned that the Cairo had recently departed the planet Equus where it had picked up a diplomatic delegation for a trade symposium on Ferenginar later this week,”

Zoe listened in abject horror as she stood frozen in place. Thoughts raced through her mind as she tried to comprehend what she had just heard.

”Hold on, we’re getting new information now, FNS has just learned that the bomber that perpetrated this morning's attack has been identified as a Starfleet engineering officer stationed at Deep Space Nine and that Starfleet Security has the individual in custody, we now go live to Jansa Suarez, on Deep Space Nine in the Bajor Sector, Jansa,”

“Thank you, I’m Jansa Suarez coming to you live from the Stockade Section of DS9 where this reporter has learned that the bomber is being brought now after being arrested a short while ago--- Commander Blackmer! Commander! Can you tell us the name of the bomber, sir?”

“Not at this time, we’ll forward that information when it is time to do so, now step aside,”

“That was Commander Blackmer, DS9’s executive officer, who at this time does not wish to disclose the name of the bomber, but we have just now received the names of those in the diplomatic delegation from Equus, Foreign Affairs Minister James Matthew Scott, and his wife Fluttershy Flutters Scott, Trade Minister Precise Ledger--”

“Are you insane!? We haven’t notified next of kin! Minister Scott’s daughter is on this station!”

Zoe made an audible gasp at her mention, taking a half step back, getting the attention of those around her.

“Commander Blackmer!”

“This broadcast is over, shut that camera of--!”

“It seems our feed has been cut, we’ll continue to bring you more news on this situation as it develops,”

The crowd around Zoe grew quiet as realization spread that she was the daughter that was mentioned on the news broadcast. They slowly began to give her space as Zoe, now seething in anger, stared at the deck before turning towards the nearest turbolift.

“There she is!” Someone in a Starfleet uniform called out as they ran towards Zoe.

Not wanting to be stopped, she teleported the rest of the distance and boarded the lift.

“Stockade.” She ordered just in time to see the officer catch up to her as the doors closed.

Stepping out of the lift, she was immediately blinded by the bright light of a news camera.

“Excuse me, are you related to Minister Scott?” The reporter asked, but took a step back as Zoe glared at them.

Her horn flared to life as she tore the camera from the hands of the camera crew and sent it flying hard against the bulkhead, shattering it.

“Zoe!” Commander Blackmer called out. “You can’t be here,”

“Really?” She asked, her voice seething. “And just who is going to stop me?”

“I will, if I have too,”

“What makes you think you can?”

Everyone near the entrance to the Stockade covered their eyes as a bright light blinded them. When their vision cleared, Zoe was gone.

“She’s in the Stockade!”

Zoe focused her rage through her horn at the mechanism that kept the door to this section of the prison closed. She smiled when a shower of sparks came from the computer panel beside the door as it overloaded.

Now sure that she wouldn’t be stopped anytime soon, she stalked the corridor past the empty cells till she found the one she was looking for.

Inside was a Bajoran woman who momentarily looked shocked to see he Zoe, but soon stared back in anger. Zoe instantly knew who it was, having only met Li Essa months before.

“Li?” Zoe asked, addressing the woman she had met in Manehatten. “It was you!” Zoe raged.

“Didn’t expect you’d show up,” She said. “What are you doing here?”

“What am I doing here!?” Zoe screamed. “My parents were on the Cairo!”

“Oh, I knew that,” Li told her with a smug grin. “Planned for it, I’m just glad it’s done.”

“Why!?” Zoe raged.

“Why? You of all people ask me why!” Li raged back. “You’re stupid father got mine killed! That’s why!

“At first I was happy that James died with him in that crash, that negligent bastard got what he deserved, but when I found out that he was alive and well, living a happy life all these years later,” Li continued, her face contorted with rage of her own. “Why should he be happy while I grew up without a father!”

Zoe screamed at her, her eyes turning white as her body surrounded itself with ethereal fuchsia energy while she slowly stalked forward towards the force field of the cell.

