• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 4,079 Views, 141 Comments

I'm The Villain? - Roxxi

Gee, I wish somepony had told me sooner, this is embarrassing.

  • ...

The Nighmare Continues! - Self Explanatory.

The Night Skies Of Ponyville

Nightmare Moon lazily flew above the small town of Ponyville, searching for one building in particular. Hooves Across Equestria, a sickeningly charitable foundation that distributed food, toys, clothes, and even medical necessities like vaccines and blood to starving and needy ponies in other cities and towns that were, well all across Equestria, so at least they had a sensible name.

“Sensible name or not! No good deed goes unpunished, and no act of charity goes unresented!" Nightmare blinked. “Brilliant! ‘No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!’ I think I’ll make that my new creed, it’s very catchy if I do say so myself.” Nightmare Moon crowed smugly, proud of her clever creed, her Anarchist’s Creed, if you please. Tilting her wings slightly to start her descent towards her target, Nightmare Moon landed gracefully at the doors of the building’s main office.

She approached the doors with a regal stride, every ounce of her ego radiating off of her through the sway of her swaggering hips.


Nightmare jumped back in alarm, landing on her rump and giving the doors that had automatically slid open a withering glare. “What form of sorcery is this? No unicorn was around to open these doors, and the last time I checked, doors did not move on their own… When was that? A thousand years ago perhaps?” She scoffed. “It’s absurd; doors do not change after a mere millennia!”

Several Minutes Later

“So… This door opens when I move in front of it? Fascinating!” Nightmare Moon walked through the sliding doors after several wonder filled moments of testing the doors powers. She looked around the main lobby, giving the spotless room and its terrible collection of outdated magazines like Mane 6teen, Millionmare Monthly, Ponies, and the dreaded Gnome and Garden with Carrot Top.

“Those magazines are torture! Honestly, and ponies say that I’m evil…” She approached the empty front desk and tapped the small silver bell with a sign directing her to do so. A split second later, a grayish blue earth pony with a cutie mark that really just looked like somepony sewed a piece of fabric to his hindquarters popped up from behind the counter. He beamed at her with a smile big enough to swallow a watermelon whole.

“Hiya! I’m Terrycloth, welcome to the main headquarters of ‘Hooves Across Equestria’! How may I help you today?” Terrycloth asked cheerfully.


“Uh, are you okay miss? You got a funny look in your eyes, are you feeling sick or something?” The helpful earth pony asked her, his smile getting a little smaller out of concern for the black mare in front of him. He was worried because she was still staring at him with an open mouthed expression of surprise.

“You… There was nopony… Where did you come from? Tell me!” Nightmare had finally broken out of her stupor and was now banging her hooves forcefully on the counter. Terrycloth blinked and then laughed.

“Ah, that. Don’t tell my boss, but I was kind of hittin’ the hay back here, our secret?” He looked at her with a pleading smile.

Nightmare thought about it for a moment, dastardly schemes forming in her mind. “I suppose I can keep your secret, IF you tell me where the food supplies are. Do we have an acceptable agreement?” For good measure, she held out a hoof in a customary sign of acceptance she had observed other ponies doing before the ‘Twilight Tragedy’.

Terrycloth visibly relaxed and shook her hoof. “Thanks, I owe ya one. The food supplies are right over there, through that door, down the hall, and 3rd door on the left.” The gray-blue ponytarian frowned and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Scratch that, that’s the snack room. The food supply is through that door” he pointed to a door on the opposite side of the room. “Down the hall, take a left at the blue door with the smiley face on it” He held a hoof up to silence whatever question Nightmare had. “Don’t ask, it’s not a funny story. Anyways, continue down the hall way left of that door, knock three times on the green door cause it makes a duck noise when you do, totally hilarious, then all you have to do go through door next to the green duck door and you’ll be in the food supply room. Easy as pie, right?”


“Aw man, I broke her brain with my intelligent directions! Knew I should’ve given her a map! Celestia, how am I so inconsiderate all the time?” While Terrycloth despaired over his blunder, the midnight alicorn shook her head slowly and turned to walk to the door that would lead her to the food supply.

“Whoa there! Where are you going? Only employees can go through that door! The snack room is totally fine though.” The earth pony behind the counter seemed to materialize in front of her, causing her to jump back.

“Well then I invoke the favor you owe me from keeping your napping habits secret, make me an employee immediately.” Nightmare commanded, getting a little irritated at all the distractions preventing her from destroying the food supply.

“Really? Uh… Sure, you’re an employee now, just fill out the paperwork and- WHYYYYyyyyyyyy????” Terrycloth’s scream died down as he got further away from the building, courtesy of Nightmare Moon’s Mighty Midnight Mash, not that she actually called it that. That would be ridiculous.

