• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 1,732 Views, 85 Comments

SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron: Equestrian Squad - Megaskullmon

The mane six must help the Swat Kats find a way home. Jake wishing to stay in the world they find..They have to find a way to make it back..Before Dark kat's plan was set into motion.

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Chapter Six: Molly and Mac Arc one.

It took a while for Chance and the others to get back to the junkyard. Molly and Mac took out everything they could while Chance carries Jake. The three ponies Trixie, Starlight, and Bulwark do the best they can to work with the two robots.

“Behind you Mac behind you!!”

Molly yells for Mac and Mac turns around his hand turning into a knife and stabs the Storm King minion in the gut. He stabs the knife several times and the Storm King groans in pain. The creature collapses from the loss of blood and holding both hands to hold the wound. He lifts his head hearing the cock of a gun. He stares right into the barrel of Mac’s gunarm. Starlights magic forms around the gun and pulls the arm away.

“What are you doing?!”

Mac growls staring at Starlight the rage in his robotic eyes. But all he sees in her eyes are the eyes of a young mare wanting to save a life even if the life has tried to harm them. He has seen these eyes so many times in the past. It normally never hits him and he normally never cares. But those eyes of someone who has killed before.

“If he doesn’t get help from the others. He will die there is no need to murder him.”

Mac stares at the pony. Molly is firing her gun and each bullet draws blood. She laughs loudly and her gun shifts to a rocket launcher now, of course, they’re running out of ammo quickly and it’s going to be hard for them to get more ammo.

Molly fires the rocket she stares at a strange cloaked minion of the storm king casts a spell the magic wraps around the rocket stopping it in the air. The rocket twist turning back at Molly the mage screams from the pain of the spell. Molly is confused at all this a magic aura forms around her. Bulwark pulls Molly away from the spell and before the rocket hits anything Trixie uses her spell to make the rocket form in the air and blow up.

“Come on!!!”

Chance yells the Metallikats and the ponies run into the junkyard and Chance clicks the button hoping there is enough magic power in the core. A security system turns on and guns fire a strange weapon at the Storm king minions when the bullets hit a strange foam surrounds them and keeps them in place while the group finally gets back into the hideout.

Chance makes sure everyone gets inside and he closes the sealed door and they hear above the Storm King minions destroying the home the Swat kats created above and soon after they hear them leaving. Chance puts Jake in a bed and covers him up and he turns to look at the two robotic cats. They have their guns aimed at Chance.

“So are you going to finish the job that Dark Kat brought you back for? Did you come here to make sure running our lives is done? Come on then kill me and Jake show me who you really are show me!!

Mac gets ready to fire and Molly pushes down his gun and shakes her head. Mac turns his gun back into a hand and he sighs looking at his wife a weak smile forming on his robotic face. The two have been a spur in the swat kats butts for years and now they’re here and Chance is worried for the ponies.

“To tell you the truth Chance… We aren’t here because we want to finish the job. Mac and I were going to be shut down again and Dark Kat was going to kill everyone else and control the world without us. So we asked the Past Master to send us where ever he sent you. We have been in this world just as long as you have. We were shut down for a while and a zebra found a way to turn us back on and she told us of this world.”

Molly nods

“Yes her name is Zecora she found us broken and rusted in the forest called ever-free. She was scared of us first but she explained this land to us and told us about you. She asked us to stay around her home till she could get the ponies to welcome us. But then she didn’t come back. So Mac and I went into town and we saw Jake being carried into a house and we had to save him.”

Chance stares at the two robots.

“I will never trust you two. The ponies may trust you but they trust anything and are too brain dead to know a villian is always a villain.”

Starlight gasps tears stream down her face. Chance stares at her he doesn’t care that he just hurt her feelings. Chance has always been this way he will learn someday hopefully to never be this way but he doesn’t understand why she is crying. She trots away tears stream down her face Trixie stares up at Chance anger on her face chasing after Starlight.

“What did I say?”

Bulwark sighs.

“Chance Trixie and Starlight are former villains themselves. Even to many ponies, they haven’t done much to be forgiven for their actions but they’re trying. You just proved to Starlight she will never be able to get away from it.”

Chance turns his head to look at Mac and Molly taking a deep breath and blows the air out looking back to where Starlight ran. He then feels bad he hasn’t been acting very kind to the ponies since he has been here. Jake keeps trying to get him to make friends.

“Look Chance Molly and I know you don’t trust us. We have done some awful things to the kats that even tried helping us. Like the one that put our brains in these robot bodies. We even wanted to betray Zecora. But she saved Molly and me from a Hydra we tried using our weapons on it. It didn’t work she used her spells to save us and I know we don’t have the right. But we want to change. Then stay here for the rest of our lives.”

Chance stares at the two robots. He found it odd that they want to stay in this world of ponies. He looks to where Starlight and Trixie went then back to the two robotic kats. He sighs shaking his head.

“My question is why don’t you want to return to our world and reform there?”

Molly laughs softly.

“It’s because even if we try reforming whoever replaces Feral will be just as harsh as him and never give us a moment’s peace. I feel though you need to go speak to that pony that ran off. I won’t be heartbroken or the sense if you don’t trust Mac and me I but you can at least talk to her.”

Chance groans and before he goes to find Starlight Jake reaches up grabbing his arm and he looks down at his friend. The beds aren’t really in any good places for privacy so he leans down to talk to Jake.

“You need. To trust Chance. You need to allow your heart to trust.”

Chance sighs.

“Please keep an eye on Jake if that is the first step of trust. Then I will trust you to do that but you have to prove to me that you can change if you do anything. I will take you down myself.”

Mac and Molly look at each other.

“If we even think about doing anything. We will do what Zecora told us to do think and think of how this world would see us. Because in her words the ponies don’t trust something that they can’t control.”

Chance didn’t understand those words. Ponies don’t trust something they can’t control? He shifts a bit, not like those words. He goes off into the next room finding Trixie and Starlight talking. Trixie stands up looking at Chance her eyelids lower just a bit to stare at the cat.

“Are you here to make her feel worse?”

Chance sighs.

“No, I would like to speak to her Trixie, please.”

Trixie looks at Starlight and Starlight doesn’t even argue and Trixie leaves but turns around before she goes out the door.

“If I hear her crying I will make you regret it Chance. Now be a good kitty and purr or cuddle or something.”

Trixie leaves and Chance just rolls his eyes. He sits beside the sad mare and doesn’t know what to say.

“Before you ask Chance. Yes, I was a former villain I did some very awful things. I even tried to destroy Twilight and her friends to get back at them. I enslaved a village in the name of peace and trying to force everyone to be the same. Twilight and her friends destroyed that. I went in a rage trying to destroy their lives. I even used time magic to try. I still feel they forgave me too easily. Because I feel sooner or later they will just turn on me.”

Chance takes a deep breath sighing looking down.

“I am sorry Starlight I am sure you have tried to move on from that life. I am sure you have a good reason for becoming the villain and feeling that you had to. I know I shouldn't have said those words I said to you. But Jake has always been far too trusting and Mac and Molly have caused so many issues in the past. But from what I see they’re serious about it.

Starlight doesn’t say much of anything she just quickly hugs Chance crying softly. Chance doesn’t know how to act but he holds her close to him and lets her let it all out. He feels bad for how he acted. He looks up seeing Molly and Mac. To him, it will take him for him to even trust them. But if they are serious about wanting to reform. Then he can’t stop them he just holds the mare letting her sob.

Will Mac and Molly change their ways or will it all be for not? Will The Swat Kats ever get home? Tune in next time same kat story same kat chapter.