• Published 22nd Nov 2015
  • 3,187 Views, 85 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: The Multiversal Fronts - KrspaceT

An ongoing series inspired by the success of another one-shot, this story looks at one of the many wars fought between that universe's Bureau and the rogue nobility seeking to rule

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'Vs' Alucard

Meticulous Planner was a dull colored gray Unicorn with a addition mark cutie mark, who had gained a foothold in Canterlot following a 3 year long investigation into corruption in the Philydelphian banking communities.

Many hailed him as a hero for doing so, for striking against the corrupt establishment and sticking it out for the little Pony.

In reality, he had simply been trying to ensure that his home wasn’t foreclosed because the rate had been raised behind his back. But, hey, whatever caused Fancy Pants to invite him to fancy shindigs.

Of course, any visions of raising himself further in Canterlot Society were stopped by a number of illogical factors: like social behavior.

His name was Meticulous Planner, not Social Butterfly. Social Butterfly was an annoying airhead he knew in his school days. Plans fell awry when dealing with ponies.

Perhaps humans were simpler creatures, as creatures without magic or wings surely they were uncivilized and easily winnable by a simple and meticulous plan.

He had discovered their little plan while he was trying to determine if Blueblood was committing bank fraud he could expose to remove him. While Blueblood didn’t seem to be guilty of anything involving numbers (except perhaps the ability to actually count with them), discovering the plan to rule other worlds as one sees fit was certainly something he was all for.

A world without annoying social behaviors that constantly made his life and existence far too complicated. A world where people were not expected to hold up such as annoying and illogical virtues, such as generosity, kindness, and laughter.

And perhaps, if he was so able, a world where ponies would not randomly burst into song.

This world would be ruled by him, his way, and for him. His mindlessly obedient subjects would be ordered to focus solely on their jobs, not attempt to make life better for themselves, others, or anyone but the collective whole of his end goals.

It was the logical solution: his goals were the machine and they, the new foals, would be the cogs in that machine.

And rule it he shall, for he had a simple, yet effective plan to do so.

According to Stormfront, who was the leading expert and manufacturer of the Conversion Potion, the potion could be transferred through water, much like a virus. Unlike a virus, however, it was not so easily filtered, and would even conduct itself within precipitation.

If he continuously dumped potion into the oceans, the sky and the waters of the world would be his weapon. Mankind would be efficiently turned, and he wouldn’t have to do anything until it was completed.


Noting the black volcanic expanse he had come to for his throne, a island born from fire emerging from water know as Surtsey, whose volcanic expanse had remained even as the barrier had engulfed the entire island, Planner turned to a pile of black volcanic rocks as his horn glowed.

His abode would not build itself. He could merely wait for newfoals to do it for him, but it would not be efficient either for time, or skills.

Apparently humans no longer built castles. After he obtained a few humans, he would determine why they had stopped housing their leaders in castles and from there determine if he himself should change his housing plans.

Until then of course he would build the foundations for his abode, whatever it would eventually be.


When a barrier of unknown energy formed to the south of Iceland, the people of the world began to freak out.

When some people who had been fishing the waters not far from said barrier got splashed and suddenly turned into pastel colored horses and began swimming towards the island the panic grew worse.

Of course, horses freeze in the icy waters, and now would be nothing but food for scavenging creatures of the icy depths. Science would not have a chance to determine what the hell just happened.

There had been reports of someone turning into a Pegasus, but no one was quite sure what happened to that fellow.

But where the unexplained happened, when something needed to be done in the shadows, several organizations existed to handle it.

One resided in the shadows of the Vatican, and another in a dark mansion within the United Kingdom.

The leader of the British was named Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. A dark-skinned blond woman, dressed in impeccable suits and a cigar in her mouth, and a cigar always within reach, Integra did not find people turning into sentient horses at random to be all that unusual.

She had seen far more terrifying things in the past. And the present. Also the future. One even lived in her basement.

However, she should probably deal with it before it became a problem. Her job was to protect Her Majesty’s realm from horrifying things, and what was a advancing wall of doom if not a horrifying thing.

“Walter” Integra spoke as a dark haired butler with reflective glasses emerged from the corner as if he had always been there.

“Yes my lady?”

“Prepare transport for Alucard. He is to destroy that barrier and anything inside it with all necessary force”.

“As you wish….though I do feel the need to remind you that he will most likely use great amounts of unnecessary force to do so”.

Integra took a deep puff of a now lit cigar as she noted her butler’s words. They were quite true after all.

“Frankly if Cthulhu is in there I’d rather be 100% sure it’s not coming back”.


“So, Hubrisc is dead? It’s only been a week?” Reading a letter that had been sent to him, Planner shook his head even as he noted the barrier begin to reach the much larger island of Iceland.

Apparently his world had some sort of being on it who could kill a pony if said person knew his name and his face. Kira, or something like that. Kiba? Kita? Cira?

Apparently, Hubrisc hadn’t even set up the barrier before gloating to the entire world about how he was going to rule them and how there was nothing they could do to stop them.

