• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 11,623 Views, 397 Comments

Non-Entity - Captain Wuzz

Fluttershy encounters a strange creature in the woods and nurses it back to health, only to discover she has one of the most dangerous and powerful mages to ever exist in her care.

  • ...

Epilogue: One Year Later

Fluttershy was in the kitchen when the letter appeared in front of her in a silvery flash. She smiled to herself. She no longer needed to check the mailbox or even the envelope to know when she recieved a letter from Discord. She poured herself a cup of tea and took it out into the garden. She sat down in the sunshine while Angel Bunny grazed nearby.

Dearest Fluttershy,

An update!

Our 'honeymoon suite' is almost ready.

I know we aren't really married, but that's kind of what I like about you. You know that I don't need a contract or some traditional ceremony to know that I love you, and you love me, Canary-Horse, especially since I'm so handsome and witty and charming. Honestly, how did you resist a sexy creature like me for so long?

But I do want to do something special for you.

Wait until you see it! It took me ages to find the right tree, but it's got the perfect branch to sit on that looks out over the Nickeraguan rainforest. The tree house sits nicely in the canopy and the walls are covered with all this pretty glowing fungus. At night there are all kinds of moths and cicadas and their sound fills the air.I don't know if the monkeys living around here are the Monkey King's descendants, but they're still pretty noisy. I know you will love it, you nature dork. The bed is mostly made up of leaves, but I've made sure it's comfy with a quilt and pillows. I mean, sometimes weird bugs crawl out of the leaves. Stuff like beetles and centipedes, and things even I think have far too many legs, but Ricardo and Mortimer just eat them. Besides, I know stuff like that doesn't bother you.

But, if I may be serious for a moment (oh, my! Me being serious. Perhaps I have a temperature!) But, no...I wanted to say to you...

I...I want to thank you, Fluttershy. Thank you for being my friend, for being my protector, for being my mate. Without you I wouldn't be standing here, looking out over the trees and breathing in the fresh air. I wouldn't have friends. I wouldn't have the freedom to come and go as I please.

I wouldn't have my chaos magic back. I wouldn't be me. I'd be a non-entity.

All my love,

Author's Note:

Whew! Thank you all so, so, so much if you've made it this far and all your lovely comments. I had a blast writing this and didn't expect it to be as popular as it was! You are all amazing. Taking a bit of a break from writing now but I had fun!

All the Best,


P.S. Have some moosic.

Comments ( 57 )

Kinda sad it's over. So...Discord did eat those two ponies? Aw man, I was hoping for something more dramatic, like it turns out he didn't do it, but Snare tries to go on with the set up anyway. Oh well. You can't have everything your way I guess, it's still a good story all the same.


The point I was trying to get across is there's a difference between Discord the animal who wasn't in possession of his mental faculties and was only doing what instinct told him to do to survive and Discord, ruler of Equestria who terrorized ponies without remorse.

It's only through Fluttershy finding him, saving him, helping him regain his memories and helping him make friends that he realizes this.


Oh, goodness no. I think I would collapse from exhaustion. ;)

A good end to the story, if you did a sequel it could be the trial of the guy (I forgot his name already) and might be a one shot

One of the best stories I've ever read. I enjoy when people give anthropomorphic characters some of their animal characteristics, and I was extremely curious on how you would portray him as an animal. You did an amazing job.

I've always enjoyed comparing sapient beings to animals, as, truly, we are not all that different.

You did well on the outline of the differences of Discord's character. The sapient Discord, the instinctual Discord, and the ruling Discord. I especially enjoyed this, and cannot wait for more of your stories. (Don't try and pressure yourself to keep writing. People need breaks when they need breaks. Enjoy yourself while you can, I hope things turn up from here.)


It's so beautiful! WHY IS IT OVER?!?!?!

Oh well...nice to see a nice ending on one of my favorite stories on this site. Great story, no...AWESOME STORY!!!

Well done Woolly! Well done!!!

Woo! Another good story finished...I hope you have fun on your writing break! I loved reading this! Especially Discord's backstory! In my opinion that was one of the best chapters...So...Celestia now has suitors XD I'd love to see a Short Story of discord finding this little detail out...Also! So the crystal was a shard of the element of loyalty? If so...That's an Ironic use for it... As always I loved reading the ending Hope you have fun on the break

I don't know if the monkeys living around here are the Monkey King's ancestors,

It should be "descendants." Ancestors are in the past.

Anyway, I've enjoyed this story, though the mystery of the dead ponies remained unsolved. Still, it was a good story and extra bravo for updating it so quickly.


Oops you are right! I knew that but my brain turned inside out and made it backwards. *fixes* :applejackconfused:


So the crystal was a shard of the element of loyalty?

Huh? I'm at a loss as to how I gave that impression.