The moment her horn made contact with the energy field, she felt white hot pain as it tried to keep her out, but her crackling magical aura let her pass through it. When she was half way through, it fizzled out, sparks flying from the emitters.

The uniform around Li’s neck bunched itself up in a ball of fuchsia, and Li began to rise off the floor.

“Put me down...” Li cried out. “I… can’t breath...”

“Why should I?” The pony with glowing white eyes asked as it watched Li’s eyes roll into the back of her skull and her body fall limp.

In an instant, the magical surge abated and for a brief moment, Zoe could see clearly what she was doing. She dropped Li to the ground, unconscious or dead, she didn’t know, and backed away.

“Oh no, what have I done?” Zoe cried.

“Computer, end program,” A voice from behind Zoe called out, and room, along with the body in the cell, faded away. "It’s OK, Zoe, it's over.”

Zoe stood there in the middle of the holodeck, shaking until the familiar, gentle, almost warm caress of magic across her cheek brought her back to reality.

Standing behind her was Sapphire wearing a worried look of concern. Zoe crossed the distance between them in an instant and embraced her. For several minutes, it was all she knew, all she cared about. When they parted, she noticed two others in the room.

“What the BUCK was that?!” Zoe screamed, incensed at the very idea that Starfleet would go that far for just a test.

“That,” Captain Ro started. “Is what you’re capable of.”


“The psychological portion of the entrance exam is designed to show candidates how they would react under the most extreme circumstances. To force them to confront the unthinkable, to react to the unimaginable. Above all, to show them what they’re capable of doing, so that when the time comes and they are faced with the unthinkable again, they can do what needs to be done.” Ro explained.

“I killed her though,”

“You did, and you didn’t,” Blackmer told her. “She’s just a hologram, the real Li Essa is assigned to the USS Luxenbourg, her father runs the candy shop here on DS9, and your parents are safe aboard the Cairo on their way to that Trade Symposium on Ferenginar.”

“I failed the exam, didn’t I?” Zoe asked. “I mean, how can you even let me be a Starfleet Officer if I’m capable of murdering someone.”

“Zoe, for all you knew, your parents were killed and you were given a chance to get revenge immediately after finding out, if I was in your position, I would have done the same thing.” Blackmer told her. “I don’t know too many people who wouldn’t.”

“As for whether this disqualifies you from going to the academy, that’s not what this portion of the exam is about.” Ro continued. “I’m not saying that it hasn’t disqualified a candidate before, it’s just not its intended function.

“You now know how far you’d go when pushed over the edge, so in the future, if pushed that far again, you might act differently.” Ro explained. “That’s what you should take away from this experience.” She continued. “Yours was the last exam, we’re going to announce the results tomorrow morning, take the rest of the day.” Ro said finally as she walked out of the holodeck with Blackmer behind her.

Zoe and Sapphire stood there in the empty room looking at each other, both speechless.

“Let’s go to Bacco Park,” Sapphire finally suggested, breaking the silence. “Then lets get something to eat.”

Zoe wiped a tear from her cheek that she hadn’t noticed was there till now away, then nodded in agreement.

“Before I announce the results, I just want to say that all of you did extremely well. Everyone of you would make fine officers, but only five of you from the Bajor Sector will be going to the academy.” Blackmer told everyone gathered. “Those of you who will not be selected, know that I expect to see you next year to try again.”

“Thank you, Commander,” Ro said, stepping up beside him. “The finalists who will be attending Starfleet Academy as part of its class of 2417 are as follows:” Ro continued, reading from a PADD. “Carlyle Striemer, Nota zh’Ven, Sovek of Vulcan, Karolyna Escobar, and Zoe Scott, congratulations!” She finished, getting mixed reactions from those gathered, some even began to leave the room.

“Before anyone leaves, I have two more things to say,” Blackmer said raising his voice to get everyone’s attention. “First, the new class will be starting in three months, occasionally, but not often, vacancies do happen, so be prepared in case Academy admissions contacts you...” He said with a smile. “It’s how I got in… Second, I would like to offer a special congratulations to Zoe Scott; she will be the first from her world to enter Starfleet.” He continued, getting a round of applause from everyone . “Zoe, you’re making history, so remember that you have much to offer Starfleet, and I’m sure you’ve already made your family proud.”

