• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 3,771 Views, 67 Comments

Shaping Man - PheonixLyrics101

The world, slowly rebuilding from its faults is becoming more forgiving as you trek through life. But what may become of you is a completely different story. Care to discover what life may bring?

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Chapter 7

The night was a quiet one, only to be pierced by the steady strums of my guitar as I played and hummed to myself. Unexpectedly I hadn’t gotten a punishment. ‘Yet’ My mind chastised me as I let out a heavy sigh, running my hand through my short hair. I was going to head to bed when I heard a knock at my door. Glancing at my clock, the time reading off 12:38 I was reluctant and confused about who could be there at this time of night. Confused and worried about who could’ve been knocking this late I grab my dagger and approach the door with silent steps. Peaking through the peephole I let out a sigh of relief when it’s only Jaranson. The graveyard shift patrolman chuckles as he speaks, just loud enough for me to hear.

“Oh don’t be that way Gary, I could hear your guitar from the end of the hall. You know curfew was three hours ago, now open up before I write you up.”

“Yeah, yeah, Jaren, just give me a minute.” I toss the dagger onto my bed and disengage the lock and open the door greeting my friend with a hug and waving for him to come inside. I leave the door open to let the cameras that monitor the hallways see into my room, knowing that Carol, who works the feed at night wouldn't call me out, her and I going back to the first day of training. Looking back at my newfound guest I watch as he sits at the edge of my bed, resting his rifle down and relieving himself of his heavy chestpiece and helmet. Setting them to the side and on the floor. He looks up at me tentatively before speaking.

“I saw them clearing out the rooms of your teammates. I don’t think I need to ask what happened. I just want to know. Was it quick?” At those words you quickly looked away, tears threatening the edges of my eyes. He stood up, embracing me as I cried into his shoulder. We sat down as I let it out, the truth behind my eyes not wanting to make itself known. But I knew I had to, Jaren deserves to know, His brother Carson a victim of the massacre of my team. We sat there for about five minutes, me crying into his sturdy shoulders as I gave his midsection a squeeze of appreciation as I looked up to him.

“T-They didn’t even have a chance. I led them in, I-It was my fault that they got blasted with that damn sound cannon. I’m sorry J but no, they did not end quickly. A-And Cassandra, she’s behind enemy lines, I dropped her off at the police station, asked them to get her the help she needs. I don’t even know what fate I left her to. I should’ve just brought her back with me. I just hoped that she wouldn’t have to deal with this hellhole anymore than she had to and could live her life. But i’m just a horrible leader, and a goddamn idiot.”

“No, no you’re not. Think about it this way. Cass might be able to live a better life now because of you. Besides, they’re only gone if you forget them. They’ll always be with you, even if you think they hate you, how could you have known that they’d be waiting for you. Besides, That kid Jared Myservier, he’s up to something I know it, damn the whole camp knows it, all except the higher ups. He’s been talking with the Germans. They say he’s an undercover operative. But I call all that a bunch of boulderdash. Though I have been hearing odd clicks coming from inside his cabin at night while walking my shift. I’ll keep an eye out but I feel like we’ll actually be doing a lot more than being cannon fodder in this pointless waste of lives.”

“You’re always so optimistic, Though I guess you came here to tell me to go and make sure their things get to their loved ones?”

“Yeah, though I didn't really think it would get to this. I mean, there's a supposed resistance brewing in our own ranks. Our brothers, sisters, friends, family are dying left and right. I never thought i’d live to see the day. Nor did I want to, but here we are. I've got to get back to my patrol but try to get some rest for tomorrow, you might need it” Giving him one last hug I let him put his armour on and he steps out the door and into the dim hallways, his visors night vision providing him with a brightened image of the hallway as he continued his patrol.

You put away the dagger back in its sheath, before taking it out once more. Staring at the grimm reflection staring back at you you contemplate the thought of escaping the harsh reality that has been bestowed upon you. You slap yourself for the thought and roughly sheath the dagger placing it under your pillow as you drift off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Day May 2, 2022


Your body wakes on its own as was drilled into it as you go through your morning routine of a granola bar and half an apple and heading out for P.T. Afterwards you shower and get dresses in your fatigues and report to the mess hall. Afterwards you report to your commanding officer's office as instructed the day prior. As you walk in you see that there is a sign that states to go down to meeting room 203. You grumble to yourself as you about face and lightly jog to your destination. Once there you see that the door is open and you commanding officer is sitting at the front of the room, behind the podium. You come to attention outside the door and give two loud and curt knocks on the doors frame before walking in as permitted by the simple hand gesture provided by your higher up. As you walk up to the podium you make a half left movement to face him and give him a salute stating your name and rank as you can’t help but notice the dozens of eyes on you. He dismisses you and you in turn take your seat when you are stopped by a hand on your shoulder.

“Gary, do you know why I called you here?”

“No sir, I do not sir. “

“I called you here to use you as an example. A warning for those that fail the core.”

“Permission to speak freely sir?”

“Why the hell not.” You about face and look him right in the eyes, your usual stoic eyes practically flaming with withheld rage and fury of the betrayal before you.

“This core used to be the home of brothers and sisters, volunteers that gave their lives to make others better. Now it's no better than the Nazi Regime.” A swift and hard slap met your face as his calloused hand hit you so hard that it burst the skin. A punch to the gut made you hunch slightly and bring up your hands to defend your face where sure enough a blow met your forearms. You drop to your back rolling back and to your feet quickly while your commanding officer stumbles from a missed punch. He pulls out a knife and throws a focused jab to your abdomen, which is blocked by your right leg as you duck under a swipe from his k-bar. You throw a swift punch to his unprotected throat, the force behind the punch enough to crack his trachea. He back up as he wheezed for air as you dodge to the side, grabbing his arm as he thrusts towards you landing a solid punch to your face. You vice grip his wrist and bring your left arm down, shattering his wrist and making his drop the knife. His breathing steadied he sparta kicks you away from him as you kick away the knife. He dives for the knife as you hit the ground. Sprinting over to you, you kick out snapping his knee backwards as you slide to the side on the ground and onto your side, stopping him in his tracks by tripping him and trapping his left leg in your legs. You jump up just in time to receive monomolecular enhanced k-bar into your shoulder, tearing through the muscle like melted butter, the blade shaving into your bone. You suppress a scream of pain as the blade is ripped out of your shoulder and into your thigh, using the blade to pull himself on top of you as you try to cancel out the vicious pain swimming through your nerves. You headbutt him, dazing him as you deliver a swift punch to the side of his head, holding your lean body away from him, being cautious about the knife as to not plunge it further into yourself. You quickly and unceremoniously yank the blade out, and put it in a reverse grip as he stumbles to his one good leg. What takes you by surprise is when he pulls a Rhino 200DS .357 magnum from a holster you chastised yourself on not noticing earlier. ‘Of course he would have a gun, all the officers here carry one. God damnit now your gonna die from an admittedly beautiful revolver but that's not important. What is is surviving this and getting out of here.’ Adjusting your stance you move your center of gravity slightly to the left as he cocks the gun.

“Look here ladies, all of you. You see what happened here, resistance. The whole point of this exercise is to show what happened to those that disobey, like this traitorous scum has. You see we found out yesterday about a girl, who just so happened to be with Little old Gary while he and his team Failed at their breach. That alone would’ve been treated properly, extra training, reduced rations, longer PT, something to motivate them to do better on their next mission. But no, Gary here went and turned Cass over and ditched her. Then he had the gall to call for a rescue chopper. We know everything that happened. From the interrogation to your little talk with Jaranson. Oh and don't go thinking you can escape. Even if you were to kill me here and now, how are you going to fight the entire establishment on Red Alert!?” He let out a laugh as he took aim at your ‘package’. “You caused me a lot of pain today boy.” He sneered as he lined up the sights. “I see it only fair that I repay you in Full.” You lunge to the left just before the first shot fired off, the bullet embedding itself into your inner thigh as you fling the knife towards him. The knife's handle hitting his forehead, sent him stumbling back as you charge towards him. You disarm him with practiced finesse and unload two rounds into him, one in the chest, another in the head. Looking towards the shocked faces, they began to murmur as you straightened yourself out. Limping over to the medkit you dress your wounds as the cadets sit there. Some too shocked to do anything while others are giving you cautious looks. It was at that moment that the doors of the room burst open and in ran Paisley, his face gleaming with sweat he looked towards the cadets, a simple phrase seeming to set them off.

“It’s time.” He spoke in a curt and firm tone, his order going heard you look towards them as he looked towards them as they began to shuffle through their bags, suiting up in kevlar chestplates, elbow pads and kneepads and armour for their forearms and shins as they primed their weapons. You looked at him questioningly as you ask what was going on, he simply replies with a smile. “It’s time you learned what we were up to for the past few months.” During the grueling process of removing the bullet from your leg he explained how Jared had gotten in contact, sending them information about how the troops were being made and treated. The Germans gave sympathy on us and agreed that those wearing a special insignia that would mark them as blue on their HUD in their helmets would be spared. Those without would be taken down with extreme prejudice. The cadets that had been in the classroom had actually been undercover from the European, Asian, Russian, and German forces to assist in the taking over of the different bases around the country. Their primary targets consisting of taking over the East and West coast. That way they would have Naval and Aerial advantages. Being able to land and refuel during raids would prove to be immensely useful when taking back America. The former enemies had become allies as Jared, a German born boy had volunteered as a teenager to go undercover and his work is finally paying off after two and a half years of living here. He was able to rally a group and with enough spare parts had made a communication device capable of going through the waves unnoticed until it reached its destination. Joking about how the connection was shittier than dial up he continued to explain how they were able over time to formulate a plan of attack and that all you had to do was follow their lead. He also made sure to put an emphasis on leaving no one alive. Said they were too much of a liability. And you couldn’t help but agree with him. He hands you a revamped m16 rifle. The liquid matter gun a new invention on the Allies side. A gun capable of transposing a solution of liquid matter into projectiles capable of traveling at near supersonic speeds without dissipating. A imaginative yet unreliable weapon in your eyes. The gun was still in it prototype stage and usually only lasts about three reloads. Which is about sixty shots. Fifty if you put it on automatic. By then it usually overheats to the point of melting the inner workings if it hasn't already burned your hands. You remind Paisley of that and he responds that they know. And that these were the only weapons that they could get their hands on. You get up, your wounds cauterized and wrapped up appropriately. You ready your gun with your NBDU’s. Your goal is to get to your room so you can get the rest of your armour. Namely your chestplate and helmet. You straighten out your hat and get in formation. Paisley and some other guy are at the front. Everyones at attention as you keep your eyes straight. Waiting for the order to fight. Besides, not like you know anything else right? After a brief rundown of the plan that they had formed they got you in ranks. Those with the heaviest armour at the front lines, able to take more than a couple shots with their level three strike plates lining their body from head to toe. They put on their face masks and helmets and get in formation. Two people on each side of the door, two people on either side of the poor guy that has to open the door. Their guns at the ready they burst through the door, Forming a nine man barrier in the hallway. The soldiers swarmed outside, Bringing collapsible barriers and strike plate shields with straps for their arms. You mentally prepare yourself as they swarm out of the room, setting up periodical barriers down the hallway. The sounds of gunfire reach your ears as you look down at yourself and sigh at your sense of unreadiness. You again straighten your hat and load a round in the chamber. You, being the last one inside peek out the door frame as you quickly duck back in to avoid a stray bullet on route with your face. Deciding to try again you crouch down and stick your head down, your face level with the ground as you look for cover that you can safely get to. The scene before you is less than encouraging. There are a few of your comrades littering the floor with various splotches of bloodspray on the walls. With this you remind yourself of one thing. War is not fun, it is not cool, there is no winning or loosing. Only death. And with that death comes more death until that last form of revenge for another's death is satisfied. You purse your lips as you instead of going through the death trap instead look towards the vents. You know they’re weak but if you ditch the gun and over shirt than you might be able to hazard the climb. You do just that. Not before grabbing the revolver of that sergeant you had to fight. It still had four shots in it. More than enough if you come across a skirmish. You take a chair and set it on a table as you use the sergeants knife to unscrew the screws holding the grates closed. You then pried the grate and climbed in. Only to reel back at the density of the air. The dust making you cough as you got back down. Taking the sergeant's shirt you tied it around your face as you once again climbed in, ignoring the grimy feel of the ventilation. Your small body making it a tight yet workable fit. You climbed to the end of the hallway, taking a couple of turns to get there. You come across a grate, looking through you see a dorm near yours. You kick the grate out and jump down, You sprint to your dorm, The sound of gunfire echoing through the vicinity. You quickly take out your keys and unlock the door, locking it behind you. You gear up in your spare set of gear, looking akin to the old style gear of the 2010’s. You then pick up your dagger, strapping it to your thigh. You grab your pistol, a G43 glock, from inside your box spring. You grab a few spare magazines. In total you carry with you forty rounds. Three magazines on you and one in the gun. With your gear and weapons ready, you feel ready enough to go out. You take a deep breath and with that, walk out the door.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry, I'm not dead and this issnt a lost project, just trying to finish the school year with a good academic standing. Though school let's out in two weeks. My goal for the summer is about 3-4 chapters consisting of 2000-3000 words each a week. But those are as such empty promises as I didn't hold to my last goal and utterly failed by going silent on you all. And for that again I'm sorry, again, just trying to get through school and work. Though I'll be sure to get my ass in gear this summer. Love and appreciate all of you, goodnight. Oh and check out my cousins Youtube channel. He does it with a few of his friends. For now they're playing Fallout 4 but they'll be moving onto Metro 2033, Metro Last Light, and Infamous Second Son. Oh, but just don't say that you were sent there through Fimfiction. He's a closet brony and wouldn't appreciate me doing that. Not to mention some of the backstory is based off of him. The parts about Puerto Rico and all that. I'll be sure to label the parts that are real. Oh, and in the future he might do an audio book of my story. He has an amazing deep voice in real life. Even if his crappy headset microphone can't provide it justice. His Youtube channel is PheonixLyrics Gaming. And yes the misspelling is on purpose. Anyway, thankyou all again and I wish you the best