• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 2,883 Views, 32 Comments

Significant Others - The Incredible Werekitty

Rarity and Applejack meet in the future, with familiar-seeming spouses.

  • ...

The one and Only chapter

Significant Others by Sour Grapes and Able DuStable

The Great Equestria Agricultural Convention. Nowhere in all of ponydom will you find a greater hive of producers of pony goods than here. This year it was being held in Phillydelphia and the hall was packed wall-to-wall with stalls of all kinds featuring not only the many kinds of farms that Equestria had but also the wares for those producers as supplied by ponies who knew a good market when they saw it. Applejack trotted down the main aisle just drinking it all in. Celestia knows she LOVED the feel of this place. The Sweet Apple Acres stall was one of the largest but somehow surrounded by all these like-minded ponies she felt part of something bigger. Here, among like minded ponies, who were as much a part of the soil as she was.

Having left Big Mac in charge of the stall she knew she didn't have to worry about hurrying back from her walkabout. And she couldn't help but smile when she glanced over and saw Applebloom doing a brisk trade at her own stall "Bloomin' Barnraisers: Carpentry on demand”. She had certainly blossomed in the years since she earned her cutie mark, a talent for carpentry and construction made her quite popular in the crisis-prone Ponyville... and her looks made her popular with the coltfolk. Seeing the way Snails was sidling up to her in the booth she knew there was something between them, and she had no problem with it, maturity hung well on him. Applejack nodded. She just hoped the lad didn't mind being an Apple.

Leaving the two to tend their business she trotted further down, looking at the new farming implements for the new season with a critical eye. Mechanisation was slowly creeping in but was thankfully far too unreliable for many ponies to trust. Give her an old fashioned plow instead of the latest steedpunk contraption, any day. She did stop to admire some really well made farming outfits, marked as the latest in Farmyard Fashion. She had to laugh at the memory of the time she had tried to get Rarity to add galoshes to her Galloping Gala outfit, and so many other whatnots. Poor Rarity did her best under so many strange and not-very pretty suggestions from her friends and those dresses turned out disastrous. Still it all worked out in the end, and she still had that dress... well both of them, really. Even after all these years both were treasured memories of when she would pal around with the other Element-Bearers. As much as she knew life would keep on changing like her fields, she missed the friends who had moved on. She missed Twilight, and Dash, and strangely enough, most of all she really really missed...

"Huh. Never thought I'd see the day I miss Rarity," Applejack had to chuckle to herself. She became aware of something in the crowd she hadn't before. A flash of white, and a hint of purple over by the far end of the display where some workers were busy putting up a few more dressmakers dummies. Curiosity piqued she nudged her way through the crowd for a closer look.

Then she heard a familiar voice: "Mmmm... no. No this won't do. Let's try putting the new slicker on the end instead of the coveralls. Ah yes. Much better. Now there is a gradual darkening of colors from left to right. Much more visually pleasing." Applejack trotted over, the voice sounding intriguingly familiar. When she was able to clearly see the speaker, she was more than pleasantly surprised.


She stood there in all her unicornly fashionable glory. Yes a little older but only Celestia or Luna could possibly have aged with more grace than her. Wearing a gorgeous White Vest festooned with diamonds and tassels and a matching white Western hat she turned to the voice and her eyes lit up like a sonic rainboom. "APPLEJACK!"

"Well ain't you a sight for sore eyes!" Applejack said with a grin. Rarity abandoned her workers and rushed over to embrace her old friend with a happy sound that someone who DIDN'T know her would have accused as a girlish squeal.

"Oh My DARLING Applejack! Oh it has been Age... It has been Yea..." She coughed and corrected herself a third time. "It has been FAR too long! I should have guessed you would be attending the Agri-Cultural Convention. It may be no Galloping Gala but it's certainly your sort of thing."

"Well o' course I attend this here shindig. Gotta keep Sweet Apple Acres alive. Twern't expectin' you to be here, though," the farmpony letting go of the fashionista, and grinning happily.

