• Published 22nd Nov 2015
  • 1,183 Views, 5 Comments

Runaway Bride - BioQuillFiction

Since Gilda has been crowned queen the Griffin kingdom has prospered. Including an unexpected peace with the changling empire. So why has Gilda run away now? And shy is she dress to be married?!

  • ...

You're Pregnant!?!?!?

Finally, after hundreds of years of grief and petty the griffons of Griffonstone have a ruler. Two years ago Gilda, with the help of two ponies, found the pride of the griffons in a new form, Friendship. Then, not a few months later she found the Idol of Boreas and was declared queen.

She was not only the first ruler in hundreds of years but also the kindest and most unorthodox ruler in their history. One such example was a peace treaty with the changeling empire. No one saw that coming but since its creation the changelings have kept to the terms of the agreement and have kept a distance from Equestria.

"What's going through the queen's mind?!" Many thought, and still do. Especially her friend Rainbow Dash.

"I'm telling ya Pinkie, I still say Gilda's under a changeling spell." Rainbow said, for what had to have been the billionth time that year.

Pinkie gave a heavy sigh. On any other slow day Pinkie would love the company of a friend, but Dash has been on the same topic for Eight months. "Dashie, normally I'd say something near incomprehensible, you'd think I'm just being me and then you'd go off and figure things out yourself, but I'm just gonna say you need to drop it."

Dash couldn't believe the words that just came out of Pinkie's mouth. After they sunk in Dash dropped her head on the table she was sitting at. "Not you too Pinkie Pie."

"Dashie, we went to the Griffin kingdom and everything was fine, Twilight even checked things out with her magic and there were no signs of A Canterlot Wedding repeat. The changelings weren't even in disguises, they were out in the open."

"What does that prove?!"

"That the peace between the Griffins and Changelings is real. Dashie, just try and accept it. I mean, Gilda's your foalhood friend, you should be happy she pulled off what Equestria has never even considered."

Dash thought it over. Even though she was still uneasy about it, Pinkie was right. And logical, which made Dash feel even more isolated in her argument. "Maybe you're right Pinkie. I just worry about her. She wasn't exactly the tuff Griffin she was when you first met her, when we first met she was... she kinda acted like Fluttershy."

"I know, I saw her flashback."

Dash shook her head. Seems Pinkie has returned to her abnormal self.

* * *

Later that day, Dash returned home. Mane wild and wind blown and coat soaked in sweat. She tried a new training routine Twilight made for her, it was harder than she expected.

"Man, Twilight should sell that to the Wonderbolts. They'd pay top bit, especially if it made me this tired." Dash thought out loud.

Within the distance was a large fluffy cloud, columns and elegant designs decorated the exterior. Rainbow's home, a masterpiece by every meaning of the word. It took months to build and weeks to find a unicorn to cast the spells needed to keep it from floating away.

"Can't wait for a shower." Dash said, exhaustion following every letter.

Rather than the door, Rainbow usually flies through a window or even the walls on days like this. Upon entering through a window something becomes apparent to Dash, the house is clean. Dash left her home a mess this morning.

"Did Twilight do this? No, she was reorganizing books today." Slight worry filled Dash as the realization of someone breaking into her home sunk in. But why did they clean her house?

Dash flew silent upstairs, if the break in cleaner was cleaning her home, Dash's bedroom will be a likely next target. Her suspicions were proven right as she flew closer to her room, the sound of humming and the scent of griffin scones filled the... wait griffin scones?

Upon opening the clouds that acted as her bedroom door, Dash spotted a large creature, upper and front half built like a bird and rear half built like a lion.

"Gilda?!" Dash yelled, throwing open the rest of her door.

Gilda jumped. "Dash, your back."

"Gilda what are you doing here, why did you..." Dash froze in place. She just noticed the thin, white, partly see through fabric resting on her friends head, it matched the long white elegant dress she wore. "Gilda... Why. Are. You. In. A. Wedding. Dress..."

Gilda looked over her attire and glew cherry red. "I was uhhh... getting hitched."

A long silence filled the room. Gilda kept thinking what Rainbow Dash's response would be. Dash didn't have a thought in her mind.

Gilda bit her tongue and spoke. "Are you gonna-"

"You are getting married... and you didn't tell me!"

"There was going to be a public marriage, I swear! But we thought it would be more romantic to have a secret wedding before the public one."

