• Published 9th Jun 2012
  • 1,138 Views, 14 Comments

That Blue Pony's Story - KartalTheWriter

Three background ponies get on the wrong end of one of Twilight's spells and become pegasi.

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Help From Our Unicorn Protagonist? OR Spike Is Very Helpful

It didn’t take that long to get back to Twilight’s house. In fact, if we had flown we could have reached it in seconds. But we were still too shaken by the first time to try that again in a hurry. Caramel, being the one with the most persuasive voice, was the one to knock on her door. At first there was no answer. Then we heard a series of quiet footsteps.

“Is that Twilight?” I asked doubtfully.

“Maybe mares walk lighter than stallions do.” Lucky said reassuringly.

The door opened and, much to our dismay, it was only Spike. We all sighed.

“Excuse us, Spike. Is Twilight home?” Caramel asked.

The little dragon shook his head. “She and the others just left for the Best Young Flyer competition in Cloudsdale. You just missed her.”

“Of course we did! Now we’ll be stuck like this forever. Forever!” I started panicking. I dithered one way and then the other until Lucky slapped me.

“Thank you.”

“What did you need her for? Maybe I can help.” Spike suggested.

“We think we got turned into pegasi when Twilight cast that spell on Rarity.” Caramel explained.

“How do you all know about that?” Spike asked suspiciously. We shuffled our hooves.

“Well, errr…you see…that is…” Lucky tried to put into words what had actually happened.

Finally I just said it. “We’re all really sorry but we heard Twilight was going to do some magic and we wanted to watch.”

“So you think some of her spell hit you three?” Spike asked. We nodded. Surprisingly, he didn’t seem mad. “How do I know you three weren’t pegasi to begin with and are just pulling my leg now?”

“We can prove it; look at this, I can barely fly!” Caramel said, flapping his wings and somewhat staying in the air for a few seconds before the wind pushed him back down.

Spike sniffed. “Please. I’ve seen worse flying from Derpy Hooves, and she was born a pegasus.”

“Oh come on. We’re not joking. Haven’t you seen three ponies who look like us but are earth ponies?” I cried desperately.

“Well duh!” Spike said. We all sighed in relief. Then Spike continued.

“But you’re also background ponies unnamed officially in the series. Of course there are different versions of you everywhere. You guys are funny.”

Suddenly Spike yawned. “I’m going to go back to my nap now. Please don’t bother me unless you really have a problem.” Then the door to Twilight’s library closed in our faces.

For a long time after Spike slammed the door, we all just looked at each other like terrified fishes again. We seem to do that a lot.

“Terrified fishes are no fun.” said Blue.

“No one loves you, Blue!” I screamed suddenly. Lucky jumped at the sound, fluttering his wings nervously like a real pegasus. Caramel just rolled his eyes. He’s used to this by now.

“Come on. We’ve got to find Twilight so she can change us back. I don’t know about you guys, but I want to go back to my boring old earth pony life.” Caramel flapped his wings experimentally. Then he flapped harder, lifting off the ground.

“See, this isn’t so hard. Come on, we’re going to Cloudsdale.”

Lucky and I exchanged a look. Caramel was flapping his wings, but somehow he was just going in circles.

“Caramel, we can’t just up and fly to Cloudsdale. We’re earth ponies with wings. That doesn’t mean we can use them.” Lucky said. Funny how Lucky was giving logic advice to the pony whose special talent was supposed to be logic.

“Oh come on, we can do it. If Derpy can do it without injuring herself, we three newbies can definitely do it.” Caramel, who was now hanging onto a tree branch for support, looked very determined that we should get to Cloudsdale on our own power.

“Caramel, isn’t your girlfriend a pegasus?” Lucky asked as we looked up at Caramel, who was still flapping his wings madly.

“Wind Whistler hates going up to Cloudsdale. But wouldn’t it be neat if I could fly up to her and ask her to go flying with me…” Suddenly Caramel’s eyes glazed over and he floated slowly back to the ground.

“Yes yes yes, let’s learn to fly properly so you can impress Wind Whistler, even though she’ll love you for who you are already. Maybe you’ll even learn a valuable lesson in friendship.” Lucky and I began dragging Caramel with us.

“We need to move fast, Noteworthy. There’s a pegasus named Merry May who’s always helping ponies out with stuff. Right around now, she should be on her daily walk. I’d say she’d have reached the park by now--”

“Lucky, why the hay do you know this stuff?!” I asked. Lucky stopped midsentence and just continued dragging Caramel with me. He finally said

“I remember everything I hear,” then looked around like he had just revealed a great secret.

“That’s lucky.” I replied.

“Oh, I’ve never heard that one before.” My friend scoffed.

Suddenly, Caramel spoke up. “Wind Whistler?”

“I’m not your fillyfriend, Caramel.” Lucky said, letting go off him. “Let’s go, everypony. We have to find Merry May!”

“Well I’m going to go find Wind Whistler!” Caramel said defiantly, flapping his wings. He hovered for a few seconds before falling flat on his face.

“Is that enough alliteration for you?” I asked him.

“Chaah,” One of the voices drawled.

“Shut up, Gold!” I stomped my hoof in frustration.

“Why does this always happen when I’m with you?” Lucky facehoofed, fluttering his wings in annoyance. Then he threw his head back dramatically and screamed to the sky. “Why the hay can’t I have normal friends, Lauren?!”

Somewhere, a human mare is shrugging and shaking her head, wondering why the voices have finally come to her.

“Who are you talking to?” Caramel asked, pulling the rest of our world back to reality. Lucky looked guilty for a second, then smiled strangely.

“I wasn’t talking to anypony.” He said slowly.