So...Celestia now has suitors XD

Well she and Luna are thousands of years old. I imagine they've had many lovers. Hey, a girl's gotta have a good time, right? ;)

And now I'm a non-entity, because I just melted and therefore I no longer exist as a person. But that's okay because I am now a puddle full of fluttercord feels. And once again, my sweet, brilliant, talented, wonderful friend whom I care for very much and still would even if you never wrote ever again, you closed it all up with an excellent one-line zinger that referred to the very title itself.

I hope you're extremely proud of yourself, Woolly. I can't tell you how to feel, but I hope you are. I would be, if I wrote this, for multiple reasons. If you ever forget why you're amazing, let me know. I'll tell you why.


Lol yes! XD

Also...About the shard...I got the impression because in the story you said it glowed red...I immediately thought the element of loyalty...and the elements have been shattered before by Luna/Nightmare Moon maybe they took off a small piece of the shard to immobilize Discord... And I got the impression...Because I might have replaced that words around a bit....I do that sometimes when I read and it sucks...But I thought I saw that you said that or something...The elements being the only thing that can Kill or Immobilize Discord

I wouldn't have my chaos magic back. I wouldn't be me. I'd be a non-entity.


7060844 To be fair, ponies are magically delicious. Even they sometimes can't resist eating each other! :pinkiecrazy:

I love it!:pinkiehappy: one of the best stories i have read in a long time.:heart:

Congrats what a beautiful ending! Loved it

Loved it all the way through. Great work. What more can I say really besides some sorrow for it being finally over. I hope you can keep the same, if not better, level of writing you used in this story for further creations of yours. For making me watch this, you have earned yourself one follower.

Why does everyone think the crystal was the element of loyalty LOL. I remember a section of exposition that explained it's origin.

7061924 The crystal was actually the Element of EVIL!! :pinkiegasp:

It was one of Lord Sombramort's diabolical creations! :rainbowderp:


I'm pleased that you seem to have enjoyed it, but I can't. I honestly can't. (Believe me I'm sooooo shattered after all that writing lol) Plus I don't think a sequel would really work. When I go back into writing mode in the future I'll write new stories.


Thank you all for your lovely comments and I'm happy you enjoyed it.


You did well on the outline of the differences of Discord's character. The sapient Discord, the instinctual Discord, and the ruling Discord. I especially enjoyed this, and cannot wait for more of your stories. (Don't try and pressure yourself to keep writing. People need breaks when they need breaks. Enjoy yourself while you can, I hope things turn up from here.)

I'm glad that came across. I wanted to make sure that Discord was a much more complex character in this one. I've worried that in previous fics I've portrayed him as too soft or made it too "Discord vs. Evil rival". And oh, dude, I'm so glad I can rest now! lol :rainbowlaugh:


Wow, what a compliment! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Tater. I always look forward to seeing what you and Missy have to say about my fic. :twilightsmile: And you is lovely in all sorts of ways too.

7064906 Hey, it was so nice to see a great ending to a story on this site. Well done!

It was fun, I liked the story. Congratulations for a good story



Now where the hell do I begin? I never really got into length in my reviews for this, because I never really knew what to write. Now that it’s over, though, I totally owe you something.

As for the ending, holy hell. There was so much going on, a lot happening at a crazy speed. It was freaking great! Also, glad to see everyone involved. It’s always a nice touch to add to stories, where all the characters can come into play, however small a role.

The epilogue, well, I can’t say much, obviously, since it’s short and simple. It’s a contrast to the hyper last chapter, but I can just see Fluttershy sitting down with the sun out and everything’s calm. The letter’s super duper sweet. Just... LOVE!

I know the concept isn’t really yours, but I’ll still give it props. It’s a unique story for this pairing, because you have Discord in a vulnerable position, and Fluttershy is the one to help him get back on his feet. They grow to care so much for one another, and it makes me sigh a little fangirl sigh with every little moment. And yeah, it wasn't yours, but you still executed it excellently, so that counts for something.

And it’s especially with you, that we see much more of a vulnerable Discord. I love it, because not a lot of people would be up for it because they’d likely be afraid to show this side of a normally dominant, powerful character. You do it so well, though, because his snark and power still shines against his insecurities. His growth as a character was totally great, especially his fascination with chaos and also the fear.

And I just absolutely love what you do with Fluttershy. She’s still shy and nervous a lot, but you show her true colors with her love and knowledge of animals, biology, and so forth. Just downright being an animal loving dork. The show does not really go into that as much, when it honestly should. Also, her kicking ass in the last chapter, I went “AWW, HELL YEAH!” Don’t screw with nature horse.

I’ll admit, I wasn’t totally into the hunter subplot until they started intersecting with our beloved characters. Perhaps it was because I was so into what was going on with Fluttershy and Discord, it wasn’t until the hunters started really becoming a threat where I got invested in that part (that could be my shipping bias, to be honest, but hey, no one's perfect). I will say, the way you write the main villains gets to me in the best and worst ways, all in one. Even like with Taxonomy. They’re very characterized, and they aren’t over the top or anything. I sort of like how Snare’s main motive was simply to gain information and knowledge of Discord. He’s still a dick, though. A major, mega dick. Although Discord totally screwing with his head was amazing and terrifying.