40 seconds after he had stated this, he had a heart attack and now that world was cheering Kira on as a savior.

The Conversion formula left behind had then been stolen apparently, apparently by some human named L.

L……what a strange name. Was that a human thing?

Well, obviously some worlds had some rather dangerous things in them. Thankfully it seemed that this world was perfectly safe.

“Safe? Oh, this world is many things horse, but safe isn’t one of them”

A gravely voice, the likes of which Tartarus would shudder to hold suddenly even if the one who spoke with it was as harmless as a bunny, wafted through the air.

Turning, Planner found his gaze beholden on a most strange creature.

While it was a biped and a human one at that, it didn’t seem to be a normal one. For one thing, it was really tall and pale, with hair as black as Nightmare Moon.

It’s clothing were as red as blood, with a had that looked like it came out of some overly fancy boutique. It’s eyes were shielded by orange goggles, from within glowed blood red orbs.

The creature smelled horribly of death, blood, and darkness.

“Greetings alien, my name is Alucard. I’ve been sent to destroy you and this barrier, and frankly all this happiness and cheer on the affected parts of Iceland. Really, you have no idea how painful it is for me to be in here, let alone walk through that barrier…..”

Not wanting to deal with this thing trying to kill him for any longer than he had to, Planner threw a bottle of Conversion potion on the being, which caused it to dissolve mid-sentence into a blood red Alicorn with dark bat wings, still wearing that ridiculous hat.

He was not going to sit back and wait for it to have stopped talking and start doing…..whatever it was it was going to do to him.

Plus, he now had an Alicorn under his control. This was most fortunate.

Meticulous Planner felt a rush of an alien feeling when the Alicorn once known as Alicord gave a wide, unnatural smile, his mouth dominated by fangs the likes of which a Hydra would be envious of.

“Oh, that was interesting. Some sort of transformative elixir I see, with a healthy dose of mind control. Did you plan on turning all of humanity into magical horses? I must say, that is a new one, rather creative really. But I’m afraid I must inform you…..” the Alicorn was still grinning like something out of a nightmare, as darkness began to spew from his wings, a multi-eyed, mouthed, snarling darkness.

“That this world is not yours for the taking! My souls broke down your little controlling filler, and now I'm going to break you!”

Meticulous Planner, in his last moments as the darkness began to encircle him, discovered what fear felt like.

He wished he had never felt it at all.


“So, that’s the end of it?” Integra questioned her most effective and most dangerous associate back in her office the day after the barrier had been destroyed.

“Yep” The Vampire grinned, back in his human form “Sure, he wasn’t nearly as tasty as humans or even vampires, but he won’t be bothering anyone again, and his barrier has been destroyed. I can’t say how many hapless Icelanders, Canadians, or Irishmen will randomly turn into horses over the next few months, but unless they are in Northern Ireland it’s not my problem and frankly I’m sure people will find something to do for them”.

The dark skinned Englishwoman took a long draw of her cigar at the thought of how Alucard handled his problems. The problems never really appreciated it, and it sent more than a few of her soldiers into therapy.

And it was rather hard to find a therapist who was able to deal with that sort of trauma. It was cheaper to import her Cigars.

“Very well, the Queen and the Council send you their regards and thanks for saving the Earth, and I have personal congratulations from everyone from the President of the United States to the Vatican. The Vatican has even offered you a place in Purgatory instead of the fiery pits of hell for your efforts of saving all of Christendom”.

Alucard muttered something about ‘damn Catholics’.

“Now then, just because the extra-dimensional ponies are no longer a problem doesn’t mean we don’t have more issues at hand. There has recently been a report of a likely vampire in and around Cheddar Village. I need you to go and investigate”.

“By investigate, I do believe you mean kill it until its properly dead?”

“Of course. You’re hardly Sherlock Holmes”.


In another world, Meticulous Planner’s plan would have succeeded. With enough potion, the world would have fallen to him with little resistance.

He just happened to have gotten the world with one of realities most powerful beings in it to go and ruin everything for him.

The world of Alucard was the second world to be liberated from the Conversion threat, after the world of Kira by only 2 days. 50 worlds still remained at risk though.


The short, blond man eyed the now captive once Icelandic Pegasus before him with a maniacal grin.

“Oh, this is interesting” he said in a German accent “We could make use of you….oh yes”.


Of course, just because the Barrier was no longer a threat didn’t mean that some freak of nature wasn’t going to commit crimes against humanity, ponies, and most everything else that exists somewhere, somewhen, and somehow; using elements of the plan in ways it was never meant to be used.

But that was an entirely different story.

Author's Note:

Note, what exactly The Major does with a Newfoal is not going to be covered here. I have a limit to what I want to imagine, and it probably would be horrifying. If you guys want to, be free to write about it.

And yes, Alucard can still turn into Alucorn (Alicard?) when he wants after this. For reasons.

Also, do not expect updates this fact again: the fact is it took chapter 1 a very long time to be verified.