• Published 24th Nov 2015
  • 6,151 Views, 194 Comments

Knight of Steel - Alpha777

a BOS Paladin Knight arrives in Equestria for unknown reasons.

  • ...

The Beast and the Innocent from Atlantis(edited)

1951 ,Somewhere beneath the Atlantic....

Within the city of Rapture was the first Elite Alpha Series doing it's routine with his Little Sister, Maria. This Alpha Series, like Subject Delta, was one of the few more successful Big Daddies throughout Rapture with a name of Subject Omega, and also like Delta, wields a drill but looks more like what the Elite Bouncer would have. His Little Sister has brown hair with a ponytail, just like Eleanor, Little Sister of Delta, with a rose red dress and was singing about angels. Omega listens closely as he watches his Little Sister gathering Adam from a corpse. As she finishes, a portal opens up was was sucking them in. She yells out, "Daddy!? Help!"

Omega reacted immediately and grab onto her but was instead sucked in as well and then was gone. The two Splicers that have witness it was frozen in shock until one of them said, "I really need to stop drinking this stuff." as he pulled out an empty whiskey bottle. The other Splicer just did a face palm as his response to his statement.

In Ponyville, a day after the attack...

I was at Fluttershy's cottage, helping Fluttershy attending to her animals. I was of course kicked by Angel Bunny and my reaction was, "Hey!? What was that for?"

Fluttershy notices this and responds, "Angel Bunny! Be nice to Vaughn, he is a guest and should treat him as one."

Angel crossed his arms as his response with an expression of what you call a 'grump.' I ask Fluttershy, "Does he usually act like this because I don't think bunnies just kick random people like that, from what I've learned."

Fluttershy answered, "Well, yes. He doesn't really trust anyone he just met."

I responded, "Huh, fair point. If I was a bunny, I wouldn't trust someone wearing scary power armor."

Fluttershy was about to say something until was interrupted by a young girl screaming then followed by a crash sound from the forest. We both went outside to see what it was only to see dirt and dust blown up into the air. I responded, "We might need to go in there to see what's up."

Fluttershy responded, "Wha-what about the girls?"

"I doubt that they wouldn't hear that crash at least, besides, we need to get there before some dangerous creature gets there first." I answered.

"O-okay." she replied.

Then me and Fluttershy went into the forest to meet someone or something that we may never expect to meet.

Omega was on his back with Maria in top of him, safe and sound. He moaned, *Thank God she's okay, but where are we?*

Maria slowly woke up and her first reply was, "D-daddy? Where are we?"

Omega replied, *I don't really know, sweetheart.*

But then there was growling from the bush then the beasts relieved themselves was made out of..wood? Omega said to Maria, *Stay behind me, Maria.* as he readied his drill. Maria ran behind Omega when one of the beasts charged at them until a large metal man rammed into it. Then all of the sudden, the metal man pulled out a large minigun was about to open fire until a pink hair girl foated to him quickly saying, "Wa-wait! Let me try something without using violence."

"Are you sure Fluttershy?" The metal man asks.

"Yes." the one named 'Fluttershy' said.

The metal man just nodded and then Fluttershy floated over and quietly talked to them and then all of a sudden, the beasts went away back into the forest. They heard the metal man responding, "Wow."

Omega thought, 'Well it's good to know that there are those that want to help us.'

Me and Fluttershy turned towards to the unknown stranger when I said, "But wait, was their a little girl scream as well?"


We then looked down towards the yellow eyed girl with a rose red dress peeking out from behind her guardian. Fluttershy floated down towards her as the little girl came out from hiding who said, "Are you an angel?!" as she gets excited. I then notice that her guardian eased up right when she said it. Fluttershy looked at me and I responded, "Well I did say you looked like one, didn't I?"

Fluttershy then blushes at the comment I made, then she turned toward the little girl and ask, "What's your name sweetie?"

"My name is Maria and this is my daddy, Omega." She answered.

I ask, "This is your dad?! Wow! I bet no one would mess with you or him."

Maria asks, "Who you two?"

"I'm Fluttershy." she answered.

I answered, "I'm Paladin Knight Vaughn of the Brotherhood of Steel, and it's good to meet you, Maria and Omega. Welcome to Equestria, Land of Harmony."

Omega asks something but in a moaning sound that I didn't understand but Fluttershy did.

"W-well, yes, because here we don't have any real violence but we still have bad people wanting to hurt others." Fluttershy answered.

Omega gave another moaning but with the sound of surprise. Maria asks, "You know what my daddy is saying?!"

Fluttershy answered, "Well, yes. I can even understand animals and communicate with them."

I add, "Which kinda explains how you were able to talk to those wooden wolves to leave peacefully."

She nodded at my response and continued, "Let us bring you to my cottage, the Everfree is the most dangerous place to be at right now."

Omega moaned in agreement and Maria answered, "Okay, lets go Mr. Bubbles." as she let out a giggle.

Somewhere else in the Everfree.....

"Take your men and prepare for an assault on their little, puny town when the the sun hits on the horizon when it sets. Fail this task and you shall be executed, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, General Deathshead." answered the commander.

"Good. Now get to it then, for you are waisting time."

The radio communication ended and the commander ordered his men to get into their positions, unaware of the three young girls who quickly gotten away after they watched the whole thing.

Back at the cottage....

It has been a couple of hours since the event and the rest of the Mane 6 arrived to meet the new strangers. Twilight was able to cast a spell to help Omega to be able to talk. Omega was explaining about their origins after half an hour....

"So wait, you're saying that you are from an underwater city underneath the middle of the Atlantic and then a portal opens up and sucked both of you in into this world?" I asked.

"Yes, something like that." answered Omega. He added, "Sorry, I'm still trying to get used to being able to talk."

Twilight answered, "It's alright, I know you'll get used to it eventually."

I added, "Well it's good to know at least that I'm not the only one who is from a different world."

Omega asks, "Wait, you're from another world too?"

"Yeah, but not from yours though. I'm from a world scorch by war, but from what I've learned from this 'Rapture', I guess it's just as bad as to where I'm from, just not on dry land and not affected by radiation or the sorts." I answered

But then the door swung open and then three young girls, who might be the same age as Maria, came in with fear in there eyes. The one with the red bow said, "We jus' saw somethin' tha-" she stopped in mid-sentence when they saw me and Omega.

Applejack asks, "What's wrong girls?"

The one with wings answered, "We just heard from these people in this black and red uniforms that they were going to attack Ponyville!"

I stepped in and ask, "Did you see anything like a symbol or the like?"

They remain quite until Rainbow Dash said, "Don't worry, he's with us. He won't bite."

The last one who hadn't spoke up asks, "Do you have a piece of paper and a red crayon?"

Fluttershy went to get the paper and the crayon and came back with them. She gave her them and she began to draw. After she finished, my reaction was of horror. "No. No it couldn't be."

Twilight asks, "Do you know this symbol, Vaughn?"

"Around the 1940's, during the Second World War, The United States face a nation that have murdered, slaughtered, and butchered a nation upon nation's number of innocent people that is a Holocaust. They have many names like the Krauts and the Third Riech. I've never faced them before and hoped that it remains that way...."

They all gasped in horror at the description i gave them.

Rarity asks, "Wh-who are they?" in horror.

I looked towards them and answered, "The Nazi Empire."

To be continued.....

Author's Note:

I just re-edited this chapter and hope you enjoy:pinkiehappy: