• Published 27th Nov 2015
  • 4,049 Views, 57 Comments

A Shared Bond (NOT 100% CANON TO FAITHVERSE) - Faith-Wolff

Stella Nova, the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Flash Sentry, is met with a shocking development that will change her life. Is it as bad as it seems? Or is there more she's concerned about?

  • ...

The Message

It was late afternoon in Ponyville, Celestia's sun shining brightly amongst the clouds. Ponies were out and about on their daily routines, and many passed by the crystal castle near the outer rim of town. The Castle of Friendship stood tall, it's many crystals gleaming in the sunlight. Closer inspection of the castle's windows revealed many a flash and glow. A particularly large flare of light was chased out into the world by Princess Twilight Sparkle's guiding voice.

“Once more!” she called, support and eagerness emanating from her tone as she watched the smaller filly before her. The filly was white with a deep blue mane clad in three stripes of color visible along her bangs and tail. Her similarly blue eyes squeezed shut in determination as she held her breath, the young unicorn's little horn sparking and shining as she struggled to call forth her multi-toned magic. The glow grew as she threw up her head, her cheeks going red as she strained further as well as lack of oxygen, revealing that her magic gave a lovely purple-to-blue gradient. As soon as she got it to appear, however, the sparks and aura soon sputtered and poofed out, the white filly gasping for air and falling backwards.

Twilight's ears lowered as she smiled sheepishly, walking over to the young adolescent. “You almost had it, Stella! Just try to relax and remember to breathe when you focus..!” she spoke assumingly, doing her best to help while helping prop her daughter up. The dizzy filly, Stella, let herself relax on the cold crystal floor for a moment before responding.

“I dunno mama...I don't think I'll ever get to your level..”

Twilight frowned, gently levitating her child up into a sitting position. “It took me many moons and hours of countless study to get to where I am. I have full confidence in you, Stella~” she said gently, smiling to her daughter. “Now, again!”

Stella stood, inhaling and trying once more. This time her face turned so red steam nearly shot out the little one's ears.

After about a dozen and a half tries later...

Stella flopped down onto the floor once more, winded and hopeless. “I'm never gonna learn how to teleport..” she whined, eyes downcast and lips slouching. Twilight smiled, gently resting a wing on her young daughter's back.
“You will, Stella...just have faith. Teleporting is an advanced spell dear, I didn't even start to get it down until I was over twice your age! Maybe you should choose something simpler first?”

But I want to impress you!!” Stella shouted mentally in response.

Stella looked up to her mother, pouting a bit in impatience. Before any further protests could be launched at how she wanted to live up to her alicorn mother, a strange noise caught both mares attention. An odd vibrating sound came from behind Twilight, the purple alicorn turning her head to see a familiar book. Her eyes widened upon seeing the book glow and “ring”, an odd wave of concern washing over her as she stood. “Sunset..?”

Twilight turned, about to head for the book when Stella stood. “Who's Sunset? And why is that book glowing and vibrating?” she asked, her head tilted. Twilight looked around for a moment, wanting to answer her daughter. However, the book's faster vibrations caught her ear, making her turn and trot to the book.

“Erm, one moment sweetie. I'll tell you soon.”

Stella's confused gaze only grew as she sat back down, the doors opening behind her. She turned and looked, seeing a familiar orange form. “Papa!”

Flash Sentry slipped his helmet off, smiling at his daughter as he opened his arms. “Heeeyyy Stelly!!” he called, hugging the little filly close after she leapt into his embrace. “How's my little princess?”

Stella laughed a bit, booping her father's snout with her hoof and giggling in glee. Even if he didn't know it all the time, Flash Sentry always knew how to cheer his daughter up. “Mama's trying to teach me how to teleport!” she replied, smiling.
“Oh? And how's that going?” he asked, gently setting her down.
“W-Well I got some magic out, but I'm having troubl-” she started, when her mother's gasp cut her off, making the two shoot their heads up in surprise.

“No..no...oh Faust NO!”

Hearing the urgency in his wife's tone, Flash mouthed the words -"I'll be back!"- before rushing over to his beloved's side. “Darling? What is it??” he beckoned quickly, trying to calm Twilight's ever growing shaking and crying.
“S-Sunset..h-her...he...oh my stars why?!” she stuttered, a sob choking her words away as Flash looked to the book, reading it for the answers he sought after. His eyes widened and his ears lowered as he read the horrid text, his grip tightening a bit on his wife.