"Well after I made a name for myself to make custom dresses for nobles, well-to-do merchants and the hobnobbers it did make sense to move to Canterlot to save on shipping fees. Bit of a mistake there. I did well but I did so miss my old friends. Still one thing led to another and I found new ways to keep my muse charged. Rarity's Salt-of-Equestria line," the white unicorn said gesturing with a grand sweep of her hooves towards the line of good-looking and yet practical clothing up on the dais behind her. "I learned a lesson in my youth that even the simplest uh... 'Duds' can be 'Gussied up' enough to make any sensible pony feel proud walking out to survey their land. You may notice a deficit of 'useless' decor upon them. Simplicity and Practicality is the name of the game. If it's not useful to a hard-working pony, I remove it from the design."

"Kinda a new direction for ya, isn't it?" Applejack asked, as she looked over Rarity’s new line. There were clothes she wouldn’t mind wearing, herself, to be honest.

"Well I still do High Fashion, darling, but designing these help me keep a healthy perspective. Not to stick my horn too far into the clouds of a passing pegasai might shear it off," Rarity tittered. "And that would be a sad, sad thing... I have a Stallion in my life who likes my horn just the way it is."

"You finally found yourself a stallion that meets your high standards?" Applejack asked with a grin.

"Oh I can say THAT without a doubt. Well, that and I must say married life seems to suit me... " she giggled and with a graceful flick of her head, moved her forelock to the side revealing a golden ring with a large diamond on it, encircling the base of her horn.

"Well well well. You've gone and got yourself hitched," Applejack chuckled. "Congratulations, sugarcube."

"Oh thank you Applejack. It happened not too long ago, and so far it’s been wonderful,” Rarity sighed happily, then turned an inquiring eye to the earth pony. “What about you? Is there anypony special in your own life?"

"Oh... Ah'd say so," Applejack said casually lifting her chin to bring attention to the rather lovely necklace bearing a ring. True it was a unicorn's horn ring, rather than an earth pony bracelet but there was no mistaking the ruby apple that decorated it.

"Oh! Oh it's so GORGEOUS! Oh Applejack! I am so HAPPY for you! Now I MUST know what's he like? Is he a good stallion? Is he handsome as my Calico? I want DETAILS!” Rarity exclaimed, obviously eager to catch up with her dear friend.

"Calico? Okay, sugarcube, if I'm goin' to be givin' details, you've gotta do the same," Applejack replied with a smirk. Rarity giggled like a schoolgirl and clopped her hooves together with glee, before turning to her workers.

"Finish up the rest and you may go on your break. This may take a while... Oh yes, fair enough Applejack. My Calico is such a find I can hardly describe him,” the white unicorn gushed with a romantic sigh. “He's so handsome, and kind as he is fair. Oh he is that one-in-a-million gem! I must confess though I cannot simply imagine the kind of kindred spirit you must have found."

“Rarity? Rarity where are you? " called a voice from the crowd. Applejack saw the way Rarity’s eyes danced with glee as it called her name. No doubt this was the "Calico" in question. "Consarn it, that filly's gonna drive me crazy one day. Rarity! OH! There you are!" A broad earth-pony stallion stepped forth from the crowd, and immediately gravitated to the unicorn, hugging her. "Ah thought Ah had lost you for a moment, darlin'."

"Oh, Calico, you aren't going to 'lose' me at all... unless I roll behind the icebox or something," she giggled as she hugged him back. Applejack raised an eyebrow, as she looked Calico over. He was quite handsome, Applejack certainly wouldn't have expected any less from Rarity. He had gorgeous green eyes, a sleek light orange body and well-cared for straw-colored hair. He wore a rather impressive red dress jacket with a string tie and emerald stone centre as well as a tan Western hat on his head. She snuck a glance at his cutie mark and saw what looked like a stylised branch with a big puffy white thing on the end. He became aware of the scrutinising and looked up at her.

"Oh... pardon mah display of public affection Ma'am. Mah name's Calico Bolt, and this here is Rarity, mah darlin' wife."

"Well, sir, I'm already acquainted with with Rarity. But it is a pleasure to meet you, after hearin' 'bout 'cha."

"Well it seems Ah'm at a bit of a disadvantage then. Ah don't suppose you'd do the honors, Darlin?"

"Oh how rude of me." Rarity said with a dazzlingly heartfelt smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't think to introduce you a moment sooner dearest. This here is my dear old friend from my Ponyville days. Applejack. The owner, proprietor and chief Apple-Bucker of Sweet Apple Acres."