“Now, it’s through the door… And down the hall into the green door… Argh! I can’t remember what that blithering bubble head was babbling about!” She looked back at the desk. “Perhaps there are directions behind the counter?” She trotted over to the marbled topped counter and began rummaging through the files and drawers behind it.


“…Anypony here?”


“CEASE YOUR INFERNAL RINGING OF THAT EQUALLY INFERNALL SILVER BELL BEFORE I BANISH YOUR ALSO INFERNAL SOUL TO SOMEWHERE SIMILARILY INFERNAL THAT ACCURATELY REFLECTS MY EXTREME DISPLEASURE AND DISDAIN FOR YOU AND THAT INFERNAL BELL!!!” Nightmare roared as she jumped up from behind the counter, smacking the hoof of the ‘infernal’ pony in question, crimson coated pegasus with wings surrounded by three thin lines on each side.

“Oh s-sorry miss, I didn’t think anypony was here. I’m just here to donate blood; I’m supposed to see you about it, right?” The pegasus asked nervously. Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes and thought about it for a moment.

She grinned at him, fangs and all. “Why yes, I can help you donate blood, no trouble at all! Come with me, and everything will be over soon.” Nightmare chuckled darkly, apparently forgetting the pegasus was there.

“Uhhh… I don’t get the joke, what’s funny?” The red pegasus asked, a confused frown on his face. “Nothing seems funny about donating blood.” He froze and gasped in way a certain pink party pony would be proud of. “Oh no way! Are there blood jokes now? Man, I knew I should’ve read that joke book instead of Playcolt! I just couldn’t resist this month’s centerfold, Tia Celes, the pony with a plot you wouldn’t believe. Everypony knows Airstream loves himself a nice juicy plot. I could stare at that plot all day, know what I mean?” The pervert pegasus grinned lecherously, and then proceeded to groan and drool on the floor after a chance meeting with the rare and exotic hoof of a growling midnight terror pretending to be a ponytarian.

“You… You! Gah! Just come with me so I can get this out of the way and continue with my plans!” Nightmare dragged the still drooling Airstream into a door marked ‘Blood Donations’ which she was grateful for, lest she have to search for a map again through the mess that they had the gall to call a filing system. Really, you could hide a fully grown dragon in that heap of papers.

10 Minutes, 5 Perverted Jokes, and 1 Backhoof Later

Nightmare Moon was levitating various medical instruments around a bound and gagged red pegasus strapped to a comfortable looking reclining table couch chair thing. Whatever those things are, it was comfortable looking.

“Okay, according to this manual on blood work, all I have to do is put this needle in you and let the bag fill up. Easy enough, right?” Airstream nodded. “Wrong! This will be a game! Pin the needle in the pony time!” Closing her eyes, Nightmare grasped a long needle attached to a rubber tube between her hooves, spun around and slammed the needle down into the pegasus before her.

“Did I win?” Nightmare opened one eye to check on her placement and cheered. “Yes, right in the jugular! That simply must be bonus points! It is, isn’t it?” She looked to the ironically blood red pegasus on the table. Couch. Chair. Thing.

All Airstream could manage was gurgling noises, seeing as it’s difficult to talk with a needle through your jugular. Nightmare Moon shook her head and smiled thinly. “You know, it’s very rude not to answer when somepony asks you a question.” She trotted to the door, opening it with her magic. “Don’t worry about the needle; it’ll disappear when the bag is filled up, okay? Then all you have to do is stop the blood from spurting out of your punctured jugular and that’ll be foal’s play as soon as you untie yourself!” She waved at the panicking Airstream with a wicked grin and trotted out the door, slamming it shut behind her.

“Now where did he say the food supply was? This is frustrating, why didn’t they make a map of this accursed maze?” Nightmare screamed in anger, she was getting nowhere fast. She had to do something to find the food supply so she could unload her bag of Parasprites to eat-

“That’s it!” She picked up her saddlebag in a purple aura and dumped the contents on the ground. She poked one of the colorful fuzz balls with a hoof and cooed. “Come on darlings, Mommy has a special job for you; she needs you all to eat every piece of food in this building, okay?” The bright yellow parasprite she had poked silently blinked at her and fluttered its wings.

Nightmare Moon face hoofed. With a sigh, she put on her most terrifying sneer and growled at the little puff of gluttonous fuzz. “Listen to me closely you insipid insect, you WILL eat every scrap of food in this wretched dump, and you WILL do it NOW! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!” She yelled the last part rather forcefully, which caused the group of parasprites to squeal in terror and fly off in search of food to appease her.