Stella waddled up to the edge of and looked into the room, trying to understand what all was happening. She couldn't hear much other than their whispers, and only a few words could be made clear. “She can't....we must....it's the only way..”

The poor filly gave up trying to listen, opting to head back to her room to give her parents some time alone. She figured she'd find out later what was making them so upset.

The next morning...

Stella's wish to understand went ungranted for a whole week, her mother and father both being too busy preparing for this thing that they had no time to explain it to her. They decided to send her to the Crystal Empire for that week, figuring she could have time to play with her cousin Hope. While she wasn't happy about being denied her chance to find out what in Equestria was going on, she had looked forward to seeing her cousin again for the first time in a few months.

The carriage landed on the Crystal Castle's balcony, instantly greeted by an excited Hope flying up to it. The pegasus princess practically glomped Stella out of her seat, carrying her up into the air as they both squealed. “Stella, it's been so long~!!” the pale pegasus cheered, snuggling the smaller unicorn mare in a bear hug. Stella giggled, hugging her cousin tightly.
“Nice to see you too! Hug too tight though!” she squeaked with no small amount of flailing. Hope giggled and lowered them back to the ground. Not wasting a moment, the two hurried into the castle as the guards carried Stella's luggage, Hope turning her head to call out. “C'mon! I wanna show you something~!”

Rounding the corner, the two Princesses hurried down the hall. Hope began to slow her pace as they reached the final room, poking her head inside. “Stella's here!” she whispered to the room's occupant, soon motioning to Stella to walk in with her. What met the unicorn's gaze was a blue room, containing a crib and tons upon tons of toys. Her eyes widened as she looked to her right, seeing her Aunt Cadance holding a small bundle as she rocked back and forth in a chair.

“Hello, Stella!” she greeted, casting a warm smile upon her niece. “Care to meet your new cousin..?”

Stella hurried over to the pink alicorn on her tippy hooves, peeking over her aunt's arm to see. Wrapped in a shiny blanket was a small blue foal, a unicorn colt from the looks of it. His mane was a blue spectrum, a bright streak of yellow visible amongst the dark shades. The small colt stirred, opening his eyes to reveal the same shade of yellow. “Wow...he looks just like grandpa... Hello little baby!” she whispered under a half breath, gingerly reaching a hoof forward. The little colt giggled a bit as he held her hoof in his tiny ones, pawing at his cousin.

“His name is Shining Startrail~”

One week later...

With Stella gone, Twilight and Flash were able to get everything set up for their guests. The promised day came before they knew it, and before long the Prince and Princess of Friendship found themselves standing in front of a familiar mirror the following week. Twilight had been trotting in place so long she practically had worn a line into the floor, nervously anticipating her friend's arrival back home. Flash laid a wing across her back, attempting to calm her but to no avail. The mirror soon lit up, the whirling shape in the center replacing the mirrored surface. Twilight inhaled as she watched the portal shift, showing signs of life.

The first form to appear from the light was a small pegasus filly, who seemed to be about Stella's age. The golden pegasus walked in on two legs, wobbling as she fully came through and realized that she wasn't in her normal body anymore. She fell, her wings splayed out clumsily as she cried out in a fumble, bracing herself to meet the floor. She instead felt an odd sensation around her face and side, opening her eyes to see a pink-hued glow surround her and lift her to her hooves. Following the source, she could see that the spell caster was Twilight, who in turn smiled down to her in greeting.

“Flare Sparks, is it?” she chimed in a calm voice as not to startle the filly, and the small pegasus nodded. Before Twilight could respond properly, the portal glowed once more as another form stepped out. Twilight stepped closer, opening her mouth to greet her old friend. However, her greeting died before it left her throat as her jaw went agape, Flash's expression mirroring his wife's. The mare that stood before them was Sunset Shimmer. But something was definitely off. For one, she was about Twilight's height.

And the fact she had wings.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading Chapter 1/5 of "A Shared Bond!" :twilightsmile:
After almost a year after the past failed attempt, I'm back with a fully realized story!

Hope you all enjoy it!

This is the Faithverse Next Gen! Follow my DA to see updates and pictures as they come!