The stallion smiled broadly and reached out to shake Applejack's hoof like it was a pumphandle. It was the kind of hoofshake that she could get behind, nopony but an honest pony could pump like that. "Well if that don't beat all! Ah am so pleased to meet you Miss Applejack. Rarity could go on for hours about all her stories from Ponyville and how her truest friend was the 'uncomplicated' hard-working farmpony, Applejack."

"Well, Ah'm sure my own Phil would be quick to tell ya 'bout my goin' on 'bout my friends, as well," Applejack chuckled.

"Oh. So the mystery stallion DOES have a name," Rarity teased.

"Oh you," Applejack laughed nudging Rarity with a hoof.

"Ah like her, Rarity. You know Ah usually get a good feeling from others what they're like and Ah can tell she's a Good Pony."

"So're you, Calico. Nice to know that Rarity's found herself a good 'un."

“And speaking of which... where in Equestria would MISTER Applejack be, my dear? Don't tell me you don't keep him on a set of tight reins," Rarity giggled when there was a cultured voice from the crowd.

"Ah THERE you are, beloved!" The ponies around the trio parted, no doubt because the snow-white unicorn advancing on Applejack was being heralded by a large teapot and two teacups, all covered in an apple motif and filled with steaming hot golden liquid. He was at her side in a moment, kissing her on the cheek before one cup wafted under her nose. "My new Summer Apple Tea blend is a positive SMASH with the crowd my darling. That down home hint of apples with the other leaves appeal to them quite nicely. Humble enough to appeal to the masses but just haute cuisine enough to frighten off the Riff Raff. OH! I'm sorry... am I interrupting?"

"Welp, you were a wonderin' where he was," Applejack chuckled. "Phil, Ah'd like you to meet my best friend, Rarity, formerly of Ponyville, an' her husband Calico. Rarity, Calico, this is my husband, Philanthropy," Applejack made the introductions. The cups and pot drifted to the sides as he did a very formal bow, suitable enough for Princess Celestia herself.

"Rarity? Oh my goodness! THE Rarity, bearer of the element of Generosity and long-time friend of my beloved wife? Oh it is SUCH a great HONOR to make your acquaintance, and that of the stallion who won your heart."

Rarity giggled and blushed. She looked him over quickly, his white coat, the royal purple hair rife with deliciously daring curls. He stood up straight again and she looked into his gleaming sapphire eyes a moment before discretely glancing at the exquisite azure teapot on his flank.

"Oh my. You certainly found yourself quite the dashing stallion, Applejack. And so well mannered too. Please don't tell me you had to put the spurs to him to teach him such grace."

"Oh no, Rare, he was already a gentlecolt," Applejack laughed.

Philanthropy laughed as he gently leaned up close to his wife. "And AJ is without a doubt the most caring and understanding filly that any colt could hope to spend his life with. Well, true she has a certain RURAL sensibility but that's part of why I adore her so. She keeps me well grounded."

"Oh believe me I DO understand Mister Philanthropy. I feel positively the same way with my Calico. A wonderful stallion and very much the gentlecolt in ways that truly matter. His rough charm helped to win me over," Rarity declared passionately.

"Uh... Rarity... Ah know this seems a slightly odd question, but... Didn't you want some kinda... high society fellah?" Applejack asked, with a tilt of her head.

"Ah yes, well my dearest Calico here." Rarity said, holding her husband's leg rather desperately during this awkward moment. "Ranks rather high in society. He... owns several farms around the textiles industries."

"Sure as sugar, Ma'am! My farms produce nearly a full quarter of all of the cotton, wool and even silk in Equestria. All of it the highest quality. You could say ah don't cotton to second rate cotton. Anyways 'cause of the weight of mah Bit Bags Ah get invited to quite a few of the posh parties. In fact me and mah little Button here met at the Galloping Gala one year and hit it right off. She's been workin' hard at... how did you put it darlin'?" Calico explained, turning to Rarity so she could clarify her contribution.

"Oh, smoothing the rough edges. Calico here has a rough charm but he needs a lady’s touch to keep the niceties of his business running smooth," Rarity explained.