“So hard to find good help these days…” Nightmare muttered to herself as she left the building, reveling in the horrified screams of terror that followed soon after. “I love the sound of terror in the night!” With a delighted cackle, the marauding midnight mare launched herself in the air.


Small Cottage In Ponyville

“This is the address, I believe. 236 Mane Street.” She looked up from the small scrap of paper with the address of the pony that had received her kidney. Nightmare approached the door and gave it a swift knock, and a yawning earth pony answered the door.

“Y-yo, what’s *yawn* What’s up?” The earth pony asked, rubbing at his eyes with one hoof. Nightmare cleared her throat and looked back to the scrap of paper.

“You are Mareizio Garino, correct?” Nightmare looked up from her paper to study him carefully. Garino was an orange earth pony with a red star outlined in black with black lines coming from each of the farthest points of the star to meet in the middle. It was rumored that Garino was a former anarchist from Maredinia, but had long since moved to Ponyville to settle down after a change of heart or some nonsense like that.

“Yeah, that’s me. Say, aren’t you the mare who donated her kidney to save my life? Thanks a million, doctor said if it hadn’t been for you, I would’ve have died.” Garino beamed and walked back into his home, nodding in her direction. “Come on in, least I can do is get you a drink, right?”

“Well I can think of something else you can do for me…” Nightmare chuckled darkly, slamming the door with her magic.

“Look Miss, I know I’m a drop dead sexy stallion and all, and I’m very grateful for the kidney, but I ain’t loose like that. If we got to know each other, then maybe we can get together that way.” Garino said, coming back from the kitchen he had disappeared to with two glasses of cider.

Nightmare reeled back. “What? Ugh, no! That notion is ridiculous! I have no intention of doing such lewd acts with the likes of you, I only want one thing from you, something I should never have given away.” Her horn glowed and Garino was thrown into a wall and help in place by the dark purple aura of her magic. “I am going to take back what is mine now and you… Well you should pray that there’s another kidney that matches your needs.”

“L-let’s not be hasty, please? We c-can work something out, right?” Garino was sweating profusely, trying to get free of the magic force binding him to the wall. His struggles became increasingly frantic with each tauntingly slow step the maniacal mare from the moon took towards him.

Nightmare smiled, it was deceptively sweet and innocent, minus the fangs that is. Funny how those things always got in the way of her smiles. “Oh but I have worked something out my little pony, I’m going to take my precious organ back, and you are going to watch in agony as I do it. Possibly just in horror, I don’t know if it’ll hurt or not, but there’s really only one way to find out, isn’t there?” Nightmare pressed a hoof against the trembling earth pony’s side and slowly applied pressure.

“N-no! What the hay are you doing?! This- This isn’t right!” Garino moaned helplessly, tears forming in his eyes as the hoof at his side slowly plunged into his side, searching for the borrowed organ that had saved him.

“Oh where, oh where has my kidney gone? Oh where, oh where can it be? I made a mistake, and I gave it way! Oh kidney please come home to me!” Nightmare Moon sang cheerfully as she dug around in the side of the pony currently in possession of her precious kidney. Her eyes sparkled brightly as she carefully pulled it out, focusing her magic on it to teleport it back into place, good as new.

“There we go! All better, I’m so glad we had this little get together Garino, but I must be going. Evil to spread and all that wonderful jazz.” She smiled brightly at the gasping pony still stuck to the wall and trotted out his house, feeling very pleased with herself, and making a silent vow to never foolishly give away any of her own flesh and blood again.

“It’s okay baby, momma’s never going to let you out of her sight again, metaphorically speaking of course.” She gently patted her side lovingly as she stepped out into the cool night air. “Ah, nothing’s more beautiful than the night…” She sighed contentedly and sat down on her haunches, enjoying the starry sky above her.


Nightmare blinked and stood up. “I have no time to enjoy the night scenery, no matter how breathtaking it is, there is yet more evil to be spread across Equestria!” Flaring her wings out, she soared high into the night sky. “Excelsior!” She slapped herself across the muzzle. “Why? What sense does shouting that make? Why in Equestria would I say such a ridiculous thing?” Nightmare shook her head chidingly and continued her flight to the next place she intended to spread evil.

The Pony Orphans Of Ponyville Orphange

“Oh you have got to be pulling my hoof… The P.O.O.P. Orphanage? I built them an orphanage, and they name it P.O.O.P.? This eye sore will burn…” Nightmare growled to herself after landing at the front door and seeing the plaque beside the doorbell, engraved with the terrible name they had chosen for it. She tapped a hoof against the doorbell and was greeted by a slightly frazzled looking mare with a smiling heart on her flank.