There were some moments throughout that were simple grammatical issues. Like missing quotations or a few misspelled words. It didn’t really bother me, but for future stories, getting an proofreader would help clean things up.

I’m so happy to read this story. It was great. So many feels, all that drama, intensity, and gradual romance--my little heart, all crushed by the cute!! I know you’ll be taking a break after this, which is totally understandable, but whenever you get the chance to write again, I know I’ll be looking forward to it.

Also, not having to do with the story, and not sure how much this matters, but congrats on 200 followers!


I always look forward to seeing what you and Missy have to say about my fic.

Oh, crud, that's me! Haha, I laughed a little bit when I read this. I don't know why; I guess I'm just glad that someone really appreciates hearing my thoughts on their stuff.


I know the concept isn’t really yours, but I’ll still give it props. It’s a unique story for this pairing, because you have Discord in a vulnerable position, and Fluttershy is the one to help him get back on his feet. They grow to care so much for one another, and it makes me sigh a little fangirl sigh with every little moment. And yeah, it wasn't yours, but you still executed it excellently, so that counts for something.

Wow, thank you so much. :) I'm glad that everything I wanted to come across did indeed come across, as I've worried in previous stories everything wasn't 100% clear. I really appreciate your input, and as I said to tater, it's yours and her comments that really drive me to keep writing. :twilightsmile:

I've asked for an editor on one of the Editing groups, so hopefully someone will be able to help me out. Normally I'm not too bad with spotting errors, but since I marathoned it I wasn't as careful as I could have been.


Ah okay. Just me typoing. :S Thanks for pointing that out. *fixes*

And we never learn of the fates of the three attemlted murderers? Beheading sounds like a justified punishment to me.


Damnit Twilight! You could not have waited any longer to inform your mentor about the life-threatening situation that just slipped your mind how many times?

Zecora and Twilight told Celestia about the trappers. That's why Fluttershy went to the gamekeeper. They thought it was all under control. No one knew the gamekeeper was corrupt and no one knew that Snare and Hoofsteader were the same person.

And we never learn of the fates of the three attemlted murderers? Beheading sounds like a justified punishment to me.

Beheading? In modern day Equestria? This is a society where friendship often brings antagonists to tears, and the antagonists that can't be reformed get banished to tartarus or the moon. At the very least they'll rot in jail. At worst, Tartarus, though I suspect not given that seems to be reserved for immortals.

this story was so much fun to read! i loved it!.
i wonder if this might get a part 2? maybe finding more of discords people? or flutters and dissy repopulating them~ hehehe
loved it and i hope to see more from you!

Congratulations Woolly! For this OUTSTANDING peace of literature, you have been awarded with being added to my bookshelf:
The Best Fanfictions This Site Has To Offer!

This is one of the best fanfictions on this site! Great Job!


Thank you. :) Glad you enjoyed it. x


Thanks. No plans for a sequel I'm afraid. Will still write Fluttercord though.

In my stories Fluttershy and Discord can't make babies, but that's okay because the Cutie Mark Crusaders are like their surrogate daughters or nieces. :)

I'd be a non-entity.

Roll credits! Oh wait...


Well if people feel like they've been watching a movie while reading this, I can't complain. :twilightsmile:

That was frikkin beautiful!! :yay:

I honestly love this!!! :heart:
I love the references to Nicaragua, but I'm afraid it's misspelled in this story...
Maybe you could call it Neighcaragua?
(Yo soy nica pero vivo en los estados)

Seeing my native country so beautifully described was a pleasure for me. I've never thought of what Neighcaragua would be like. :rainbowkiss:

Also, here are some Central Amareican countries :)

Colta Rica

Idk about El Salvador and Belize..


Oh no, the spelling was deliberate. :) A "nicker" is a soft noise a horse makes: http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/nicker

Also, hello! It's nice to meet a fellow Central American :twilightsmile:

The end :fluttercry:

No way. Fluttercord awesomeness! This goes up high on my favorites! Reason? I have been reading too much fluttercord, and my brain is kinda mushed up because of it, but this one? This made the charts EASILY!:pinkiehappy:

I loved the story. I have some Fic ideas myself but I don't know how to get them published. What do you use?

I'd be a non-entity.

Best ending line ever, very clever!

7061255 YES! I was gonna post that :pinkiehappy:

This story is one of my favorites. I love the drama and the romance.

This had been a story that had been sitting in my Read Later category for quite some time. Now that I've finished it I realize that I should have read this sooner. An absolutely fantastic story. Well written characters, the way the story flowed was good and it was good to read.

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