• Published 22nd Nov 2015
  • 436 Views, 0 Comments

Dear Sister - cipherscriptures

Celestia mulls over the though of her sister up on the moon alone with no one to talk to.

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Dear Sister

Celestia was awoken by the sound of her pet phoenix's chirping, which she was hungry or needed to fly. Celestia put on s small smile and took her into ther hooves and laid her down into one of her plush royal pillows." Now i fed you onyl a few hours ago so I'm guessing you want to fly girl." The phoenix piped up happily and flapped her winged wildly to the giant window that held a view of Celestia's great kingdom. Speaking of which time to raise the sun, as always.

The sun had been risen over an hour ago, the birds sing a song of rejoice and pleasentry, the flowers bloom into many gorgeous hues of blue and red, even the small brook by the royal gardens was quiet. All was right with the world, so why did the high and mighty princess Celestia feels terrible. She hadn't eaten, no matter how hard the guards tried the Princes was unwilling to coropirirate and it was all because of those Thoughts , the ones that kept her awake and running all day ever since another day that haunted her around this time of year, over a hundred moons ago.

That awful day, she had tried to help her sister, she really tried but the strain of royal duties and a family of one was too much to bare, if Celestia couldn't take care of the one she loved most how could she run an entire kingdom, a kingdom that loved and trusted her, trusted her too much for this to became reality so she hid it. It had happened whilst her sister put a sleeping spell on all of Canterlot, no one was awake and no one could wistness any of it. Celestia took matters into her own hands and cleaned the mess, but it wasn't enough to clean the reckage for the emotional scars. When citizons began to asked about the mare in the moon the princess had said that she put it there as a kind of symbol to show that someone will always watch over them in slumber and in wake.

Celestia even took the resonsiblity of getting rid of any sign of Nightmare Moon, any memory, even if it was the faintest nothing could go unsettled, nothing, no rock unturned and nopony unchecked. But why did Celestia take away her memories? She needed to rememeber everything that she did to her little sister, for her banishment was her fault, but why did the princess go to the celebration? Every year she subjected herself to joining in the celebration of the mare in the moon when she actually wanted to sit in her room throw her head back and cry long into the night about her sister. About Nightmare Moon. None of her subjects knew the truth and she planned to keep it that way, so to get ready she plastered a smile on her face and walked with all the confidence she could muster right out her door and into the Grand Hall of the palace where the festivities would be taking place, all day, every year, for the next hundred or more decades. The thought made Celestia heave, if for a moment, for her breath, heart and lungs getting caught in her chest." I can do this, I do this every year for the lost hundred years and for the next hundred years." Because who knows when the stars will play into her favor, who knows when she'll get her sister back. Its could be months, years, centuries, Celestia had forever to wait and thats how long she will wait.

Let the party began, ponies laughed and sang and danced all the way into the moonlight, Celestia smiled and waved acting kind to everyone and treating all fairly," except your sister." She told herself, but the shooed that fowl thought away. Nightmare Moon was the past and this was the present, if she could surrond herself in enough friendship sooner or later she'll feel better. Though friendship and ponies didn't sound appelling right now. The balony connected to her sister's room seemed nice to visit at this time. Fying up there she landed with the soft thud and looked over her amazing city. It may be only a few cneturies old but it was booming with life and posterity.

Setting her atention to the glass doors of her sisters room she opened them, gently almost as though if she used enough force the brass hinges would break." Nightmare," The Princess muttered heartbroken and a stream of tears rolling down her cheeks," that's what she was, it was all a terrible nightmare and I've been dreaming all along. I will wake up with my sister by my side in my bed because we had cuddled together last night, I will see her happy face smiling at me," Everything was in place, the sheets, the bed, even disguarded paper that must be decades old, everything was lacking in a sense of nightmare, everything was normal, too normal. Celestia was breaking as she gazed over Nightmare Moon's room, all she could think about was seeing her sister happy," I will see that face again filled with hope and love and life, no nightmares anywhere in sight. Nothing to hurt or punish you in anyway." Celestia tore herself from the picture of her sister and her laughing, the day she learned how to fly and they went out for icecream and looked back at the full moon that filled the sky, the outline of familiar yet tantalizing mare was imprinted deep on that moon. Probably cold, hungry, alone and scared, probably filled with hate and vengence and wrath, probably crying because even she knew today was that day, no pony could say.

And iit was that thought that the princess over the edge, at that thought she filled herself with determination and stormed out onto the balony yelling, yelling for all of canterlot but no one should be able to hear it over the music of the festivil," I will see your face again Nightmare Moon for you are my sister and I love you," She yelled , hanging her head after her words and placing a hoof to her chest, counting the pounds of her heart as she mumbling a few last words," I love you Luna."

Author's Note:

This ficlet i wrote based on a conversation i had with a friend of mine.
Sorry for any grammer mistakes this is my first fanfic after a years hituas, so i may be a little rusty with my skills but i hope you enjoy none the less.

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