“Oh? Hello Miss Moon! We can’t think you enough for your help! The children have a much better place to live thanks to you! Do come in, have you some to see the children?” The kindly old mare ushered her inside, leading her to the foyer. “You can go on and visit the little dears; they’ll be upstairs about this time. I hate to leave you alone, but I have to take care of a few very pressing matters, you understand, don’t you?”

“Of course, of course, I too have very important items on my list to handle; I won’t be here long anyways.” Nightmare Moon nodded dismissively, climbing up the stairs to second floor.

She looked down the halls on either side, choosing to take the door to the left of her. She opened the door with a small pulse of magic and stepped inside the room, where a group of young fillies and colts were playing a board game. She smiled at them, opting to keep her mouth closed with this smile, so her fangs wouldn’t frighten the children before she could do it intentionally. “My name is Nightmare Moon, and I’m here to read you a story before your bedtime, does that not sound delightful?”

There was a collective rabble of excited approval, stories were always enthusiastically welcomed among orphaned foals, this was a common fact. Nightmare conjured a book out of thin air, earning her wonder filled stares from the orphans, seeing as magic was also a valued activity among the orphaned community.

“Okay my little ponies, the story I’m going to read to you is a personal favorite of mine. It’s a terrific story called Cupcakes!”

A Short While Later

A teary eyed alicorn exited the room with barely contained laughter. “Oh d-dear, th-that was invigorating! I didn’t kn-know reading children stories could b-be so bucking entertaining!” Nightmare stumbled down the hallway, accidentally crashing through a door and barreling into a rather apathetic looking unicorn colt.

The colt she was currently sprawled on sighed moodily. “Can you like, get off me and junk? I don’t like ponies touching me…” The young foal was a dreary looking gray color with sad looking mask, reminiscent of theatre masks from Shakescolt’s days as his cutie mark.

Nightmare Moon stood up and regarded him carefully. “Tell little one, would you like to cause pain and suffering to other ponies? To spread evil and anarchy throughout the far reaches of Equestria?”

“Yeah, sure, whatever… I don’t care… Just don’t call me by my lame name my lame parents gave me, I go by Kiue Jin now, it reflects my inner demon… And stuff…”

“Your name is really Kenneth James, isn’t it?”


Nightmare snorted, this little colt wanted to be a minion and he couldn’t even lie right? That wasn’t going to happen, but she did make the offer, so she couldn’t feel right about not giving him s trial run. “Alright, Kiue, take this package and go down to the basement, tap in three times on each side, than chant this spell. Shouldn’t take more than, oh say five minutes.” She thrust a small package into his lap and turned to leave. “Make sure you follow those directions exactly, or else.” She glared at him threateningly with the last part, which Kiue returned with an apathetic sigh.


Nightmare left the dreary unicorn’s room, closed the door slowly, and then bolted for the door. The bomb she had given him would go off in less than five minutes, and that was one thing she most certainly did not want to be near when it happened. She blurred past the elderly mare who had greeted her at the door.

“Thanks! Must be leaving! BYE!” She practically flew out the door, leaving a bewildered looking caretaker wondering what had crawled inside her bridle.

Several Hundred Yards Away

“It’s… been *huff* five minutes, that *whew* bomb should have *my lungs!* gone off by now!” Nightmare Moon was currently leaning on a street lamp a good distance from the orphanage. “Did I not set it right? Did something hap-”


Quite used to explosions cutting her off when she wasn’t expecting it, Nightmare just grinned. “There we go, a nice explosion, complete with roasting orphans.”

“Well that’s quite a bit crossed off my list now! I destroyed the food supplies at Hooves Across Equestria, and donated blood as a bonus. I got my kidney back, such a lovely kidney it is. I read a story to orphans, possibly traumatizing them for life, blew up the orphanage, effectively starving them seeing as they have no food now. Not that it does them any good, as they’re roasted and whatnot. I think I did pretty well so far, so it’s off to the ne-” Nightmare paused and blinked in surprise as the smoking body of the mare from the orphanage landed a distance from her, on the opposite side of the street.

“Huh… Well what do you know; I helped an old mare cross the street as well, even if it was unintentional.” The black alicorn mused thoughtfully as she crossed a few more lines from her list.

“I feel like singing a song now, in celebration of my bad deeds, and the eventual conquest of Equestria!” She took a deep breath and sang gleefully.

” This day has been just perfect,

The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small

Every pony I'll soon control

Every stallion, mare, and foal

Who says a girl can't really have it all!"


