• Published 24th Nov 2015
  • 6,580 Views, 96 Comments

I Think it's a Changeling... - Vinyl-ScratchDJ17

  • ...

What is he Anyway?

Author's Note:

Here is the secodn chapter you guys wanted :D I couldn't do much since it was just a small convo about Ditto. I did what I could to make it longer, and this is what I got, so I hope you enjoy :D ALSO if you wish for another chapter, I will make another, just pm me whatyou would like to see :D

"I've never seen anything like it, Celestia." Twilight said to the royal ruler of Equestria and goddess of the sun. "So that's why I brought him here, because maybe you've seen others like him before." Twilight turned her head to see the Ditto she found yesterday in the alley on her back.

Celestia eyed the pink creature suspiciously, rubbing a hoof uner her chin, with squinted eyes. "Sorry, Twilight." Celestia sat up again in her throne. "I haven't either, and I'm over a thousand years old. I wish I could help you." Celestia sighed. Ditto only gave a look of curiousness to his new surroundings from where he sat on Twilight's back. A large checker tiled room, a red carpet along the center, leading up to Celestia's throne.

"To be honest, Celestia, I think he may be some sort of changeling..." Twilight shrugged nonchalantly

"Aaand what makes you say that? He looks nothing like a changeling. Y-you know changelings are bug ponies, right? At least that's simplest way of refering to them as. He's a little pink...let's just stick with pink. I don't want to end up saying anything he might not like. So, changelings are bug ponies, he's a pink." Celestia said with a straight expression.

Twilight sort of giggled from Celestia's inability to form words. then again, the whine glass, of course with whine in it, along with the half empty wine bottle would explain it.

"What do you, hic! Find to be so funny, Twilight?" Celestia asked, entrapping the glass in her golden mgical aura of magic, bringing the glass to her lips where upon she took a sip. At least she tried. Poor mare hiccuped again, spurting the alcoholic drink from her mouth, where it landed along her chest, abdomen, legs, and a bit on the floor. she sunk slightly in her chair, wearing a bemused face. "Nice. Now I'll have to wash myself." She muttered.

"Here, let me get that." Twilight conjured up a white hoof towel, gently rubbing down the spots where the wine had wet Celestia and the floor.

"Thank you, Twilight. Now please, continue."

Twilight nodded. "Well, you see, your highness, he seems to be able to transform into anypony he wants at anytime. Which is why I think he may be some new breed of changeling or something."

"Can he, hic! Turn into me?" Celestia asked, her facial expression slowly returning to normal. "I've got to see it to believe it." Celestia shrugged, leaning now more on the right arm rest, with another sip of her whine.

"Yeah, sure!" Twilight smiled, moving the creature to the floor in front of her. "Ditto, can you transform into Celestia for me?"

The Ditto nodded, and the creature began to illuminate a white glow, and its size began to increase, morphing to take on the shape of Celestia. As it's transformation came close to completion, the light began to fade, leaving behind a flawless copy of Celestia.

The real Celestia stood mouth a gape in shock and amazement. "He looks just like me!"

"He looks just like me!" Ditto copied.

"Maybe he IS a changeling! I don't know, but this is incredible!" Celestia gazed up from her sitting position to the perfect match of herself Ditto had just turned into. "But then again, what are you doing with a possible changeling?" she questioned.

Twilight shrugged. "I don't know if he is, but I'm keeping him until further notice. To be honest, I don't even think he's from Equestria."

"And what makes you say that?" Celestia said with an emphasis oh 'that.'

"Oh, nothing. Just with what you said never seeing anything like him before, even though you're one of the oldest living Ponies in Equestria. So if you haven't, then maybe he isn't from our world." Twilight stated.

Celestia nodded in agreement, followed by a filling of wine in her glass, and a sip.

Ditto stood just off to the side, looking back and fourth between the two ponies as the took turns speaking.

"You give a good arguent to the cause, but you see Twilight, I sit here pretty much everyday of my life, and thus my legs have fallen asleep. The tingling I'm used to, having gone through it for hundreds of years. But if he is, hic! Excuse me." Celestia coughed to clear her throat. "If he is from another world, what would we even do about it?"

Twilight looked confused. "Shouldn't I have been the one to ask that? Since I'm the one that's asking about him?"

Again, Celestia nodded. "Yes, another good point, Twilight. But I asked as a rhetorical qeustion since niether of us would know what to do, since this has never happened before, where we've had somepony come from a different planet. Except you going to and from the human world at Canterlot High School."