Zoe stood silent, the center of attention, and smiled. With few exceptions, this was the happiest moment in her life.

“Thank you, Commander,” Zoe responded, bowing her head in thanks.

Equus – Ponyville
Just After Sunset...

“How long will you be gone?” Rarity asked her sister as they trudged through the snow on their way to Fluttershy’s house.

“I don’t know, and this is if I get selected,” Sweetie Belle answered, adding emphasis to the last part. “It would be an open ended program.”

“It’s just that I’ve gotten used to you being here in Ponyville since you took over as Chief of Medicine when Dr Horses retired.” Rarity told her. “Are you really ready to give that up?”

“It’s nice that you’re still worrying about me, but I’m a grown Mare, Rarity, I think I know what I’m doing,” Sweetie replied. “Hay, I’ll be forty in two years,”

The mention of her sister’s age made Rarity think of her own. Damn, I’m going to be FIFTY soon... She worried to herself as a shudder crept down her spine.

“You’re only as young as you feel, Rarity,” Pinkie Pie said out of nowhere as she stotted past them through the snow until she disappeared into a particularly deep snow bank.

Sweetie and Rarity watched for a few seconds, wondering when she’d reappear, only to see the top of her pink mane, covered in snow, pop up a few feet away and start making its way towards Fluttershy’s.

“Come on, you slow pokey-okies.” She told them when she popped her head out of the snow only long enough to say that, then proceeded to tunnel through the snow.

Soon the three Mares found themselves at their destination, where Fluttershy answered their knocks.

“Oh, wonderful, you’re all here,” Fluttershy said. “So sorry about the path not being cleared, James hurt his back trying to do it this morning.”

“Is he OK?”

“I’m just fine!” A voice called from the living room.

“Dad, no you’re not, you’ve been whining about it for hours,” Another voice said.

Rolling her eyes, Sweetie walked into the living room to find James layed up on the couch with a strained smile on his face.

Lighting up her horn, she ‘felt’ the muscles in his back until she heard him take a sharp intake of breath.

“Yep, there’s the problem,” Sweetie said. “You pulled your back alright,” She explained further, then turned to Fluttershy. “Do you still have some of the prescription I gave you for when you strained you wing last month?”

“I think so, will that help?” She asked with a worried voice.

“It’s just a mild pain killer, but the primary ingredient is a muscle relaxant.”

“I’ll go get it,” Zoe said, then jogged up the stairs to the bathroom medicine cabinet.

“When she gets back here, take two, then go see the nurse at the morning clinic tomorrow,” Sweetie ordered. “Which is what you should have done when you pulled it in the first place, you stubborn mule.”

“Here you go,” Zoe said, levitating the pill bottle over to Sweetie Belle. “Dad, your computer was going nuts in your office, looks like you’re getting a call, I forwarded it to this PADD,” Zoe told him as she levitated it to him.

Answering the call, James was greeted by a human woman with greying red hair in an Admirals uniform.

“Admiral Crusher, what can I do for you?” James asked.

Rarity looked in confusion at her sister as her head snapped towards James at the mention of the Admiral’s name.

“Sorry to bother you at this late hour, Minister Scott,” Crusher said.

“No worries, Admiral, and James is fine.” James told her. “We were just about to have dinner with friends to celebrate my daughter getting into the Academy.”

“That’s wonderful news, congratulations.” She told him. “I was wondering if you could forward a message to Dr Belle for her to get in contact with my office,”

“If you want, you can tell her yourself,” James said, entering a command into the PADD, making the picture above the mantle switch to the video feed he had on the PADD.

“Hello?” Sweetie said sheepishly.

“Ah, Dr Belle, pleasure to meet you, I’m Dr Beverly Crusher, Starfleet Surgeon General,” She introduced. ”The Equestrian Board of Medicine forwarded me a list of doctors that were interested in the Starfleet Medical Exchange Program, we’ve selected you.”

“Me? There were plenty of other Doctors that were more qualified,”

”But none that had your experience in treating patients not from your world,” She told her. ”You were head of emergency medicine at Vanhoover general when several Starfleet officers on shore leave injured themselves skiing, and I was quite impressed with the level of care they received, and before that, you received quite a glowing review from the Kapyong’s CMO when that ship assisted with that avalanche, don’t sell yourself short Doctor.

“If you accept, the program will be challenging, as you’ll be assigned as the Chief Medical Officer on a Starfleet vessel,” Crusher continued. ”You’ll first need to come to Starfleet Medical for three years for additional training, then Starfleet Academy for another year to be trained in basic self defence, starship operations and protocol, and emergency engineering training, all requirements for a Civilian to hold a senior staff position.”

“It’s a big decision, can I have the night to think on it?” Sweetie asked.

“Certainly, Doctor, my office will be expecting your call, and congratulations, both of you, enjoy the rest of your evening, Starfleet Medical out.”

Everypony in the room, which included Zoe, Sapphire, Fluttershy, Twilight, Pinkie, Apple Jack and Apple Bloom, all looked at James, Rarity and Sweetie Belle with questioning looks.

“I guess that explains why the Hospital Board of directors told me you insisted on having an early exit clause on your contract,” Twilight said, breaking the silence.

“Who cares!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Lets get this party STARTED!” She yelled, setting off her party cannon that nopony had seen her bring in.

Author's Note:

For those of you wondering, yes, that is Deep Space Nine, as this story is set in an alternate version of the novel universe where the Cardassian-built station was destroyed.

This story marks a big milestone for me on this site! I've written over a 100,000 words! Yay Me!

The new Cover art was commissioned by me from the talented artist Karmadash, and as far as I know, she is still accepting commissions!

Comments ( 19 )

Very very nice well thought out also is there going to be any mention of the iconians


Nope, never liked the Iconian story from STO. Felt too Shoehorned. I have another villain in mind...

7398720 oooo sounds good I hope there are lots of space battles

What I have planned involves an 88 year old mystery being solved, then a disastrous accident while exploring, then a diplomatic incident that could lead to war, and then something secret to wrap it all up. :moustache:

Rule of Acquisition #208 Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.

Oh wow! Great chapter!

Speaking of Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, I used to work for a guy who followed rule #1. Quoted it every day and everything.

"Once you have their money, you never give it back."

Is that 88 years after the year of the story currently? Because if it is, I can't find any mention of it on Memory Alpha or Memory Beta. There are a few mentions of important births and the introduction of isolinear chips, but nothing else in 2329.

You sure about that.... :trollestia:

Nothing else that is listed on Memory Alpha or Beta that would fit with what you are describing. No mention of mysterious events what-so-ever. If anyone else wants to look, just search 2329 on Memory Alpha or Memory Beta.

Huh, you’d suspect that provoking the cute alien with powers we don’t understand and can’t counteract into a killing rage would be considered a poor choice of psych test. But that’s not how Starfleet rolls, baby. :rainbowlaugh:

Keeping an eye on this story :) It has been a worthy read from its first story and chapter :)

Needs more updates badly. This has been a very fun read.

There's a link to a blog post regarding why it's on hiatus in the story description.

oh I saw that blog. Still doesn't make my comment untrue on this beautiful story that made me cry.

Is this story now dead?

On hiatus, until I have the time and drive to finish it. Read the journal entry that's linked in the story description to see why (and to read the story synopsis if you don't want to wait)

i fully understand the reason behind this story being on hiatus but it is a sham to see a amazing story just die.

but after 7 years from the last update on this story and several years for any update for any of your story's i am calling it canceled.

this is sadness as this story is amazing.

An epic trilogy. Love the world building and character development. I wish the author would fix the pictures! I read the blog (conveniently linked to here) and hope the story continues some day.

The song I had stuck in my head the entire time I was reading this story:

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