He nuzzled her and smiled. "Can't say ah'm sorry about it neither. If'n anything mah business has doubled in popularity since she got her hooves on it."

"Well don't that just make sense?" Applejack laughed. "A fashion designer gettin' hitched to a feller who's in charge o' fabric?"

Calico laughed and hugged Rarity close. "Can't argue with that neither. Ah've never really noticed fashion until she got her pins in me. In fact when when we met at the Gala her first words to me were 'Oh dear! I haven't seen a jacket cut like that since last decade!',” he said in a half decent impersonation. "Since then she's edumacated me on quite a few of the fiddly bits of fashion. Kept me up to date on what fabrics are gonna be popular next season and even started a few trends herself. She helped bring mah daddy's old jacket style back into style.”

"Jus' never 'spected her to go for a farm pony, is all..." Applejack observed.

"Well... yes..." Rarity agreed with a blush. "I suppose old friendships have... broadened my horizons on what constitutes good relationships."

"Never mind that idgit at the gala, hm?" Applejack queried with a bit of a smirk.

"Yes... well, a certain Royal, WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS, helped me realise that no matter how fine an outfit you hang on a dressmaker's dummy it still remains a dummy," she huffed.

"I can certainly agree with that." Phil said gently leaning against Applejack. "Why I had such a buffoon come into my Teashop one day and comment that my tea was nothing more than flavored hot water. Can you believe it? Of all the gall! Why if my dear Applejack weren't in there by chance that day and gave him a piece of her mind, I might have had... The. Worst. Day. EVER!"

Applejack scratched the back of her head with a sheepish smile. "Well..."

"The funny thing is she seemed acquainted with that... Royal pain. He blurted out some line about ‘You're the friend of that crazy mare!’ and galloped out as if his tail were on fire. It's as I say, only a coward gallops off when nobody is chasing them,” Phil continued his story, cheerfully. "Offering her a pot of tea on the house was the least I could do... well that and listen to her troubles. Poor dear was having a rough harvest that year and needed someplace to do some serious thinking. The Royal Pain was convenient of her to vent on, but she just needed a sympathetic ear to listen to her troubles." He nuzzled her and smiled. "Such strong shoulders to carry the family burdens... I think I fell in love then and there with such... nobility."

“Shucks, Phil... You're a good listener, an' have done so much for me an' mine..." Applejack said with a blush.

Rarity smiled and winked at Applejack. "Oh yes. I can see you've married a very... ur... generous soul."

"Well. Sometimes the best generosity is the simplest of things. A soft shoulder to lean on, a sympathetic ear, or just being there for those important to you," Philanthropy said with a smile. “And my Applejack has always been a big part of the community.”

"And you went and married a honest, down-to-earth fella... Funny that," Applejack mused with a chuckle.

"Why thank you ma'am. That's very kind of you to say so. If'n nothing else Ah've always tried to be fair and do right," Calico observed with a smile. Then the two stallions blinked and looked across at one another, then at their spouses. A slow smile of understanding seemed to spread across their faces. "Well if that don't beat all."

"Oh my... my my my. My sweet A.J.! " Phil said looking over Rarity. "It's almost as if you went and married your best friend... I don't know whether one should feel miffed or flattered. I n my case, I'll take flattered. I cannot fault you for such good taste in husbands and friends."

"Eep!" seemed to be the only word that could escape from Rarity's lips.

"Welp... She went and did the same, Ah think," Applejack observed thoughtfully.

Calico grinned and tipped his hat to Applejack. "Maybe you and her did, and maybe you and her didn't, Miss Applejack. But to be honest, judgin' by the four of us Ah can't exactly say that it was a bad thing. We certainly get along well enough. Like... like apple pie and..."

"And vanilla ice-cream?" volunteered Philanthropy.

Applejack scratched her head and laughed. "Ah cain't help but wonder if we're the only ones who fell into a 'familiar' marriage."

Meanwhile in Canterlot

Celestia smiled warmly at her former student. "Welcome back from your year-long trip to the great Pony Plains. And I see you brought a souvenir. Would you care to introduce him?"