“There was no news or anything about you having a boyfriend!"

"We figured it would be best kept secret given... circumstances."

"What circumstances?!"

"He's a... changeling."

"A changeling!? You're marrying a changeling! ... You are under a spell!"

"Dash, I'm not under a spell."

"Prove it!"

"Is this a bad time?" At the bedroom doorway was a large, leathery, insect like creature with large, blue pony like eyes, paper thin wings, and a crooked horn with a single hole in the middle, stood tall. A royal changeling. “I'd just very much appreciate it if I could talk to my fiancee.”

“Lexicon!? How did you find me?” Gilda asked.

“I could smell your love all the way from Griffinstone.”

Rainbow flew directly in the middle of Lexicon and Gilda, surprising them both. “Listen bub! If she ran away then she clearly doesn't love you! She's not your meal ticket!”

Lexicon looked over to Gilda, who responded by facepalming. “I'm guessing you know little about changelings, right?”

“I know you're all evil love eating parasites!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Gilda yelled. “They can't help it if the only thing that keeps them alive is feeding on love! I know how you feel about them, you were at Canterlot on the day of the invasion, but that was their only option!”

“And you believe that lie!?”

“IT WAS NO LIE!!!” Lexicon screamed, his voice matched that of Luna’s royal Canterlot voice. Lexicon moved closer to Rainbow, a mere inch from her muzzle. “You may be ignorant of our culture, our history, our pain! But out of all the dark and dirty things my species has had to do to survive… we honor every pact, every agreement, every promise! When Gilda gave my race a chance she asked only one thing of me, the truth about Changelings. I told her everything.”

Dash was taken back. She could feel his emotion in every word Lexicon spoke. She was moved, which surprised her greatly. “Well then, why did Gilda run away?”

Gilda and Lexicon smirked.

“Dash, it's an old griffin tradition.” Gilda stated.

“Running away before your own wedding is a tradition?”

“Well,” Lexicon started. “normally no. It's only for those griffins that are with child before marriage.”

“... What?”

“Dash, I'm pregnant.” Gilda said.

Rainbow was silent for several seconds, she then fell over, unconscious.

“Dash!” Gilda yelled, she and Lexicon at Dash’s side.

“She fainted?” Lexicon said in mild disbelief.

“Dash, come on, wake up.” Gilda thought for a while, then a near evil thought came to her. She leaned in close to Rainbow's ear. “Dash, Spitfire found your fanfiction.”

Dash jumped a few feet into the air. “I swear I didn't write that captain!” Dash yelled while saluting to no one in particular. Gilda burst into a fit of laughter, earning a very cherry blush red, angry expression from Rainbow. “That was so not cool!”

“Oh, lighten up Dash.”

Dash mumbled under her breath. A thought came to mind, something she really wanted answered. “Gilda, why did you clean my house?”

“Nesting. Every griffin does it while pregnant. Figured if I was to wait for Lexicon to find me I'd go the the messiest place in all of Equestria.”

Dash gave an un-amused expression.

“Well,” Lexicon started. “I found you Gilda, time for our secret wedding.”

Gilda chuckled. “Alright then. Dash, you wanna come?”

“You want me to come?!”

“Well yeah, that's the other reason I decided to hide at your house. You'd think I'd get married without my best friend there.”

Dash teared up. “Of course I'm there!”

Dash, Gilda, and Lexicon all flew off towards the train station. Taking the first train to Griffinstone. The group received more than a few strange glares, but it didn't bother them in the slightest. They talked about past events, childhood stories, but each one of them kept the future in mind. Wondering how much the world will change given a few more years. Gilda and Lexicon thought about their child, and how being half griffin and half changeling will affect its life. Rainbow had a much simpler thought in mind however, I really should have showered before we left.

Author's Note:

And here it is, the sequel to Runaway Queen. Lost a bet with a reader and got really into it and am making another wager. If this story makes 100 likes also then I'll make another story about Gilda and Lexicon's child, also post in the comments if you want it to be a boy or a girl, I ask since I'm horrible at gambling so within a month or less I'll most likely be making the next story.

I know it's short but I'm actually hoping for the 100 likes to make the new story which will be more than one chapter.

Comments ( 5 )

Way to short

Boy! i cant see gilda with a daughter.

I'd like to see a girl.

it was very short. needed more detail and possibly what happened at the wedding.

I agree. More info would be nice, though I liked the story.

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