• Published 29th Nov 2015
  • 759 Views, 12 Comments

Dear Coloratura - Jeb4700

I miss you......Do you miss me?

  • ...

Hey, it's Vinyl..

Eyo, ma! Pa!

I think I saw you at my last tour, what'd you think? Totally epic, right? I know you guys could only stay for a couple days, there was another important thing going on, but I really appreciated you two coming out, even if it was just for a night! I hope it was you two I saw, anyway..

What's going on with you two, anyway? It's been like two weeks since I've heard anything from you two! Not even a peep! Even Octavia was getting worried, and Octavia is never worried! You two must be really busy lately, huh? Is it your thirtieth anniversary? I figured I'd have something that important marked on my calendar, but I guess not. So anyway, back to me for a second. I don't want to lose focus of the reason I'm writing -Other than to see if you two are okay-.

Ma', you know how you always wanted a grandchild? Well, you've got one more birthday to add to your list. Me and Octi found the cutest little Pegasus roaming around the park a few months ago, I didn't want to mention it in case it came up to be nothing, but it's totally something! He's a little on the short side, but I don't think that matters. Pegasi are short, anyway. He's got a dusty brown coat, jet black mane with greenish highlights, and the most adorable laugh. You'd love him, ma', you really would. Well, when we met him, he wasn't very talkative. I didn't get to hear that laugh until like, four days later when we visited the orphanage. Who'da thought a pony would be so happy to see me?

Well, maybe Octi, but that's besides the point.

Anyway, we're adopting him. We've been reviewing everything -Well, okay, Octi's been reviewing everything. You know I've never been good at paperwork-, and everything's almost finalized. The little tyke's name is Drifter, but he said he doesn't like that name, so we're -Okay, again, Octi- working through the paperwork to get all that nonsense settled. He likes to be called Quick Flash, and it sure fits him. That colt can race better than you, pa'! Wings aside, he's the fastest runner I've seen since my fillyhood days.

I want you guys to meet him. We've still got a few more months of paperwork to do, but we're able to start keeping him in our home starting next month. He's excited, we're excited, and I hope you're excited, too.

Get back to me soon, okay?

With love, hugs, and lots of wubs,

Vinyl out

Placing the letter down, Vinyl rose out of her seat and began to stretch. Casting her glare to the wastebasket full of letters similar to the one that sat on her desk, she hoped this one would satisfy her when she reread it. It had taken ages to even start the first line!

Letting out a small hiss, Vinyl smirked as her spine let out a gut-wrenching POP! before settling again. Hopping back onto her chair, Vinyl began to reread the letter over and over again. Usually a letter to her parents was a quick, one and done kind of deal, but this one was special. It had to be perfect.

Finally happy with the result, and a little tired of writing the same thing over and over again, Vinyl grabbed a new scroll. She looked at it for the better part of a minute before turning away. This one usually took a while. A long while.

Not wanting to put it off any more than she had to -The daylight was only there for so long, and she REALLY didn't want to waste any more of Octavia's candles- Vinyl dipped her quill into the inkwell and began.

Dear Coloratura,


Wow. What a way to start. Should I end it here, Vinyl thought to herself as she stared at the mostly blank scroll. Crumpling it up, she slammed the next scroll in its place.

Dear Coloratura,

I heard you were on tour recently. Wicked, so was I! Cool, huh? I wish I could've been there for yours. I bet it was really awesome. The quill quickly marked over the words, scratching them out. Vinyl deposited the letter into its rightful place -In the wastebasket.

Dear Coloratura,

Remember when we were fillies, and Into the wastebasket.

Dear Coloratura,

Are you doing okay? We haven't talked in forever. I've tried sending you letters before, every other week actually, but I think they're not getting delivered. I haven't gotten an answer in years. I don't think I've ever gotten a letter back from you. Into the wastebasket.

Dear Coloratura, Into the wastebasket.

Each and every letter she tried, no matter how far she got, Vinyl chucked it into the trash. She always had an extra large stash when she wrote to her parents, because each time she wrote to them, she wrote to Coloratura. It usually only took a single try to write to her parents, but it always took several dozen to write to her sister.

Shaking with every breath now, Vinyl sobbed silently, wishing she had also brought some alcohol. It always made this easier, if only marginally. Grabbing another scroll, Vinyl fought to try again.

Hey, Coloratura,

You're ignoring these letters, aren't you? You get them, or maybe you have someone sort them out, and you throw them out. There's no way there's been a mistake in the postal system for the past decade, I would know. My best friend is in the delivery service. And I know you haven't been famous for a decade. You threw out the first letters, and someone's probably doing it now, but you have to know that I'm trying .

I miss you, Coloratura. Do you miss me?

I know we left off..Wrong....Understatement of the century right there. I know I wasn't right, I should have been there for you and mom and dad, even though you guys didn't need me. You wanted me to be there. Mom, dad, they were okay with me going off into the world, but you weren't. You weren't ready for your big sister to go off in the world, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left you when you were so happy. I'm sorry I was such a terrible sister. I'm sorry I didn't try for the first few years after I left.

I heard you taught them the song I taught you. Well, taught is the wrong word. We kind of came up with it together, didn't we? For that dumb contest neither of us ever entered in? Probably for the best, I've never had the voice you have. Tears distorted the writing, and Vinyl was swift in chucking it.

Taking a swig of the water she had brought with her, Vinyl prepared for the next letter. Tears pressed passed her eyes, smearing her mascara and dampening the scroll in front of her, but she kept on, careful to avoid the droplets. It made for awkward spacing, but she was sure she was going to throw this one out, too.

Hey Miss 'Razzle-Dazzle'!

It's Vinyl. You probably guessed it was your favorite sister just by looking at the envelope. I keep it the same so you know who it is, just in case you get this one. I don't know what's going on with the postal system, but I sure hope you get this one!

I guess it must be for the better, huh? That the postal system is totally wonky? We didn't exactly leave off on the best of terms, but whatever! Water under the bridge on my end, and I'm sure you feel the same. You were always cool like that, Coloratura. I mean, I don't know how cool you are now, but you've gotta be pretty cool to be that famous. I mean, number one pop star diva? Wicked!

So, how have you been? You've gotta be doing pretty well, you've kinda got it all. The glitz, the glam, the money, the stardom. I can't imagine wanting anything else, but I'm not you. A loud sob wracked her hunched form as Vinyl continued, I hope life is treating you well. A dull scraping sound broke Vinyl out of her stupor. Looking up, she noticed two things: One, her inkwell had run almost completely dry, and two, she was on her last scroll.

Dread choked her. They had just gone shopping, and didn't have the bits to replenish the parchment she had so haphazardly went through. Every last bit right now was going towards bringing Quick Flash home. She couldn't start this letter again. More droplets littered the page.

I'm running out of ink and paper, now. I guess I should move on, try again later. I can stop if you want me to. If you just respond, just this one time, I'll stop. I'll stop trying trying to attend your shows, I'll stop trying to push passed your guards when they don't let me through, hay, I'll even stop writing to you. If you can see through this letter, see through my tears and sincerity that I am sorry, and still don't want anything to do with me, then Vinyl had to force herself to look away from the paper in front of her. Her tears were spilling over violently, now. Celestia, how she missed her sister. She forced herself to scribble down the words I'll stop trying. onto the page. She forced herself not to write 'I miss you so bucking much' besides those three words.

I hope you've been alright. I know you'll never answer, but I thought I'd let you know, just in case.

With love,

Vinyl Scratch

Vinyl let out an open sob, her throat stinging as she cried out. Hooves tugged at her, gently turning her to the right. Octavia tucked her wife safely against her chest, sending a forlorn glare at that blasted letter. She had been watching from the open door, and this one was particularly hard. Sighing, she helped Vinyl to her hooves and walked her back to their room, increasing the distance between a reminder of her wife's biggest regret.

As she situated her wife beneath the covers, Octavia flashed a glance to the picture frame on the nightstand. The picture held an image of two smiling fillies: Vinyl, and Coloratura. She turned the picture over.

Author's Note:

When I saw Countess Coloratura, I thought 'Lady Gaga', when I saw her performance, I thought 'flashy', and when I saw Rara, I thought 'Vinyl.'

**I don't plan to edit this, it was a one and done kind of deal. I might sometime in the future, but probably not. Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 11 )

This... needs a continuation.

6678055 Very agreed. I could see Rara Finally getting Vinyl's letters now that her manager is gone. I can imagine that yeah she was angry and ignoring her when they were young but then she got famous with that manager and he kept all her letters away from Rara.

Something like that Idunno. I was just throwing an idea out there.

Anyway. I loved this story. I wish there was more but greatly thank the author ^~^

6678088 Thank you so much! I'll definitely think about continuing! I really like your idea, too! Thanks for sharing :) :heart:

6678201 Oh absolutely this needs another chapter. Following this one just in case. :yay:

6678719 Thanks so much! :heart:

Damn I would love to see Rara get the letter and respond... But I probably won't see that.... Oh well I guess

7087778 Haha, sorry! I've thought about it, but I think it works well as a one-shot. I'm glad you enjoyed the story though! :heart:

7090987 and I agree that it is a great one shot story, that's why I don't think I'll see one from Rara's point of view!
Either way, keep up the good work!

I'm really glad you liked it!! :heart:

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