• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday




Where do ponies go when they die? Applejack, Octavia, and Nirvana find out after they takes an unexpected trip to the next life.

Well, I finally decide to write my own story. I hope you like it.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 46 )

Interesting how Princess Celestia says goodbye to newly dead ponies.

696789 Great song, fits quite well actually.
696975 I thought it would be an interesting concept. A "final goodbye and thank you" sort of thing.

:o this one is amazing, too!

I spy with my little eye, a Kurt Cobain reference.

995726 I am a pretty huge Nirvana fan. I bought their greatest hits album a few weeks ago and I have barely taken it out of my CD player.

995776 Nirvana is great. I've had their greatist hits for a month now and haven't stopped playing it :pinkiehappy: I also bought a nirvana T-Shirt from Hot topic yesterday, it's awesome.

995976 I too have a Nirvana shirt. It's the same as in here. The yellow smiley face. I first heard Nirvana on Tony Hawks Proving Ground. It was "Breed". A while later, I heard Smells Like Teen Spirit and Come As You Are and I got hooked.

996027 I got in from Weird Al's "Smells like nirvana" I listed to the original, and i loved it. i started listening to the other songs, and I found my new favorite band.

996034 Okay. Well, being the Nirvana addict I am, I managed to pick out about every reference. The heroin and the stomach pain, the reference to "Smells Like Teen Spirit", the suicide and others.

1001750 R.I.P Big-Macintosh. Found dead at his computer. Couldn't handle all the Nirvana and ponies.

"Prepare for unforeseen consequences"


*Cancelled* NO! Bad Regidar! Once you've finished with your other stories, you get your awesome ass over here and finish this one!

1814546 No, this one's too far gone.

So ... Her cello died to?

1985364 Ew, this story sucks. Please leave it.

What a horrible travesty of a story this is

My god, whatever possessed me to write such filth?

I must do something about this.

In fact, I shall go back through the story and post everything that is wrong with the chapter, as a warning to others, so they may not repeat my mistakes.

2042540 An absolute horror, the likes of which should never be repeated.

This chapter is entirely too short, does not use italics for thoughts, and has large amounts of OOC. The horror, the horror.

I have no fucking clue what I was even attempting with this chapter. There is some sort of Vinyl X Octavia shipping, but... ugh. It hurts to look at.

This... I cannot even begin to describe the shit in this chapter.

This was a terrible alicorn OC insert from some RP with a known autist from dA. Only now, pouring over my own works, can I see the terrible hubris of my actions.

Oh god fucking hell, the absolute OOC. I cringe just looking upon the words I have typed here.

Random Discord and Animorphs references, check. Of dear lord, I dropped so much spaghetti I could have fed africa.

More random Tavi X Vinyl shippery... I can feel my brain bubbling away. However, I do get a sense of... nostalgia. Terrible, poisonous nostalgia.

This chapter was an absolute wreck. Nightmare Dreams was a pony I made on the pony maker, and she looked hidious. I thought she looked super le edgy and cool, and... oh god

More autistic RP. Fucking jesus almighty...

Oh boy, self-inserts! Oh god, they should have killed me when they had the chance...

Nirvana reference, and the writing would have been okay had the horrible self-insert gary stu super powered OC hadn't been in here. I suppose I might attempt to re-write this one day, but... some patients can't be saved.

Terrible RP. Terrible, terrible RP, added to terrible, terrible self-inserts.

Oh fucking jesus, I'm glad I aborted this terrible story.

Oh yeah, runescape reference. Wooooo~

Regidar's first story and the beginning of my adventure.

That was...something, although I found myself very lost. I laughed at the toilet. Even hell has bathrooms. :D

Sad to see it cancelled in a way. Personally, I never cancel anything. One my rules. It may take me years but I try to finish everything I start.

Considering this was sad and tragic, I take it they were all going to stay dead in the end? I just like knowing how stories end. :)
-Reader Out-

4297635 This was a clusterfuck of terriblitity. I'm not even sure how it ended, although I think it had to do with Celestia turning evil and it segueing into a sequel in the New Lunar Republic sort of thing that was popular at the time.

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