Twilight Sparkle blushed but recovered, and curtsied to Celestia. "Princess Celestia, I would like you to meet the most powerful sorcerer in the great Pony Plains... and my fiancee, Corona Flare. Corona, this is my teacher, friend and second mother, Princess Celestia," Twilight said with a happy smile. The unicorn stallion stepped forth and bowed low, his blindingly white body, silver horn and golden hair all aglow in the sunlight streaming through the window.

"Greetings, Princess Celestia. I can hardly say how great an honor it is to meet you. Not only because you are the Princess, but because you have helped to raise the smartest, and to be frank, most amazing mare I have ever met," he said, respectfully. The Princess looked him over and smiled warmly.

"I don't suppose you specialize in... solar magic?" the alicorn asked with a benevolent, yet knowing smile. Corona Flare seemed taken aback, eyes widening in surprise.

"Why yes... how did you know?" the startled unicorn queried.

"Oh...” Celestia uttered, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Just a lucky guess."

Comments ( 32 )

Able duStable you say? Any relation (beyond coincidental) to Able Du Sable, of FA and elsewhere?

Why a thumbs down this was an interesting story that i didn't see coming and i think that their spouses are perfect this was well written and intriguing

694838 Yes, actually. It's the very same. :pinkiehappy:

694854 Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

Lol twilight married a male celestia in a way...that caught me off guard and i Dont know Why :rainbowlaugh:

I can't wait for the Mane 6 to get their very special stallions and see 2/3 of the shipping fics be jossed :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

This was very good. The one grammar problem that I noticed was that there should have been more commas in the first paragraph. That problem seemed to fix itself quickly, although I may have just been to into the story to notice.

When I saw your name, I expected Rarijack. When I realized that there would not likely be Rarijack, I expected to be disappointed. I was, however, not disappointed in the slightest. Very well written, and I think you got everypony's personality exceptionally well. Again, very well done, I loved the idea.

Although since you are, as you say, the Rarijack person, I expect some more from you in the future :raritywink:


Ha-HA! No wonder the awesome flows so freely round here! Heh. Whereabouts is he these days? He got a FiMFiction account? Regular communication got tough after some RL matters.

696219 LOL Thing is that I didn't say I was the Rarijack Person. I was told in a private message by a fairly major author on this site that I was the Rarijack person.

Also, it seems that I've got quite the reputation for commenting on the Rarijack stories. I am still not sure if that is a good thing or not. :applejackunsure:

696306 I don't think so. I shall encourage him to acquire one post-haste.

is he the sun of princess celestia?:trollestia:

You know. I am very pleased that this turned out so well, and that other fans are enjoying it.

Fifteen for and one against is a good rating as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, how I adored this! I really wish you would continue from here, though.
As usual, it was very well written with little to no mistakes, and a nice plot *IfYouKnowWhatIMean*.
Keep up the good work, Grapes. c:

2574770 Does what mean? I can't answer any questions, without specifics.

I know you won't... but please keep going with this series. Cause it soo good

2584442 There is something in the works to expand on this. As soon as I get the prolog written, I'll post it.


akjflankjdlafd YES


I look forward to seeing Rainbow dash, Pinkie Pie and even Luna and Fluttershy's ones

Couldn't stop laughing when they realised they practically married male versions of each other :rainbowlaugh:

Edit: The Twilight marring a male Celestia made me laugh even harder!

2646118 Glad you liked it. Keep an eye on The Elements of a Reunion.

Wow i just love this, i am just dying of laughter! :rainbowlaugh:

Apparently I'm the 1000th person to read this story. I wish I was the 5000th, because that's how many readers this should have had.

2810420 Reccomend it to your friends. :D The sequel is going to be good, too. Now that my net is working I may get more done on it.

2646118 Just wait for rainbow, fluttershy, and pinkie pie!!

Hahaha, I really loved this :pinkiehappy:
While I read it, I kept imagining an audience going "uuuuh!" like in those FOX shows. And when the guys finally realized I just cracked, this was really funny! And cute! :heart:

This fic was completely adorable! It dodged all the traps that could have turned it into a rather standard Rarijack story. I'm seriously disappointed this fic doesn't have more exposure, it absolutely deserves it,. I'll be perusing your stories to see if I hit you up with the follow I suspect you deserve~

3925438 Thank you. ^^ I'm glad you found it, and I hope you enjoy the others. :pinkiehappy:

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