Nightmare Moon whirled around to see Queen Chrysalis standing there in all her swiss cheese-esque glory glaring at her with pure fury in her eyes. “You stole my song!”

Nightmare grinned devilishly at the Changeling queen. “I know, it’s because I’m evil.”

Chrysalis stomped her hoof angrily. “You can’t steal my song, it belongs to me!”

Nightmare continued grinning, and looked at her coyly. “I have but one thing to say to changeling.”

“What could you possibly have to say?” Queen Chrysalis snorted indignantly.

“You mad?”

Scenes That Happened But Were Not Shown Because I Did Not Think To Add Them Till The Very End Along With Author Notes And Thank You Notes To Those Who Helped Inspire Parts Of This Chapter

The Parasprite Fiasco

Nightmare Moon face hoofed. With a sigh, she put on her most terrifying sneer and growled at the little puff of gluttonous fuzz. “Listen to me closely you insipid insect, you WILL eat every scrap of food in this wretched dump, and you WILL do it NOW! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!” She yelled the last part rather forcefully, which caused the group of parasprites to squeal in terror and fly off in search of food to appease her.

“So hard to find good help these days…” Nightmare muttered to herself as she left the building, reveling in the horrified screams of terror that followed soon after. “I love the sound of terror in the night!” With a delighted cackle, the marauding midnight mare launched herself in the air.

“Oh Celestia! Parasprites are attacking! They’re devouring all of the food that we were going to donate to needy ponies!”

“What do we do??? Wait! What about the snack room?!”

“The snack room? But the food supplies are being decimated!”

“Never mind that, all of my best cider was in the snack room! Did they get to it? Tell me man, TELL ME!”

“Y-yes! The Parasprites shredded through the snack room!”

A few moments of silence.


The Caretaker’s Pressing Matters

“Oh? Hello Miss Moon! We can’t think you enough for your help! The children have a much better place to live thanks to you! Do come in, have you some to see the children?” The kindly old mare ushered her inside, leading her to the foyer. “You can go on and visit the little dears; they’ll be upstairs about this time. I hate to leave you alone, but I have to take care of a few very pressing matters, you understand, don’t you?”

“Of course, of course, I too have very important items on my list to handle; I won’t be here long anyways.” Nightmare Moon nodded dismissively, climbing up the stairs to second floor.

The old mare in charge of the orphanage trotted into her office and locked the door behind her. “I must say, I do enjoy your visits ever so much! They are such a treat after a harrowing day of taking care of little foals. The children fill the hole in my heart, and you, my big handsome stallion fill the hole between legs.”


4 Minutes Later

“Dreadfully sorry you couldn’t stay longer like usual, but tonight we had a guest come over, and I should check to see how things are going, you will come back next week for another special visit, won’t you?”


Kiue Jin And The Package

Nightmare snorted, this little colt wanted to be a minion and he couldn’t even lie right? That wasn’t going to happen, but she did make the offer, so she couldn’t feel right about not giving him s trial run. “Alright, Kiue, take this package and go down to the basement, tap in three times on each side, than chant this spell. Shouldn’t take more than, oh say five minutes.” She thrust a small package into his lap and turned to leave. “Make sure you follow those directions exactly, or else.” She glared at him threateningly with the last part, which Kiue returned with an apathetic sigh.


Kiue Jin trotted down to the basement a couple of minutes later as he carried the package in a gray aura. “Man, this is so lame, if there wasn’t the promise of spreading pain and suffering, I wouldn’t be helping that lame old mare.”

The apathetic unicorn set the package down on the ground and stared at it. “What’s so important about this lame package?” He tore off the wrappings with a burst of his magic, and he discovered what was so important. A bomb, with very little time left.

“Aw man, so lame… What the fu-”


Author Notes And Thank You Notes

I decided to put more comedy into this chapter, and I believe it helped me. It was a lot easier to write, seeing as I didn’t have to worry about ruining one aspect of it with another. I would love your thoughts and feelings on the matter, if you can spare the time.

I was honestly shocked by the length of this chapter.

I want to thank some very special ponies and fellow authors:

-Airstream, for generously donating blood(sorry you didn’t get an extended seen, but you got to play a game, so that balances it out in my opinion.)

-Garino, for volunteering to have his kidney removed and offering up the idea of helping an old mare across the street, even if I did it indirectly

-Kiue Jin, for(hopefully) not getting mad I blew his orphan up and for making him a depressed pony and giving me list ideas for the next chapter

-Tundra Stanza, for unknowingly inspiring me with Chrysalis’ song and the ensuing scene

-Any and every pony who’s viewed my story and commented on it, in fact, just viewing this story gets you a thank you.