"I...guess that makes sense."

"Just keep an eye on him, though. Since he can turn into anypony, who knows if he may have bad intentions? Don't want anything bad to, hic! Happen. Now do we?"

"Which is why I took him under my wing. And it turns out to be he doesn't transform into anypony unless I tell him to. He'll turn into me whenever, but anybody else, he won't unless told to." said Twilight. She smiled up to the ranbow maned Ditto, wearing Celestia's face in his disguise.

"Hmm. He could be useful for a lot of things with that capability." Celestia looked down to see her glass was half full, so she downed the rest. "Lienikkens Hard Mango wine. Wanna try some?"

Twilight shook her head. "I would rather not, but thanks for the offer."

"So, now that that's settled, what shall us ponies gossip about now?" Celestia asked.

Twilight was about to answer, when suddenly the door behind Twilight burst open, and Luna entered the room, trotting up to the trio.

"Tia! I need to tell you something very importa-" She stopped, staring wide eyed upon seeing two Celestias. "Am I inturrupting somthing? Or am I just seeing things?"

"No, no, speak your peace, Luna." said Celestia with a dismissive wave of her hoof.

Luna nodded followed by the clearing of her throat, via a cough. "Well, I just wanted to tell you I'm going to be away tomorrow for the evening on a trip to Baltimare for some...stuff..."

"What...stuff might this be, Luna?"

"N-nothing important, just some stupid meet up with a few ponies to talk about...stuff..."

"What stuff would you be talking about in that meet up?"

"Ohh...just usual stuff."

"And what is this usual stuff that seems to be kept a secret, and if this stuff is a secret, why are you telling me?"

"S-stuff..." Luna blushed.

Celestia face hoofed. "You know what, I'm on a good buzz right now from my wine, and this...stuff" Celestia rolled her eyes, "is currently killing it. SOOOO, you go ahead with your stuffingly mystery stuffed stuff, and be on your way, because I don't wanna know."

"Alright. Thanks Tia!" Luna smiled and trotted merrily out of the room.

"Now, then! Where were we, Twilight?"

"Stuff!" Ditto said cheerily with a wide smile.

"And there goes my buzz." Celestia deadpanned.

Comments ( 37 )

Pretty disappointed in this. I see no reason for this chapter to exist.

Oh, nothing. Just with what you said never seeing anything like him before, even htough you're one of the oldest living Pony in Equestria.

who knows if he may hae bad intentions?

6683709 What's disappointing about it? What should I change (besides deleting completely)

6683818 Is the story really meant to be complete now, as it's marked, or are you doing something with it? If you're doing something with it, OK, I can see some purpose for this chapter to exist. If it's complete, then this chapter added nothing meaningful to the work, it's just another exhibition of Ditto.

An interesting thing would be if Twilight decided to visit her friends in the other world, and bring along ditto to si if he transform, and ended up the same, but now all her friends knows what he is, because pokemon is cannon there XD, thus, resolving the mistery, and discovery of a real pokemon world :D.

6683933 people asked for another chapter, so thats just what i did really. If people ask for another, then i will mark it as incomplete and make another, but for now i can say it is complete

Drunk Celestia... Hmmm.....
Makes sense she doesn't know what to do, but certainly millenia of diplomacy would provide a hint?
Ditto doesn't seem to be doing harm, so it's fair enough to just let him stay.

Ahhh Ditto you magnificent bastard

can't wait for you to put the breading mechanic of Ditto into this story.

For a story like this, there is only one thing I can do.

Have a like, fav, and follow on me!

6687922 Thank you much, I like to find funny pictures and then use them in responses

6688258 pm what you mat want to see. after I get a few ideas I might make a new chapter

not bad, it was funny, but as usually I´m sad that it is already over.

6711879 want another chapter? Pm me your ideas if you have any :D


Hm...Oh Mabye ditto finds a Master Ball and captures Twilight!


Can you do it please?

6849210 I shall, since that would be pretty funny. I ALREADY have an idea of what i want to do!

6849210 but since its your idea i wanna hear what you have to say


What do you want to know?

"Now, then! Where were we, Twilight?"
"Stuff!" Ditto said cheerily with a wide smile.
"And there goes my buzz." Celestia deadpanned.

That was funny.

"Oh, nothing. Just with what you said never seeing anything like him before, even though you're one of the oldest living Ponies in Equestria. So if you haven't, then maybe he isn't from our world." Twilight stated.

... that is not accurate for so many possible reasons

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