• Member Since 29th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Timeless Lord Slayer

"Don't be better than everyone else. Be better than yourself." - Now with a Patreon! Check it out! Commissions open!

Comments ( 52 )

Very interesting story so far! :ajsmug:

Thank you, I highly appreciate it. Anything peak your interest in particular?

Interesting indeed. :pinkiesmile:

I like it! Now I wonder what class Praan will choose later on.

The part where he met fluttershy was extremely rushed, but I'll follow this story to see where it goes.

6723577 I can kinda see that (emphasis on kinda, so please elaborate), though I did take my time with it. It was rewritten at least ten times, and at one point I was trying to decide whether or not to rewrite the whole thing based on how I wanted him to encounter everypony. When it came down to it, I didn't follow either idea, at least not entirely.

6723661 Well, what I usually notice about these kinds of things is that the human character almost always immediately says; "I have no Home" or "I'm all alone," (that wasn't quoting anything btw, just off the top of my head) which seems like information you would at least be a little hesitant about sharing with a (nearly)complete stranger, or it would at least take a bit longer than just two sentences to get that info out. It's just what I usually notice, but other than that the story was pretty solid.

6723680 Ohhh. Okay, now I get it. I'll try and think about that then, and fix it as soon as I get the time to figure out what I want him to say instead. Thank you for your help, I highly appreciate it.

6723725 There, let me know if that works or if it seems half assed or stupid.

HAHAHAHAHAH there expressions made me crack up

I actually remember playing this game at first I did it all solo till that giant whale or something

Dragon Quest IX is one of my if not my favorite game of all time; so its nice to see s good crossover with it.

That bit with the dark souls influence was rather dark a although interesting. I hope Prann can find a cure or at the very lease a way to make himself not contagious.

This was the first time I came across a story with Fluffle Puff in it.

7172474 Aye, tis a good game, and I am glad ya enjoyed the chapter. And I felt that good ol' Fluffle deserved a bit of a story for herself.

I loved DQ9, very much, the mechanics, the story, the fact that the angels were dicks, all of it. There was only one thing about the game that really bothered me, and it was, ultimately a gamebreaker.

The gratuitous over the top translation. I actually had to go whip out my trusty Oxford English Dictionary to figure outwhat some words meant. Calling a woman a "Besom"? Really? That's a form of broom. And that was just the tip of an irritating iceberg.

It'd have made far more sense to use a neutral English dialect, or basic British Received Pronunciation. I mean, I get using translation convention to do things like have Kansai dialect redubbed as Southern American"Redneck" or a Bronx Accent, or even cockney.

But then I remind myself, as cringy as some of it was, it was never as bad as DQ5's localization and the arbitrary renaming of near everything with Chess terms that weren't anywhere in the original game or fan translations thereof.

7294314 I know what y' mean. Though I typically ignored it.

Found a typo,

you're luck isn't much better,

should be your instead of you're

it all their from the sheer

I think the 'their' was supposed to be 'there', but I'm not quite sure.

7343279 Ah, thank you friend, I'll fix that in a jiffy.

when will the next chapter be out?

7471832 As soon as I feel comfortable with how it stands, sadly.

7172467 I got to about there without even knowing there was a party system.

Will the sex be onscreen or offscreen?

7517064 On screen for a few more chapters, then there will be more offscreen.

Well... damn... that was hot... all of it xD

7613173 Glad you enjoyed it, friend. How are you faring?

Is he wearing something akin to Knight Armor or Lorica Segmentata?

7613636 Ehhh, I'm not sure exactly what the last one is, but just look up 'Dragon Warrior Armor, Dragon Quest IX'. That should tell you.

aww I was hopping there would be no crossover :raritydespair:

7617667 Well, the last crossover was far from over, so it needed to continue. But rest assured, after this, it'll mostly be without crossovers.

What was the song praan played in the piano called?

I think you've gone full retard. It's like you've never even heard of the concepts of foreshadowing and pacing; it's ridiculous!

7788089 A bit rude there, friend. I'm trying my best.

8365803 Thank you, friend. And sadly, I'm afraid this story is on hiatus. I am working on it, of that you can be sure, but for now, it shall remain silent.

I built my character where he can solo anyone other than the Legacy bosses mostly due to farming all the stat boosting seeds till I maxed out all the stats I could

If their dead then why is there a comment on their user page from them?

Tis a long and old story I'd rather put behind me, and I'd rather it not turn into fighting, either. I'd like to leave it at that.

I love it how this guy has his own world to deal with but instead he stays in this world

I thought someone would like to have a link to the song so they can check it out for themselves so they can add it to their wishlist

Tragedy, overwhelms me

Tears, overflow in my eyes

Who am I to deny then?

I suffer silently

I feel the memories bruise my heart

Tantalizing, emotions

Leave me wond’ring if I…

Will ever be, the same

Soon a new day will dawn

I’ll be able to move on

Till then I'll try my best

So one day I can hold my head high
I tried to find this song but I couldn't do you know the name of it

“I can't wait to hear what you play,” Ditzy admitted. Praan nodded at their words and approached the piano, pulling the stool over and sitting down. He then began to tickle the ivories. The mares and Draigo were completely captivated by the powerful notes as Praan flawlessly flowed from key to key. The song was enough to make tears form in their eyes, and in the case of Ditzy, actually cry. By the end of it, all of the mares were crying while Draigo fought back his tears.

you should put a link to the song that he is playing for a better understatement of the story

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